Each definition of a preposition is followed by one or more patterns, which indicate the word order appropriate for the definition.
The verbs in each pattern can be changed to other tenses.
Pattern: verb + toward + noun
The money goes toward helping the family.
This could also be:
The money went toward helping the family.
The money will go toward helping the family.
The money is going to go toward helping the family.
When a word cannot be substituted, that word is included in the pattern.
Pattern: be + after + noun
The reception is after the wedding.
be is the only possible verb for this pattern.
ourage, delight, discretion, disdain, distress, enthusiasm, fear, feeling, glee, grace, gratitude, happiness, hatred, humility, indifference, kindness, joy, love, optimism, pleasure, pride, regard, sadness, shame, skill, sympathy, tenderness, thanks, understanding Pattern 2: verb + noun + with + noun She greeted us with a big smile. He always starts work with a grumble. Typical nouns used after with: air, cry, expression, frown, greeting, grumble, grunt, handshake, hug, kiss, look, promise, question, shudder, sigh, smile, smirk, thank you, word Pattern 3: be + adjective + with + noun (thing) Please be careful with the piano. I hope he is successful with the mission. Typical adjectives: awkward, careful, clumsy, creative, dexterous, quick, skillful, slow, successful, talented, unsuccessful Pattern 4: be + adjective + with + noun (person) She is very patient with me. He hasn't been sympathetic with her problems. Typical adjectives: awkward, belligerent, curt, flexible, forthcoming, frank, friendly, generous, helpful, honest, impatient, open, patient, stiff, sympathetic, truthful 6 With can describe someone's feelings about something. Pattern: be + adjective + with + noun The child was bored with her toys. They are very happy with their new home. Typical adjectives used with this pattern: bored, comfortable, content, delighted, disappointed, frustrated, happy, impressed, pleased, satisfied, thrilled, uncomfortable, unhappy, upset Expression: to be in love with—to have a romantic feeling toward He is (madly) in love with her. 7 With can indicate a working relationship. Pattern 1: be + with + noun She is with a real estate company. Pattern 2: be + past participle + with + noun He is involved with that organization. They are not concerned with our group. Pattern 3: work + with + noun His mother works with us. 8 With can indicate the instrument or tool used for an action. Pattern 1: verb + with + noun She writes with a pen. Typical verbs used before with: color, clean, cut, dig, draw, eat, paint, serve, sweep, wash, write Pattern 2: verb + noun + with + noun The boy drew a flower with his crayons. I swept the garage with a big broom. Typical verbs: attach, clean, clear, cut, dig, draw, dry, eat, erase, fasten, hit, move, nail, open, paint, plow, season, serve, sweep, wash, write 9 With can indicate a noun that covers or fills an area. Pattern: verb + noun + with + noun She filled the pitcher with lemonade. They planted the bed with white flowers. Typical verbs: cover, cram, fill, frost, heap, ice, pack, paint, plant, smear, spread, sprinkle, stuff 10 With can indicate struggle Pattern 1: verb + with + noun My colleague disagrees with the management. He is always fighting with his brother. Typical verbs: argue, clash, compete, conflict, differ, disagree, fight, quarrel, wrestle Expression: to have it out with—to express anger verbally After two years of frustration, he finally had it out with his boss. Pattern 2: have + a + noun + with She has an argument with him every morning. They are having a quarrel with the neighbors right now. Typical nouns: argument, bout, contest, disagreement, fight, match, quarrel Pattern 3: be + in + noun + with She is in competition with him for the promotion. It's too bad your ideas are in conflict with those of the majority. 11 With can indicate support or cooperation. Pattern 1: verb + with + noun They are cooperating with the authorities. You have to comply with the rules. Typical verbs: agree, collaborate, comply, concur, cooperate, empathize, harmonize, help, negotiate, sympathize, work Expressions: to get along with—to cooperate with I get along with my roommate, even though she is not my best friend. to be with—to support Don't be nervous when you are giving your speech; we are all with you. Pattern 2: verb + a + noun + with + noun She signed a contract with us. Typical nouns: agreement, business, contract, friendship, partnership, relationship Expression: to do business with—to have negotiations with We don't do business with them anymore. Pattern 3: be + in + noun + with + noun Are you in agreement with the decisions they made? Typical nouns before with: accord, agreement, cahoots, concert, collaboration, compliance, concurrence, cooperation, harmony, partnership, sympathy 12 With means at the same time as. He rises with the sun. They opened the show with a song. Typical verbs: begin, celebrate, close, dedicate, end, start 13 With means at the same rate as. Wine improves with age. Wisdom comes with experience. With time, you will forget. 