Topica - Unit 1: Greeting
After this unit, students will be able to:
Sau bài học này sinh viên sẽ có thể:
• Use some sentence structures to greet and introduce themselves.
Sử dụng một số mẫu câu thường gặp để chào hỏi và tự giới thiệu.
• Use the verb To be, possessive adjectives and articles.
Sử dụng động từ To be, các tính từ sở hữu và các mạo từ.
• Know how to greet and ask other people about their countries and nationalities.
Biết cách chào hỏi và hỏi người khác về quốc gia và quốc tịch của họ.
• Pronounce vowel sounds in English.
Phát âm các nguyên âm trong tiếng Anh.
• Write sentences to introduce themselves
Viết câu để tự giới thiệu.
____ Student Yes No Age ________ Address Via Foro ________ Postcode ________ E-mail address Phone number ________ Mobile number ________ Where are you from? I’m French I’m from Paris 18 Unit 1: Greeting Practice asking about people and things in the pictures Thực hành hỏi về người và vật trong tranh. Hỏi về những thông tin cá nhân Practice asking about personal information Thực hành hỏi về những thông tin cá nhân của bản thân, sau đó điền thông tin vào bảng (sử dụng những câu hỏi đã học trong bài nghe) Yumi - Japan Bella – Gabriel America Carlos - Brazil Kimchi - Korea Cappuccino - Italy Sushi - Japan B. Asking about personal information First name Surname Country/City Student Age Address Postcode E-mail address Phone number Mobile number What’s your first name? My name’s Bella. 19 Unit 1: Greeting B. Based on the above writing, write information about Tiago, Luc and Diminique A. Following is some information about Svetlanna Surname Costa First name Tiago From Brazil Job Student Age 19 1. ...................................................................... 2. ...................................................................... 3. ...................................................................... 4. ...................................................................... Dựa vào bài viết trên đây, viết thông tin giới thiệu Tiago, Luc và Dominique Dưới đây là một số thông tin về Svetlanna Surname Leclerc First name Luc and Dominique From France Job Doctor Age Luc- 40 Dominique- 41 1. ................................... .................................... 2. .................................... .................................... 3. ..................................... .................................... 4. ................................... ................................... Surname Mariskova First name Svetlana From Russia Job Teacher Age 30 She’s Svetlana Mariskova. She’s from Russia. She’s a teacher. 20 Unit 1: Greeting Trả lời những câu hỏi về chính cá nhân bạn 1. What’s your surname? ..................................................................... 2. What’s your first name? ..................................................................... 3. Where are you from? ..................................................................... 4. What’s your job? ..................................................................... 5. What’s your address? ..................................................................... 6. What’s your phone number? ..................................................................... 7. How old are you? ..................................................................... 8. Are you married? ..................................................................... C. Answer the questions about yourself 21 Unit 1: Greeting WARMING UP - KHỞI ĐỘNG B. 1. This is Marco. He’s from Italy. 2. This is Emma. She’s from England. 3. These are Lisa and Mike. They are from the USA. GRAMMAR - NGỮ PHÁP B. 1. 1. is 2. are 3. am 4. are 5. is 6. are 7. is 2. 1. I’m not British. 2. They aren’t Brazilian. 3. It isn’t Mexican food. 4. She isn’t Italian. 5. We aren’t from England. 6. You aren’t Japanese. 7. He isn’t from the USA. 3. 1. Are you in room 13? No, I’m not. 2. Is it German? No, it isn’t. 3. Are they from Italy? No, they aren’t. 4. Are you in class 2? Yes, we are. 5. Is she Chinese? Yes, she is. 6. Are you Chinese? No, I’m not. 7. Is he from Scotland? No, he isn’t. C. 1. 1. Your 2. Their 3. Its 4. Her 5. Our 6. His 7. My 2. 1. Marco: Emma, this is my friend, Carlo. 2. A: What’s your name? Emma: Hello, Carlo. And this is my sister, Jenny. B: Lisa Marco: Hi, Jenny. 3. My name is Mike Brown. 4. I have a brother. His name is Paolo. 6. A: Hello. My name Lisa. What’s your name? 5. Rosa is from Spain. Her flat is in Madrid. B: Mike. 7. Is he from Scotland? No, he isn’t. A: Where are you from, Mike? B: I’m from Boston. Where are you from? A: I’m from Boston, too! D. 1. A boy An orange An ice-cream A bicycle An egg An umbrella A key A train A pen A camera A chair An ink pot 2. 1. an American car 2. a French drink 3. a Japanese camera 4. an international language. 5. an Italian city 6. an American car 7. an English university 22 Unit 1: Greeting BÀI TẬP NÂNG CAO 1. 1. am 2. are 3. is 4. is 5. are 6. am 7. is 8. are 9. are/ are 2. 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. a 3. 1. A: Hello. What’s your name? B: Emma. What’s your name? A: My name is Lisa. Where are you from Emma? B: I am from London. Where are you from? A: I am from Boston. 