Students’ response to reading while listening graded stories activities
Recent research on listening while reading activities mostly focus on its effectiveness or
comparison with other activities or adopt quantitative measures. The purpose of this qualitative
action research is to investigate how and why first year students at Nam Dinh University of
Nursing respond to reading while listening graded stories in English class. In this study, in order
to triangulate the data, three data collection methods were used; namely, individual
interview, group interview, and observation. The participants were 15 first year students with
varied English proficiency levels from elementary to pre-intermediate. Data were thematically
analyzed. After 14 weeks of implementing the activities, participants positively reported on their
engagement in the class and benefits of the activities on language development; however, there
were also problems with stories selection and follow up activities.
contribute participant who did nothing. Moreover, different groups acted differently while fulfilling the task. The group with better students often finished earlier then gossiped while the weaker one often asked for more time. In the interview with a group leader, she expressed her dissatisfaction when she “had to do most of the work”. As for the summary task, students did not really work even when the teacher set the time limit. During the task time, students seemed to be distracted. Some looked at friends’ paper, some looked outside, some yawned and put their head on their hand. Finally, they asked me to set it homework. The next day, they handed in nearly the same copy. For the role play, there were still uneven parts between group members. Often, the best one would always be the one who acted the most while the weak one even said nothing or just performed some body languages. The role play had variety of complaints from students. S9, S4, S8 and S11 agreed that “it is really difficult to create a play from such short stories within 10 or 15 minutes”. As I observed, S4 and S11 were less active participants who often gossiped or teased others. The group interviewees suggested that “the follow up activities should be assigned as homework and performed on the next lesson, that way we have more time to prepare”. Furthermore, time allocation was another source of problem. According to data from the interviews, the follow up activities were time-consuming; however, the primary problem might be inefficient group work, in which students did not know how to interact, cooperate and allot work for each member. 4. Discussion The first point to take into consideration would be students’ engagement. It is understandable because this is the first time Nguyen Thi Hue et al TNU Journal of Science and Technology 199(06): 119 - 126 Email: 125 reading while listening has been introduced in my class, so students might welcome it as a novelty effect. Though most of the students were engaged in the reading while listening activity, the taste varied among groups of students. The competent ones preferred the unfamiliar stories for more challenges whereas the weaker ones favored the common ones. Boys insisted that the stories were too childish; they preferred thrilling ones. Moreover, this mode also gave students autonomy, which means they can manage their own learning preferences. They can decide to listen to the audio only until they hear incomprehensible utterances and then consult the text or reading while listening. Normally, at the very first sessions, students follow both the text and the audio, then afterward they could just ignored the text. S2 even created her own way to employ the method. She said, “When I get used to the mode, I challenge myself by listening to the audio and wrote down the story like a dictation exercise.” 4.1. Benefits of reading while listening Obviously, data from different sources confirmed that reading while listening brought in positive results. Word pronunciation gains were stressed by group of weaker students, who mainly come from rural and suburban areas where students have less chance to expose to authentic English. Stronger students reported that they were more confident with sentence intonation and vocabulary consolidation. It is easy to understand that more competent students already master the pronunciation so it does not bother them and their brain automatically shift the attention to other aspects like vocabulary. Actually, there are not many new lexical items in the graded stories, thus, “new vocabulary” may mean the passive vocabulary, which students rarely use but they already know. Actually, my class is a mixed ability class where students’ language proficiency varies deeply. Therefore, it seems impossible for a certain story to be suitable for all students. Also, the weak students said that the stories become easier to understand when being read. This feature was also reflected by students in [13]. She explained that learners of foreign language tend to read word by word. As a result, sentence integrity is broken down making it difficult to understand. With reading while listening mode, the text is presented in larger semantic unit, which in turn leads to better comprehension. In general, in terms of benefits for students, the innovation was a success to some extend. 4.2. Unsuccessful follow up activities It is obvious from the data that insufficient teamwork skills are fundamental reason for the failure. Most of the tasks are in the form of group work with the primary aim to foster cooperation between students. Initially, I supposed that group work would help me save time because “three heads are better than one”. But in fact, inefficient group work waste the class time. At high schools in Vietnam, especially in rural and remote areas, where teaching methods often focus on test oriented, students had little chance to develop teamwork ability thus led to students’ lack of such basic skills. Furthermore, the students were in their first year at a completely new learning environment, they preferred to work with their close friends instead of the ones they were not so acquainted. Actually, during the project, I kept the same groups (I group students sitting next to one another) due to the crowded class and small classroom, it was inconvenience for students to move around to form new groups. This created chance for passive group member as they became more dependent in groups with dominant member. At the beginning of the study, I did not think of these situations, I expected that students would be involved in the group work activities because I assumed that they at least had some experience working in a team. For the next cycle, I will deliver a test to clarify students reading ability and vocabulary size so that I will be able to select more appropriate level of graded stories. I will also spend some time training students on group Nguyen Thi Hue et al TNU Journal of Science and Technology 199(06): 119 - 126 Email: 126 work skills. Moreover, during the implementation of the project, I will take into consideration various grouping methods for more effective application. 5. Conclusion This paper described the experiences and responses of first year nursing students at Nam Dinh University of Nursing to reading while listening activities in English class. 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