An investigation into the effects of extensive listening on preintermediate learners’ English vocabulary learning at The Asian International School
Nowadays, most learners, especially students at The Asian
International School, have plenty of opportunities for learning
English vocabulary from the earliest possible age. However, the
students in general faced lots of difficulties in vocabulary
learning. Thus, the study was conducted with the purpose to
investigate to what extent extensive listening affected the
students’ vocabulary learning and their listening habits. Eighty
participants were chosen by using convenience sampling and
divided into two groups: a control group and an experimental
group. The two groups took a pretest to measure their
vocabulary knowledge with Listening Vocabulary Levels Test.
Then, besides studying the school’s formal English curriculum,
the control group practiced intensive listening while the
experimental group practiced extensive listening. All the
participants were required to submit one listening journal each
week to report what they have done as their listening habits.
Finally, they took a posttest (Listening Vocabulary Levels Test)
after 12 weeks practicing. The results showed that extensive
listening could help to increase the participants’ receptive
vocabulary knowledge significantly, including word meanings
and word aural forms. Additionally, the more the participants
practiced extensive listening, the higher improvement they
somewhat had on receptive vocabulary knowledge. The
participants tended to practice listening by using visual
materials and self-selected materials in their listening habits. To
sum up, extensive listening affected impressively the
participants’ vocabulary learning that aspires for the study to
propose suggestions for future studies so that administrators,
teachers, and students could receive huge pedagogical
implications of extensive listening
Ly N. Nguyen, Nga T. Nguyen. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 10(3), 3-17 3 An investigation into the effects of extensive listening on pre- intermediate learners’ English vocabulary learning at The Asian International School Ly Ngoc Nguyen1, Nga Thuy Nguyen2* 1The Asian International School 2Ho Chi Minh City Open University *Corresponding author: ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT DOI:10.46223/HCMCOUJS. soci.en.10.1.552.2020 Received: 19/06/2020 Revised: 24/06/2020 Accepted: 30/06/2020 Keywords: intensive listening, extensive listening, receptive vocabulary knowledge, productive vocabulary knowledge, listening vocabulary levels test Nowadays, most learners, especially students at The Asian International School, have plenty of opportunities for learning English vocabulary from the earliest possible age. However, the students in general faced lots of difficulties in vocabulary learning. Thus, the study was conducted with the purpose to investigate to what extent extensive listening affected the students’ vocabulary learning and their listening habits. Eighty participants were chosen by using convenience sampling and divided into two groups: a control group and an experimental group. The two groups took a pretest to measure their vocabulary knowledge with Listening Vocabulary Levels Test. Then, besides studying the school’s formal English curriculum, the control group practiced intensive listening while the experimental group practiced extensive listening. All the participants were required to submit one listening journal each week to report what they have done as their listening habits. Finally, they took a posttest (Listening Vocabulary Levels Test) after 12 weeks practicing. The results showed that extensive listening could help to increase the participants’ receptive vocabulary knowledge significantly, including word meanings and word aural forms. Additionally, the more the participants practiced extensive listening, the higher improvement they somewhat had on receptive vocabulary knowledge. The participants tended to practice listening by using visual materials and self-selected materials in their listening habits. To sum up, extensive listening affected impressively the participants’ vocabulary learning that aspires for the study to propose suggestions for future studies so that administrators, teachers, and students could receive huge pedagogical implications of extensive listening. 4 Ly N. Nguyen, Nga T. Nguyen. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 10(3), 3-17 1. Introduction Vocabulary is considered as one of the most important things in foreign language learning. Several researchers have proved that learning vocabulary is crucial because nothing could be transferred if there is a lack of vocabulary (Larsson, 2014; Nation, 2008; Wilkins, 1972, as cited in Thornburry & Harmer, 2002; Viera, 2017). To learn a word, N. Schmitt (2000) suggested that learners could obtain both receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge. N. Schmitt (2000) stated that receptive vocabulary knowledge is the ability to understand a word in listening and reading while productive vocabulary knowledge expects learners to use a word in speaking and writing. However, acquiring all aspects of vocabulary leads learners to get troubles when they study vocabulary. For example, learners seemed to forget the words they have learned if they did not meet the words