Tiếng Nhật cơ bản

A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.

1. ( (that) ) kata wa ( (who) ) desu ka.

2. ( (this) ) kata no namae wa ( (what) ) desu ka.

3. Suzuki-san wa ( (where) ) umare desu ka.

4. America no ( (where) ) desu ka.

B. Answer the question based on the dialogue.

1. Mearii-san wa Amerika-jin desu ka.

2. Mearii-san wadoko-umare dusu ka.

3. Suzuki-san wa kyoto umare desu ka.

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5. Nihon mo atsui desu ka. 
 Click here to check the answers!! 
LESSON 5 - Yota's Birthday and Mary's Parents 
In this lesson, Mr. Suzuki asks Mr. Miller about his age and Mary about her parents. 
 Yota: Miraa-san wa nansai desu ka. 
 Mr. Miller, how old are you? 
 Jason: Jyuu-nana-sai desu. Suzuki-san wa. 
 I am seventeen (years old). How about you, Mr. Suzuki? 
 Yota: Jyuu-kyuu-sai desu. Kinoo wa tanjoobi deshita. 
 I am nineteen (years old). Yesterday was my birthday. 
 Jason: Soo desu ka. Omedetoo gozaimasu. 
Tiếng Nhật cơ bản Đào Ngọc Sắc 
 Oh really? Happy birthday. 
 Yota: Arigatoo. Miraa-san no otoo-san to okaa-san wa ogenki desu ka. 
 Thank you. Are your father and mother doing well (in good spirits)? 
 Jason: Hai, genki desu. 
 Yes, they are fine. 
 Yota: Mearii-san, otoo-san to okaa-san wa doko desu ka. 
 Mary, where are your father and mother? 
 Mary: Meruborun desu. 
 They live in Melbourne. 
 Yota: Oshigoto wa nan desu ka. 
 What do they do for a living? 
 Mary: Chichi wa kaisha-in de, haha wa kookoo no kyooshi desu. 
 My father is a businessman and my mother is a high school instructor. 
 Yota: Aa, sensei desu ka. 
 Oh, a teacher? 
 Mary: Hai, rekishi no sensei desu. 
 Yes, she is a history teacher. 
Listen to Dialog up to this point. (.wav file) 
nansai how old 
-sai number suffix for age 
ichi one 
ni two 
san three 
shi, yon four 
go five 
roku six 
Tiếng Nhật cơ bản Đào Ngọc Sắc 
shichi, nana seven 
hachi eight 
kyuu, ku nine 
jyuu ten 
kinoo yesterday 
tanjoobi birthday 
deshita was; were (past tense of desu) 
omedetoo-gozaimasu congratulations 
otoo-san father (someone else's) 
okaa-san mother (someone else's) 
shigoto job (informal) 
oshigoto job (formal) 
chichi father (the speaker's) 
haha mother (the speaker's) 
kaisha-in businessman; white collar worker 
kyooshi instructor 
sensei teacher 
rekishi history 
Listen to Vocabulary. (.wav file) 
1. Miraa-san, nan-sai desu ka. 
The first sentence means, "Mr. Miller, how old are you?" Nansai is a compound of the 
word nan, meaning "what" and the ending -sai, meaning "age." The second sentence 
means "I am seventeen (years old)." The addition of -sai to jyuu-nana changes the 
meaning of jyuu-nana from simply the number seventeen to seventeen years old. 
Examples: A: Shaafu-san, nan-sai desu ka. 
(A: Mr. Shauf, how old are you?) 
 B: Ni-jyuu-nana-sai desu. 
(B: I am twenty-seven [years old].) 
2. Miraa-san no otoo-san to okaa-san wa ogenki desu ka. 
This sentence means, "Mr. Miller, are your father and mother well?" This sentence 
introduces a new pattern: Noun to noun wa. To is a particle which is the Japanese 
equivalent of the English "and." 
Examples: Wootaaman-san to Furiimanu wa tomodachi desu. 
(Mr. Waterman and Mr. Freeman are friends.) 
 Sumisu-san to Tanaka-san wa sensei desu. 
Tiếng Nhật cơ bản Đào Ngọc Sắc 
(Mr. Smith and Mr. Tanaka are teachers.) 
3. Chichi wa kaisha-in de, haha wa kookoo no kyooshi desu. 
