Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành quản trị kinh doanh - Phần 3
Exercise 1:Read the following passage and do the exercises
Competitive market capitalism contains two major decision-making units whoseactions are
coordinated through market exchange. The first is the business firm, whichbuys resources from
households and transforms resource inputs into outputs of products and services that it sells to
households. The second is the household, whichowns and sells resources to firms and purchases
outputs from them.
The two kinds of market relations, as well as the two basic units of economic decesionmaking, are interdependent. The demand for resource inputs is derived from the demand for final
products because firms produce to sell (at a profit) to consumers. Resource inputs, in turn, are
required to create outputs. Consumers are able and willing to purchase products because they
have incomes. Consumers obtain income through the sale or loan of their resource to firms, who
in turn organize and coordinate factors of production to produce outputs from these outputs.
d scientific. We need food, clothes and shelter. We probably would not go to work if we could satisfy these basic needs without working. But even when we have satisfied such basic needs, we may still want other things. Our lives may be more enjoyable if we had such things as radios, books and toys for the children. Human beings certainly have a wide and very complex range of wants. The science of economics is concerned with all our material needs: it is concerned with the desire to have a radio as well as the basic necessity of having enough food to eat. 1. Economics is a scientific study. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Economists try to understand only part of the economic system. Unit 1: Economic activity 23 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. If we could satisfy our basic need without working, we would still work. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Radios, books and toys are basic commodities. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. The range of human wants is very complex. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Clothes and shelter are non-essential human needs. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. Economic studies are essentially non-scientific. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. Economists study the general life of our communities. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Exercise 6: Translate the text in the exercise 5 into Vietnamese ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Exercise 7:Combine these pair of sentences, using which Example: That is the garage. In that garage the new car is kept. That is the garage in which the new car is kept. 1. Economics is a science. In that science everything must be studied in an objective way. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. The USSR has a system. In that system central planning is very important. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Unit 1: Economic activity 24 3. The USA has an economy. In that economy gevernment planning is limitted to quite a small area. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Marxism proposes a special economic system. In that system collective needs are more important than individual needs. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. The British have a certain way of life. In that way of life private enterprise and private ownership of property are very important. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. The Americans and the British have separate ideologies. In these ideologies there are similar points. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Exercise 8: Below are two lists. Pair off each word in the first list with its opposite in the second list. A B theoretical local private maximum individual selling mineral complex capitalistic communistic simple organic buying collective minimum public national practical KEY TO UNIT 1 Text 1.1 Hầu hết mọi người làm việc để kiếm sống. Họ làm ra hàng hoá và dịch vụ. Hàng hoá hoặc được sản xuất ở các trang trại như ngô và sữa, hoặc ở trong các nhà máy như ô tô và giấy. Dịch vụ được cung cấp bởi các trường học, bệnh viện và các cửa hàng. Unit 1: Economic activity 25 Một số người cung cấp hàng hoá, một số cung cấp dịch vụ. Một số khác cung cấp cả hàng hoá và dịch vụ. Ví dụ, ở trong cùng một garage, người ta cũng có thể mua ô tô hoặc cũng có thể mua một dịch vụ nào đấy để bảo dưỡng ô tô. Công việc con người làm được gọi là hoạt động kinh tế. Các hoạt động kinh tế tạo nên hệ thống kinh tế. Hệ thống kinh tế là tổng cái con người làm ra và những cái họ cần. Công việc con người làm hoặc để cung cấp những cái họ cần hoặc để kiếm tiền. Con người dùng tiền để mua những hàng hoá cần thiết. Exercise 1 1. Most people work in order to earn their living. 2. They produce goods and services. 3. Goods are produced either on farms or in factories. 4. They provide services. 5. A man can buy a car or a service which helps him to maintain his car. 6. The work which people do is called their economic activity. 7. An economic system is the sum-total of what people do and what people want. 8. Work can provide either what they need or money. Exercise 2 1. He may buy a car. 2. We may want some more fruit tomorrow. 