Tiếng Nhật căn bản
Kon'nichi wa.
Watashi wa Suzuki Yota desu. Hajimemashite.
I am Yota Suzuki. Nice to meet you.
Watashi wa Jeson Miraa desu. Hajimemashite. Doozo yoroshiku.
I am Jason Miller. Nice to meet you.
(May I ask you to be kind to me.)
Miraa-san, anata wa Amerika-jin desu ka.
Mr. Miller, are you an American?
Hai, watashi wa Amerika-jin desu. Anata wa.
Yes. I am American. How about you?
Nihon-jin desu.
I am Japanese.
e dollars into yen. テラー: はい。 この もうしこみしょ に かいて ください。 Yes, fill out this form please. メアリー: はい。 これ で いい です か。 Okay, is it alright like this? テラー: はい、 あちら で おまち ください。 Yes, please wait over there. Listen to Dialog up to this point. (.wav file) ドル dollar えん yen かえます to change できます can do, able to do かど corner ぎんこう bank あきます to be open あさ morning もうしこみしょ (application) form かきます to write あちら there (polite form of あそこ) Tiếng Nhật cơ bản Đào Ngọc Sắc 42 おまち ください please wait (polite form of まちます, to wait) Listen to Vocabulary. (.wav file) LESSON 13 - Where is it? (どこですか?) Mr. Suzuki and Mary discuss where they live. For those of you who would like to view the romaji for this lesson, you can click here to download or view a text file that contains the romaji. (Right click the link if you would like to save the file to your computer instead of viewing online.) If the file shows in your browser, click "Back" to return to this lesson. We recommend this only be used as a study aid, as we believe it is more beneficial when learning Japanese to learn the kana. Get the Romaji for this lesson. メアリー: すずき さん の お すまい は どこ です か。 Suzuki-san, where is your house? すずき: しながわ です。 It's in Shinagawa. メアリー: じゃあ、べんり な ところ です ね。 Well, it's a convenient place, isn't it? すずき: ええ、 えき にも ちかいし、かいもの にも べんり です。 Yes, it's near the subway station, and it's also convenient for shopping. すずき: メアリー さん は どこ に すんで います か。 Where do you live, Mary? メアリー: あかさか です。 Akasaka. すずき: ちかてつ の えき から ちかい です か。 Is it near the train station? メアリー: いいえ、すこし とおい です が、とても しずか です。 No, it's a little far, but it's very quiet. すずき: うち です か。 Is it a house? Tiếng Nhật cơ bản Đào Ngọc Sắc 43 メアリー: いいえ、マンション です。ちち も はは も とても き に いって います。 No, it's an apartment. Both my father and mother like it very much. Listen to Dialog up to this point. (.wav file) おすまい house, dwelling, housing (polite form) べんり (な) convenient ちかい close, near すみます to live ちかてつ subway, underground すこし a little, few とおい far とても very, extremely しずか (な) quiet うち house マンション apartment き に いります to like Listen to Vocabulary. (.wav file) 1. ええ 、えき に も ちかい し、かいもの にも べんり です。 This sentence translates as: "Yes, it's near the subway station, and also convenient for shopping." The key grammar pattern in this sentence is the construciton "も~し、も~です。" "も" is a particle meaning "also" and "し" is a conjunction meaning "and." "し" is used to connect a series of two or more related phrases in a sentence, often for emphasis. Since the construction "~も~も" is often used to express "both~~ and~~" in positive sentences and "neither~~nor~~" in negative sentences. This sentence can also be translated as: "Yes, it's both near the station and convenient for shopping." Another common pattern is "は~し、も~です," meaning "not only~~, but also~~." Examples: わたし は じかん も ない し、おかね も ありません。 (I neither have time nor money.) Tiếng Nhật cơ bản Đào Ngọc Sắc 44 トム の いもうと は きれい だ し、あたま も いい です。 (Tom's sister is not only pretty, but also smart.) この ほん は ながい し、つまらない です よ。 (This book is not only long, but also boring.) 2. メアリー さん は どこ に すんで います か。 Translation: "Where do you live, Mary?" The particle "に" referring to place of existence in this sentence is used with "すんで います" meaning "to live." Another verb using "に" as a particle of existence is "つとめて います" which means "to be employed." In Japanese, when giving Japanese address, start with the larger area followed by the particle "の" and then the smaller area. Examples: Q: どこ に すんで います か。 (Q: Where do you live?) A: とうきょう の あかさか に すんで います。 (A: I live in Akasaka, Tokyo.) Listen to the sentences in Grammar notes. (.wav file) Japanese Language Lessons LESSON 14 - Let's Go (いきましょう) Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Miller talk about their weekend excursion. For those of you who would like to view the romaji for this lesson, you can click here to download or view a text file that contains the romaji. (Right click the link if you would like to save the file to your computer instead of viewing online.) If the file shows in your browser, click "Back" to return to this lesson. We recommend this only be used as a study aid, as we believe it is more beneficial when learning Japanese to learn the kana. Get the Romaji for this lesson. すずき: あしたは どようび です が、どこか へ いきません か。 Since tomorrow is Saturday, why don't we go somewhere? ミラー: とうきょう ディズニーランド へ いきましょう。 Let's go to Tokyo Disneyland. すずき: そう です ね。いいですね。 Tiếng Nhật cơ bản Đào Ngọc Sắc 45 Yes, that's great. ミラー: なに で いきます か。 How are we getting there? すずき: でんしゃ でも いい です が、くるま で いきましょう か。 