repeatedly (Nation, 2007). They had to catch up with big problems with studying word meanings, pronunciations, and spellings (Higa, 1965, as cited in Nation, 2001; Renandya & Farell, 2011; Sedau, 2004). The way to measure the word knowledge is also another difficulty for them (Rahmawati, 2012; Rohmatillah, 2017). To sum up, learners, in general, have difficulty when studying vocabulary. In Vietnamese contexts, learners also turn the difficulty up when they learn English vocabulary. It was stated by Nguyen and Pham (2016) that 400 students in Hanoi had problems in learning English vocabulary. Besides, the limitation of vocabulary size also made students get low scores in tests (H. P. H. Le, 2001). At the Asian International School, the research site, students also get into difficulties in vocabulary learning although they have several opportunities to study and use vocabulary fluently. Being a teacher at the school, the researcher notices that the students tried hard to interpret the speakers’ meanings because of unknown vocabulary. They did not frequently get high scores in listening or speaking due to lacking vocabulary or forgetting the words they’ve learned. However, the above difficulties are observed personally from the teacher’s viewpoints; up to this time, there has been no formal research examining how to deal with these problems. There is convincing evidence of positive effects of a new way to learn vocabulary – extensive listening could enhance vocabulary knowledge by inspiring learners to listen to the appropriate materials which they are interested in for pleasure and whenever they have free time (Ucán, 2010; Waring, 2008). Previous studies investigate the effects of extensive listening on vocabulary learning both in receptive and productive knowledge, but the results are infrequently as expected in productive vocabulary knowledge. That could be listening is a receptive skill, which gives spoken information from a speaker to a listener and does not require listeners to use language (Aguilera & Filologia, 2012; Tavil, 2010). Hence, this study intends to focus on the advantages of extensive listening to learners’ receptive vocabulary knowledge only. Extensive listening is considered as an appropriate method to help learners increase their vocabulary knowledge, especially receptive vocabulary knowledge, but there are still limitations on related studies. First, previous studies lack a combination of several extensive listening materials in a single study. For example, Brown, Waring, and Donkaewbua (2008) and Suggate, Lenhard, Neudecker, and Schneider (2013) required participants to select only stories to practice extensive listening; Yuksel and Tanriverdi (2009) asked participants to watch a popular American television series. Second, most research pays little attention to measure word aural forms in receptive vocabulary knowledge (Brown et al., 2008; Suggate et al., 2013). Thus, this study attempts to combine several types of extensive listening practice for students to practice to enhance their receptive vocabulary knowledge, specifically, both word meanings and aural forms. Ly N. Nguyen, Nga T. Nguyen. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 10(3), 3-17 5 The present study is conducted to examine the effects of extensive listening on vocabulary learning, in this case, referring to receptive vocabulary knowledge of pre- intermediate students at The Asian International School. Within the above aim, the study answers the question: To what extent does extensive listening affect the pre-intermediate students’ receptive vocabulary knowledge at The Asian International School? The hypothesis for this question is that students at the pre-intermediate level who participate in extensive listening at The Asian International School will have higher achievement on receptive vocabulary knowledge test scores than students who participate in intensive listening practice. 2. Literature review 2.1. Intensive Listening (IL) and Extensive Listening (EL) IL and EL are two different ways to practice listening. In IL, listeners mostly focus on what they have heard precisely (Field, 2008; Rost, 1991, 2011). Otherwise, listeners could comprehend a huge amount of meaningful input while they are listening for pleasure in EL (McDonough & Shaw, 1993, as cited in Kim, 2004; Milliner, 2017; Rost, 2011; Ucán, 2010; Waring, 2008). Since IL and EL are opposites, discussion on the differences between IL and EL is crucial. Firstly, learners who practice EL are not taught target words as IL practice, but they can acquire vocabulary incidentally. IL aims to teach learners new grammar and vocabulary (Renandya, 2011; Chang, 2012) while EL could help learners obtain vocabulary knowledge by meeting the word several times (Renandya, 2011). Secondly, learners listen for details in IL (Field, 2008) while they are provided lots of comprehensive inputs to foster their overall global comprehension (McDonough & Shaw, 1993, as cited in Kim, 2004) and build their listening speed (Waring, 2008). Thirdly, IL may require learners to follow rigid lesson plans with a three- step sequence (Chang, 2012) while in EL, learners can listen whenever they are ready both inside and outside classrooms (Chang, 2012; Matsuo, 2015; Renandya, 2010; Renandya & Farrell, 2011; Ucán, 2010; Waring, 2008). Another difference between IL and EL is shown in listening to materials. IL materials are often more difficult, lower speedy, and shorter than EL materials (Ferrato & White, 2004, as cited in Bui & Do, 2016). Hence, listeners are required to react to specific questions or tasks in IL (Field, 2008). However, listeners have no requirements as in IL (Chang, 2012). Then, the IL activities include pause and paraphrase, listening close, error identification, elicited repetition, word spotting, grammar processing, etc. to develop learners’ listening strategies (Rost, 2011). EL provides several kinds of activities such as narrow listening, storytelling, repeated listening, dictation, etc. to focus on general understanding (Renandya, 2011, 2012). In brief, EL is a pleasant way to listen while IL has specific requirements. 