Essential idioms in english
Idiomatic expressions have long played an important role in the English
language. In fact, the use of idioms is so widespread that an understanding of
these expressions is essential to successful communication, whether in
listening, speaking, reading, or writing.
The student may learn grammar and, with time, acquire adequate vocabulary,
but without a working knowledge of such idioms as above all, to get along, on
the whole, to look up, etc., even the best student's speech will remain awkward
and ordinary
y put his foot in his mouth when he called his supervisor by the wrong name. o I really put my foot in it when I forgot my girlfriend's birthday and didn't buy her anything. She almost lost her cool. to be up for grabs: to become available to others this idiom is used when something is highly desirable to many other people. o When one of the full-time contract instructors stepped down, her nice office overlooking the river was up for grabs. o Did you know that Senator Stone is retiring and that her Senate seat is up for grabs? to show off: to display one's ability in order to attract attention (S); to let others see, to expose to public view (S) This idiom can form the noun showoff for the first definition. o Elizabeth is an excellent swimmer, but I don't like the way she shows off in front of everyone. It's very obvious that she enjoys being a showoff. o Jacquie showed her large wedding ring off to all her friends. to learn the ropes: to become familiar with routine procedures at work or school o The job applicant didn't have much previous experience or knowledge, but she seemed intelligent enough to learn the ropes quickly. PRENTICE HALL REGENTS Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 - 57 - ESSENTIAL IDIOMS IN ENGLISH by ROBERT J. DIXSON o It took the new schoolteacher a year to learn the ropes regarding administrative and curricular matters. to keep one's fingers crossed: to hope to have good results, to hope that nothing bad will happen This idiom reflects the way people cross their fingers to hope for good luck. o Let's keep our fingers crossed that we got passing grades on that college entrance exam. o Jerry kept his fingers crossed that the good weather would hold up for the picnic he was planning for the coming weekend. LESSON 38 to land on one's feet: to recover safely form an unpleasant or dangerous situation o After a series of personal and professional difficulties, it's amazing that George has landed on his feet so quickly. o Some young adults get into so much trouble at school that they are never able to land on their feet again. They drop out before graduating. to dish out: to distribute in large quantity (S); to speak of others in a critical manner (S) o Mary's mom dished out two or three scoops of ice cream for each child at the birthday party. o Larry can't seem to take any criticism of his actions but he certainly likes to dish it out. to get through to: to communicate with, to make someone understand (also: to break through to) This idiom has the meaning of to make someone "catch on" (Lesson 29, eighth idiom, the first definition) o Some of the students in my reading class understand English so poorly that it is difficult to get through to them. o The doctors have never succeeded in breaking though to Mr. Ames, who is a silent and secretive patient. to keep one's word: to fulfill a promise, to be responsible An idiom with the opposite meaning is to break one's word. o Suzanne kept her word to me not to let on to others that I intend to step down next month. o Thomas always intends to keep his word, but invariably the end result is that he breaks his word. He just isn't capable of being a responsible person. to be over one's head: to be very busy, to have too much to do (also: to be up to one's ears); to be beyond one's ability to understand o I'd love to take a week off for a hiking trip, but at the moment I am over my head in work. Maybe next week when I'm only up to my ears! o It was impossible for the tutor to get through to Bill about the physics problem because the subject matter was over Bill's head. PRENTICE HALL REGENTS Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 - 58 - ESSENTIAL IDIOMS IN ENGLISH by ROBERT J. DIXSON to ask for: to deserve, to receive a just punishment (also: to bring upon) o If you drink alcohol and then drive a car, you're only asking for trouble. o Don't complain about your cut in salary. You asked for it by refusing to heed our repeated warnings not to be late and inefficient. to be a far cry from: to be very different from o I enjoyed visiting Seattle, but it was a far cry from the ideal vacation spot I expected. o Ned is enjoying his new job, but his responsibilities are a far cry from what he was told they would be. by all means: certainly, definitely, naturally (also: of course); using any possible way or method o If the Johnsons invite us for dinner, then by all means we have to return the invitation. Of cause, we don't have to invite their children, too. o In order to ensure its survival, the ailing company has to obtain an infusion of cash by all means. to get out from under: to