Vocabulary - Flashcards
discordant \di SKOR dint\
(adj.)—harsh-sounding, inharmonious,
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hy The toady toad flattered the princess every day until he got a kiss. toady \TOH dee\ (n.)—flatterer, yes-man, hanger on Abstinence is abstaining from enticing things. abstinence \AB ste ninss\ (n.)—the act of refraining from pleasur- able activity, e.g., eating or drinking – Charge – Charge – Charge + Charge false false false strong spurious surreptitious toady abstinence Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Fo ld H er e The substance she ate substantiated her allergy to dairy products. substantiate \sub STAN she ayt\ (v.)—to verify, confirm, provide supporting evidence That woman is such a sycophant; her incessant compliments make me sick! sycophant \SIK u fant\ (n.)—self-serving flatterer; yes-man The verdict indicated the accused’s innocence; he was, therefore, vindicated. vindicate \VIN di KAYT\ (v.)—to clear from blame or suspicion The events on the timeline were anachronistic; there were two events in the wrong chronological order. anachronistic \uh NAK ru NISS tik\ (adj.)—out-of-date, not attributed to the correct historical period – Charge + Charge + Charge – Charge true false true false substantiate sycophant vindicate anachronistic Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Fo ld H er e A conformist constantly forms his opinions based on the opinions of others. conformist \cun FORM ist\ (n.)—person who complies with accepted rules and customs Diffident people lack confidence. diffident \DIF i dint\ (adj.)—shy; lacking confidence The fruit gal is frugal and she refuses to give fruit for free. frugal \FROO gul\ (adj.)—thrifty, cheap An impetuous person acts on impulse. impetuous \im PET choo uss\ (adj.)—rash, impulsive, acting without thinking – Charge – Charge = Charge – Charge weak weak strong strong conformist diffident frugal impetuous Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Fo ld H er e Delia is so craven that she cries when she sees a raven. craven \CRAY vin\ (adj.)—cowardly The dorm ants sleep in dorms all day and then eat all night when the students are dormant. dormant \DAWR mint\ (adj.)—at rest, inactive, in suspended animation The tribesmen treated their ancient forebears with forbearance, even though those old folks were annoying. forbearance \FOUR bear ans\ (n.)—patience, restraint, leniency Incessant actions never cease. incessant \in SESS int\ (adj.)—continuous, never ceasing = Charge – Charge + Charge = Charge weak weak strong strong craven dormant forbearance incessant Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Fo ld H er e The integral cog must be integrated in order for the watch to work. integral \IN ti grul\ (adj.)—central, indispensable The crowd marveled at the originality of Rick’s maverick lyrics. maverick \MAV rik\ (n.)—one who breaks away from group conformity and forges a new course The obdurate bridge was a durable object; it endured the weight of heavy traffic. obdurate \AHB door it\ (adj.)—hardened against feeling; hardhearted, impenitent To restrain someone is to restrict his/her movement. restrained \ri STRAYnd\ (adj.)—controlled, repressed, restricted + Charge = Charge – Charge – Charge strong strong strong weak integral maverick obdurate restrained Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Fo ld H er e The intrepid kayak team went into the rapids and over the waterfall. intrepid \in TREP id\ (adj.)—fearless The nonchalant shall not be easily excited. nonchalant \NON shu LAHNT\ (adj.)—calm, casual, seemingly unexcited Obsequious people obviously seek approval. obsequious \ob SEE kwee iss\ (adj.)—full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning Al’s seminar on salmon was a seminal event; no man had ever given a similar speech. seminal \SEM i nul\ (adj.)—relating to the beginning or seeds of something = Charge + Charge – Charge + Charge strong strong weak strong intrepid nonchalant obsequious seminal Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Fo ld H er e Something done with spontaneity is done on the spot. spontaneity \spon ti NAY i tee\ (n.)—impulsive action, unplanned events One who is submissive submits to the will of others. submissive \sub MISS iv\ (adj.)—tending to meekness, to submit to the will of others The gymnast tenaciously performed on the balance beam; in order to score a perfect ten she needed to ace her routine. tenacious \ten AY shiss\ (adj.)—determined, keeping a firm grip on The wayward criminal wailed the jail warden with his fist. wayward \WAY werd\ (adj.)—erratic, unrestrained, reckless = Charge – Charge + Charge – Charge strong weak strong strong spontaneity submissive tenacious wayward Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Fo ld H er e Stolid people keep a lid on their emotions. stolid \STAHL id\ (adj.)