We can go by train, but why don't we go by car. ミラー: ぼく は くるま が うんてん できません。 But I cannot drive. すずき: ぼく が うんてん します。せんじつ うんてん めんきょしょう を とりました から。 I'll drive. I got my car license the other day. ミラー: そう です か。くるま も かったん です か。 Is that so? Did you also buy a car? すずき: いいえ、ちち の を かります。 No, I'm borrowing my father's. ミラー: メアリーさん も さそいましょう か。 Let's also invite Mary. すずき: ええ、そう しましょう。わたし は いもうと を つれて いきます。 Okay, let's do that. I'll take my sister along. ミラー: じゃあ、たのしみ に して います。 Well, I'm looking forward to it. Listen to Dialog up to this point. (.wav file) でんしゃ (electric) train くるま car ぼく I (male) うんてん する to drive せんじつ the other day めんきょしょう license Tiếng Nhật cơ bản Đào Ngọc Sắc 46 とります to take かります to borrow さそいます to invite つれます to take (someone) along たのしみ fun Listen to Vocabulary. (.wav file) 1. なに で いきますか。 This sentence translates as: "How are you going?" Literally translated, it says "With what are you going?" The "で" particle implies to do something "with" or "by" so and so means or method. Examples: バス で いきます。 (I am going by bus.) にほんご で せつめい します。 (I will explain in Japanese.) クレジット カード で はらいます。 (I will pay by credit card.) 2. くるま も かったん です か。 Translation: "Did you also buy a car?" "ん" added to the plain form of a verb and followed by a "です か" is used in emphasing a question. In a declarative sentence, "か" is omitted and the "plain verb form + ん" is also used for emphasis of a statement or a fact. Examples: もう その えいが を みたん です か。 (Have you already seen that movie?) がっこう へ いくん です。 (I am going to school.) 3. たのしみ に して います。 This is an idiomatic expression meaning "I am looking forward to it." Listen to the sentences in Grammar notes. (.wav file) Japanese Language Lessons Tiếng Nhật cơ bản Đào Ngọc Sắc 47 LESSON 15 - The Trip (りょこう) Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Miller are out on an excursion. For those of you who would like to view the romaji for this lesson, you can click here to download or view a text file that contains the romaji. (Right click the link if you would like to save the file to your computer instead of viewing online.) If the file shows in your browser, click "Back" to return to this lesson. We recommend this only be used as a study aid, as we believe it is more beneficial when learning Japanese to learn the kana. Get the Romaji for this lesson. すずき: さあ、つきました よ。 Well, we're here. ミラー: わあ、きれいな ところ です ね。 Wow. It's a beautiful place, isn't it? すずき: ええ。てんき も いい し、きもち が いい です ね。 Yes. The weather's nice and it feels good. ミラー: きっぷ は どこ で かうん です か。 Where do we buy the tickets? すずき: あそこ の まどぐち です。 Over at that ticket window. ミラー: ひとり いくら です か。 How much is it for one person? すずき: 2500えん です。こども は 1500えん です。 It's 2500 yen. It's 1500 yen for children. ミラー: じゃあ、いっしょ に かいましょう。 Well, let's buy it together. Listen to Dialog up to this point. (.wav file) メアリー: おなか が すきませんか。 Are you hungry? Tiếng Nhật cơ bản Đào Ngọc Sắc 48 ミラー: ええ。すきました。 Yes, I am hungry. メアリー: なに か たべましょう か。 Why don't we eat something? すずき: あの レストラン で たべましょう。 Let's eat at that restaurant. メアリー: なに が あります か。 What do they have? すずき: おいしい もの が いろいろ あります。ハンバーガー も あります よ。 There are a lot of delicious things. The hamburgers are also good. メアリー: じゃあ、わたし は ハンバーガー と コーラ に します。 OK. I'll have a hamburger and a cola. ミラー: ぼく は ホット ドッグ を たべます。すずき さん は? I'll have a hot dog. How about you, Mr. Suzuki? すずき: そう です ね。メアリー さん と 同じの に します。 Hmmm. I'll have the same as Mary. Listen to Dialog up to this point. (.wav file) つきます to arrive, to reach きれい(な) pretty, beautiful ところ place てんき weather きもち feeling きっぷ ticket まどぐち window, ticket window おなじ same Listen to Vocabulary. (.wav file) Tiếng Nhật cơ bản Đào Ngọc Sắc 49 1. おなか が すきませんか。 Translates as: "Are you hungry?" ええ。すきました。 Translates as: "Yes, I am hungry." The negative form of a verb followed by an interrogative particle is often used to ask questions. This would be the equivalent of an inverted negative question form in English. In this example above, it would be: "Aren't you hungry?" In English, the type of question is often used when expecting an affirmative answer. However, this is not always the case in Japanese, where the negative verb form is used to "soften" the question. The answer to the question can be "yes" or "no." Sometimes, the negative verb form in a question can be used to make a suggestion as in "Eega e ikimasen ka." ("Why don't we go to a movie?") 2. きっぷ は どこ で かうん です か。 Translates as: "Where do we buy the tickets?" あそこ の まどぐち です。 Translates as: "Over at that ticket window." The sentence ending "~ん です / ~ん です か" indicates that the speaker is explaining or asking about something that is of common interest to both the speaker and the other party. This pattern is also used to emphasize a point or an idea. Examples: なに を して いるん です か。 (What are you doing?) えいご を べんきょう して いるん です。 (I am studying English.) えき へ いきたいん です が、どこ です か。 (I'd like to go to the station, where is it?) Listen to the sentences in Grammar notes. (.wav file)
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