Từ vựng Kanji

1 one 71 fish guts

686 from 97 complete 8 eight 10 ten

91 street 2 two 83 sword 696 or again

7 seven 951 person 858 power

9 nine 779 enter 444 spoon

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43 interchange 筒 944 cylinder 遍 1824 everywhere
塔 254 pagoda 最 821 utmost 答 947 solution 過 1293 overdo
塚 1039 hillock 朝 52 morning 策 948 scheme 道 277 road-way
塀 1056 fence 期 1765 period 粧 923 cosmetics 達 552 accomplished
塁 1734 bases 棋 1763 chess piece 結 1351 tie 遅 1067 slow
奥 928 core 棒 1575 rod 絶 1754 discontinue 酢 1434 vinegar
婿 395 bridegroom 棟 505 ridgepole 絞 1348 strangle 殖 811 augment
媒 1761 mediator 森 197 forest 絡 1350 entwine 量 177 quantity
媛 1950
woman 棺 1272 coffin 給 1349 salary 鈍 1495 dull
富 193 wealth 植 205 plant 統 1347 overall 開 1622 open
寒 1526 cold 棚 202 shelf 絵 1346 picture 閑 1625 leisure
蜜 776 honey 極 1903 poles 紫 1375 purple 間 1620 interval
尊 1439 revered 検 1673 examination 着 555 don 陽 1300 sunshine
尋 1145 inquire 欺 1762 deceit 脹 1923 dilate 隅 1958 corner
就 1969 concerning 款 1097 goodwill 腕 1418 arm 隊 1306 regiment
属 1953 belong 減 366 dwindle 落 299 fall 階 1309 story
嵐 777 storm 渡 1195 transit 葉 228 leaf 随 1298 follow
帽 408 cap 渦 1292 whirlpool 葬 816 interment 雄 743 male
幅 407 hanging scroll 測 149 fathom 蛮 1747 barbarian 集 559 gather
幾 1381 how many 港 1800 harbor 衆 1857 masses 雇 1083 employ
廊 1852 corridor 湖 148 lake 街 890 boulevard 雰 2028 atmosphere
廃 1706 abolish 湯 546 hot water 裁 397 tailor 雲 423 cloud
弾 1931 bullet 温 1452 warm 裂 813 split 項 82 paragraph
復 875 restore 滋 1388 nourishing 装 398 attire 順 129 obey
御 1398 honorable 満 1169 full 裕 793 abundant 須 1718 ought
循 1854 sequential 湿 1788 damp 補 1840 supplement 飲 1474 drink
悲 1635 sad 湾 1749 gulf 覚 325 memorize 飯 1473 meal
惑 614 beguile 無 1775 nothingness 訴 1139 accusation 歯 1171 tooth
惰 629 lazy 焦 557 char 診 1724 checkup
愉 628 pleasure 然 241 sort of thing 詐 1141 lie
慌 624 disconcerted 煮 1257 boil 詔 342 imperial edict
傑 999 greatness 搾 1324 squeeze 福 1090 blessing 賄 80 bribe
催 987 sponsor 摂 1739 vicarious 禅 1930 Zen 資 473 assets
債 1544 bond 数 929 number 稚 896 immature 賊 357 burglar
996 wound 1502 new 1464 node 1746 tracks
傷 新 節 跡
傾 1011 lean 暇 1882 spare time 絹 1368 silk 路 1282 path
働 1678 work 暖 1949 warmth 継 1370 inherit 跳 1284 hop
僧 982 Buddhist priest 暗 480 darkness 続 1345 continue 践 1286 tread
勢 1515 forces 幌 410 canopy 罪 1636 guilt 較 1277 contrast
勧 864 persuade 棄 758 abandon 置 832 placement 載 359 load
嗣 1867 heir 業 1792 profession 署 1259 signature 辞 1497 resign
