Episode 17 Cyber Stress
Oh darling, no. I'll die without you.
He's Robert. He ran away with Jenny.
Oh no!
That’s why she can’t marry Lionel.
Oh, that is so sad.
Episode 17 Narrative ACTOR ON TV Oh darling, no. I'll die without you. NICK He's Robert. He ran away with Jenny. HECTOR Oh no! NICK That’s why she can’t marry Lionel. HECTOR Oh, that is so sad. NICK I know. HECTOR But doesn't Jenny know that Lionel is her brother? NICK She had a car accident. She can't remember. HECTOR That is terrible! Ooh! NICK Quick, quick, quick, quick! Go on! Kick it! Kick it! BRIDGET Football! Hi boys. NICK Oh, hi, Bridget. HECTOR Hi, Bridget. NICK Oof! BRIDGET I need your help. NICK Sure. What is it? BRIDGET I'm going to buy a new computer for work. NICK Oh! I know everything about computers. BRIDGET Great! I need one with a lot of gigabytes... NICK Uh-huh. BRIDGET ...good RAM memory... NICK Hmm. BRIDGET ...all the software compatibility and the top processor. NICK Hmm! Maybe this one? HECTOR No, this one hasn't got what she wants. NICK Oh, and you understand what she wants? HECTOR Yeah. You don't? NICK Of course I do. HECTOR Well, so do I. BRIDGET So? Have you decided which one? NICK Who's going to pay for it? BRIDGET It's for work, so they'll pay for it. NICK Oh, [erm,], this one then. HECTOR This one is the most expensive! NICK It's a nice colour. HECTOR Well, it has everything you want. BRIDGET Do you think more SDI sockets, or the analogue input? NICK Eh-hum. BRIDGET Oh, forget it. I'll order it now. ANNIE [Sound of gasping] Oh, come on, come on! BRIDGET What are you doing out here? ANNIE Waiting for my examination results. BRIDGET Oh, your results are arriving today? ANNIE What have you done to Teddy? BRIDGET Hmm? Oh. Brad Pitt is much more handsome than Teddy. Sound of letters being posted through letterbox ANNIE Oh, where is it? Ah, bill, bill, nothing, nothing, bill... Aha! Oh, it’s not my examination results. BRIDGET It’s from the landlady. ANNIE It says we are too noisy. BRIDGET Noisy? She's written to the wrong apartment. My new computer's here! Well, Nick? Open it. Sound of screaming BRIDGET We’re never noisy! Sound of paper being torn up BRIDGET My new computer’s here! Well, Nick! [Sound of clicking fingers] Open it! NICK Why me? BRIDGET Nails. NICK Whoa! HECTOR & BRIDGET Wow! NICK Oh! BRIDGET Anything else? HECTOR Well, it's a very big box. Aha! Aha! BRIDGET What's that? HECTOR Hmm, I think it's the instructions. BRIDGET Great. Have fun. NICK Wait! Where are you going? BRIDGET Shopping. You better have finished when I get back. NICK Better have finished what? BRIDGET Installing the computer. You do know everything about computers, don't you? NICK Hah! No problem. HECTOR Oh! The instructions are all in English. NICK Ah-ah-ah - look. Oh, Hector, here's a Spanish version. Oh yes.... HECTOR Oh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. NICK Right, let's do it. Or don't you know how to do it?! HECTOR I could do it with my eyes closed! NICK Hah! Well, instructions are for girls! Sound of discordant music NICK Oh yeah! I am the man!! HECTOR Yeah, but I did all the work. NICK You? Huh! I did it. HECTOR Huh! I am the computer king. NICK Oh yeah? HECTOR Yeah. NICK You think you can beat me? HECTOR Huh! I already did. NICK Computers are easy. How about a real challenge? HECTOR Whatever challenge you like. NICK Right. Hah! Man Olympics. Challenge One: Who can put the most marshmallows in his mouth?! HECTOR Marsh...? NICK ...mallows. Look, one. Hmm! HECTOR & NICK One, two, three, ... four ... ... ... .... BRIDGET [Composing email] Hi, Chrissy! Soon I'll be emailing you on my new computer. BRIDGET I’m going to buy a new computer for work. NICK Oh! BRIDGET [Composing email] The boys are helping me and they seem to know everything about computers. HECTOR No, this one hasn't got what she wants. NICK Oh, and you understand what she wants? ANNIE [Composing email] Nadia, I don't know whether I've passed or failed! ANNIE Come on, come on! ANNIE [Composing email] If I don’t know my examination results soon, I will go crazy! ANNIE Oh where is it?!! NICK How about a real challenge? NICK [Composing email] Ten! Ten marshmallows I stuffed in my mouth – two more than Hector. HECTOR One. NICK [Composing email] He's not the man. I am. By the way, do you know anything about computers? NICK Well, instructions are for girls! ANNIE [Puffing and blowing noises/sound of paper being rustled] BRIDGET What's that? Love letters? ANNIE No, I've got all the letters delivered to this building. BRIDGET You've got the neighbours' letters? ANNIE Uh-huh. I'm sure my examination results are here. BRIDGET Where are the boys? Ohhhh, they've installed my computer! ANNIE I think so. Sound of toilet flushing BRIDGET Is that