Tiếng Anh thông dụng ở Australia - Loạt 2 - Bài 8: second conditional clauses
Dialogue 1:
• If I had the money, I'd fly to Canberra.
• I'd go camping if I were a bit younger.
• I'd stay with my daughter if she had the room.
• If I knew, I'd tell you.
• If I had my way, we wouldn't go anywhere.
• If I didn't have a family, I'd just read and sleep.
EVERYDAY ENGLISH FROM AUSTRALIA – Series 2 TIẾNG ANH THÔNG DỤNG Ở AUSTRALIA – Loạt 2 Bài 08: second conditional clauses (loại câu điều kiện giả định) Part 1 - THE DIALOGUE (đối thoại) Ở Australia, mọi người thường nghỉ phép hàng năm vào tháng 12 và tháng Giêng. Sau đây là dự kiến cho kỳ phép năm nay của một số người. Dialogue 1: • If I had the money, I'd fly to Canberra. • I'd go camping if I were a bit younger. • I'd stay with my daughter if she had the room. • If I knew, I'd tell you. • If I had my way, we wouldn't go anywhere. • If I didn't have a family, I'd just read and sleep. Part 2 - VOCABULARY (từ vựng) Brisbane [ 'brizbən ] thủ phủ của bang Queensland Canberra [ 'kænb(ə)rə ] thủ đô của Australia a bicycle/bike [ 'baIsəkəl ] xe đạp a beach [ 'bitʃ ] bãi biển a city [ 'sIti ] thành phố a family [ 'fæm(ə)li ] gia đình camping [ 'kæmpIŋ ] cắm trại holidays [ 'hɒlədeiz ] ngày nghỉ space [ 'speis ] khoảng không gian a wish [ 'wIʃ ] một điều ước to wish [ 'wIʃ ] ước Part 3 - LESSON: conditional clauses (loại câu điều kiện) Để nói về một điều không có thực trong hiện tại hay tương lai, chúng ta dùng loại câu điều kiện thứ hai: CONDITION + RESULT CONDITION RESULT If I have the money, I would fly to Canberra. Giá thử có tiền, tôi sẽ bay đi Canberra. Người đó sẽ bay đi Canberra giá thử anh/chị ấy có tiền. Nhưng trong thực tế anh chị ấy không có tiền, và đó chỉ là một giả thiết. Động từ ở mệnh đề 'if' được chia ở thời quá khứ và động từ ở mệnh đề chính cũng được chia ở thời quá khứ, mặc dù điều nói tới ở tương lai. IF + SIMPLE PAST + WOULD + VERB (INF.) If I were a bit younger, I would go camping. Giá như trẻ hơn một chút, tôi sẽ đi cắm trại. Hai mệnh đề có thể hoán vị trí cho nhau. Thí dụ: I would go camping if I were a bit younger. Part 4 - PRACTICE (luyện tập) First conditionals (điều kiện thứ nhất): Đề nghị các bạn trả lời các câu hỏi sau đây bằng những câu điều kiện thích hợp. 1. What would you do if a shop assistant gave you too much change? 2. What would you do if you saw someone attacked in the street? 3. What would you do if you saw your best friend's wife/husband with another man/woman? 4. What would you do if you heard screams late at night? Part 5 – THE SERIAL (chuyện đọc từng kỳ) Vocabulary: a lock [ 'lɒk ] ổ khóa a shed [ 'ʃɛd ] lán, túp lều to lock [ 'lɒk ] khóa lại Episode 8: The police officers looked through the house again, but they didn't find any clues. 'There's nothing we can do, I'm afraid,' the policeman said. 'Are you sure that everything's here?'. 'I think so,' I said. 'If there is anything missing, we'll let you know.' 'Right. And if I were you, I'd get that lock fixed.' He pointed at the broken lock on the bathroom window. The policemen left, and Judy and I got to work. I put the books back on their shelves and arranged the heavy furniture while Judy tidied the bedrooms and the kitchen. Then I decided to fix the broken lock. I had a spare lock in the garden shed so I went to the kitchen drawer to get the key. It wasn't there. 'Where's the shed key?' I asked Judy. We looked in all the drawers and we found that all our keys were missing. Judy said, 'They were all in the drawer when we went away. I'm sure they were. It's your fault, Joe. Someone wants the contents of Cotton's briefcase, and they won't give up know. I'm scared. I'm going to call the police again.' 'I'll do it,' I said quickly. I dialled the police number, and I talked to one of the policeman who had come to the house. 'Something strange has happened,' I said. 'All our keys have been stolen. Nothing else is missing.' 'Well, Mr Moon, why would anyone want your keys?' I hesitated. Should I tell him? Then I said, 'I have no idea officer, no idea at all.' Judy said, 'You should have told him about the other key. You'd better tell Mandy, anyway.' I thought about it, but I decided not to tell Mandy. 'If she knew, she'd only worry,' I said. 'In any case, she'll be safer if she doesn't know.' END OF LESSON 8 COPYRIGHT NOTICE: 'Everyday English From Australia' lessons were funded by AusAID (the Australian Government's aid agency) and produced by Radio Australia Vietnamese Service in co- operation with Voice of Vietnam. Script advice was provided by the English Language Centre, Victoria University (Melbourne). 'Everyday English From Australia' lessons form part of English learning content of BayVut website (www.bayvut.com) – a service provided by Radio Australia.
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