Episode 2 Hector Goes Shopping
ANNIE [reading email message/replying to email]
‘What’s he like?’
Oh. ‘Argentinian tall handsome.’
‘Oh, wow, fantastic! A new boyfriend for you maybe!’ [Laughs/sneezes]
‘Maybe, but don’t tell Bridget!’
Hector please, call me Gigi.
ah, right. NICK You need a look, like on a fast bike. BRIDGET No, no, no, no, Hector, don’t listen to Nick, listen to me. HECTOR OK. BRIDGET You need a designer look. ANNIE No, no, no, Hector, that’s not for you. You need, you need a cowboy look. NICK No, no, a leather jacket. BRIDGET A bandanna and a vest. ANNIE A denim shirt. NICK A motor bike! BRIDGET Designer! ANNIE Cowboy! HECTOR Ah, stop!! OK, I will go shopping. BRIDGET What? ANNIE On your own? NICK But – you need us! HECTOR Ah, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. ANNIE How? What will you say? HECTOR Erm NICK It’s OK, leave it to me. I am the shopkeeper, you are the customer. HECTOR Uh? NICK This is a shop. I sell, you buy. HECTOR Oh, OK. Oh, ding-dong. Good morning. NICK Good morning! Can I help you? HECTOR Yes. I I NICK I would like HECTOR I would like a jacket, please. NICK Trousers. HECTOR Uh? NICK I would like a pair of trousers please. HECTOR Oh, I would like a pair of trou-sers please. - And a shirt. NICK No. shoes. I would like a pair of shoes, please. HECTOR I would like a pair of shoes, please. And a cat for my head. NICK I think you mean a hat. HECTOR Eh? NICK This is a cat! HECTOR [Laughs] A cat for my head! ANNIE Hector, come shopping with me. BRIDGET Or me. ANNIE No, me. BRIDGET He’s my pen friend! NICK All right! Me, you and you will go shopping for Hector a little bit each I will go to the shoe shop. ANNIE And I will go to the clothes shop. BRIDGET No, I’ll go to the clothes shop! ANNIE OK, I’ll just buy the shirt. BRIDGET I’ll buy the trousers! NICK Good! Hah! HECTOR Good. ANNIE Right, let’s go! Oh, no, I completely forgot! We need, eggs, lemons and dog food. Oh, it’s all right, I’ll do it on line later. HECTOR Eggs, lemon, dog food. ANNIE Oh well done, Hector. BRIDGET Bye Hector. Oh and don’t answer the phone, it might be the tarantula. HECTOR OK. NICK Bye Hector, be good. And if you can’t be good, be careful. Ha-ha. HECTOR Eh? NICK Never mind! ANNIE [sending email] ‘Nadia I have a cold. Bridget has a cold and Hector has ’ BRIDGET New pyjamas. ANNIE [sending email] ‘Terrible pyjamas. Oh, you should see them Nadia. They are so funny!’ BRIDGET [sending email] ‘Hi, sweetie. I wanted to buy Hector some new clothes on my own.’ I’ll take him shopping. ‘But Annie and Nick said they wanted to shop for Hector as well. So guess what? We’re all going shopping for Hector.’ NICK Me, you and you can go shopping for Hector, a little bit each. BRIDGET [sending email] ‘What will he look like?’ NICK [sending email] ‘And Annie thinks Hector needs a cowboy look.’ ANNIE He needs a cowboy look! NICK [sending email] But I think he needs a biker look like me! Yeah! NICK You need a look, like on a fast bike! HECTOR Good morning sir. I would like a cat for my head! Oh, room service. Hello, I would like an egg for my head, ha-ha! Lemons for my head! Intercom buzzes HECTOR Oh, dog food for my head. Landlady [Speaking on intercom] Who’s that? HECTOR Aah! The tarantula! Landlady [Speaking on intercom] I said, who’s that? HECTOR Hello. Landlady [Speaking on intercom] Where’s Bridget? HECTOR Erm, where is Bridget? Me, I am Bridget. Landlady [Speaking on intercom] I don’t believe you. HECTOR Yes, I have a cold! [Sneezes] Landlady [Speaking on intercom] Oh, I’m sorry. HECTOR [Sneezes] Oh, thank you. [Sneezes] Dog barks HECTOR Ssh! Charlie! Landlady [Speaking on intercom] Is that a dog? HECTOR No, no, it is not a dog, Annie has a cold also! Landlady [Speaking on intercom] Oh, poor Annie. HECTOR Thank you. [Sneezes] Now goodbye! [Sneezes] Oh, oh ole! I am Hector, I speak Englis Eggs, lemons, dog food. Eggs, lemons, dog food. HECTOR Oh hi, [erm] good, good afternoon Annie. ANNIE Good afternoon Hector. I bought this for you. HECTOR Oh, what is it? ANNIE Try it on. HECTOR Eh? ANNIE TRY IT ON! HECTOR TRY IT ON? Oh, try it on! Oh, ah. BRIDGET Where’s Hector? ANNIE In the bathroom. BRIDGET Good. I’ll give this to him. ANNIE It’s OK, I’ll give it to him! BRIDGET No, it’s all right. Sound of knocking on door BRIDGET Hector ANNIE Hector BRIDGET I’ve got something for you. HECTOR Oh, OK. Come in. BRIDGET Spoil sport! NICK Hector! Hector! HECTOR Hello. NICK Here are your clothes, you will look so cool. HECTOR Cool? NICK Co-ol. HECTOR Cool! NICK Nice melons! BRIDGET Melons? Who are those from? ANNIE Ah, I think Hector has been shopping online. Oh, I’m really thirsty, I need a drink. BRIDGET But we don’t need any melons! ANNIE Well he did try! And he bought some eggs. Yeah, just a few. NICK [sending email] ‘Yo Dan! Hector did the shopping today.’ Nice melons. ‘He bought one hundred and forty four eggs.’ ANNIE Just a few. NICK ‘And ten melons instead of ten lemons.’ What an idiot. Ha! HECTOR I would like some eggs please. I would like some lemons please. And oh, dog food for my head! Ha, ha, ha, thank you! ANNIE [sending email] ‘I went shopping for Hector today and bought him something really cool! I cannot wait for him to try it on.’ ANNIE TRY IT ON. BRIDGET [sending email] ‘I went to the clothes shop and bought Hector a really trendy outfit! He will look just like David Beckham!’ BRIDGET I’ve got something for you! ANNIE So how did Hector do the shopping? Ah-ha! Hector ordered ten melons instead of ten lemons. Oh, an easy mistake, he did try. BRIDGET Yes, he did try. NICK And what about the eggs? ANNIE OK, eggs. You buy a dozen eggs, yeah. NICK Yep, a dozen is ten. BRIDGET A dozen is twelve, stupid! NICK I know! ANNIE Well Hector has put the number twelve here. NICK Well that’s OK, that’s one box. ANNIE No, he ordered twelve boxes. BRIDGET One hundred and forty four. ANNIE Now, dog food. NICK Ha, ha, I can’t wait! HECTOR OK, I’m ready! NICK We’re ready! BRIDGET Enter! HECTOR Do you like it? Well? ANNIE Ah [erm] I like the shirt. BRIDGET I like the sarong. NICK I like the shoes. HECTOR So, am I co-ol? NICK, BRIDGET & ANNIE [Erm]. HECTOR No. I’m not cool. NICK, BRIDGET & ANNIE [Erm] no. HECTOR So, I will go shopping. NICK Here we go again. Hector! You can’t go out there on your own. You went shopping on the Internet. HECTOR Yes. NICK Ha-ha! You ordered melons instead of lemons and too many eggs. Have you ever been to a supermarket? HECTOR No. My NICK Who are these? HECTOR My NICK