嘆 1579 sigh 楽 1735 music 群 1163 flock 農 2014 agriculture
園 585 park 楼 930 watchtower 義 641 righteousness 違 1644 difference
塊 2024 clod 歳 512 year-end 羨 553 envious 遠 402 distant
塑 1960 model 殿 1805 Mr. 聖 825 holy 遣 1773 dispatch
塗 1663 paint 源 142 source 腰 1605 loins 酬 1432 repay
墓 231 grave 準 564 semi- 腸 544 intestines 酪 1433 dairy products
夢 305 dream 溝 1819 gutter 腹 464 abdomen 鈴 1406 small bell
奨 732 exhort 溶 791 melt 艇 1876 rowboat 鉛 794 lead (metal)
嫁 542 marry into 滅 365 destroy 蒲 1838 bullrush 鉢 271 bowl
嫌 1598 dislike 滑 1289 slippery 蒸 1900 steam 鉄 846 iron
寝 1150 lie down 滞 416 stagnate 蓄 1385 amass 鉱 741 mineral
寛 226 tolerant 漠 230 vague 虜 1991 captive 隔 1312 isolate
幕 409 curtain 漢 1578 Sino- 虞 1995 uneasiness 零 1402 zero
幹 1654 tree trunk 滝 537 waterfall 裏 399 back 雷 425 thunder
廉 1601 bargain 煙 1612 smoke 裸 1124 naked 電 535 electricity
微 889 delicate 照 170 illuminate 褐 453 brown 靴 1894 shoes
想 609 concept 煩 163 anxiety 解 1814 unravel 預 1595 deposit
愁 901 distress 猿 403 monkey 触 1813 contact 頑 61 stubborn
意 608 idea 献 1615 offering 試 354 test 頒 783 partition
愚 1957 foolish 痴 1683 stupid 詩 346 poem 飼 1866 domesticate
愛 737 love 盟 1450 alliance 詰 343 packed 飽 1480 sated
615 emotion 1583 drowsy 344 tale 1477 decorate
感 睡 話 飾
慈 1389 mercy 睦 1514 intimate 該 1522 above-stated 塩 1458 salt
慎 630 humility 督 719 coach 詳 550 detailed 鼓 1444 drum
慨 1483 rue 碁 1766 Go 誇 1244 boast 鳩 1946 pigeon
戦 1929 war 椿 1569 camellia 誠 363 sincerity 雅 1907 gracious
損 666 damage 楠 1614 camphor tree 誉 1939 reputation
搬 1873 conveyor 禁 1098 prohibition 豊 1443 bountiful
携 687 portable 禍 1291 calamity 賃 1004 fare
像 1977 statue 概 1482 outline 緑 1371 green 酵 1430 fermentation
僕 1794 me 模 229 imitation 維 1341 fiber 酷 1431 cruel
僚 1707 colleague 様 933 Esq. 綱 1963 hawser 酸 1437 acid
塾 309 cram school 歌 469 song 網 1373 netting 銀 1459 silver
境 484 boundary 歴 376 curriculum 綿 1367 cotton 銃 762 gun
増 502 increase 滴 442 drip 緒 1344 thong 銅 272 copper
墨 175 black ink 漁 172 fishing 練 1343 practice 銑 270 pig iron
奪 566 rob 漂 1607 drift 総 1366 general 銘 275 inscription
嫡 440 legitimate wife 漆 932 lacquer 罰 833 penalty 銭 368 coin
察 1103 guess 漏 1068 leak 聞 1626 hear 閣 1624 tower
寡 617 widow 演 2007 performance 腐 1023 rot 閥 1619 clique
寧 834 rather 漫 830 loose 膜 233 membrane 関 2017 connection
窪 1323 depression 漬 1545 pickling 蔦 1945 vine 際 1296 occasion
層 1065 stratum 漸 1135 steadily 製 419 made in... 障 1297 hinder
裳 800 skirt 漕 1175 rowing 複 465 duplicate 隠 1313 conceal
