Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành quản trị kinh doanh - Phần 13
Exercise 5:Read and answer the following questions
Although superficially different, these markets perform the same economic function. They
determine prices that ensure that the quantity people wish to buy equalsthe quantity people wish
to sell. Price and quantity cannot be considered separately. In establing that the price of a Rolls
Royce is the times the price of a small Ford, the market for motor cars simultaneously ensures that
production and sales of small Fords will greatly exceed the production and sales of Rolls Royces.
These prices guide society in choosing what, how and for whom to purchase.
1. What makes sure that the quantity people want to buy is the same as the quantity
people want to sell?
2. What influence do prices have on society?
3. Look at the paragraph again and try to find out what words have the same meaning as
• all the same time
• apart
• be greater than
7. Non-essentials which give us personal pleasure. 8. It is a measure of the change in the quantity of a goods, in resonse to demand. 9. When a goods is regarded as basic necessity. Unit 5: Supply and demand 123 Exercise 2 1. T 2. F / Money has no value in itself, but serves as a means of exchange between commodies which do have a value to us. 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F / Demand is inelastic when a goods is regarded as basic necessity. Exercise 3 Words Opposites Minority Positive Solid Maximum Public Simplify Theoretical Collective Long-term Majority Negative Flexible Minimum Private Complicate Practical Personal Short-term Listening: Sales Documentation Exercise 1 1. has got 4. didn’t send 7. bought 10. got 2. cann’t find 5. needs 8. didn’t use 3. wrote 6. will pay 9. paid SP: Sandra here. LS: Oh hello, Sandra. It’s Liz. Could I speak to Anne please? SP: I’m afraid she’s not here at the moment. Can I take a message? Unit 5: Supply and demand 124 LS: No. I’ll ring her back late... No. I won’t. Yes. Will you give her a message please? I’ve got an invoice here for some furiture from Household Designs, but I can’t find the order. Does she... SP: Oh wait a minute, Liz. She’s just come in. Anne, it’s Liz on the phone. She says she’s got an invoice for some furniture from Household Designs, but she can’t find the order. AB No. That’s right. I wrote a letter of order. I didn’t send an order form. SP: Liz? She says she wrote a letter of order. She didn’t send an order form. LS: Oh dear. We need an order number for our records. All right. I’ll pay it. SP: She says she needs an order number for the records, but she’ll pay it. AB: Er, can you also tell her that I bought some cutlery and crockery and I didn’t use an official order. SP: Liz? LS: Yes? SP: Anne says she bought some cutlery and crockery and she didn’t use an official order. AB: But I paid by cheque and I got receipt. SP: But she paid by cheque and she got a receipt. LS: Yes I know. I’ve got the receipt. That’s all right. Thanks a lot. AB: What did she say? SP She said she’d got receipt and that was all right. Exercise 3 3. a 6. a 4. b 7. b 5. b 8. a When you hear a BLEEP write (a) if the speaker means the listener and write (b) if the speaker means anybody in this situation. 1. I’ve sent you the invoice. BLEEP (You should write a) 2. When you travel by train you need a ticket. BLEEP (You should write b) 3. Next time you order goods, please use an official order form. BLEEP. Unit 5: Supply and demand 125 4. To order goods you can send an order form. BLEEP. 5. You don’t receive many cheques from Germany. I don’t think they use them. BLEEP. 6. You haven’t told me the invoice number. BLEEP 7. If you send goods by sea, you need a Bill of Lading. BLEEP. 8. Which documents do you think were used? BLEEP LABORATORY DRILLS TAPESCRIPT Drill 2 Repeat Sandra’s account of her telephone conversation as she told it to Graham Davis later, like this: P: Liz says she’s got an order for some furniture. R: Liz said she’s got an order for some furniture Now you try P: Liz says she can’t find the order. P: Anne says she also bought some entity R: Liz said she couldn’t find the order. R: Anne said she also bought some cutlery. P: Anne says she wrote a letter of order. P: Anne says she didn’t use an official order. R: Anne sad she’d written a letter of order. R: Anne said she hadn’t used an official order. P: Anne says she didn’t send an order form. P: Anne says she paid by cheque. R: Anne said she hadn’t sent an order form. R: Anne said she’d paid by cheque. P: Liz says she needs an order number. P: Anne says she got a receipt. R: Liz said she needed an order number. R: Anne said she’d get a receipt. P: Liz says she’ll pay it. P: Liz says she’s got the receipt. R: Liz said she’d pay it. R: Liz said she’d got tine receipt. P: She says it’s all right. R: She said it was all right. Unit 5: Supply and demand 126 Drill 4 Answer these questions by giving the correct information, like this: P: Had Anne left school before she passed her exams? P: Did Anne passher exams after she’d left school? R: No. She’d passed her exams before she left school. R: No. She left school after she’d passed her exams. Now you try (The second example is not repeated) P: Did Anne leave school after she’d been to secretarial