normal? ANNIE Bridget!! BRIDGET Nick? Hector? What are you doing? NICK Man Olympics. Challenge Two. BRIDGET What kind of a challenge? NICK Who can go the longest without, you know.... [sound of whistling] BRIDGET Falling down? Sneezing? Jumping? HECTOR No, no. Without going..., without doing..., BRIDGET Ohh! You want to spend a penny? HECTOR Spend a penny? I don't want to go shopping! NICK No, no, no. She means... [sound of whistling] BRIDGET Stop thinking about your challenge and follow me. ANNIE Maybe I've passed! [Sound of musical fanfare] Maybe I've failed. [Sound of low key music/burping noise] Sound of door opening/closing BRIDGET You're not going anywhere until it works. NICK Ooh! Oh, no! HECTOR Here, let me try. NICK Oh, you think you can do better. HECTOR I know I can do better. NICK Huh!! HECTOR I know a way from my country. NICK Really? HECTOR Really. My father taught me. Banging sound NICK Hmm. Yes, we have that way in England too. Banging sound ANNIE Oh, hi guys. NICK Hi. Damn! Ooh, ooh, ooh! Ah! Whooo! Whooo! Whooo! Hooo! Assorted banging/buzzing/screeching noises BRIDGET Oh no! What happened? NICK It was like that before. BRIDGET It was not like that before. NICK Sorry. BRIDGET What are you doing? HECTOR Man Olympics. Challenge Three. Dialling sound/mobile phone BRIDGET Hi, I need a man. No, you idiot! I need a man to fix the computer I bought. Tomorrow? Good. And I'd like him to be tall, dark, handsome. Great, thanks. Bye. At last, a real man. BRIDGET [Composing email] Chrissy! I had to call a man to repair my new computer! BRIDGET Hi, I need a man. BRIDGET [Composing email] It’s crazy! What happened to it? NICK It was like that before. BRIDGET [Composing email] I think Nick and Hector know. BRIDGET It was not like that before! NICK Sorry. Grrr! Hector thinks he can win the Man Olympics. BRIDGET Grrr! NICK [Composing email] Hector thinks he can win the Man Olympics. Huh! NICK New challenge: to get as many girls to call us as possible. Luckily my sister Mel has got loads of friends, so Hector does not stand a chance! Sound of phone ringing BRIDGET Oh, it's Nick's phone. RECORDED MESSAGE You have 23 new messages. Message 1: Hi bro, I've got all my friends to call you. Oh, I hear you and Bridget are history. That's great news. I didn't like her anyway. Message 2: Hi, Nick. Izzie here. Melanie asked me to give you a call. I hear you and Bridget are history. Sound of phone ringing BRIDGET Hello, what? Nicky Wick-wick is not here. Oh, is that Emma? Nick's told me all about you. Yeah. You and your moustache. Sound of phone and mobile ringing simultaneously BRIDGET Arrggh!Nick! Sound of knocking on door ANNIE Mr Postman? HECTOR Man Olympics, Challenge Five. NICK Yeah. Ooh, errgghh, tug-of-war to see who is the strongest..., aahh, errghhh, oohhh. NICK & HECTOR Aaah!! Ooohh!! BRIDGET They had a tug-of-war here? ANNIE Yes. They are so stupid! BRIDGET Who won? ANNIE I won. BRIDGET What's wrong? ANNIE I want my examination results. Oh, where's the post? BRIDGET Calm down. Sound of knocking on door ANNIE The postman! BRIDGET The computer man! Well, hello there. Come in! POSTMAN But... BRIDGET I know what you're going to say. POSTMAN But.... BRIDGET It was like that when I bought it. So what do you think? POSTMAN It looks broken. BRIDGET Well, can you repair it? POSTMAN No. BRIDGET You can't repair it? POSTMAN No. BRIDGET You don't know how to? POSTMAN No. BRIDGET Well, how can you be a repairman then? POSTMAN I'm not. BRIDGET You're not a repairman? POSTMAN No. BRIDGET Well, what are you then? POSTMAN I deliver special letters. ANNIE My letter! Oh! POSTMAN Annie Taylor? ANNIE Yes! POSTMAN This is for you. ANNIE Ohhhh! Yes! Ohh! Sound of door being opened NICK Man Olympics, new challenge. First one to get - ti-ti-ti-ti - Annie's letter! Barn dance style atmospheric music ANNIE It's mine! Oooh, I can't look! You read it. HECTOR Pass! Sound of knocking on door COMPUTER REPAIRMAN [= PETER] Computer problem, miss? I can fix anything. BRIDGET My hero! Oh, thank goodness you're here. HECTOR, NICK, ANNIE & BRIDGET Aaah! HECTOR Oh, how did he do that? ANNIE Peter? PETER Annie? ANNIE It is you! PETER Yes! ANNIE Oh, he's Peter, an old friend. Oh, it was so clever of you to fix the computer. BRIDGET Good-looking and intelligent. A rare combina....tion. NICK Right! That's it! Man Olympics! HECTOR New challenge. PETER What challenge? NICK Let’s see who the real men are. Hector and me, or you two. POSTMAN OK PETER What's the challenge? ANNIE Let us decide. BRIDGET Yes, we'll decide. Sound of drumming COMMENTARY [v.o.] Next time in EXTRA, Annie gets a new job, so does Hector, and why does Nick become a beauty queen? EXTRA, don't miss it.
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