restore one's financial security, to resolve a difficult financial obligation o After years of struggling to get ahead, the young couple finally got out from under their debts. o The ailing company, succeeding in obtaining the necessary cash, was able to get out from under its financial burdens. to take the bull by the horns: to handle a difficult situation with determination This idiom is usually used when someone has been postponing an action for some time and finally wants or needs to resolve it. o After three years of faithful service, Jake decided to take the bull by the horns and ask his boss for a raise. o Vic has been engaged to Laura for a long time now, and I know that he loves her. He should take the bull by the horns and ask her to marry him. to give (someone) a hand: to assist, to aid, to help (also: to lend someone a hand) (S) o Would you give me a hand lifting this heavy box? o When Terry's car broke down at night on the highway, no one would stop to lend her a hand. to give (someone) a big hand: to clap one's hands in applause, to applaud (S) o After the talented new vocalist had sung her number, the audience gave her a big hand. o Should we give a big hand to each beauty contestant is as she is introduced, or should we wait until all the introductions are finished? PRENTICE HALL REGENTS Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 - 59 - ESSENTIAL IDIOMS IN ENGLISH by ROBERT J. DIXSON LESSON 39 to goof off: to waste time, to be idle o Some of the workers in our office always goof off when the boss is out. o On Saturday afternoons, I like to go to a movie or just goof off at home. to talk back to: to answer in a rude manner, to speak to disrespectfully o Billy, if you talk back to me like that once more, you're going to spend the rest of the day in your room. o The school principal had to reprimand the child for talking back to her teacher. to be in: to be popular or fashionable; to be available at one's work or home o Most young people tend to want anything that is in at the time, but a few don't care about current trends. o Could you please tell me when Mrs. Zachary will be in? I'd like to talk to her soon. to be out: to be unpopular or no longer in fashion; to be away from one's work or home o These days, designer jeans are in and long skirts are out. o I'm sorry, Mr. Jensen is out at the moment. Could I take a message? to draw the line at: to determine to be unacceptable, to refuse to consider o I don't mind helping him with his homework, but I draw the line at writing a term paper for him. o The conference organizers tried to accommodate the needs of the various interest groups, but they drew the line at extending the conference by two day. to get out of line: to disobey or ignore normal procedures or rules (also: to step out of line) o When a child gets out of line in that teacher's class, she uses the old- fashioned method of making the child sit in the corner of the room. o Any employee who steps out of line by coming to work in an unacceptable condition will be fired. dry run: rehearsal, practice session o The college president requested a dry run of the graduation ceremony in order to ensure that all aspects went smoothly. o Before the manager present the reorganizational plans to the board of directors, he did several dry runs of his presentation. to play by ear: to play music that one has heard but never read (S); to proceed without plan, to do spontaneously (S) The pronoun it is often used with the second definition. o That pianist can play most popular music by ear. She never needs to read sheet music. o My husband wanted to plan our trip carefully, but I argued that it was more fun if we played it by ear. PRENTICE HALL REGENTS Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 - 60 - ESSENTIAL IDIOMS IN ENGLISH by ROBERT J. DIXSON to be in (someone's) shoes: to be in another person's position, to face the same situation as another person o If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't take too many classes this semester. o When his boss finds out about that accounting error, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes. to keep after: to remind constantly, to nag o Lynn always has to keep after her children about cleaning up their rooms and doing chores around the house. o Lon is so forgetful that it's necessary to keep after him about every little thing. to fix up: to repair or put back in good condition (S); to arrange a date or an engagement for another person (S) o Instead of buying an expensive new home, we decided to buy an older home and fix it up ourselves. o Since my visiting friend didn't have a date for dinner, I fixed her up with a male friend of mine. They got along very well together. to be had: to be victimized or cheated o When the jeweler confirmed that the diamonds that the woman had purchased abroad were really fake, she exclaimed, "I've been had!" o The angry customer complained about being overcharged at the store, asserting that this was the third time that he had been had. PRENTICE HALL REGENTS Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 - 61 -
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