Episode 15 The Bouncer
Ohh, ohhh!
Hector, stop being such a baby.
But it hurts!
I haven't touched you yet.
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oking at Muscles. HECTOR Where? NICK No, no, no. It's my new name. I am the new man on the door at Ice. ANNIE What, you're a bouncer? HECTOR What is a bouncer? ANNIE It's someone who throws people out of night-clubs. NICK Uh-uh-uh. I am an entry executive. ANNIE So you throw people out of the club. NICK Yeah. ANNIE Yeah. Nick, my granny could beat you up. NICK Ah! But if your granny came to Ice and caused trouble, I would have to ask her to leave. Besides, I'd have Knuckles, Cruncher and Muncher to back me up. HECTOR Who? NICK The other bouncers. HECTOR Yeah, right. Sound of door slamming NICK Hi, sweetie. BRIDGET Has someone died? NICK No, not yet. BRIDGET Why are you dressed in black then? NICK Because, baby, you are looking at the new man on the door at Ice. BRIDGET You are on the door at Ice? NICK Uh-huh. BRIDGET But that's.., but that's wonderful news! What shall I wear? I'll call the girls to find out what they're wearing. NICK The thing is, Bridget, if your name's not on the guest list, then you can't come in. BRIDGET Nick, if my name's not on the guest list, then you can't come home. Sound of mobile phone ringing NICK Hello? Oh! Hi! Yup, that's right. I start on Friday. OK, baby! No probs. Leave it with me. Ciao! [Sound of sniggering/Nick clears throat] My mum. She wants me to do some gardening for her. NICK [Composing email] Dan, guess what?! I've got a new job! I'm a bouncer at Ice! Oh, this club is very trendy, very exclusive! NICK I am the new man on the door at Ice! NICK [Composing email] Hey! When the girls see me on the door they won’t want to go in! BRIDGET [Composing email] Nick has got a job as a bouncer at Ice. NICK I - don't - like - your - face. BRIDGET [Composing email] If he doesn't get me on the guest list, he is in big trouble! NICK If your name's not on the guest list, then you can't come in. Sound of puffing and panting ANNIE Hector, I just won... What are you doing? HECTOR Oh, just looking for a number. ANNIE Oh, I see. Well, I just wondered if you wanted to share my chocolate with me before Bridget sees it. HECTOR Oh yeah! Great! Thanks. Annie? ANNIE Huh? HECTOR Did I tell you about the time three people tried to fight me? ANNIE All at once? HECTOR Yup. ANNIE Really? HECTOR Uh-huh. ANNIE Oh, well, go on. HECTOR Well, three of them, they came at me... ANNIE Oh, you poor thing! And what did they want? HECTOR My sweets. ANNIE Oh. And how old were you? HECTOR Six. ANNIE And they were...? HECTOR Five, three and two. ANNIE Hector! Two years old! They were babies! HECTOR Yeah, but the Sanchez sisters were really tough! ANNIE Oh, Hector, you are sweet. HECTOR Annie. ANNIE Hmm? HECTOR Do you think I should be more macho? ANNIE Oh, Hector. You don't have to be a tough guy for me. I love you just the way you are. HECTOR Oh, Annie. ANNIE Come on, let's eat this chocolate before Bridget finds it. HECTOR Oh, please, let me. ANNIE Oh. Oh! Ooh, you're so strong! Oh! HECTOR Ow! ANNIE What is it? HECTOR You are standing on my foot. ANNIE Wimp. Sound of door shutting HECTOR Ah, hi, Nick. NICK Oh, hi. Hey, listen to this. "Bouncer of the month is Alex Smith who last year stopped 955 people from going into his club." HECTOR What is the name of the club? NICK Er, it doesn't say. It shut down last week. Not enough people were going there. HECTOR Nick. NICK Huh? HECTOR What is a wimp? NICK Huh! Well, it's not... Ha-ah-ah HECTOR Annie just called me a wimp. NICK Yeah. HECTOR I want to be a tough guy, like you. NICK Huh? HECTOR Can you teach me? Please? NICK Of course. I was born like this, but I can try to help you, Hector, I can try. HECTOR Great. Why don't you show me how to be a bouncer. NICK At - it - tude. HECTOR At - it - tude? NICK Yeah, like this. "Are you looking at me?" HECTOR "Are you looking at me?" NICK "Are you looking at me?" HECTOR "Are you looking at me?" NICK Hey, great! HECTOR So who am I looking at when I say that? NICK Anyone who is looking for trouble. HECTOR Aha! And how do I know they are looking for trouble? NICK You just know. Look. HECTOR What is this? NICK Bridget's old toys! HECTOR What are they doing under your bed then? NICK I was looking after them for her. Anyway, look, here, this is the club. "You - cannot - come in." "Let me in!" "Are you looking at me or chewing a brick, eh? 