An English Homophone Dictionary
Homophones are words of the same language that are pronounced alike even if they differ in spelling, meaning, or origin, such as "pair" and "pear". Homophones may also be spelled alike, as in "bear" (the animal) and "bear" (to carry). But this list consists only of homophones that are not spelled alike.
Homonym is a somewhat looser term than homophone, sometimes referring to all homophones and only homophones, and sometimes referring to the subset of homophones that are spelled alike.
In the entries below, the members of each homophonic set are listed in alphabetical order. Each set is entered only once, at its alphabetically first member. There is no cross-reference unless the initial letters of the members differ. For example, the pair "knot, not" is listed under "knot". Under "not" one finds
ws, noes, nose kohl (see coal) kosher (see cosher) L laager (-s), lager (-s) (?) lac, lack lacks, lax ladder, latter lain, lane lair (-s), layer (-s) lam, lamb lama, llama laps, lapse lase, lays, laze, leis lay, lei, ley laser, lazar lea, lee leach (-es), leech (-es) lead, led leader, lieder, liter leaf, lief leak (-s), leek (-s) lean (-s), lien (-s) leased, least lends, lens lessen, lesson lesser, lessor levee, levy liable, libel liar (-s), lyre (-s) lichen, liken licker, liquor lickerish, licorice lie (-s), lye (-s) lightening, lightning limb (-s), limn (-s) linch, lynch links, lynx literal, littoral (?) lo, low load (-s), lode (-s), lowed loan, lone locks, lox loop, loupe loot (-s), lute (-s) M macks, max madder, matter (?) made, maid magnate (-s), magnet (-s) (?) mail (-s), male (-s) mall (-s), maul (-s) main, mane maize, mase, mays, maze mall, maul manikin, mannequin, [manakin] manner, manor mantle, mantel mare (-s), mayor (-s) marchal, marshal (-s), marshall (-s), martial marquee, marquis marten, martin maser, mazer mask, masque massed, mast mat, matte me, mi ["do, re"] mead, meed mean (-s), mein (-s) meat (-s), meet (-s), mete (-s) medal (-s), meddle (-s), metal (-s), mettle (-s) (?) meddler (-s), medlar (-s) men's, mends mewl, mule mews, muse mho, mow micks, mix middy, midi might, mite mil, mill mild, miled millenary, millinery mince, mints mind, mined miner, minor minks, minx missal, missile missed, mist moan, mown moat (-s), mote (-s) mode, mowed mold (-s), mould (-s) mood, mooed moor, more moose, mousse mordant, mordent morn, mourn morning, mourning mortar, morter mucous, mucus muscle, mussel mussed, must, musth mustard, mustered N nap (see knap) naval, navel nave (see knave) naw (see gnaw) nay (-s), neigh (-s), nee need (see knead) new (see gnu) nice (see gneiss) nick (see knick) nicks (see knicks) nickers (see knickers) night (see knight) nit (see knit) nix (see knicks) no (see know) nob (see knob) nock (see knock) noes (see knows) nomic (see gnomic) none, nun nose (see knows) not (see knot) O o, oh, owe oar (-s), o'er, or, ore (-s) odder, otter (?) ode, owed ordinance, ordnance offal (see awful) oppose (see appose) oral (see aural) oracle (see auricle) oriole (see aureole) ought (see aught) one, won our (see hour) overdo, overdue oversea (-s), oversee (-s) P paced, paste packed, pact paean (-s), peon (-s) pail (-s), pale (-s) pain (-s), pane (-s) pair (-s), pare (-s), payor (-s) (?), pear (-s), palate (-s), palette (-s), pallet (-s), pallette (-s) pall, pawl parish, perish parity (-ies), parody (-ies) (?) passable, passible passed, past patience, patients pause, paws pea (-s, -se), pee (-s), [P] peace, piece peak (-s), peek (-s), pique (-s) peal (-s), peel (-s) pearl (-s), purl (-s) peas, pease, pees pect, pecked pedal (-s), peddle (-s) peer (-s), pier (-s) pence, pents pend, penned pendant, pendent pendants, pendence pends, pens penitence, penitents per, purr petit, petty petrel, petrol phase (see faze) phial (see file) philter (see filter) phlox (see flocks) phosphorous, phosphorus phrase (see frays) pi, pie pica, pika picks, pix pidgin, pigeon pinion, pinon pistel, pistol place, plaice plain (-s), plane (-s) plaintiff, plaintive (?) plait (-s), plate (-s) plantar (-s), planter (-s) pleas, please plough (-s), plow (-s) plum (-s), plumb (-s) pole (-s), poll (-s) policlinic, polyclinic politic (-s), politick (-s) poor, pore (-s), pour (-s) populace, populous pocks, pox praise, prays, preys pray (-s), prey (-s) precedence, precedents presence, presents pride, pried pries, prise, prize prince, prints prior, pryer principal (-s), principle (-s) profit (-s), prophet (-s) pros, prose psalter, salter pupal (-s), pupil (-s) puttee, putty (?) Q quarts, quartz quay (see key) qubit (see cubit) quean (-s), queen (-s) queue (see cue) quince, quints quoin (see coin) R rabbet, rabbit rack, wrack radical (-s), radicle (-s) rain (-s), reign (-s), rein (-s) raise (-s), rays, raze (-s) raiser, razor rancor, ranker rap (-s), wrap (-s) rapped, rapt, wrapped re ["do, re"], ray read, red read (-s), reed (-s) real, reel recede (-s), reseed (-s) receipt (-s), reseat (-s) reck, wreck reek (-s), wreak (-s) reference, referents rends, wrens residence, residents rest (-s), wrest (-s) retch (-es), wretch (-es) review (-s), revue (-s) rex, wrecks rheum (-y), room (-y) rho, roe, row rhyme (-s), rime (-s) rigger, rigor right (-s), rite(-s), wright (-s), write(-s) righting, writing ring (-s), wring (-s) ringer (-s), wringer (-s) rise, ryes road, rode, rowed roc (-s), rock (-s) roomer, rumor roil, royal role (-s), roll (-s) rood, rude, rued roomer (-s), rumor (-s) root (-s), route (-s) (?) rose, rows rote, wrote rout (-s), route (-s) (?) rough, ruff rouse, rows rued, rude rues, ruse rung, wrung rye, wry S sac (-s), sack (-s), sax sachet, sashay sail (-s), sale (-s) salter (see psalter) sane, seine saver, savor scarf, scarph scene, seen scent (see cent) scents, sense scull (-s), skull (-s) sea, see, [C] seal (see ceil) seam (-s), seem (-s) seaman, seamen, semen sear (see cere) seas, sees, seize, [C's] season, seisin sects, sex (?) seed (see cede) seeder (see cedar) seel (see ceil) seer (see cere) sell (see cell) seller (see cellar) sealing (see ceiling) senses (see census) sensor (see censer) sent (see cent) sequence, sequents sere (see cere) serf (-s), surf (-s) serge, surge serial (see cereal) serous (see cirrus) set (-s), sett (-s) sew, so, sow sewn, sown shear, sheer sheik (see chic) shew (-s), shoe (-s), shoo (-s) shier, shyer, shire shone, shown shoot (see chute) shot (see chott) sight (see cite) sighted (see cited) sic, sick sics ["sics a dog on one"], six side, sighed sigher, sire sighs, size sign (-s), sine (-s) signet (see cygnet) silicon, silicone (?) sink, sync site (see cite) sited (see cited) slay (-s), sleigh (-s) sleight (-s), slight (-s) slew, slough sloe, slow soar (-s), sore (-s) soared, sword socks, sox sold, soled, souled sol, sole (-s), soul (-s) some, sum son (-s), sun (-s) sonny, sunny sordid, sorted (?) spade, spayed staff, staph staid, stayed stair (-s), stare (-s) stake (-s), steak (-s) statice (-s), status (-es) stationary, stationery steal (-s), steel (-s) step (-s), steppe (-s) stile (-s), style (-s) stoop (-s), stoup (-s) straight (-s), strait (-s) succor (-s), sucker (-s) suede, swayed suer, sewer summary, summery suite (-s), sweet (-s) sundae (-s), sunday (-s) surplice (-s), surplus (-s) symbol (see cymbal) T tacet, tacit tack, taque tacked, tact tacks, tax tale (-s), tail (-s) talesman, talisman taper (-s), tapir (-s) tare (-s), tear (-s) tarry, terry taupe, tope taught, taut tea, tee, ti ["do, re"], [T] teas, tease, tees team (-s), teem (-s) tear (-s), tier (-s) tends, tens tense, tents tenser, tensor tern (-s), turn (-s) ternary, turnery (?) the, thee (?) their, there, they're theirs, there's therefor, therefore threw, through throe (-s), throw (-s) throne, thrown thyme, time tic (-s), tick (-s) tide, tied tighten, titan timber, timbre to, too, two toad, toed, towed tocsin (-s), toxin (-s) toad, toed, towed toe (-s), tow (-s) toke, toque told, tolled ton (-s), tonne (-s), tun (-s) tongue, tung (-s) tool, tulle tor, tore tort (-s), torte (-s) toughed, tuft tracked, tract trader (-s), traitor (-s) (?) tray, trey troop (-s), troupe (-s) trooper (-s), trouper (-s) trussed, trust tucks, tux U udder (-s), utter (-s) (?) undo, undue urn (see earn) use (see ewes) V vale (-s), veil (-s) vain, vane (-s), vein (-s) valance, valence valiance, valiants variance, variants vary, very vellum, velum veracious, voracious (?) verdure, verger (?) verses, versus vice, vise villain, villein virtu, virtue viscous, viscus vial, vile, viol W wacks, wax, whacks [WACS] wade, weighed wail (-s), wale, whale (-s) wain, wane waist (-s), waste (-s) wait (-s), weight (-s) waive (-s), wave (-s) waiver (-s), waver (-s) walk (-s), wok (-s) ware, wear, where wart, wort war, wore ward, warred warn, worn watt, what (?) way (-s), weigh (-s), whey we, wee weak, week weal, we'll, wheal, wheel (?) weald, wheeled (?) wean, ween wear, where weather, wether, whether weave, we've we'd, weed weir, we're weld, welled wen, when wet (-s), whet (-s) (?) which, witch (?) while, wile (?) whig (-s), wig (-s) (?) whin, win whine (-s), wine (-s) (?) whined, wind [the verb], wined (?) whirled, whorled, world (?) whirred, word (?) whit, wit (?) white (-s), wight (-s), wite whither, wither (?) whoa, woe whole (see hole) wholly (see holy) whore (see hoar) whored (see hoard, horde) whose, who's whys, wise wield, wheeled wind, wined winds, wins won (see one) wood, would worst, wurst wrack (see rack) wrap (see rap) wrapped (see rapt) wreak (see reek) wreck (see reck) wrecks (see rex) wrens (see rends) wrest (see rest) wretch (see retch) wright (see right) wring (see ring) wringer (see ringer) write (see right) writing (see righting) wrote (see rote) wry (see rye) X Y yew (see ewe) yews (see ewes) you (see ewe) yoke, yolk yore, your, you're (?) you'll, yule
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