彰 1715 patent 熊 2003 bear 誌 601 document 雑 562 miscellaneous
徴 887 indications 獄 338 prison 認 598 acknowledge 需 1165 demand
徳 885 benevolence 疑 1410 doubt 誓 1133 vow 静 1540 quiet
態 2005 attitude 碑 1512 tombstone 誘 916 entice 領 1405 jurisdiction
慕 633 pining 磁 1390 magnet 語 347 word 駄 1986 burdensome
慢 829 ridicule 種 1679 species 誤 1899 mistake 駆 1983 drive
慣 627 accustomed 稲 910 rice plant 説 499 explanation 駅 1984 station
憎 626 hate 穀 917 cereals 読 348 read 髪 1924
hair of the 
摘 657 pinch 端 1167 edge 豪 543 overpowering 魂 2021 soul
旗 1764 national flag 箇 2029 item 踊 1409 jump 鳴 1942 chirp
暮 232 livelihood 算 946 calculate 適 441 suitable 鼻 678 nose
暦 213 calendar 管 1273 pipe 遭 1174 encounter 雌 563 female
構 1818 posture 精 1535 refined 遮 1192 intercept
儀 984 ceremony 撲 1793 slap 箱 942 box 賜 1052 grant
億 983
million 撃 709 beat 範 1413 pattern 賞 796 prize
劇 1997 drama 敵 443 enemy 緊 1374 tense 賠 476 compensation
勲 1677
deed 敷 1883 spread 線 1339 line 賦 378 levy
器 121 utensil 暫 1134 temporarily 締 1340 tighten 質 1137 substance
噴 1197 erupt 暴 1801 outburst 縁 1372 affinity 賛 843 approve
嘱 1954 entrust 槽 1176 vat 編 1825 compilation 趣 820 gist
嬌 430 attractive 標 1608 signpost 緩 1952 slacken 賭 1264 gamble
墜 1307 crash 横 1751 sideways 縄 1377 straw rope 踏 1287 step
墳 1198 tomb 権 571 authority 罷 2032 quit 輝 302 radiance
審 1910 hearing 歓 570 delight 膚 1992 skin 輩 1637 comrade
寮 1708 dormitory 潔 1548 undefiled 舗 1839 shop 輪 1822 wheel
導 278 guidance 潜 844 submerge 舞 1774 dance 遵 2031 abide by
履 1057 footgear 潟 2039 lagoon 蝶 521 butterfly 遷 1610 transition
幣 1040 cash 潤 1627 wet 蔵 850 storehouse 選 1804 elect
弊 1041 abuse 潮 141 tide 衝 1680 collide 遺 1772 bequeath
影 1712 shadow 澄 1704 lucidity 褒 998 praise 鋭 500 pointed
徹 886 penetrate 熟 310 mellow 課 1123 chapter 鋳 1566 casting
慮 1996 prudence 熱 1516 heat 調 349 tune 閲 1618 review
慰 1096 consolation 監 1453 oversee 談 350 discuss 震 2010 quake
慶 2001 jubilation 盤 1872 tray 請 1536 solicit 霊 1791 spirits
憂 616 melancholy 確 567 assurance 論 1820 argument 養 1479 foster
憤 1199 aroused 稼 893 earnings 誕 393 nativity 餓 1476 starve
戯 1994 frolic 稿 892 draft 諸 1261 various 駐 1982 parking
摩 639 chafe 穂 909 ear of a plant 諾 351 consent 駒 1979 pony
撤 760 remove 窮 1326 hard up 謁 452 audience 魅 2023 fascination
撮 822 snapshot 窯 1325 kiln 賓 511 V.I.P. 黙 240 silence
儒 1166 Confucian 樹 1446 timber-trees 縦 1338 vertical 頼 1665 trust
凝 1412 congeal 橋 429 bridge 繁 1337 luxuriant 輸 289 transport
墾 1971 groundbreaking機 1382 mechanism 膨 1719 swell 避 1501 evade
