Tiếng Anh - Nghĩa của một số giới từ thường dùng
1. về: This is a story about elephants.
2. khoảng: He is about ten years old.
1. trên, cao hơn: The plane flew above the clouds.
2. phía trên: There is a heading above each diagram.
1. từ bên này sang bên kia (qua): We walked across the field.
2. phía bên kia: There is a store across the street.
1. sau, sau khi: after ten o'clock; after lunch
2. đứng sau: Q comes after P in the alphabet.
3. theo sau: The dog ran after the cat.
1. chống lại, làm trái: Theft is against the law.
2. giáp, tiếp xúc, dựa vào: I leaned my bicycle against the wall.
1. dọc theo: We walked along the road.
1. giữa, trong số (một nhóm người): The money was shared among three people.
1. vòng quanh: We walked around the block.
2. vây quanh, bao quanh: There is a fence around the garden.
3. khắp: I looked around the house for the keys.
4. quay sang một hướng khác: We turned around and went back home.
5. khoảng: He is around six feet tall.
1. một địa điểm cụ thể: at 23 Chestnut Street; at the park
2. một điểm thời gian: at 5 o'clock; at Christmas
3. một hoàn cảnh: at peace; at war; at rest
4. một hoạt động: at work; at school; at play
5. hướng tới, hướng vào: Look at someone; wave at someone
About 1. về: This is a story about elephants. 2. khoảng: He is about ten years old. Above 1. trên, cao hơn: The plane flew above the clouds. 2. phía trên: There is a heading above each diagram. Across 1. từ bên này sang bên kia (qua): We walked across the field. 2. phía bên kia: There is a store across the street. After 1. sau, sau khi: after ten o'clock; after lunch 2. đứng sau: Q comes after P in the alphabet. 3. theo sau: The dog ran after the cat. Against 1. chống lại, làm trái: Theft is against the law. 2. giáp, tiếp xúc, dựa vào: I leaned my bicycle against the wall. Along 1. dọc theo: We walked along the road. Among 1. giữa, trong số (một nhóm người): The money was shared among three people. Around 1. vòng quanh: We walked around the block. 2. vây quanh, bao quanh: There is a fence around the garden. 3. khắp: I looked around the house for the keys. 4. quay sang một hướng khác: We turned around and went back home. 5. khoảng: He is around six feet tall. At 1. một địa điểm cụ thể: at 23 Chestnut Street; at the park 2. một điểm thời gian: at 5 o'clock; at Christmas 3. một hoàn cảnh: at peace; at war; at rest 4. một hoạt động: at work; at school; at play 5. hướng tới, hướng vào: Look at someone; wave at someone Before 1. trước khi, trước: before two o'clock; before Christmas 2. đứng trước: S comes before T in the alphabet. Behind 1. đằng sau, phía sau: The little girl hid behind her mother. 2. muộn: I am behind in my work. 3. nguyên nhân, nguồn gốc: Who was behind that idea? Beside 1. bên cạnh: I sit beside her in class. Between 1. Giữa hai điểm trong không gian: Toronto lies between Montreal and Vancouver. 2. Giữa hai điểm thời gian: between Christmas and New Year's Day 3. trong một nhóm hai người: The money was shared between two people. By 1. gần: a house by the sea 2. vượt qua: He waved as he drove by the house. 3. trước: Try to finish the work by next week. 4. theo một đơn vị nào đó: cheaper by the dozen; sold by weight 5. bằng, bởi: travel by plane; written by him Down 1. xuống phía dưới: The ball rolled down the hill. 2. cuối: He lives down the street. During 1. suốt một khoảng thời gian: She works during the day. 2. một thời điểm nào đó trong một khoảng thời gian: An accident occurred during the night. Except 1. ngoại trừ: I have visited everyone except him. For 1. trong khoảng thời gian: We walked for two hours. 2. khoảng cách: I walked for five kilometers. 3. mục đích: I bought this jacket for you. 4. tới đâu đó: She left for New York. 5. tán thành, ủng hộ: We are for the proposal. 6. so với: The boy is clever for his age. From 1. từ một nơi nào đó: We left from Boston; he comes from Mexico 2. bắt đầu từ một thời gian nào đó: from now on; from yesterday until today 3. từ một lượng nào đó: From 20 to 30 people were present. 4. nguyên nhân: He suffers from nervousness. 5. nguồn (từ ai đó): I first heard the story from you. In 1. ở một nơi nào đó: in London; in Europe 2. trong một địa điểm: in the room; in the building 3. vào tháng, năm: That happened in March, in 1992. 4. trong một khoảng thời gian nhất định: I will return in an hour. 5. bằng: write in pencil; speak in English 6. tình trạng, điều kiện: in doubt; in a hurry; in secret 7. thành viên của: He is in the orchestra; in the navy 8. mặc: the boy in the blue shirt 9. về, có liên quan đến: lacking in ideas; rich in oil Inside 1. bên trong: They are inside the house. Into 1. vào bên trong We stepped into the room. 2. thay đổi tình trạng: The boy changed into a man. Like 1. giống: That looks like him. 2. như thể: It looks like rain. Near 1. gần: near the school; near the ocean Of 1. vị trí: east of here; the middle of the road 2. sở hữu: a friend of mine; the sound of music 3. một phần của một nhóm: one of us; a member of the team 4. đo lường: a cup of milk; two meters of snow Off 1. Not on; away from: Please keep off the grass. 2. At some distance from: There are islands off the coast. On 1. trên (chạm vào nhau): on the table; on the wall 2. ngày xác định: That happened on Sunday, on the 6th of June. 3. con đường xác định: on South Street 4. về: a book on engineering 5. một trạng thái hoặc tình trạng: on strike; on fire; on holiday 6. nhờ, bằng: live on a pension; shown on television Opposite 1. đối diện: The library is opposite the fire station. Out of 1. ra khỏi: She went out of the room. 2. trong số: We won two games out of three. 4. chất liệu: The bridge is made out of steel. 5. ra khỏi: out of control; out of danger Outside 1. bên ngoài: outside the house 2. ngoài giới hạn, khả năng: outside my experience Over 1. cao hơn, trên: There are cupboards over the sink. 2. bao phủ: We spread an extra blanket over the bed. 3. qua: I jumped over a puddle. 4. nhiều hơn: It cost over ten dollars; it took over an hour 5. trong khoảng: I saw him several times over the past week. 6. bằng: We made plans over the telephone. Past 1. vượt qua: I walked past the house. 2. sau (thời gian): It was past 2 o'clock; half past two With 1. cùng với: He came with her; I have my keys with me. 2. có, chứa: Here is a book with a map of the island. 3. bằng, sử dụng: I repaired the shoes with glue. 4. cách thức: with pleasure; with ease; with difficulty 5. bởi vì: We were paralyzed with fear. Within 1. trong vòng: within twenty minutes; within one kilometer Without 1. không có: Do not leave without your coat; without money
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