963 bài Essays mẫu - Phần 4
Upon the question that which source is more important? Knowledge gained from
experience or from books? People may have different opinions. Admittedly, both of them
have advantages and disadvantages, and theyare both important. The undeniable fact is
that ot everything that is learned is contained in books. ?If someone who wants to know
how to swim or drive just reads through booksbut never experiences himself, he can
learn nothing in the end. Thisexample can tell us how important it is to gain knowledge
from experience. But as for me, a college student, I would say, gaining knowledge from
books is more important. There are three reasons support my point of view.
test every theory in one`s own experience; and it is not necessary to get involved in explaining every phenomenon you meet by your own experience. Just look into your books! The knowledge from books can help you understand them more quickly and even better! The last but not the least reason, knowledge gained from experience is relatively limited when compared with knowledge gained from books. Our life is limited. Time waits for no man. So, if we want to learn more, reading books is a better way! Through reading books, we will better develop our personality and our moral integrity, above all, enrich our own knowledge! As I stated above, if you want to explore the mysteries in the treasure house of knowledge, pick up your books, and you will find the way! Essay 56 Topic 4 Are books more important than experience? For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org When we are on the way to learn something, both books and experience are very essential resources. Experience is the most direct and efficient way to gain knowledge. Since the world is so mysterious that a lot of phenomenon seemed natural cannot be explained, and society is so complex that we may easily judge things merely according to our imagination, experience engaged in some certain activity, doing research on physics and running companies in markets, for example, are really necessary. In such cases, experience does give us a hand to gain much more knowledge beyond our scope. However, books are sometimes indispensable. Books can be divided into two kinds. One is basic knowledge, which is the fundament for further study, especially when we are young, not capable enough to do things demanding practice and mature enough to decide or judge things in the right way. The other is special knowledge and theoretical explanation in certain fields, such as pharmacy, embryology; when we need it sometimes, we have to learn from books, for our common sense not come in handy. Although both experience and books can help us, as always, be on the right track, they may sometimes lead us to receive wrong information. Because our experiences are gained from our direct observation, it is inevitable mixed with some our subjectivity, which, not surprisingly lead to wrong understanding of something. And books, such as stocking guided books, may do little to reduce investment risk, or even mislead people, considering what the financial future holds can no be predicted with certainty. No person can claim that he is able to learn everything only through experience or only from books. The way to learn is relatively different varying from periods to periods, occupation to occupation, individual to individual. we can choose the most appropriate way in accordance with our own situation Essay 57 Topic 4 Are books more important than experience? The brain is a large center for the storage of knowledge. Our brain`s capability of responding to the external world is based on our knowledge. We acquire this knowledge from books or through experience. Although these are not the only ones, they are the fundamental sources of knowledge. To gain knowledge from a book, one has to read the book, comprehend it, and memorize it, while in experience; everything is connected to practice and memory. But generally they both are ways of acquiring knowledge and also, they both can be used effectively depending on the user`s capability of understanding. Based on this I support that gaining knowledge from books is better. Books are the works of writers. They are written with full compliance with established laws. When writers write, they would not include matters that are irregular and which sometimes deviate from the laws until an explanation with detailed proof is given. But in experience, one can get quite acquainted with abnormal matters with abnormal matters, which would likely be excluded from books. In experience proof is almost irrelevant. A person who observes something to be true many times, he would conclude that it is true For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org without proof. The difference between knowledge gained from experience and knowledge gained from books can be clearly shown by looking at their time consumption. Authors have specific knowledge of the subject matter. Therefore the content of these books has been refined and is highly accurate. As a result, acquiring knowledge from books requires relatively small time. But in experience, knowledge is gained through trial and error. This is highly time consuming since a person has to start all over again when he/she finds his/her knowledge to be inaccurate. In my opinion books are more important sources of knowledge than experience because they are less likely to be inaccurate (because they are proven) and require less time. Books avoid that risk that would be taken to gain knowledge from trial and error (experience). Although confined to basic laws, for those who comprehend well, books could give clues to those matters that are undefined. Essay 58 Topic 4 Are books more important than experience? There is a saying that ot everything that is learned is contained in books. ?I cannot agree with it more. We should not ignore resources of knowledge other than books, such as experience. First of all, experience teaches us much knowledge which rarely appears in books. For example, no books teach us how to drive cars. Most people learn driving by practice under the guidance of experienced drivers, and only by practicing himself, can one really learn how to drive. Perhaps there are some books teaching driving, but people can hardly learn driving by merely reading manuals, as people can hardly learn swimming without jumping into the water. Secondly, only from experience can people explore throughout the unknowns and gain new knowledge. Knowledge on the first book comes from nowhere but experience. Franklin discovered the electricity by his kit, Magellan found that the earth is spherical by sailing. People find new knowledge from experience and write them into books. It is in this way that human-being explore the world generation by generation. However, I am not saying that knowledge from book is non-sense. Books are the most available and most effective methods to gain knowledge. People learn knowledge from books without painfully exploring the world himself, this is the value of books. But nowadays there is a harmful thought that all knowledge can be found on books, and people need not experience by himself. So it is worthy pointing out that, knowledge from experience is as important as, if not more important than those from books. Essay 59 Topic 4 Are books more important than experience? For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org ot everything is contained in books. ?Books can provide a lot of information but they cannot teach people what real life experiences can teach. On the other hand life experiences cannot teach us what books can. Real life experiences have advantages and disadvantages as well as books do. Books have existed even before our existence in this world. They are the best source of knowledge. They help us learn about the past and present. Books aid us in learning about latest discoveries and inventions. I had a history project and I did not know where to get information because I did not exist in those times. I went to the library and found so much information in books, which I had never known. I learned so much and increased my knowledge. Although books have loads of advantages, they also have disadvantages. Books can give us information but they can never give us real life feelings. My friend read in a book about a man who died in mountain climbing. She did not feel any emotions and learned nothing because it had never happened with her. Books can give us all we need but they cannot teach us how to live in this world. In contrast, real life experiences teach us how to live and how to deal with situations. I had a very close friend who I had known for more than 3 years. We shared everything and never told anyone anything. But when she made new friends, she went and told all my secrets to them. That is when I learned that no one in this world can be a true friend expect our parents and our brothers and sisters. Real life experiences instruct people and help us decide what is wrong and right. Although real life experiences can aid us, they can also discourage us. When my cousin`s 5 year old sister died, she totally broke apart. She totally went mad and now is in the hospital for treatment. Experiencing events can be dangerous but also beneficial because they can be guidance. I am in favor of real life experiences because they can help build up a person`s character. When my friend betrayed me, I learned not to share my deep feelings with anyone. Although I was hurt, but I also learned a lesson that I could never have learned in books since it was just a piece of writing. Real life experiences have always taught me how live in this life while books have not. No matter how informative a source is, it cannot be as useful as real life experiences. Books can be good teachers but they are not as good as real life experiences because books cannot help us see the reality while real life experiences can. Essay 60 Topic 4 Are books more important than experience? Though certainly the books provide one a wide range of information even from the area the experience of his life would never reach, once he tries to manage something in practice depending on the information gained only from books, he will note that they are not a source of the perfect information.
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