This sentence above means, "My father is a businessman and my mother is high school 
instructor." This introduces the pattern: noun de noun desu. De is a shortened form of 
desu which acts as a connector of two sentences, adding the conjunction "and" to the 
Examples: Woorasu-san wa rekishi no sensei de Gaadana-san wa eigo no sensei desu. 
(Mr. Wallace is a history teacher and Mr. Gardner is an English teacher. [Eigo=English]) 
 Mearii-san wa ni-jyuu-go-sai de Jyuuri-san wa ni-jyuu-roku-sai desu. 
(Mary is twenty-five [years old] and Julie is twenty-six [years old].) 
Listen to the sentences in Grammar notes. (.wav file) 
 A. Say the following numbers in Japanese. 
1. 7 
2. 10 
3. 15 
4. 20 
5. 23 
6. 34 
7. 57 
8. 68 
9. 81 
10. 96 
11. 100 
12. 121 
13. 135 
B. How do you say the following? 
1. I am sixteen years old. 
2. I am twenty-two years old. 
3. Are you twenty-five years old? 
4. How old are you? 
C. Fill in the following blanks. 
1. Sumisu-san ( ), Tanaka-san ( ) gakusei desu. 
2. Chichi ( ) kyoshi ( ), haha wa kaisha-in desu. 
 Click here to check the answers!! 
Japanese Language Lessons 
Tiếng Nhật cơ bản Đào Ngọc Sắc 
LESSON 6 - The Weekend / Japanese Writing 
(しゅうまつ / ひらがなとカタカナ) 
Today, before you learn a dialogue, you are going to learn how to write Japanese 
characters. There are three Japanese writing systems: 
1. Kanji: Characters imported from China long ago, each conveying an idea, usually 
having two readings. A set of more than 7,000 ideographic characters used to represent 
concrete concepts such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. 
2. Hiragana: A phoenetic alphabet, or syllabary (a set of characters, where each 
character represents a syllable) used to represent particles in sentences, verb inflexions 
(this usage is called okurigana), and other words not written in kanji. Another use is to 
write them above Japanese text to indicate the pronunciation of Kanji (this usage is 
called furigana). 
3. Katakana: Another phonetic alphabet or syllabary used primarily for foreign names 
or places and words of foreign origin. Katakana are written using straight lines. 
Besides these three writing systems, Japanese is sometimes written in Roman letters 
called roomaji. The three systems of writing above are used together (mixed) in written 
For those of you who would like to view the romaji for this lesson, you can click here to 
download or view a text file that contains the romaji. (Right click the link if you would like 
to save the file to your computer instead of viewing online.) If the file shows in your 
browser, click "Back" to return to this lesson. We recommend this only be used as a 
study aid, as we believe it is more beneficial when learning Japanese to learn the kana. 
Get the Romaji for this lesson. 
ようた: メアリー さん、こんど の しゅうまつ なに を します か。 
 Mary, what will you do this weekend? 
メアリー: かいもの に いきます。 
 I'm going shopping. 
ようた: どこ へ いきます か。 
 Where will you go (shopping)? 
Tiếng Nhật cơ bản Đào Ngọc Sắc 
メアリー: しんじゅく へ いきます。 
 I will go to Shinjuku. 
ようた: なに を かいます か。 
 What will you buy? 
メアリー: まだ わかりません が、たぶん ようふく を かいます。 
 I don't know yet, but perhaps I will buy some clothes. 
メアリー: すずきさん は なに を しますか。 
 Mr. Suzuki, what will you do? 
ようた: うち で べんきょう します。 
 I will study at home. 
メアリー: どう して です か。 
ようた: げつようび に しけん が あります から。 
 I have a test on Monday. 
メアリー: なん の しけん です か。 
