Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành quản trị kinh doanh - Phần 24
Exercise 4. Change these sentences from active to passive.
Example: We advertised the job last week.
The job was advertised last week.
1. We received seven applications.
3. The manager interviewed three people today.
3. He has written notes about each of them.
4. He is considering the applicants at the moment.
5. He will make a decision soon.
Exercise 5. Circle and correct the mistakes in the verb forms in these sentences.
Example: He’ll to leave university next year.
He’ll leave university next year.
1. I realized that I had forgot is phone number.
2. She didn’t had to come to the meeting.
4. The film will be to make in Argentina.
4. He wants that I decide by tomorrow.
5. Will Jill be able come to the conference?
Exercise 1 Key indicators Ratios used Interpretation Liquidity i. current ratio ii. quick ratio Current assets Current ratio = Current liabilities Current assets – stocks Quick ratio = Current liabilities Efficiency i. equity gearing ii. income gearing Loan capital Equity ratio = Shareholder’s funds Profit Income gearing = Interest paid on borrowings Capital structure i. inventory turnover ii. average collection Sales Inventory turnover = Stock Debtors Unit 9: Financial analysis and corporate finance 233 period Average collection period = x 360days Sales Profitability i. ROS ii. ROA iii. ROE Pretax profit ROS = x 100% Sales Pretax profit ROA = x 100% Total assets Pretax profit ROE = x 100% Qwener’s equity ROS = return on sales (doanh lợi doanh thu). ROA = return on assets (doanh lợi tổng tài sản). ROE = return on equity (doanh lợi vốn chủ sở hữu). Exercise 2 a. Shareholders: profitability ratio (ROE). b. Managers: all. c. Customers: quality and price of goods. d. Suppliers: liquidity ratio. c. Employees: activity and efficiency ratio. Exercise 3 Positive Average / okay Negative healthy reasonable disastrous disappointing excellent satisfactory vulnerable poor adequate weak marvelous moderate strong tremendous catastrophic Unit 9: Financial analysis and corporate finance 234 LANGUAGE PRACTICE Exercise 1: a. Normally, a healthy company has a current ratio above 1. This company has an unusually high ratio of 2. b. Highly dangerous companies generally represent a greater risk for inventors. c. Retail companies have considerably short collection periods on debts. d. Most people would consider a collection period over 90 days as particularly long. e. Manufacturing companies have a gearedly lower stock turnover than retail companies. Noun Adjective Adverb profitability efficiency healthy appropriateness operation finance productivity profitabe efficient healthy appropriate operational financial productive profitably efficiently healthily appropriately operationally financially productively TEXT 9.2: TÀI CHÍNH DOANH NGHIỆP Các công ty cần đầu tư để mua tài sản và thanh toán cho các khoản chi phí. Các công ty có thể phát hành cổ phiếu để lấy tiền hoặc tài sản tư bán (máy móc, nhà xưởng) – đôi khi người ta còn gọi là thu hút vốn tự có. Những người nắm giữ cổ phiếu sẽ là những người chủ sở hữu của công ty. Mỗi cổ phiếu thường được thể hiện bằng một chứng chỉ cổ phần. Cổ phiếu này có thể được chuyển nhượng, điều này có nghĩa rằng cổ phiếu có thể được mua hoặc bán. Giá trị của cổ phiếu không những được xác định bằng tài sản ròng chia cho tổng số cổ phiếu còn (dư) mà còn được xác định bằng quyền đặc thù mà công ty cấp cho cổ đông. Một công ty mà càng làm ăn phát đạt thì giá trị cổ phiếu càng lớn. Một công ty cố thể tìm vốn bằng cách vay. Đó gọi là huy động vốn. Khi công ty vay tiền, họ phát ra lệnh phiếu hoặc trái phểu có thể chuyển nhượng được. Tuy nhiên lãi suất sẽ được trả cho các khoản vay trên cho dù công ty kinh doanh có lợi nhuận hay không. Ban quản trị phải thận trọng xem xét cả luồng tiền ra và vào trong việc điều hành công ty. Chi phí mua tài sản, thiết bị, hoặc trả tiền lương gọi là luồng tiền ra. Doanh thu bán hàng và dịch vụ là luồng tiền vào. Trong một quá trình lâu dài, lượng tiền vào phải lớn hơn lượng tiền ra để tạo nên lợi nhuận. Hơn nữa các công ty phải trừ đi các khoản chi phí và khoản thất thoát đối với các khoản nợ khê đọng (khoản nợ không đòi được), lãi của vốn vay và các khoản chi khác để đánh giá xem việc quản trị tài chính của công ty đó có hiệu quả hay không, những rủi ro sảy ra là quan đến Unit 9: Financial analysis and corporate finance 235 là một yếu tố quan trọng để huy động vốn vào một công ty và liệu đầu tư vào một công ty nào đó có tốt hay không. EXERCISES Exercise 1 1. Because they need it for the purches of assets, the payment of expense. 2. Equity funding means financing by the company. 3. It is determined by both the net assets and the sharecholders’ particular rights. 4. It is the capital fund got by borrowing. 5. The sale of goods and services result in an inflow. The purchase of inventory and supplies or payment of salaries results in an outflow. 6. That company can not make any profit. Exercise 2 1. The current assets of a company usually include cash and inventory. 2. Equity funding means financing by the owners of the company. 3. They need capital in order to purchase supplies. 