Word list for level A1
Culturally Sensitive Word
+ two objects
A verb that has two objects.
Countable noun: a noun that has both singular and plural forms.
C usually no plural or U
Countable noun which usually has no plural or uncountable noun.
Intransitive verb: a verb that has no object.
Transitive verb: a verb that has an object.
Uncountable noun: noun with no plural form. Cannot be used with 'a', 'an', or 'one'.
British English
American English
A short form of a word or phrase.
A word that describes a noun or pronoun.
OUN NAME used to ask about someone's name or which person or group someone is talking about Dictionary examples: Who told you? Who's that? Who are all those people? Who's playing in the match this afternoon? Learner example: What did you do at the party? Who was there? why /waɪ/ ADVERB ASK ABOUT REASON used to ask about the reason for something 266 Dictionary examples: "I'm going home." "Why?" Why did you choose to live in London? Why wait? Let's leave now. Learner example: Why couldn't you come? wife /waɪf/ (PLURAL wives) NOUN [C] the woman a man is married to Dictionary examples: I met Greg's wife for the first time. She's his third wife. Learner example: How are you, and how are your wife and children? will /wɪl/ MODAL VERB ABLE/WILLING (ALSO 'll) used to talk about what someone or something is able or willing to do Dictionary examples: I'll give you a lift. I've asked her but she won't come. The car won't start. Learner example: I'll cook for you. wind1 /wɪnd/ Word family: Nouns: wind Adjectives: windy NOUN [C or U] a natural, fast movement of air 267 Dictionary examples: There isn't enough wind to fly a kite. The weather forecast warned of strong/high winds and rain for today. There was a light/gentle wind blowing. There wasn't a breath of wind. The wind is beginning to pick up. Learner example: There are coconut trees near the sea and sometimes gentle winds blew through [them]. window /ˈwɪn.dəʊ/ NOUN [C] GLASS a space usually filled with glass in the wall of a building or in a vehicle, to allow light and air in and to allow people inside the building to see out Dictionary examples: Is it all right if I open/close the window? He caught me staring out of the window. I saw a child's face at the window. She's got some wonderful plants in the window. Learner example: Near the window there are some flowers. wine /waɪn/ NOUN [C or U] ! an alcoholic drink which is usually made from grapes, or sometimes from other fruit Dictionary examples: a wine cellar/glass red/white/dry/sweet/sparkling wine Shall we have a bottle/glass of wine with dinner? I love Australian wines, especially the white wines. Would you like to see the wine list, sir? Learner example: I like to drink wine or beer. 268 winter /ˈwɪn.tər/ NOUN [C or U] the coldest season of the year, between autumn and spring Dictionary examples: Last winter we went skiing. It's been a very mild winter. I think you tend to eat more in the winter. Learner example: I love my town bec[a]use in winter I can [go] skiing. with /wɪð/ PREPOSITION TOGETHER used to say that people or things are in a place together or are doing something together Dictionary examples: I was with Sylvia at the time. He lives with his grandmother. I'm going to France with a couple of friends. Ingrid Bergman starred with Humphrey Bogart in the film 'Casablanca'. Learner example: On Sunday afternoon, she goes with her husband and her son to the swim[m]ing pool. HAVING having or including something Dictionary examples: a house with a swimming pool a woman with brown eyes Learner example: I want you to cook rice with fish and olives. woman /ˈwʊm.ən/ (PLURAL women) NOUN [C] an adult female person 269 Dictionary examples: a 30-year-old woman She's a really nice woman. A woman and two men were arrested on the day after the explosion. Women first got the vote in Britain in 1918. Learner example: Your teacher will be a woman. word /wɜːd/ NOUN LANGUAGE UNIT [C] a group of letters or sounds that mean something, or a single letter or sound that means something Dictionary examples: What's the word for goat in French? Some words are more difficult to spell than others. Your essay should be no more than two thousand words long. Learner example: When I go to college, I like [to] learn more English words. work /wɜːk/ Word family: Nouns: work, worker Verbs: work Adjectives: working, overworked NOUN PLACE [U] the place where you go to do your job Dictionary examples: Do you have far to travel to work each day? Thousands of people are seriously injured at work every year. When does she leave for work? What time do you start/finish work? Learner example: Finally, when he finish[es] work, he goes [to] a pub. 270 JOB [U] something you do as a job to earn money Dictionary examples: Has she got any work yet? Many young people are out of work. Learner example: I'd like to come and help you but I've got work tomorrow. VERB DO JOB [I or T] to do a job, especially the job you do to earn money Dictionary examples: She worked as a cleaner at the hospital. Mike works for a computer company. My dad works very long