Tài liệu học tiếng Nhật
1) kai, 2) e - meeting, 3) a(u) - to meet
Think of the kanji as a person sitting at a desk under a roof. Most meetings take place in a house with desks, ne. 英会話 ei kai wa - English conversation [only kai wa means any conversation]
会議 kai gi - meeting, conference
教会 kyou kai - church
kanji for shell [貝 - kai] 質問 shitsu mon - question 品質 hin shitsu - quality 実質 jisshitsu - substance, essence 室 1) shitsu, 2) muro - room, chamber The top part is a roof 密室 misshitsu - hidden room 教室 kyou shitsu - classroom 温室 on shitsu - greenhouse 品 1) hin, 2) shina - goods, article, elegance, dignity The three mouths [口 - kuchi] are eating the goods with dignity 車用品 kuruma you hin - car parts 下品 ge hin - vulgar, indecent 化粧品 ke shou hin - cosmetics 社 1) sha, 2) yashiro - company, firm, office 社会 sha kai - society 会社 kai sha - office, company 出版社 shuppan sha - publisher 者 1) sha, 2) mono - someone, person The sun [日 - hi] is needed to make out just who that someone is 医者 i sha - medical doctor 学者 gaku sha - a scholar 芸者 gei sha - Geisha, woman performer 手 1) shu, 2) zu, 3) te - hand After several years of looking at this kanji, I still don't see the hand the ancient Chinese saw! 空手 kara te - Karate 下手 heta - not good at, poor at 上手 jou zu - good at, excells at 手紙 te gami - letter (postal) 週 1) shuu - week This is one of those rare kanji with just one reading and meaning 一週間 isshuu kan - one week 先週 sen shuu - last week 来週 rai shuu - next week 週末 shuu matsu - weekend 習 1) shuu, 2) ju, 3) narau - learn The top is feather or wing [羽 - hane] and the bottom is white [白 - shiro] 練習 ren shuu - practice 自習 ji shuu - self study 復習 fuku shuu - review, study again 住 1) juu, 2) chuu, 3) sumu - live, reside, dwell You are the lord [主 - shu] of the house 住所 juu sho - (mailing) address 衣食住 i shoku juu - necessities of life, clothing, food, and housing 移住 i juu - migration 春 1) shun, 2) haru - spring (season) The season where the sun [日 - hi] returns 春休み haru yasumi - spring break 初春 sho shun - early spring 青春 sei shun - youth 正 1) sei, 2) shou, 3) tadashii - correct, justice, right If you stop [止] and think about it you will get it right 正解 sei kai - correct 改正 kai sei - revisement, amendment 正月 shou gatsu - the New Year 少 1) shou, 2) sukunai , 3) sukoshi - few, little Small is [小] 少々お待ちください shou shou omachi kudasai - Please wait a moment 少年 shou nen - youth, boy 場 1) jou, 2) chou, 3) ba - location, place The bit on the left [土] means ground 場所 ba sho - a place, area スキー場 suki- jou - ski area 駐車場 chuu sha jou - parking lot 知 1) chi, 2) shiru - to know, wisdom To the left [矢 - ya] means arrow and to the right [口 - kuchi] is a mouth. 知恵 chi e - wisdom 知事 chi ji - governor 告知 koku chi - announcement, notice 真 1) shin, 2) ma, 3) makoto - true, reality This kanji has a ten [十 - juu] over an eye [目 - me] 写真 sha shin - photograph 真っ暗 makkura - pitch black 真に makotoni - really, truely 図 1) zu, 2) to, 3) e, 4) hakaru - map, drawing, plan, unexpected Think of it as a treasure map where X marks the spot 地図 chi zu - map 合図 ai zu - sign, signal 意図 i to - intention, aim 世 1) sei, 2) se, 3) yo - generation, world, society 世界 se kai - the world 世紀 sei ki - century 人生 jin sei - life 夕 1) seki, 2) yuu - evening Think of it as the moon in the evening sky 夕方 yuu gata - evening 夕焼け yuu yake - sunset 夕食 yuu shoku - dinner 走 1) sou, 2) hashiru - run It looks like a runner getting ready to start the race 競走 kyou sou - race 脱走 dassou - escape, desertion 逃げ走る nige hashiru - to run away 族 1) zoku - tribe, family There is a person [方 - kata] with an arrow [矢 - ya] finding food for his tribe and family 民族 min zoku - tribe 家族 ka zoku - family 核家族 kaku ka zoku - nuclear family 注 1) chuu, 2) sosogu, 3) sasu- pour, flow into, concentrate on The marks on the left indicate water (pouring) and the right means "lord" 注意 chuu i - caution, warning 注文 chuu mon - order (restaurant...) 注射 chuu sha - injection, a shot 田 1) den, 2) ta - rice field Think of 4 square rice fields together 油田 yu den - oil field 田植え ta ue - rice planting 田舎 inaka - the country (irreg. pron) 台 1) dai, 2) tai - stand, stage, pedestal It looks like someone sitting on a box and talking into a mic 舞台 bu tai - stage 台風 tai fuu - taiphoon 台所 dai dokoro - kitchen 待 1) tai, 2) matsu - wait, depend on Don't confuse with samurai [侍] 待ってください matte kudasai - please wait a sec 期待 ki tai - expectations, hopes 招待 shou tai - invitation 題 1) dai - topic, subject 宿題 shuku dai - homework 話題 wa dai - topic, subject 問題 mon dai - problem 度 1) do, 2) to, 3) taku, 4) tabi - degree, time, times occurred 一度 ichi do - one time, once 温度 on do - temperature 今度 kon do - next time 立 1) ritsu, 2) ryuu, 3) tatsu - to stand Think of a person in the act of standing up 県立 ken ritsu - prefectural 独立 doku ritsu - independence 日立 hi tachi - Hitachi company 旅 1) ryo, 2) tabi - trip, travel A person [方] packing his bag for a trip 旅行 ryo kou - trip 旅人 tabi bito - a traveller 旅券 ryo ken - passport 力 1) ryoku, 2) riki, 3) chikara - power, strength, exertion Don't confuse it with nine [九 - kyuu] 力持ち chikara mochi - strong person 能力 nou ryoku - ability 協力 kyou ryoku - cooperation 昼 1) chuu, 2) hiru - noon, daytime The sun [日 - hi] is in the middle at noon 昼寝 hiru ne - a nap 昼食 chuu shoku - lunch, noonmeal 昼休み hiru yasumi - lunch break, noon break 町 1) chou, 2) machi - town, village Think of a small town with a T shaped road leading to a rice field 港町 minato machi - port city 町民 chou min - townspeople 町会 chou kai - town council 鳥 1) chou, 2) tori - bird Think of a bird in its nest 焼き鳥 yaki tori - grilled chicken 一石二鳥 isseki ni chou - one stone, two birds - to kill 2 birds with one stone 小鳥 ko tori - a small bird 店 1) ten, 2) mise - store, shop 開店 kai ten - the opening of a shop 喫茶店 kissaten - coffee shop 店員 ten in - attendant, clerk of the store 問 1) mon, 2) tou - question, ask, problem Compare with gate mon [門] 問題 mon dai - problem 質問 shitsu mon - question 疑問 gi mon - question, doubt, problem 冬 1) tou, 2) fuyu - winter Think of a cloud dropping two snow flakes 冬眠 tou min - hibernation, winter sleep 冬休み fuyu yasumi - winter vacation 冬季 tou ki - winter season 道 1) dou, 2) tou, 3) michi - way, road, street, course 曲がり道 ma gari michi - a winding road 帰り道 kaeri michi - the way home 片道 kata michi - a one way (trip) 堂 1) dou - hall 任天堂 nin ten dou - Nintendo video game company 食堂車 shoku dou sha - dining car 食堂 shoku dou - lunch room, cafeteria 特 1) toku - special This is a very special kanji so don't confuse it with 'to wait' [待 - matsu] 特別 toku betsu - special 特に toku ni - especially, particularly 特技 toku gi - special skill 肉 1) niku - meat Two people [人 - hito] are walking into a restaurant for meat. Don't confuse with [内 - uchi] 皮肉 hi niku - irony, ironic 牛肉 gyuu niku - beef 筋肉 kin niku - muscle 野 1) ya, 2) sho, 3) no - plains, field On the other side of a village [里 - sato] there is a field 荒野 ara no - wasteland, wilderness 野球 ya kyuu - baseball 長野県 nagano ken - Nagano prefecture 発 1) hatsu, 2) abaku, 3) tatsu - depart, start from, to happen Think of it as a rocket launching to the stars 出発 shuppatsu - depart, leave 爆発 baku hatsu - explosion 発見 hakken - discovery 発明 hatsu mei - invention 飯 1) han, 2) meshi - meal, cooked rice The left part is from the kanji to eat [食 - shoku] 御飯 go han - rice, meal 朝ご飯 asa go han - breakfast 炊飯器 sui han ki - rice cooker 病 1) byou, 2) yamai, 3) yamu - ill, sick 病気 byou ki - sick 病院 byou in - hospital 急病 kyuu byou - sudden illness 不 1) fu, 2) bu - non-, negative, bad This is useful for negating the following kanji 不可能 fu ka nou - impossible 不安 fu an - uneasy, unsure 不公平 fu kou hei - unfairness, injustice 服 1) fuku - clothing, obey Obey me and wear moon [月 - getsu] clothing 洋服 you fuku - western style clothes 衣服 i fuku - clothes 服従 fuku juu - obedience 物 1) butsu, 2) motsu, 3) mono - thing, matter, object This mono pertains to non human objects. The other mono [者] is for people 植物 shoku butsu - plant life 物語 mono gatari - story, legend 食べ物 tabe mono - something to eat 文 1) bun, 2) mon, 3) fumi, 4) aya - sentence, literature Someone crossing his legs and reading a book 文明 bun mei - civilization 文化 bun ka - culture 文具 bun gu - stationery 文章 bun shou - a sentence 別 1) betsu, 2) wakareru, 3) wakeru - separate, another, specially The bottom left part is from the kanji for sword [刀 - katana] and it thus separates it from other kanji 別荘 bessou - a second house 特別 toku betsu - special 別に betsu ni - it's not that important, not particularly 勉 1) ben, 2) tsutomeru - exertion It takes power [力 - chikara] to exert oneself 勉強 ben kyou - study 不勉強 fu ben kyou - idleness 勉強中 ben kyou chuu - in the midst of studying 目 1) moku, 2) boku, 3) me - eye Think of a monster with three vertical eyes 一目ぼれ hito me bore - love at first sight 目的 moku teki - purpose, goal 左目 hidari me - left eye 用 1) you, 2) mochiiru - use, service, business This is the moon [月 - tsuki] with a line in the middle 使用 shi you - use 用紙 you shi - paper, form 用意 you i - prepare 用心棒 you jin bou - body gaurd 夜 1) ya, 2) yo, 3) yoru - night, evening 夜逃げ yo nige - flight in the night, fleeing in the night 今夜 kon ya - this evening 夜間 ya kan - night, night time 曜 1) you - weekday This is found in all 7 days of the week 何曜日 nan you bi - what day of the week? 金曜日 kin you bi - Friday 土曜日 do you bi - Saturday 洋 1) you - the West, western style, ocean The left means water and the right means sheep [羊 - hitsuji] 洋服 you fuku - western style clothing 洋食 you shoku - western (foreign) food 洋画 you ga - foreign painting 理 1) ri - logic, reason, truth Logic is found in the villages [里 - sato] not in the cities 理由 ri yuu - reason, cause 無理 mu ri - impossible, unreasonable 理科 ri ka - science 料 1) ryou - fee, materials The part to the left means 'rice' [米 - kome] Rice is an essential material to pay for 料金 ryou kin - a charge, a fee 料理 ryou ri - cooking, dish 飲料 in ryou - a drink (written word)
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