2. A: Hello. My name’s Jenny. 4. John: Ann, this is my brother, Dick. B: What’s your name? Ann: Hello, Dick. 3. Is Catherine your sister? Dick: Hello. 5. “What’s your name?” “Elizabeth.” 6. My name is James Baker. 7. I have son. His name is David. 8. Marie is from France. Her flat is in Paris. 3. 1. What’s his name? 2. Is her mother German? 3. Where are your parents from? 4. Is your surname Zablowski? 5. How do you spell your name? VOCABULARY - TỪ VỰNG A. 1. A: 2 B: 1 C: 4 D: 3 2. Hello My name’s … Very well thank you Hi I’m … fine thanks B. 1. a. Russian nesting doll - RUSSIA b. Pizza - c. Hanbok - KOREA d. Double - decker - ENGLAND e. Baseball - The UNITED STATES f. Sydney Harbor - AUSTRALIA g. Louis Vuitton bag - FRANCE h. Mercedes Benz - GERMANY 2. a. Country Nationality England Ireland Scotland Spain -ish English Irish Scottish Spanish Germany The United States of America -an German American 23 Unit 1: Greeting b. 1. d 2.f 3. i 4. j 5. b 6. l 7. a 8. e 9. k 10. m 11. h 12. c 13. g c. Japan Japanese Germany German China Chinese Italy Italian The United States American Russia Russian 3. 1. eight two seven file 2. Ireland Chinese Thailand Spain 3. Polish Italian Japanese France 4. we you her he 5. they his our my 6. where how what watch 7. listen read pen look 8. sixteen forty ninety eighty SPEAKING - BÀI ĐỌC 1. 1. am 2. sister 3. live 4. want 5. language 6. name 7. a 8. am 3. 1. What’s her surname? 2. What her first name? 3. Where is she from? 4. What’s her job? 5. What’s her address? 6. What’s her phone number? 7. How old is she? 8. Is she American? PRONUNCIATION - PHÁT ÂM A. Argentina Brazil -ian Argentinian Brazilian China Japan -ese Chinese Japanese France French Thailand Thai Fish Tree Cat Boot Train Bike it this is he she we am thank s you they name I Hi my 24 Unit 1: Greeting B. a. Where’s he from? chair b. Ben’s French egg c. I’m not Scottish clock d. I’m American computer e. Are you from France? car f. No, I’m Polish. phone C. 1. /æ/ what bag stamps 2. /i:/ key meet they 3. /ɑ:/ glasses France table 4. /əu/ mobile go one 5. /I/ his China sit LISTENING - BÀI NGHE A. 1. A: Are you English? 2. A: Where are you from? B: No, I’m Scottish. I’m from Edinburgh. B: We’re from the United States. A: Are you on holiday? B: No, we aren’t. We are on business. 3. A: Where’s she from? Is she Spanish? B: No, she isn’t. She’s Argentinian. She’s from Buenos Aires. 4. A: Mmm, delicious. Is it German? B: No, it isn’t. It’s French. B. 1. 2. a. What’s your first name? b. What’s your surname? c. How do you spell it? d. Where are you from? e. Are you a student? f. How old are you? g. What’s your address? h. What’s your postcode? i. What’s your email address? j. What’s your phone number? WRITING - BÀI VIẾT B. 1. He’s Tiago Costa 2. He’s from Brazil. 3. He’s a student. 4. He’s nineteen 5. They are Luc and Dominique Leclerc 6. They are from France. 7. They are doctors. 8. Luc is 40. 9. Dominique is 41. First name Mario Surname Benedetti Country/City Italy/Rome Student Yes Age 20 Address Via Foro 25 Postcode Rome 00132 E-mail address Phone number 06 840 5517 Mobile number 348 226 7341 25 Unit 1: Greeting English words Part of speech Vietnamese equivalents A address n địa chỉ age n tuổi american adj người Mỹ/thuộc nước Mỹ argentina n nước Achentina argentinian adj người Achentina/thuộc nước Achentina Australia n nước Úc Australian adj người Úc/thuộc nước Úc B bag n túi baseball n bóng chày brazil n nước Brazil brazilian adj người Brazil/thuộc nước Brazil C car n ô tô China n Trung Quốc Chinese adj tiếng Trung Quốc, người Trung Quốc cousin n anh/chị/em họ country n Nước/ quốc gia D doll n búp bê double - decker n xe buýt hai tầng E England n Nước Anh English adj Tiếng Anh, người Anh F first name n Tên thánh France n Nước Pháp French adj Tiếng Pháp, người Pháp G German adj Tiếng Đức, người Đức Germany n Nước Đức good afternoon n chào buổi chiều good evening n chào buổi tối good morning n chào buổi sáng H hanbok n trang phục truyền thống của phụ nữ Hàn Quốc harbor n Cầu cảng Hungarian adj Tiếng Hung-ga-ri, người Hung-ga-ri 26 Unit 1: Greeting Hungary n nước Hung-ga-ri I international adj Quốc tế Ireland n Nước Ireland Irish adj Người Ireland/tiếng Ireland Italian adj Tiếng Ý, người Ý Italy n Nước Ý J Japan n nước Nhật Bản Japanese adj Tiếng Nhật, người Nhật K Korea n nước Hàn Quốc Korean L adj Tiếng Hàn Quốc, người Hàn Quốc language n ngôn ngữ N nationality n quốc tịch P pizza n bánh pizza Poland n nước Ba Lan Polish adj Tiếng Ba Lan, người Ba Lan Portugal n nước Bồ Đào Nha Portuguese adj Tiếng Bồ Đào Nha, người Bồ Đào Nha postcode n mã thư tín R Russia n Nước Nga Russian adj Tiếng Nga, người Nga S Scotland n nước Scotland Scottish adj Người Scotland spaghetti n mỳ Ý/mỳ ống Spain n Nước Tây Ban Nha Spanish adj Tiếng Tây Ban Nha, người Tây Ban Nha spell n Đánh vần surname n Họ T Thai adj Người Thái, tiếng Thái Thailand n nước Thái lan thank you v cám ơn thanks n cám ơn The United States n nước Hoa Kỳ/Mỹ U university n trường đại học
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