The Spanish-Speaking World
This unit emphasizes the alphabet, greetings, numbers 0-59, dates,
months, seasons, punctuation, and time.
Unit Focus
• Express likes and dislikes when asked simple questions
(e.g., about toys or other objects). (FL.A.1.1.1)
• Greet others and exchange essential personal information
(e.g., home address, telephone number, place of origin,
and general health). (FL.A.1.1.2)
• Use appropriate gestures and expressions (i.e., body
language) to complete or enhance verbal messages.
• Express likes or dislikes regarding various objects,
categories, people, and events present in the everyday
environment. (FL.A.1.2.1)
• Use repetition, rephrasing, and gestures effectively to
assist in communicating spoken messages. (FL.A.1.3.4)
• Follow and give simple instructions (e.g., instructions to
participate in games or instructions provided by the
teacher for classroom tasks). (FL.A.2.1.1)
........................................ morning las matemáticas ...............................................................................mathematics la mayúscula ............................................................................. upper case letter 26 Unit 1: Welcome to the Spanish-Speaking World media ................................................................................................................ half la medianoche ........................................................................................ midnight el mediodía ................................................................................................... noon menos ...................................................................................................minus, less el mes .......................................................................................................... month los meses .................................................................................................... months mi ....................................................................................................................... my la minúscula .............................................................................. lower case letter el modelo ..................................................................................................... model mucho ...............................................................................................................a lot muy .................................................................................................................. very la niebla ............................................................................................................ fog no la noche ...................................................................................... evening or night nublado ................................................................................... cloudy or overcast el número de teléfono .......................................................... telephone number Unit 1: Welcome to the Spanish-Speaking World 27 los números ............................................................................................ numbers los números de teléfono .................................................... telephone numbers pasado .............................................................................................................. past la práctica .................................................................................................. practice primero ............................................................................................................ first el punto ............................................................................................................. dot la puntuación ....................................................................................punctuation ¿qué? ............................................................................................................. what? regular ...................................................................................... regular or normal las relámpagos ....................................................................................... lightning repitan .......................................................................................................... repeat los saludos .............................................................................................. greetings la semana ....................................................................................................... week el señor (Sr.) ...................................................................................... mister (Mr.) la señora (Sra.) .................................................................................... lady (Mrs.) la señorita (Srta.) ................................................................... young lady (Miss) 28 Unit 1: Welcome to the Spanish-Speaking World sí ......................................................................................................................... yes la suerte ............................................................................................................ luck la tarde ................................................................................................... afternoon el tiempo ...................................................................................... time or weather tu ....................................................................................................your (singular) viento .............................................................................................................. wind el vocabulario .................................................................................... vocabulary y ......................................................................................................................... and Unit 1: Welcome to the Spanish-Speaking World 29 Sentences ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! ..................... Welcome to Spanish class! ¡Buena suerte! .....................................................................................Good luck! ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? .............. What is your telephone number? Es el . .......................................................................... It is . ¿Cuántos años tienes? ...........................................................How old are you? Tengo años. ............................................. I am years old. ¿Cómo se escribe “Gerardo”? ........................ How do you spell “Gerardo”? G mayúscula, e, r, a, r, d, o. ............................. Capital G, e, r, a, r, d, o. ¿Cómo te llamas? ............................................................... What is your name? Me llamo . ...................................................My name is . 30 Unit 1: Welcome to the Spanish-Speaking World ¿Qué día es hoy? ................................................................. What day is today? Hoy es miércoles. ................................................. Today is Wednesday. ¿Cuál es la fecha? .................................................................... What is the date? Es el cinco de mayo. ............................................... It is the fifth of May. ¿Cuál fecha es hoy? ......................................................What is the date today? Hoy es el primero de noviembre. .............. Today is November first. ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? ...................................... When is your birthday? Mi cumpleaños es el ocho de abril. ............... My birthday is April 8. ¿Cuál es tu mes favorito? ............................... Which is your favorite month? Mi mes favorito es . ................. My favorite month is . ¿Cuál es tu estación favorita? ....................... Which is your favorite season? Mi estación favorita es . .......... My favorite season is . Unit 1: Welcome to the Spanish-Speaking World 31 Los meses del año son . ............. The months of the year are . Hace calor en los meses de . ......... It is hot in the months of . Hace frío en los meses de . ......... It is cold in the months of . María tiene un examen el martes. .....................Maria has a test on Tuesday. Ella tiene que estudiar. ........................................................... She has to study. No es fácil aprender matemáticas. .......... It isn’t easy to learn mathematics. Hay que practicar mucho. .............................. It is necessary to practice a lot. Unit 1: Welcome to the Spanish-Speaking World 33 Introduction ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! Welcome to Spanish Class! As you learn another language, you also learn about the people who speak the language and where they live. You learn about their traditions and contributions to the world. You also learn to reflect upon yourself and your family’s way of life and traditions. During this course, you will learn a lot of new material. It is important that you begin some good habits right away. If you follow the suggestions below, you will learn more easily and remember longer. Learning another language depends on how well you remember. You learn in steps. One step depends on the previous step. If you skip a step, the next step is more difficult. Try the following strategies: • Make flashcards to learn new vocabulary. Write the Spanish word on one side of the card and the English word on the other side. Practice the words both ways. Look at the Spanish word and say the English word. Then look at the English word and say the Spanish word. • Listen and repeat as the teacher models the Spanish words and phrases. Imitate the accent as closely as you can. • Every day, spend at least 15 minutes reading over what you have done in class that day. You will be surprised at how much you remember if you just do this. This also saves you study time before a test or quiz. • After you learn something new, practice it with someone else in the class. This may be easier to do when you are not in the class but in the hallway, at lunch, or after school. This way you can both practice. 34 Unit 1: Welcome to the Spanish-Speaking World • Do not skip any assignments. If you do not understand the assignment, please ask your teacher for an explanation. Solve problems immediately. This way, the next material you learn will fall into place. • Pay attention to the things you learn about the Spanish culture. This will often give you a mental picture. This picture can help give you an insight into language. Let’s begin! Remember the suggestions above and follow them. Practice every day and enjoy your time learning Spanish. ¡Buena suerte! Good luck!
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