Bộ đề thi trắc nghiệm ngữ pháp thi tuyển vào lớp 10

* Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:

1. I want . apple from that basket.

A. a B. an C. the D. X

2. Miss Lin speaks . Chinese.

A. a B. an C. the D. X

3. One of the students said, “. professor is late today”

A. a B. an C. the D. X

4. Eli likes to play . volleyball.

A. a B. an C. the D. X


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e owner of the house is thought to have been gone abroad.
            D.The owner of the house is thought to have gone abroad.
16. She started work three months ago.
It is three months since she started work.
She had been working for three months.
She is working here for three months now.
It’s three months that she worked for.
17. My career as a teacher began 14 years ago.
I have started teaching for 14 years now.
For 14 years have I been a teacher.
I was a teacher for 14 years.
I have been a teacher for 14 years now.
18. It has always been my ambition to become a famous artist.
I want to become a famous artist as soon as possible.
Always in my life do I want to become a famous artist.
I have always dreamt of becoming a famous artist.
Dreaming of becoming a famous artist, I always have that ambition.
19. As soon as I receive my result, I will phone you.
I will ring you the moment I receive my result.
Sooner or later after I receive my result. I will give you a ring.
After receiving my result, I will call you.
I will make a phone call to you when I get my result.
20. When I was a young girl, chocolate was one of my favourites.
When very young, I like eating chocolate cakes.
Chocolate used to be a favorite of mine when I was a young girl.
My favourite was chocolate as was a little girl.
Being a little girl, I like chocolate.
21. I haven’t seen my aunt for years.
I haven’t meet my aunt for long ago.
The last time I met my aunt was since years ago.
I last saw my aunt years ago.
I didn’t see my aunt years ago.
22.“Would you like to stay for dinner?” she asked me.
She asked me if I liked to stay for dinner.
She invited me to stay for dinner.
She offered me dinner.
She was very kind to offer me dinner.
23.“If I were you, I wouldn’t go.” he said.
He advised me against going.
He told me to stay with him.
He asked me not to go.
He advised me never to go.
24.“Mum, please don’t tell Dad my mistake!” the boy said.
The boy insisted his mother not tell his father his mistake.
The boy told his mother not to mention his mistake any more.
The boy asked his mother not to tell his father his mistake.
The boy wanted his mother to keep his mistake in her heart.
25.Chuck denied breaking the window.
Chuck refused to break the window.
Chuck said that he hadn’t broken the window.
Chuck didn’t break the window.
Chuck was determined not to break the window.
26.“Have you ever been to Japan?” he asked me.
He told me if I had gone to Japan.
He wanted to know whether had I been to Japan.
He ed me if Japan was visited by me.
He asked me if I had ever been to Japan.
27.“I’m sorry I forgot your birthday.” Harry told Mary.
Harry said sorry to Mary for forgetting her birthday.
Harry felt sorry to forget Mary’s birthday.
Harry apologized Mary for having forgotten her birthday.
Harry really felt a pity not to remember Mary’s birthday.
28.“Let’s go to the cinema tonight.” he suggested.
He suggested they to go to the cinema that night.
He suggested going to the cinema that night.
He suggested that they went to the cinema that night.
He suggested that let’s them go to the cinema that night.
29. “What’s your job?”, said the doctor to Mr. Thomas.
A. The doctor asked Mr. Thomas what his job was.
B. The doctor asked Mr. Thomas what his job is.
C. The doctor asked Mr. Thomas what was his job.
D. The doctor asked Mr. Thomas what is his job.
 30. It’s possible that we won’t go camping this weekend.
            A. We will probably go camping this weekend.
            B. We will not go camping this weekend.
            C. We may not go camping this weekend.
            D. We must not go camping this weekend.
       31. I think it’s necessary to tell Tim about it at once.
            A. Tim may be told about it at once.
            B. Tim should be told about it at once.
            C. Tim must be told about it at once.
D. Tim might be told about it at once.
     32. It is essential that we meet him at the airport.
            A. He must be met at the airport.
            B. He might be met at the airport.
C. He should be met at the airport.
D. He may be met at the airport.
33. It’s very likely that the company will accept his application.
            A. The company needs accept his application.
            B. The company might/ may accept his application.
            C. The company must accept his application.
            D. The company should accept his application.
            34. Every student is required to write an essay on the topic.
            A. Every student might write an essay on the topic. 
            B. Every student must write an essay on the topic. 
C. They require every student write an essay on the topic.
            D. Every student should write an essay on the topic. 