'Cause either way, you'll lose your teeth." HECTOR Huh? NICK You know - brick, teeth, chew - cha-cha-cha-cha! HECTOR Ah, very good! NICK "You are a very scary guy. Hmm!" HECTOR Yeah. "Look! It's handsome Nick! Ohhh! Ohhh! Look at his muscles. Hmmm!" NICK "Hellooooo! You are looking lovely tonight." NICK & HECTOR Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! .... ... .. . .... . .. HECTOR "Leave my boyfriend alone!" NICK "It's OK, Bridget. I'm just doing my job." ... ... ... ... NICK If your name's not on the guest list, then you cannot come in. If your name's not on the guest list, then you cannot come in. Huh! Hmm! Please could I have your name, sir? MAN OUTSIDE CLUB What do you want that for? NICK Because if your name’s not on the guest list, you cannot come in. MAN OUTSIDE CLUB And what are you going to do about it, pip-squeak? NICK I , I MAN OUTSIDE CLUB Shall be a good boy! Aah-aah! BRIDGET Didn't you hear what the man said? He said, "Go. Disappear. Vanish. Evaporate - now!" MAN OUTSIDE CLUB OK, I’m going! NICK Sorry you had to see that, Bridget. Course I had the situation completely under control. BRIDGET Yeah, yeah, yeah. NICK So, Bridget, why are you here? BRIDGET Hmm, what? Oh, I've brought you some sandwiches. NICK Oh, Bridget, how nice of you. Huh! Where are they? BRIDGET Where are what? NICK The sandwiches. BRIDGET Oh, I must have left them behind. Never mind! So, who's here tonight? NICK I'm afraid I can't tell you. It's confidential. Ha-ha-hum. OK, well, there's the usual crowd - Heidi, Kate, Naomi - oops! Sorry, Bridget! I have work to do. Good evening, ladies! Could I have your names, please? Thank you. Just one more thing. Bridget? Arms up, please, ladies. Hmm, you see, hmm, very nice. Thank you. Thank you very much, ladies. Have a great evening. All part of the job. BRIDGET OK, Nick. So when is it my turn? I want to go in! NICK Oh, Bridget, Bridget, Bridget. I promise. As soon as I can arrange it, I will, hmm? Look, there's a big Latino night next week. J-Lo will be coming. Leave it to me. BRIDGET Oh, thank you, Nick! NICK Oh-oh [clears throat] Stand back. I need to take control. Sound of slow handclap BRIDGET Good! Everything is under control. ANNIE [Composing email] I do love Hector, but I think he's a bit of a wimp. ANNIE Wimp! ANNIE [Composing email] At least Nick has a tough-guy job at Ice! NICK [Composing email] I've started my new job at Ice. NICK Good evening ladies! NICK [Composing email] There was one guy who was looking for trouble, but it was OK. I had everything under control! NICK I have the situation completely under control. BRIDGET Yeah, yeah, yeah. NICK [Composing email] Bridget was very impressed, especially as J-Lo is coming next week. NICK J-Lo will be coming! BRIDGET [Whispering reverentially] J-Lo! HECTOR Annie? ANNIE Hmm? HECTOR About the tattoo. ANNIE Hmm. HECTOR Er-hmm. Look. ANNIE Oh! You did it! Ohh, and Hector, what a wonderful tattoo! Oh, I don't know what to say! Oh! HECTOR Oh, it was nothing. And I mean it, Hector and Annie forever. ANNIE Oh, and look! Charley likes the tattoo as well. Oh, Charley! Oh, Hector! HECTOR Oh! BRIDGET Oh, pl-ease. I've just eaten! ANNIE Bridget, look. Hector has had a tattoo done just for me! Oh, isn't it romantic? BRIDGET Hec-ne-ver. Hec-ne-ver? It doesn't sound very romantic. What does it mean? ANNIE What happened? It's coming off! Oh. Charley has licked it off. It's a fake. Hector, you wimp! Sound of mobile phone ringing HECTOR Hi, Nick. NICK What's the joke? HECTOR I am. NICK Oh. Listen, J-Lo is coming to Ice tonight, so we need extra bouncers, so you will be working with me on the door! HECTOR But... NICK And tell Bridget and Annie they are on the guest list. OK, tough guy? HECTOR OK. Sound of Annie and Bridget laughing in background Sound of Hector and Nick making assorted macho type noises NICK Hey! Yeah. Good evening, ladies! You are looking lovely tonight. ANNIE Oh, Hector, you look so handsome. I'm sorry I laughed at your tattoo. HECTOR Annie, Annie, Annie, I am on duty. BRIDGET Is J-Lo here yet? NICK She's here. BRIDGET Oh, goodie! I love mixing with the stars. NICK Hi. MAN She's cute. Hi, gorgeous. HECTOR What did he say? NICK Nothing. HECTOR Was he...? [Makes whistling noise] NICK Erm.... HECTOR Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh. MAN What are you looking at? HECTOR I am looking at you looking at her. MAN I can look at her. HECTOR Not when I am looking at her looking at you. NICK I think you mean: Not when I'm looking at you looking at her. HECTOR That is what I said! MAN You know what? I tell you I'm gonna buy her a drink, OK? HECTOR What did he say? NICK I think he said he's gonna buy her a drink. Oh, Hector, no. HECTOR Right, that is it! I am going in! NICK No, Hector, don't. Please... HECTOR Oy, you! Leave my girl alone! Nick! Nick! His mate is chatting up Bridget. NICK Right, that's it! I'm going in! Oy, you! Leave my girl alone! Sound of crashing/shouting CLUB MANAGER [off screen] Muscles, you're fired! And so is your friend! NICK That was great! BRIDGET I didn't even see J-Lo. ANNIE See, Hector? I knew you weren't a wimp. COMMENTARY: [v.o.] Next time in EXTRA, Annie is revising for her exams, Bridget has a make-over and guess who is coming to stay? EXTRA, don't miss it!
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