—having or showing little emotion The actor was so tractable that we were able to keep him on track. tractable \TRAK te bel\ (adj.)—easily managed or controlled Tremulous people tremble in fear. tremulous \TREM yoo luss\ (adj.)—trembling; quivering; fearful, timid The affable puppy was affectionate. affable \AAF a bul\ (adj.)—friendly, easy to approach – Charge = Charge – Charge + Charge strong weak weak friendly stolid tractable tremulous affable Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Fo ld H er e One who is amicable is amazingly likable. amicable \AM i ku bul\ (adj.)—friendly, agreeable Ben and Eve volunteer at the shelter; they enjoy benefiting others with their benevolent acts. benevolent \bu NEV u lint\ (adj.)—friendly and helpful Collaborating is co-laboring, or working together. collaborate \ku LAB u RAYT\ (v.)—to cooperate, work together When two people compromise, they come together, each with his own promise to the other. compromise \KAHM pru myz\ (v.)—to settle a dispute by terms agreeable to both sides + Charge + Charge + Charge + Charge friendly friendly friendly friendly amicable benevolent collaborate compromise Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Fo ld H er e An antagonist causes agony. antagonist \an TAG a nist\ (n.)—foe, opponent, adversary The photo taken by the camera of the whole group showed their camaraderie. camaraderie \KAHm RAH da ree\ (n.)—trust, sociability amongst friends Compassion is helping a companion to pass on through difficult times. compassion \kum PASH in\ (n.)—sympathy, helpfulness or mercy The congregation of rowdy congressmen grew impatient as they crowded in the station. congregation \KAHN gre GAY shin\ (n.)—a crowd of people, an assembly + Charge – Charge + Charge = Charge unfriendly friendly friendly friendly antagonist camaraderie compassion congregation Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Fo ld H er e The prisoners’ plans converged when the convict urged the other gents to join his escape attempt. convergence \kun VER jinss\ (n.)—the state of separate elements joining or coming together The emperor had no empathy; he was empty of sympathy for others. empathy \EM pu thee\ (n.)—identification with the feelings of others Miss Ann hated man (and woman) so she threw up at the community picnic. misanthropic \MIS an THROP ik\ (adj.)—characterized by a hatred or scorn for humankind Chewing on her pacifier, the baby became calm and pacific. pacific \pu SIF ik\ (adj.)—calm, peaceful + Charge + Charge – Charge + Charge friendly friendly unfriendly friendly convergence empathy misanthropic pacific Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Fo ld H er e Something deleterious deletes or destroys all it encounters. deleterious \DEL e TEER ee yuss\ (adj.)—harmful, destructive, detrimental The couple divorced because they were incompatible; the two were simply incapable of compromising. incompatible \IN kum PAT i bul\ (adj.)—opposed in nature, not able to live or work together To mitigate is to make milder. mitigate \MIT i gayt\ (v.)—to soften or make milder The placid island was like the peaceful place in my dreams. placid \PLAA sid\ (adj.)—undisturbed; calm, quiet – Charge – Charge + Charge + Charge unfriendly unfriendly friendly friendly deleterious incompatible mitigate placid Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Fo ld H er e One who is provocative provokes others to react. provocative \proh VOK u tiv\ (adj.)—tending to provoke a response, e.g., anger or disagreement The unfair ranking made the contestants rancorous. rancorous \RANK o russ\ (adj.)—bitter, hateful We recognized that the argument was silly and reconciled. reconciliation \REH kun SIL ee AY shin\ (n.)—the act of agreement after a quarrel, the resolution of a dispute A tactful person’s actions are in good taste. tactful \TAKT ful\ (adj.)—considerate, skillful in acting to avoid offense to others – Charge – Charge + Charge + Charge unfriendly unfriendly friendly friendly provocative rancorous reconciliation tactful Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Fo ld H er e The querulous customer bombarded the clerk with a list of questions and complaints. querulous \KWER u luss\ (adj.)—complaining, irritable Clouseau became reclusive after he retired; he gave no real clues as to where he lived. reclusive \ri KLOO siv\ (adj.)—preferring to live in isolation Sue suppressed the urge to press the doorbell for the fifth time. suppress \sup RESS\ (v.)—to end an activity, e.g., to prevent the dissemination of information A winsome smile will win some friends. winsome \WIN sum\ (adj.)—charming, happily engaging – Charge – Charge – Charge + Charge unfriendly unfriendly unfriendly friendly querulous reclusive suppress winsome Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards Vocabcards
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