Knowhow 3

1. I’m afraid I haven’t got enough money. Could you me some?

A. lend B. take C. owe D. borrow

2. This car is too expensive. We can’t it.

A. pay B. attempt C. afford D. earn

3. John asked his parents if they could pay off his .

A. barter B. winnings C. savings D. debts

4. I can’t this check because I don’t have any identification on me.

A. barter B. add C. cash D. charge

5. It is said that Ms. McCarty lives ; she spends her money very little and carefully.

A. meanly B. frugally C. initially D. extravagantly

6. Many people who are inspired by Linda’s generosity have made a lot of to the university.

A. charity B. contributions C. savings D. money

7. Jim was by the headmaster because he had saved a child from a burning house.

A. raised B. recognized C. pleased D. honored

8. Paul seldom lends us money. He thinks it may ruin our .

A. friendship B. friend C. relative D. loving


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 	C. with studying	D. in studying
He __________ for the bus since the last time we ___________by here.A. waited / have been passing	B. has waited / have passedC. had waited / passed 	D. has been waiting / passed
Could you tell me ______________to Linh Trung? - Number 8A. what number bus I should take	B. what number bus should I takeC. if I should take the number bus	D. when should I take the bus 
“What are you going to do this summer?" – “I’m not sure. Maybe I________ to my hometown.”A. am going to go back 	B. am coming backC. am going to come back 	D. will come back
Please put _________eggs in _________refrigerator.A. the / the 	B. the/ Æ	C.Æ /the 	D.Æ /Æ
He hurt his back when he fell, ________?A. doesn’t he	B. does he 	C. didn’t he 	D. did he 
Taking tests ________ you nervous, _________?A. make/ don’t they	B. makes / doesn’t itC. don’t make/ do they	D. make/ don’t you
Are you under __________stress while _________ the test?A. a lot of / doing 	B. a few/ makingC. many/ to do	D. much/ made
We __________well because we ___________by the noise.A. weren’t slept/ woke up	B. didn’t sleep/ woke upC. weren’t slept/ were woken up	D. didn’t sleep/were woken up
Having contact with nature ___________have health benefits but doctors aren’t sure yet.A. may 	B. might 	C. could 	D. All are correct 
Their news ______great, __________?A. is / isn’t it	B. are / aren’t theyC. does/ doesn’t it 	D. do / don’t they
Read the following article and choose the correct response.
	Here are some statistics that may heighten your interest in the Pacific Basin. Half of the world’s wealth and over half of its population live in the 34 countries and 23 island states that embrace the Basin, which itself consists of 70 square miles. Ninety five percent of the world’s natural silk can be found there as well as 88 percent of its natural rubber, 22 percent of its oil resources, and 64 percent of its cotton. Well over a thousand languages are spoken in the area, and it is the source of some of the richest religious and cultural traditions in the world.
	The most rapidly expanding economy in the region is Taiwan, with South Korea expected to be amongst the richest countries in the world in the twenty-first century. Not enough can be said about the market potential of China. As these countries continue to develop, their manufacturing capabilities will become increasing complex and their market for advanced technology will expand. The telecommunications industry, for instant, will soon take off. 
	It is the educated labor force as well as the work ethic that accounts for the growing manufacturing power of the Pacific nations. Lying on the trade routes to both East and West, this area has a unique advantage, something that few businesses can ignore.
Who was this report most likely intended for?A. Companies wanting to expand their market research.B. Translators for the Pacific region languageC. Natural rubber manufacturer D. The Department of Labor.
Only five percent of what product can be found outside the Pacific Basin?A. Oil A. Natural rubberC. Natural silkD. Cotton
How should readers of the report view the Pacific Basin?A. As an overly populated region with little buying powerB. As a growing marketC. As a forbidding competitorD. As a powerful opponent
Which industry is likely to develop vigorously in the Pacific Basin in the near future?A. Mobile phone manufacturersB. Rubber tire manufacturersC. Oil refineriesD. Clothing manufacturers
Why is the Pacific Basin becoming the focus of the business community?A. The cost of labor is considerable lessB. It is completely ready for great economic expansionC. The area has superior educational standardsD. There are few trade restrictions in the countries there
What can be said about Taiwan, South Korea and China?A. They are the richest countries in the world now.B. They are the most populated countries.C. They are expected to be the wealthiest nations in the near future.D. Their economies soon take off.
What is not mentioned in the article?A. The Pacific nations now have an educated labor force.B. The Pacific Basin lies on the trade routes to East as well as West.C. This area includes diversities of religious and cultural traditions.D. The global market of telecommunications industry will become increasing complex in the 21rst century.
How much wealth do the rest of the world produce? A. A half of the world’s wealthB. over halfC. 36 percentD. 12 percent