3. They may get the essential commodities soon. 4. The service may stop next month. 5. The garage may not sell that car to him. 6. The economic system may belong to a city, a whole country or the whole world. 7. The car may not belong to those people. 8. He may buy some service which will help him maintain his car. 9. He may see the car when he comes tomorrow. 10. He may provide what they need when he comes. Language practice Strucrure 1 Exercise 1 a. The goods which they need are essential. Unit 1: Economic activity 26 b. The schools and hospitals are essential.which they provide are essential. c. The goods which he buys are valuable. d. The money which people can earn buys essential commodities. e. The goods and services which people produce are very useful. f. The work which we do is called economic activity. g. The work which people do provides them with money. h. The economic activities which people undertake make up the economic system. Exercise 2 a. I saw the man who closed the door. b. The girl who won the the race is happy. c. The student who sits next to me is from China. d. The students who sit in the front row are from China. e. We are studying sentences which (that) contains an adjective clause. f. I am using a sentence which (that) contains an adjective clause. g. Algebra problems contain letters which (that) stand for unknown numbers. h. The taxi driver who took me to the airport was friendly. Exercise 3 a. I appologized to the woman whose coffee i spilled. b. The man whose wallet was stolen called the police. c. I met the woman whose husband is the presidents of the corporation. d. The professor whose course I am taking is excellent. e. Mr. North teaches a class for students whose native language is not English. f. I come from a country whose history goes back thousands of years. g. The people whose house we visited were nice. h. I live in a dormitory whose residents come from many country. i. I have to call the man whose umbrella I accidently picked up after the meeting. j. The man whose beard caught on fire when he lit a cigarette poured a glass of water on his face. Structure 2 Exercise 1 Unit 1: Economic activity 27 a. national. b. natural c. educational d. commercial e. personal Text 1.2 Hầu hết con người làm việc để kiếm sống, sản xuất ra các hàng hoá và dịch vụ. Hàng hoá có thể là hàng nông nghiệp như ngô, sữa hoặc được sản xuất như ô tô và giấy. Các dịch vụ như giáo dục, y tế và thương mại. Một số người cung cấp hàng hoá; một số cung cấp dịch vụ. Một số khác cung cấp cả hàng hoá và dịch vụ. Ví dụ ở trong cùng một garage người ta có thể mua ô tô hoặc dịch vụ bảo dưỡng xe. Công việc con người làm được gọi là hoạt động kinh tế. Tất cả các hoạt động kinh tế tạo thành hệ thống kinh tế của một thị trấn, thành phố, một quốc gia hoặc thế giới. Hệ thống kinh tế là tổng thể những cái con người làm ra và những cái con người cần. Công việc con người làm hoặc để cung cấp những cái họ cần hoặc để kiếm tiền mua những hàng hoá cần thiết. Tất nhiên, hầu hết con người đều mong muốn kiếm được đủ tiền để mua các hàng hoá và dịch vụ không phải là thiết yếu nhưng để thoả mãn mong muốn cá nhân đặc biệt nào đó như đồ chơi cho trẻ em, đi xem chiếu bóng. Exercise 1 1. T 2. F / Goods are either agricultural or manufactured. 3. T 4. F / They are produced. 5. T 6. F / It is called economic activity. 7. T 8. F/ Economic system is the sum-total of what people do and want. 9. T 10. F / Most people hope to earn enough money to buy non-essential commodities and services. Exercise 2.1 a. The goods that they wanted were essential minerals. b. The schools and hospitals that they provide are essential. Unit 1: Economic activity 28 c. The goods that he buys are valuable. d. The money that the people earned bought many commodities. e. The goods and services that people produce are very useful. f. The work that we all do is call economic activity. g. The work that most people do provides them with money. h. The economic activities that people undertake make up the economic system of a town, city, country or larger area. i. The economic system that people belong to is the sum-total of their needs and actions. j. The work that he undertook was useful but non-essential. Exercise 2.2 a. The goods they wanted were essential minerals. b. The schools and hospitals they provide are essential. c. The goods he buys are valuable. d. The money the people earned bought many commodities. e. The goods and services people produce are very useful. f. The work we all do is call economic activity. g. The work most people do provides them with money. h. The economic activities people undertake make up the economic system of a town, city, country or larger area. i. The economic system people belong to is the sum-total of their needs and actions. j. The work he undertook was useful but non-essential. Listening: Introducing Transworld Exercise 1 1- f, h 2 – a, d, k 3 – l, p 4 – g 5 – b, e, j, m 6 – c, i, n 7 - o AB: Hello. You’re the new accounts clerk, aren’t you? My name’s Anne Bell. I do most of the secretarial work in the office. DT: Pleased to meet you, Miss Bell. I’m David Thompson AB: Please call me Anne.
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