14 With means in the same direction as. Pattern: verb + with + the + noun It will take longer because we will be with the traffic. They drifted down the river with the current. Typical verbs used before with: be, cruise, drift, drive, float, go, ride, sail Typical nouns used after with the: current, flow, tide, traffic, wind 15 With can indicate separation. Pattern: verb expression + with + noun I hate to part with my old books. Our company severed relations with that client years ago. He is through with her; he doesn't want to see her again. Typical verb expressions used before with: be finished, be through, break up, cut ties, fall out, part, part company, sever relations, split up 16 With is used in a comparison or contrast. Pattern 1: noun + verb + with + noun Your blouse clashes with your skirt. Verbs commonly used with this pattern: clash, compare, contrast, go, look good Pattern 2: compare/contrast + noun + with + noun Let's compare this computer with that one. 17 With can indicate equality. Pattern: be + adjective + with + noun This side is not even with that side. Our team is tied with theirs: the score is two to two. Typical adjectives used before with: comparable, even, level, on a par, parallel, tied 18 With can indicate the cause of a condition. Pattern 1: adjective + with + noun The branches of the trees were heavy with snow. The girl's face is wet with tears. Pattern 2: verb in gerund form + with + noun The newlyweds were beaming with happiness. Typical verbs used before with: aching, beaming, crying, dancing, fuming, screaming, shouting, smiling, trembling Typical nouns used after with: anger, fear, glee, happiness, joy, mirth, rage, shame, zeal Pattern 3: with + the + noun With the traffic in this city, it takes a long time to get to work. Their lifestyle changed completely with the birth of their first baby. Typical nouns used after with the: arrival, bills, birth, change, crime, death, decrease, departure, guests, increase, move, problems, rain, traffic, trouble, worries Pattern 4: with + (all) + possessive noun or pronoun + noun With all his talent, he should be famous. She is quite popular, with all her beauty and charm. Typical nouns after with: beauty, charm, education, influence, intelligence, money, power, talent 19 With can mean despite. Pattern: with + (all) + possessive noun or pronoun + noun I love him with all his faults. With all her problems, she is quite serene. 20 Expressions to be with someone—to follow or understand Please repeat that; I'm not with you. to be charged with something—to be formally accused of a crime The boy was charged with breaking and entering. Down with something—a rallying call to eliminate oppressors Down with the tyrants! Off with someone—a call for someone to leave Off with you, and don't come back! 21 Phrasal verbs (get) on with (nonseparable)—to start something right away Let's get on with this job; I want to go home early. On with the show! get away with—escape a misdeed without penalty He tore up his parking fine and got away with it. put up with—tolerate The house is beautiful, but I can't put up with the noise of the airplanes. Within 1 Within means not outside a place. Pattern: be + within + noun Those schools are within the county jurisdiction. There is too much commotion within the building. Typical nouns used after within: area, building, city, country, county, jurisdiction, state, territory, walls 2 Within means less than a period of time. I will return within the hour. He will finish within five minutes. 3 Within means less than a distance. There is a hospital within five miles of the school. The storm was within ten miles of our town. 4 Within means possible; not exceeding the limits of something. Pattern: be + within + (one's) noun At last, the beach is within sight! A fortune is within our reach if we are lucky. Typical nouns after within: bounds, hearing, range, sight, reach, the law, the limit, the rules 5 Expression to keep within the family—to not reveal something to anyone who is not a family member That man has a strange history, but they keep it within the family. Without 1 Without indicates the absence of somebody. I can't live without you. Please don't leave without me. 2 Without means not having. Pattern: verb + without + (any) noun That young mother manages without any help. We are without money this month. 3 Without means not using. Pattern: verb + noun + without + noun We did the crossword puzzle without a dictionary. She can't read without her glasses. 4 Without means not performing an action. Pattern: without + verb in gerund form She passed the test without studying. He left without saying good-bye. 5 Expressions without a doubt—certainly She is without a doubt the best chairman we have ever had. without fail—a demand or promise to do something Be here at six A.M. without fail. I will finish within three days without fail. without ceremony—immediately and quietly He took charge without ceremony and began to work. that goes without saying—that is understood to be true You will be paid well for your work; that goes without saying.
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