            35. It isn’t necessary for us to get a visa for Singapore. 
            A. We needn’t get a visa for Singapore.
            B. We mustn’t get a visa for Singapore. 
            C. We mayn’t get a visa for Singapore.
            D. We shouldn’t get a visa for Singapore.
             36. The girl just said hello. She is Tom’s youngest sister .
            A. The girl who just said hello is Tom’s youngest sister .
            B. The girl saying hello is Tom’s youngest sister .
            C. The girl just said hello is Tom’s youngest sister .
            D. The girl, who just said hello, is Tom’s youngest sister .
            37. I’m waiting for the bus . It is late. 
            A. The bus which I’m waiting is late .
            B. The bus whom I’m waiting for is late .
            C. The bus for that I’m waiting is late .
D. The bus I’m waiting for is late .    
            38. This house was built years ago. It is still in very good shape.
            A. This house, which built years ago, is still in very good shape.
            B. This house, built years ago, is still in very good shape.
            C. This house, building years ago, is still in very good shape.
            D. This house, which was built years ago is still in very good shape.
            39. The people watched the game. None of them will ever forget it.
            A. None of the people that watched the game will ever forget it.
            B. The people watched the game none of whom will ever forget it.
            C. Nobody that watched the game will ever forget it.
            D. Both A and C are correct.
            40. Quang is very good at drawing. His father is a famous painter.
            A. Quang whose father is a famous painter is very good at drawing.
            B. Quang, whose father is a famous painter is very good at drawing.
            C. Quang, whose father is a famous painter, is very good at drawing.
D. Quang’s father, who is a famous painter, is very good at drawing.
            41. That’s the man. I told you about him yesterday.
            A. That’s the man about whom I told you yesterday.
            B. That’s the man whom I told you yesterday. 
            C. That’s the man about that I told you yesterday.
            D. That’s the man I told you yesterday.           
42.He drives more carelessly than he used to.
            A. He doesn’t drive as carefully as he used to.
B. He doesn’t drive carefully than he used to.
C. He doesn’t drive as carefully than he used to.
D. He doesn’t drive as carefully he does.
43. Noone in our club can speak English as fluently as Mai.
A. Mai speaks English more fluently than noone in our club.
B. Mai is the worst English speaker in our club.
C. Mai speaks English as fluently as other people in our club.
D. Mai speaks English the most fluently in our club.
44. The sooner you stop smoking cigarettes the better you’ll feel.
A. As soon as you feel better, you’ll try to stop smoking.
B. You feel so much better since he stopped smoking.
C. Though you feel better, you still smoke.
D. When you stop smoking, you’ll begin to feel better.
45. Noone in the class is taller than Dave.
A. Dave is the tallest student in the class.
B. Dave is taller student in the class.
C. Dave is the taller student in the class.
D. Dave is tallest student in the class.
46. The crowd became increasingly angry at the long delay.
A. The crowd became very angry because the delay was so long.
B. The more increasingly the crowd became, the longer the delay was.
C. The longer the delay was, the angrier the crowd became.
D.The more the crowd became angry at the delay, the longer they feel.
47. In spite of all our efforts, we failed in the final match.
A. Although we tried very hard, we failed in the final match. 
B. We made all our efforts so that we could gain success in the final match.
C. Whatever efforts we had made, we weren’t able to win in the final match. 
D. We failed in the final match as a result of all our great efforts.
48. Although old-age pensions have risen considerably, they haven’t kept pace with the cost of living.
A. The cost of living is so high that they couldn’t keep with it.
B. Despite the fact that old-age pensions have risen considerably, the cost of living isn’t going down.
C. Old-age pensions may have risen considerably, but they haven’t kept pace with thecost of living.
D. The cost of living hasn’t been kept with no matter how high the old-age pensions are. 
49. Despite his inexperience in the field, John applied for the job.
A. John was unable to do the job because he was inexperienced.
B. John applied for the job because he has experience in the field.
C. John did not apply for the job because of his inexperience in the field.
D. John applied for the job even though he has no experience in the field.
50. In spite of heavy rain, my brother went to work.
A. In spite it rained heavily, my brother went to work.  
B. Although it rained heavily, my brother went to work.  
C. Despite it rained heavily, my brother went to work.  
D. Although of heavy rain, my brother went to work

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