4. Of course you can sell your shares of stock: they are negotiable. 5. They want to make a profit, so we must be careful about investing in a company that has much risk. 6. Financing by borrowing funds is called debts funding. 7. Where did they borrow the money and how much interest will they pay? 8. In the long run, the inflow must be greater than the outflow to result in a profit. LISTENING COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTS Exercise 1 SP: Liz, this ridiculous. I’ve just opened this letter and a customer’s sent us a cheque for no pounds and no pence. LS: What? Who? SP: Someone from BOS Ltd. Listen to what he says. Thank you for your usually monthly statement. It says we have to pay you nothing. The one you sent last month Unit 9: Financial analysis and corporate finance 236 said the same, so I now enclose our cheque for no pounds, no pence. Will this perhaps be the last time you sent a statement of this kind? Yours faithfully. LS: Oh, we can thank the computer for that. All our accounts are computerized and it prints out a statement every month for our regular customers, even if they don’t owe us money. SP: Why do you send them? LS: We don’t usually, David’s new to the department and he probably sent it without even looking at it. I’ll have a word with him about it. I’ll also write a letter of apology to BOS. Exercise 3 1 – E 2 – B 3 – A 4 – C 5 – F 6 – D 7 – G Exercise 4 ABD, BLT, FPT, GLM, HEQ, JBX, JDR, JLN, VDU, WRS, ZYZ, ZZY. CONSOLIDATION EXERCISES Exercise 1. Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. The two main types of macroeconomic policies are fiscal and monetary policies. 2. They are government expenditures and taxation. 3. These two parts determine whether the government has a deficit or surplus in its budget. 4. Fiscal deficits affect both the balance of payments and the rate of inflation. 5. Monetary policy in developing countries follows fiscal policy. 6. How do some governments finance government spending? 7. A restrictive monetary policy is needed to control inflation. 8. If the government prints more money than people want to have, prices will rise. 9. It induces people to buy assets such as gold, dollars or real – estate which will not lose value with inflation. 10. How can domestic borrowing lead to high interest rates? Exercise 2. Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. Debt financing is classified as short term or long term. Unit 9: Financial analysis and corporate finance 237 2. Loans obtained from commercial banks are a common form of short - term debt. 3. 2 – to – 3 year loans are often secured by a claim to inventories or account receivable if they are not paid on time? 4. Factoring is the physical sale of the firm’s receivable due from customers. 5. Because of their increased risk. Exercise 3. Change these sentences into the future with will. 1. I will have to wear a uniform at the weekend. 2. I won’t be able to tell you tomorrow. 3. I won’t have to work on Monday. 4. I will be able to go windsurfing when I’m on holiday. 5. I won’t have to wear a suit at the weekend. Exercise 4. Change these sentences from active to passive. 1. Seven applications were received. 2. Three people were interviewed by the manager today. 3. Notes about each of them have been written. 4. The applicants are being considered at the moment. 5. A decision will be made soon. Exercise 5. Circle and correct the mistakes in the verb forms in these sentences. 1. I realized that I had forgotten his phone number. 2. She didn’t have to come to the meeting. 3. The film will be made in Argentina. 4. He wants me to decide by tomorrow. 5. Will Jill be able to come to the conference? Exercise 6. Put these words into correct order to make sentences. 1. I was sure I had never seen him before. 2. Do you want me to clean the windows? 3. The accident on the road was caused by oil. Unit 9: Financial analysis and corporate finance 238 4. I won’t have to go to work tomorrow. 5. It was the worst holiday she had ever had. Exercise 7. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given at the end. a. Jeans are a sign of youth and independence. b. Levis Strauss used rivets to strengthen the pockets on his jeans. c. All people want to find peace and happiness in their lives. d. If you add a little black paint to the blue, it will darken it. e. The Navajos believe that when the medicine man erases the sand painting. The person’s sickness goes away. f. My street is too narrow. I wish they would widen it. g. Athletes know the importance of practicing everyday. h. My pants are too short. I need to lengthen them. i. Is there a difference between Canadian English and American English? j. That dress is too long. If you shorten it just a little, it will be the perfect length. Exercise 8. Match the words in column A with their meaning in column B. A B 1. artificial 2. slip 3. independence 4. dye 5. separate 6. invent 7. immediately 8. strengthen 9. arrange 10. country j. not real e. almost fall a. freedom f. color c. not together h. make for the first time d. right now i. make stronger b. put in order g. nation
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