Servants. HECTOR Yeah, my servants.. NICK Servants. Now I understand. BRIDGET Come on Hector, I will teach you how to shop, Hector ANNIE ‘Till you drop. Bridget and I will be the shopkeepers. BRIDGET And you are our customer! HECTOR OK. [Clears throat] Good afternoon. BRIDGET Good afternoon! ANNIE Can I help you sir? HECTOR Eh? BRIDGET What would you like to buy? HECTOR Oh, I would like some ANNIE Clothes! HECTOR Yes, I would like some clothes, please. BRIDGET What size? HECTOR Eh? BRIDGET What size. HECTOR I don’t know. BRIDGET I’ll have to measure you then. Arms up please. HECTOR Eh? ANNIE Arms up, please. HECTOR Oh, arms up, please. BRIDGET Chest. Ooh! One hundred and twelve centimetres! ANNIE Chest, one hundred and twelve centimetres. BRIDGET And waist. Eighty two centimetres. ANNIE Waist, eighty two centimetres. BRIDGET And l-e-g!! [laughs] NICK I’ll do that! BRIDGET No, it’s OK! NICK [Clears throat] Eight-ty seven centimetres! BRIDGET Now, do you like these trousers? ANNIE Do you like this shirt? HECTOR Ye-es. BRIDGET Good, that’s [erm] Five thousand pounds. HECTOR OK. ANNIE No, no, no Hector. Five thousand pounds is, is eight thousand dollars! HECTOR Yeah. BRIDGET It’s too much, it’s too expensive. NICK Not for Hector! HECTOR So, I am ready to go shopping! Ha ha! ANNIE Good luck. BRIDGET Yeah, good luck. NICK You’ll need it! BRIDGET & ANNIE [Sneezing] BRIDGET Where’s my lemon drink, Nick? ANNIE Nick, are there any more tissues? NICK All right, I’m coming as fast as I can! OK. ANNIE Oh, I feel awful. BRIDGET Oh, me too. Nothing will make me feel better. Sound of knocking on door ANNIE Oh, can you get that please Nick? NICK Oh, it’s only Hector. HECTOR Well, is it cool? NICK Wow, man! Well done! You look great! HECTOR I would like a shirt, please. BRIDGET Excellent! Oh the clothes are super! HECTOR And a pair of trou-sers. ANNIE Oh, you are clever, Hector! HECTOR And a pair of shoes, please! [Laughs] I have been shopping! Sound of intercom BRIDGET Oh, I’ll get it. Hello. Landlady [Speaking on intercom] It’s me. BRIDGET Oh, hello. It’s the tarantula! How are you? Landlady [Speaking on intercom] Fine, thank you. BRIDGET Oh, good, good. Landlady [Speaking on intercom] How’s your cold? BRIDGET How’s my cold? Well how did you know I have a cold? Landlady [Speaking on intercom] You told me this morning. HECTOR Me, I am Bridget. Landlady [Speaking on intercom] I don’t believe you. HECTOR Yes, I have a cold. [Sneezes] Landlady [Speaking on intercom] Oh, I’m sorry. HECTOR Thank you. [Sneezes] BRIDGET Yes, silly me! I told you this morning. Landlady [Speaking on intercom] Why are four hundred tins of dog food here for Annie? BRIDGET Pardon? I don’t know. Well, how strange! Landlady [Speaking on intercom] Four hundred tins. BRIDGET Yes, that’s a lot of tins. Well I really don’t know. Landlady [Speaking on intercom] Can you ask Annie? BRIDGET Yes, I’ll ask Annie, goodbye. The tarantula said, why have four hundred tins of dog food downstairs? ANNIE Four hundred tins? NICK, BRIDGET & ANNIE Hector!! COMMENTARY [v.o.] Next time in EXTRA. Annie goes dating on the Internet and so do Nick and Hector, but do they like their dates? Extra – don’t miss it!
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