 What kind of test? 
ようた: けいざい です。 
 An economics test. 
メアリー: そう です か。がんばって ください。 
 Oh really? Good luck. 
Listen to Dialog up to this point. (.wav file) 
こんど this(the upcoming) 
しゅうまつ weekend 
Tiếng Nhật cơ bản Đào Ngọc Sắc 
します to do 
かいもの shopping 
いきます to go 
に to; at; on 
へ to 
しんじゅく Shinjuku 
かいます to buy 
まだ yet 
たぶん perhaps 
ようふく Western-style clothes 
うち house (speaker's) 
で at 
うち で at my house 
べんきょう します to study 
どうして why 
げつようび Monday 
しけん test, exam 
が あります to have 
から because of (preceding sentence) 
けいざい economics 
がんばって ください Good Luck 
Listen to Vocabulary. (.wav file) 
1. メアリー さん、こんど の しゅうまつ なに を します か。 
This sentence means "Mary, what will you do this (coming) weekend?" こんど is the 
equivalent of "this" or "this coming" in English, referring to the present or something 
which will occur soon. 
Examples: ウォーターマン さん、こんど の どうようび なに を します か。 
(Mr. Waterman, what will you do this [coming] Saturday?) 
します (Shimasu) is a verb meaning "to do." It is a semi-formal form and is used in 
everyday life. All Japanese verbs have semi-formal forms. (non-past affirmative, non-
past negative, past affirmative, past negative) 
 non-past past 
 affirmative negative affirmative negative 
to do します しません しました しませんでした 
Tiếng Nhật cơ bản Đào Ngọc Sắc 
to go いきます いきません いきました いきませんでした 
to buy かいます かいません かいました かいませんでした 
to understand わかります わかりません わかりました わかりませんでした 
to study べんきょうします べんきょうしません べんきょうしました べんきょうしませんでした 
to have あります ありません ありました ありませんでした 
Examples: どこ へ いきます か。 
(Where are you going?) 
 どこ へ いきました か。 
(Where did you go?) 
 とうきょう へ いきました。 
(I went to Tokyo.) 
 ようふく を かいました か。 
(Did you but clothes?) 
(No, I did not [buy any clothes].) 
Listen to the sentences in Grammar notes. (.wav file) 
 A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. 
1. Kondo no shuumatsu ( ) o shimasu ka. 
2. ( ) e ikimasu ka.. 
3. ( ) o benkyoo shimasu ka. 
B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words (From left to right). 
Non-past Non-past Past Past 
positive negative positive negative 
 Click here to check the answers!! 
Japanese Language Lessons 
LESSON 7 - Plans for Tomorrow (あしたのプラン) 
Tiếng Nhật cơ bản Đào Ngọc Sắc 
Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Miller discuss what they will do tomorrow. 
For those of you who would like to view the romaji for this lesson, you can click here to 
download or view a text file that contains the romaji. (Right click the link if you would like 
to save the file to your computer instead of viewing online.) If the file shows in your 
browser, click "Back" to return to this lesson. We recommend this only be used as a 
study aid, as we believe it is more beneficial when learning Japanese to learn the kana. 
Get the Romaji for this lesson. 
 すずき: あした がっこう へ いきます か。 
 Are you going to school tomorrow? 
 ミラー: はい、いきます。 
 Yes, I am. 
 すずき: なんじ に いきます か。 
 What time are you going? 
 ミラー: 8じ ごろ です。 
 About eight o'clock. 
 すずき: はやい です ね。クラス は なんじ に はじまります か。 
 Wow, that's early. What time does class start? 
 ミラー: 8じ はん です。 でも クラス の まえ に ともだち と あいます から。 
 At eight thirty. But before class I'm going to meet a friend. 
 すずき: クラス は なんじ に おわりますか。 
 What time are your classes over? 
 ミラー: 3じ です。 
 At three o'clock. 
 すずき: じゃあ、その あと うち へ きません か。テレビ を いしょに みましょう。 
 Well, after that can you come over? Let's watch TV. 
 ミラー: なに が ありますか。 
 What's on? 

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