壁 1500 wall 激 497 violent 興 1426 entertain 還 837 send back
壌 1529 lot 濁 835 voiced 薄 227 dilute 鋼 1962 steel
壇 587 podium 濃 2015 concentrated 薪 1503 firewood 録 1144 record
壊 400 demolition 燃 510 burn 薦 2000 recommend 錘 1584 spindle
奮 565 stirred up 獲 701 seize 薫 1681 fragrant 錠 383 lock
嬢 1530 lass 獣 1933 animal 薬 1736 medicine 錯 1185 confused
憩 611 recess 磨 594 grind 融 1044 dissolve 錬 2030 tempering
操 671 maneuver 積 1543 volume 衛 1646 defense 隣 1311 neighboring
整 1670 organize 穏 1147 calm 衡 891 equilibrium 錦 411 brocade
曇 424 cloudy weather築 950 fabricate 親 1504 parent 隷 2036 slave
憲 1554 constitution 篤 1988 fervent 諭 352 rebuke 頭 1441 head
憶 632 recollection 糖 1158 sugar 諮 475 consult with 館 1478 Bldg.
憾 631 remorse 緯 1645 horizontal 謀 1760 conspire
懐 828 pocket 縛 1376 truss 謡 1968 Noh chanting
擁 1387 hug 縫 1563 sew 賢 852 intelligent
償 985 reparation 爵 1463 baron 繊 1790 slender 購 1817 subscription
優 993 tenderness 矯 1221 rectify 翼 1798 wing 頻 373 repeatedly
嚇 2026 upbraid 犠 643 sacrifice 聴 827 listen 轄 1552 control
厳 1936 stern 環 836 ring 覧 855 perusal 醜 2020 ugly
懇 1970 sociable 療 1709 heal 謄 1211 facsimilie 鍛 1860 forge
擦 1104 grate 瞳 437 pupil 謙 1600 self-effacing 霜 426 frost
擬 1411 mimic 礁 558 reef 講 1816 lecture 鮮 551 fresh
濯 577 laundry 績 1542 exploits 謝 1250 apologize 齢 1403 age
燥 215 parch 縮 1336 shrink 謹 1576 discreet
韓 1647 Korea 糧 926 provisions 観 572 outlook 類 931 sort
懲 888 penal 織 1334 weave 贈 503 presents 顕 1789 appear
曜 576 weekday 繕 1335 darning 鎖 1937 chain 翻 1911 flip
濫 1454 overflow 繭 1880 cocoon 鎮 276 tranquillize 騎 1981 equestrian
癒 2037 healing 職 824 post 鎌 1599 sickle 騒 1985 boisterous
癖 1691 mannerism 臨 854 look to 難 1580 difficult 験 1980 verification
瞬 817 wink 藩 1912 clan 離 1492 detach 鯉 176 carp
礎 394 cornerstone 藤 1210 wisteria 題 389 topic 闘 1629 fight
穫 908 harvest 襟 1099 collar 額 295 forehead
簡 1621 simplicity 覆 1611 capsize 顔 1717 face
瀬 1666 rapids 臓 851 entrails 警 336 admonish 髄 1290 marrow
爆 1802 bomb 藻 2035 seaweed 鏡 483 mirror 鯨 315 whale
簿 949 register 覇 1895 hegemony 霧 1228 fog 鶏 1947 chicken
繰 1369 winding 識 482 discriminating韻 481 rhyme 艶 1755 glossy
羅 1342 gauze 譜 1787 musical score 願 135 petition 麗 2002 lovely
欄 1628 column 議 642 deliberation 醸 1527 brew 騰 1989 inflation
競 434 vie 護 700 safeguard 鐘 438 bell 懸 1394 suspend
籍 1567 enroll 譲 1528 defer 響 1850 echo
艦 1875 warship 露 1283 dew 鶴 1943 crane
躍 1285 leap 顧 1084 look back 魔 2022 witch
驚 1987 wonder 襲 2025 attack
鑑 1455 specimen

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