college? R: No. She went to secretarial college after she'’ left school. R: No. She’d lived in London before she moved to Manchester. P: Had Anne worked in a bank before she went to secretarial college before she worked in a bank. P: Did Anne got a job with Transworld before she’d moved to Manchester? P: Did Anne work in a bank after she’d lived in London? R: No. She’d moved to Manchester before she got a job with Transworld. R: No. She lived in London after she’d worked in a bank. P: Did Anne work in a bank after she’d moved to Manchester? P: Had Anne moved to Mancheste before she lived in London? R: No. She moved to Manchester after she’d worked in a bank. Drill 5 Decide which of these events happened before the other and combine the sentences using the past perfect, like this: P: GLM sent the invoice, GLM sent the goods. R: GLM sent the invoice after they’d sent the goods. Now you try P: BOS received the order. BOS sent the goods. P: Mr Perez received the goods by air. Mr. Perez sent an order. R: BOS sent the goods after they’d received the order. R: Mr Perez received the goods by air after Mr. Perez had sent an order. P: BOS sent the statement. Transworld received the goods. P: Transworld received the statement. Transworld paid BOS. R: BOS sent the statement after Transworld had received the goods. R: Transworld paid BOS after they’d received the statement. Unit 5: Supply and demand 127 P: Anne received the goods. Anne paid the pro-forma invoice. P: Kevin received the order. Kevin made out the Bill of Lading. R: Anne received the goods after she’d paid the pro-forma invoice. R: Kevin made out the Bill of Lading after he’d received the order. Consolidation exercises Exercise 1 1. The demand for everything, at a given price, is the amount which will be bought at that price. 2. Because demand always means demand at a price. 3. Demand for a thing at a given price is the amount which would be bought at that price but desire and need refer to ability and willingness to pay. 4. It depends on the price. 5. When desire or need is back up by ability and willingness to pay. Exercise 2 Cầu của bất kỳ loại hàng hoá hay dịch vụ nào, ở một mức giá đã cho là số lượng của loại hàng hoá ở mức giá đó. Cầu là số lượng hàng hoá hay dịch vụ mà người mua có khả năng và sẵn sàng mua ở các mức giá khác nhau trong một thời gian nhất định (tất cả các yếu tố khác không đổi). Khái niệm trên không có nghĩa trừ khi nói đến giá cả. Nói đơn giản là mỗi năm nước Anh cần hàng ngàn chiếc ô tô, hàng triệu tấn than có nghĩa là trong vài năm đó giá của ô tô và than tương đối ổn định và só lượng hàng bán hằng năm gần đúng với con số báo cáo. Nhưng theo nghĩa đen, thì nó lại không có nghĩa. Vì số lượng hàng hoá – hay còn gọi là cầu sẽ thay đổi khi giá thay đổi. Không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa, nếu giá của ô tô giảm đi đáng kể, thì khối lượng bán sẽ tăng gấp đôi, và nếu giá tăng đáng kể thì số lượng bán sẽ giảm đi một nửa. Số lượng mua vào của một loại hàng hoá nào đó sẽ thay đổi và có thể thay đổi đáng kể theo mức giá của nó. Hay nói cách khác, cầu ở một mức giá này thường khác với cầu ở mức giá khác. Rõ ràng cầu ở đây được tính theo đơn vị thời gian, theo tháng, theo tuần, hoặc theo ngày. Có thể nói cầu khác với mong muốn và nhu cầu của con người. Không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa, rất nhiều người không đủ khả năng để mua ô tô nhưng vẫn mong muốn có một chiếc, và cũng có rất nhiều trẻ em cần được uống nhiều sữa hơn so với khối lượng mà chúng được uống. Nhưng trừ khi mong muốn và nhu cầu của con người tương ứng khả năng và sự sẵn sàng chi trả, thì nó sẽ không ảnh hưởng đến số lượng hàng bán ra. Cầu của một loại hàng hoá ở một mức giá đã cho là số lượng hàng hoá được bán ra ở mức giá đó. Exercise 3 1. There are 3 meanings. They are the total amount in existance, the normal output per unit of time and the amount offered for sale per unit if time. Unit 5: Supply and demand 128 2. The supply of gold may mean the total amount of gold which has been extracted from the mines and rivers and is still in existance. 3. For erxample the world’s supply of wheat is over 200 million tons a year. This means the stocks are small and stocks of wheat are compared with annual output. 4. The relationship between the price and quantity purchased. 5. in the short-run time period, in a given market, other things being equal, the quantity of an item which is offered for sale varies directly with its price. 6. Yes, it does. Exercise 4 Nhưng cầu cũng có nghĩa số lượng hàng hoá đem bán trên một đơn vị thời gian. Theo nghĩa này, khái niệm về cung tương đương với khái niệm về cầu. Chỉ khi luật cầu có liên quan tới hành vi của người tiêu dùng như được phản ánh trong mối quan hệ giữa giá cả và số lượng hàng hoá bán ra, thì luật cung có liên quan tới hành vi của nhà sản xuất (người bán) như được phản ánh trong mối quan hệ. Theo luật cung: trong khoảng thời gian ngắn, trên một thị trường nhất định nào đó, các loại hàng hoá khác không thay đổi thì số lượng của một loại hàng hoá đem bán thay đổi trực tiếp theo mức giá của loại hàng hoá đó. Exercise 5 1. Prices 2. They guide society in choosing what, how, and for whom to purchase. 3. Simultaneously; separately; greatly exceed.
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