The word ‘expanding’ in line 8 is closest in meaning to A. developingB. enrichingC. continuingD. taking
The word ‘route’ in line 15 is closest in meaning to A. methodB. itineraryC. clueD. guide
Read the following passage and then choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best completes each blank.
The whale is the largest mammal in the world. Since the whale is shaped like a fish, why it is (81) 	 a mammal? The fact is that the whale did live on land a very long time ago. However, (82) 	 its thousand of years of living in water, the whale gradually became structured (83) 	 a fish. Thus, the whale has adapted to marine life. Nevertheless, though the whale resembles the fish externally, it still has the (84) 	 	 of a mammal.
One important (85) 	 between the whale and a fish is that the baby whale is born (86) 	 . It is not hatched from an egg. Furthermore, the baby whale is fed (87) 	 its mother’s milk just like other mammals.
Unlike other sea creatures, the whale is a (88) 	 blooded animal. It keeps (89) 	 warm in the cold water with a layer of blubber. “Blubber” is a layer of oily tissue that protects the (90) 	 organs and retains heat.
A. considered	B. chosen	C. told	D. got
A. while	B. when	C. as	D. during
A. as	B. like	C. same	D. likely
A. characteristics	B. factors	C. elements	D. characters
A. difference	B. comparison	C. selection	D. similarity
A. live	B. alive	C. lively	D. living
A. from	B. to	C. at	D. on
A. cold	B. cool	C. warm	D. hot
A. it	B. its	C. itself	D. it’s
A. external	B. internal	C. outside	D. side
A. Choose one best answer to fill in the blanks.
Remember that immigration and customs officials are very documented-minded. You should always carry your passport in a safe place (91)	 your person or if, not going far, (92)	 it in the hotel safe. If staying in a country for several weeks, it is worthwhile to (93)	 at your embassy or consulate. Then, if your passport is stolen, the (94)	 of replacing it is simpler and faster. Keeping photocopies of essential (95)	 and some additional passport-(96)	 photographs are recommended also. 
Remember that it is your (97)	 to ensure that your passport is stamped in and out when you cross the frontiers. The absence of entry and exit stamps can (98)	 serious difficulties (seek out the proper officials if the stamping process is not carried out as you cross). (99)	, do not lose your entry card, replacing it causes a lot of headaches and expense. Citizens of countries that require visas (e.g. France, Korea) can (100)	 more delays and problems at border crossings. 
A. on 	B. in	C. at	D. onto 
A. stay	B. take	C. leave	D. bring 
A. roll	B. sign	C. book	D. register 
A. duration	B. process	C. length	D. continuity 
A. documents	B. material	C. data	D. setting 
A. sized	B. measured	C. style	D. form 
A. decision	B. responsibility	C. authority	D. ability 
A. make	B. do	C. cause	D. let 
A. But	B. More	C. Yet	D. Also 
A. think	B. expect	C. know	D. understand 
Firefighters have had a hard time putting out a big fire near Boulder, Colorado. 
It took firefighters a long time to control the fire. It was very windy. One firefighter said that the winds can blow the fire out of the area very easily.
The fire destroyed 65 homes. During the worst part of the fire, people were asked to leave their homes. Police were worried that the empty homes might be looted. They checked every car going in and out of the fire area. 
One family returned to their home to find that only a small part of it had been hurt by the blaze. They felt very lucky to be able to repair the damage. The fire had come so close to their house that the girl had to run out with only her teddy bear. 
Another family lost only their outdoor toilet. Their cabin had no indoor plumbing so their outhouse was in the yard. They were thankful their home was not burned down.
What were firefighters afraid the weather would do? A. It would rain really hard. B. It would put the fire out very quickly. C. It would blow the fire out of the area. D. The area would be flooded with water.
Why did one family feel lucky?A. They moved to a new city. B. Their home was not destroyed.C. They were given money for a new house. D. They met the fire brigade. 
What were police checking for when they checked all the cars leaving the area? A. for pets B. items that were looted from the homes C. cars who may have engine trouble.D. for injured people. 
Why did the little girl grab just her teddy bear? A. It was her dog's favorite toy.B. She had to leave very quickly. C. It was right next to her pillow. D. Her mother told her to do so.
With the homes empty, police were afraid that they might be _____.A. looted B. dried C. flooded D. burned
_____have had a hard time putting out a big fire in Boulder, Colorado.A. Home ownersB. Firemen C. Policemen D. Rescuers
Their cabin had no indoor _____ so their outhouse was in the yard.A. walls B. water C. plumbing D. doors
Because of high winds, it took firefighters a long time to _____.A. get to each house B. control the fire C. leave their homes D. move the home owners out of the area.
During the worst part of the fire, people were asked to _____.A. help fight the fire B. leave their homes C. put water on the fire D. protect their properties
What does ‘loot’ mean?A. protect the houseB. stay away from the houseC. destroy D. steal things from unprotected place.

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