Confusing words
Confusing words
These are just a few words that I find are difficult to differentiate or that
I find difficult to use properly.
Affect vs Effect
Effect [ih-fekt]- noun, It is a result or a consequence of something. His
study habits have an effect on his grades.
Affect [af-ekt]- verb, The action of inflicting change. His study habits
affect his grades.
Confusing words Confusing words These are just a few words that I find are difficult to differentiate or that I find difficult to use properly. Affect vs Effect Effect [ih-fekt]- noun, It is a result or a consequence of something. His study habits have an effect on his grades. Affect [af-ekt]- verb, The action of inflicting change. His study habits affect his grades. (Tip –when using of Affect think of Action (verb) to be sure you used it correctly) Less vs Fewer Less [l s]- adjective, some of the quantity is gone from something that cannot be counted, such as feelings or time. When I am away from home I have less time to spend with family. (Less time, less happy, less coffee, less frustration) Fewer [fyoo-er] – Adjective, Smaller number of objects. I have two fewer family members than you. (Fewer chairs, fewer books, fewer pencils) Past vs Passed Past- Adjective, time gone by. Some people believe in past lives. Passed- verb, something that is moving by. That car passed me on my right. Twenty minutes have passed, since I have been here. Accept vs except Accept [ak-sept]-verb, to receive.I can'tacceptthis gift because it's too expensive. Except [ik-sept] - preposition, to not include. Everyone was invited to the party exceptTom. Lose vs loose Lose [looz]- verb, think of 'lost'. Be careful not to loseyour wallet. Loose [loos]- adjective, not tight - stress the ‘oo’. The lid on the jar was loose.
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