2.2. Receptive Vocabulary Knowledge (RVK) Receptive Vocabulary Knowledge (RVK) is considered as the learners’ ability to understand a word in listening or reading texts. First of all, Harmer (2001) states that RVK is the learners’ knowledge to recognize words when they hear or see the words. Similarly, learners can understand the words while they are reading or listening (Alkhofi, 2015; Faraj, 2015; Maskor & Baharudin, 2016; Zhou, 2010) then also recalling the words (Hajiyeva, 2015) in RVK. Secondly, Nation (2001) and Hajiyeva (2015) also define RVK as passive vocabulary since outside stimuli could activate RVK. In short, if learners recognize a word when it appears in listening or reading texts, they may have receptive knowledge of that word. 6 Ly N. Nguyen, Nga T. Nguyen. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 10(3), 3-17 To measure RVK, it must be a measurement of how listeners understand the words by listening or reading them. Thus, it must be using receptive vocabulary measurement. One of the most appropriate types of measurement is the multiple-choice proposed by Nizonkiza (2016). Moreover, the test-takers in this measurement could be asked to translate the words from foreign language to the mother tongue or show word meanings (Šišková, 2016). 2.3. The Receptive Vocabulary Knowledge test This study aims to examine the effects of EL on students’ RVK, thus the measurement of vocabulary knowledge must be fulfilled the requirement of measuring RVK containing the recognition of word meanings and word aural forms. Fortunately, McLean, Kramer, and Beglar (2015) designed a Listening Vocabulary Levels Test (LVLT) to fill the gaps in the literature on word knowledge testing. The LVLT focuses on measuring RVK which includes both word meanings and word aural forms taken from the first five 1000-word frequency levels in Nation’s (2012) British National Corpus/Corpus of Contemporary American English word lists and Coxhead’s (2000) Academic Word List proposes (as cited in McLean et al., 2015). The LVLT which uses two languages is adapted from the Vocabulary Size Test version Japanese on Paul Nation’s publication on Victoria University of Wellington’s website. It is a bilingual format, and each distractor could be easier for the test-takers to show word meanings because direct translations could not absorb much cognition in the time constraint (McLean et al., 2015). The LVLT is guaranteed with strong validity when comparing with the Test of English for International Communication scores, carelessness, and guessing. The format of the test is four- multiple-choice that is appropriate with Nizonkiza’s (2016) receptive vocabulary measurement. Those strengths of the test prove that LVLT is an appropriate test to measure RVK including word meanings and word aural forms for diagnostic and achievement purposes. 2.4. The effects of extensive listening on vocabulary learning The positive effects of EL on vocabulary learning have been by several researchers (Bozan, 2015; Brown et al., 2008; Bui & Do, 2016; Chang, 2012; Mayora, 2017; Meier, 2015; Renandya, 2012; Suggate et al., 2013; Ucán, 2010; Widodo & Rozak, 2016; Yuksel & Tanriverdi, 2009). First, Brown et al. (2008) found that learners could acquire and retain more words in terms of recognition word meanings if they read while listening extensively to stories. Second, Yuksel and Tanriverdi (2009) stated that EL influenced Turkish learners’ RVK by providing them a popular American Television series. Then, Ucán (2010) explored that EL developed and increased vocabulary size for 16 beginner students. Another research investigated 55 university English students’ RVK and listening development by intensively and extensively listening to stories from audiobooks for 26 weeks (Chang, 2012). However, the results of this study were not as expected. The study found that learners who participated in IL to stories acquired more words than the ones in EL in the Vocabulary Level Tests. This result might be explained as because the control group had more chances to study every chapter with every detail from audiobooks while the experimental group just studied 15 easy audiobooks then took a comprehension check. Even though acquiring vocabulary in IL was more effective than EL, learners did enhance RVK in EL. Furthermore, it was found that EL could enhance learners’ recognition of word aural forms (Renandya, 2012; Suggate et al., 2013). The measurement of word aural forms just stopped at simply choosing the suitable pictures by hearing words. Recently, research conducted by Bozan (2015) which combines several kinds of listening materials for EL practice showed that EL could enhance learners’ use of grammar and vocabulary. However, the study tends to measure word meanings and written forms mostly. It lacks the measurement of word aural forms. Also, the participants were not required to report on Ly N. Nguyen, Nga T. Nguyen. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 10(3), 3-17 7 what they’ve gained in the listening materials. It should have examined the participants’ reports on what they practiced to make the results more compelling and reasonable. Meier (2015), Widodo and Rozak (2016), and Mayora (2017) also truly suggested the positive effects of EL to podcasts and videos on incidental vocabulary acquisition. In Vietnam, previous studies paid little attention to the effects of EL on English vocabulary learning but focused on students’ English language skills. For instance, Bui, and Do’s (2016) study found small and brief evidence that EL positively affects 49 pre-intermediate students’ vocabulary size at Hanoi University of Business and Technology. In addition, V. T. Le (2018) investigated the effects of applying technology and social media on 204 grade 10 Vietnamese learners’ vocabulary enhancement with the employment of pre- and post-course tests as research instruments. The participants joined in a six-week online course to practice extensive listening, speaking, and writing. The results showed that the participants could use more words in speaking. In short, EL does affect Vietnamese learners’ vocabulary learning despite a small range of studies in this field. In short, the results from previous studies prove that EL is highly effective in helping learners acquire vocabulary incidentally. Nevertheless, the review of the above studies has also indicated some shortcomings. First of all, a few studies measured learners’ word aural forms in receptive vocabulary knowledge. This is not convincing enough since learners do not only learn word written forms or meanings but also aural forms. Moreover, listening is a receptive skill that focuses on recognizing words by hearing. Hence, it is crucial to choose an appropriate test for RVK including word aural forms. Second, previous studies mainly take advantage of one single material instead of combining several types of listening materials in EL. Therefore, EL might conclude a variety of listening materials for learners to choose to make use of EL’s benefits effectively. To avoid stepping on the previous studies’ inadequacies and to fill in the gaps, this study was conducted by following the rigid methodology below. 3. Methodology 3.1. Research site and participants The site and the participants of the study were at The Asian International School, in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Students at this school have to spend all daytime for two programs: first, the Ministry of Education and Training Program in the mornings, and second, the International English Program in the afternoons. All the participants in this study are the pre- intermediate level of proficiency learners and at the age of 14. Most of the participants learned English from very young ages. They also have good opportunities to practice English at anytime and anywhere at school. To learn English, in the Ministry of Education and Training Program, they study the book “English 8” published by Vietnam Education Publisher. They also study five subjects including Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Grammar with the coursebook “Inside Language, Literacy, and Content” in the International English Program. Besides the advantages of mostly studying English in the study program, the participants also have good physical conditions from the school. The teachers were in charge of all subjects shared the same lesson plans as in the same curriculum for the participants. Also, the participants, in general, reported that they did not attend any English language training from other teachers or language centers outside classrooms. Hence, it can be inferred that the chosen participants had the same knowledge background at the beginning. The participants were chosen by using convenience sampling due to the time constraint and the policy of the school. “A convenience sample is a group of individuals who 8 Ly N. Nguyen, Nga T. Nguyen. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 10(3), 3-17 (conveniently) are available for study” (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009, p. 98). Therefore, 80 participants were selected from four available classes in a population of 325 pre-intermediate students. Two classes were collected for a Control Group (CG) and the other two classes for an Experimental Group (EG). Forty participants in each group satisfied the requirement of an experimental study that has 30 participants minimum in each group (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009). They are Grade 8 students with a pre-intermediate level of proficiency. The participants in general learned English from very young ages and they had good chances to interact with English. They also have good opportunities to practice English at anytime and anywhere at school. Table 1 below shows the gender distribution of the two groups. Table 1 Participants’ gender Gender Male Female Total Control group 15 25 40 Experimenta
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