hours. Learner example: She works [from] Monday to Friday. world /wɜːld/ NOUN THE EARTH [NO PLURAL] the Earth and all the people, places and things on it Dictionary examples: She's travelled all over the world. News of the disaster shocked the whole world. We live in a changing world. Learner example: I like travel[l]ing and discovering new place[s] [i]n the world. worry /ˈwʌr.i/ Word family: Verbs: worry Adjectives: worried, worrying 271 VERB Don't worry (about sth) used to tell someone that they do not need to think about something or do anything about something Dictionary examples: Don't worry - she'll be all right. Don't worry about phoning Ian - I'll do it later. Learner example: Don't worry about dinner, because I eat everything. would /wʊd/ MODAL VERB would like sth/to do sth used to say politely that you want something Dictionary examples: I'd like a cup of coffee, please. I'd like to talk to her myself. Learner example: I'd like fish and chips (but not too fat[ty]!) Would you like ...? used to ask someone if they want something Dictionary examples: Would you like a drink? Would you like me to come with you? Learner example: Would you like to come? write /raɪt/ (wrote, written) Word family: Nouns: writer, writing Verbs: rewrite, write Adjectives: written 272 VERB [I or T] PRODUCE to produce letters, words or numbers on a surface or computer Dictionary examples: Write your name at the top of the page. When you fill in the form, please write clearly in black ink. Can I borrow your laptop tonight - I need to write my essay. Learner example: Ev[e]ry le[sson] I read and write loads o[f] sentences. writing /ˈraɪ.tɪŋ/ Word family: Nouns: writer, writing Verbs: rewrite, write Adjectives: written NOUN [U] SKILL the skill or activity of producing words on a surface Dictionary example: Teachers focus on speaking and writing in the afternoon classes. Learner example: [I]n my lessons I learn reading, writing and English grammar. wrong /rɒŋ/ Word family: Adjectives: wrong Adverbs: wrong, wrongly ADJECTIVE NOT CORRECT not correct Dictionary examples: Three of your answers were wrong. That clock is wrong - it's 12.30, not 12.15. I'm sorry, you've got the wrong number. We're going the wrong way. 273 Learner example: We [listen to a] tape somet[ime]s, and mark wrong letters. 274 Yyear /jɪər/ NOUN TWELVE MONTHS [C] a period of twelve months, especially from January 1st to December 31st Dictionary examples: Elaine worked in Italy for two years. 2006 was one of the worst years of my life. last/next year He joined the company a year ago. This tree keeps its leaves all (the) year (round). Learner example: She [came] from Pakistan two years ago. be ... years old to be a particular age Dictionary example: Her son is six years old. Learner example: He is 53 years old [and] he live[s] in Madeira. yellow /ˈjel.əʊ/ ADJECTIVE being the same colour as a lemon or the sun Dictionary examples: a bright yellow T-shirt It was early autumn and the leaves were turning yellow. Learner example: The walls are yellow and the cupboard is orange. 275 yes /jes/ ADVERB (INFORMAL yeah) AGREE used to agree with something, or to give a positive answer Dictionary examples: "Would you like a glass of wine?" "Yes, please." "Do you like Thai food?" "Yes, I love it." "He's a really nice guy." "Yes, he is." "Report to me at nine o'clock tomorrow morning." "Yes, sir." "Have you had enough to eat?" "Yes, thank you." Learner example: Yes, I can come tomorrow for dinner. ANSWER used to show that you are listening to someone, or that you are ready to listen and to give them an answer or information Dictionary examples: "Dad." "Yes, what do you want, honey?" "Yes, can I help you?" yesterday /ˈjes.tə.deɪ/ ADVERB on the day before today Dictionary examples: He rang yesterday while you were out. I saw her yesterday morning/afternoon/evening. Learner example: I got your letter yesterday. you /juː/ PRONOUN PERSON/PEOPLE ADDRESSED used to refer to the person or people you are talking to 276 Dictionary examples: You look nice. I love you. You're coming tonight, aren't you? Are you two ready? You painted that yourself? You clever girl! Learner example: Thank you for your message. young /jʌŋ/ Word family: Nouns: youngster Adjectives: young ADJECTIVE having lived or existed for only a short time and not old Dictionary examples: young adults/children His girlfriend is very young. Philippa is the youngest person in the family. Angela is two years younger than Clare. Learner example: I have got two young children. your /jɔːr/ DETERMINER PERSON/PEOPLE ADDRESSED belonging or relating to the person or group of people being spoken or written to Dictionary examples: Is this your bag? It's not your fault. Your mother is driving me crazy. What's your problem? Learner example: I like your food. 277 Zzoo /zuː/ (PLURAL zoos) NOUN [C] a place where wild animals are kept so that people can go and look at them Dictionary example: I still remember my first trip to the zoo. Learner example: I like London Zoo. [It] is a very nice and beautiful zoo. 278
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