Prepare For IELTS
How to Use this Book page iv
Chapter 1. Introduction to the IELTS Test page 1
Chapter 2. Preparation for the IELTS Test page 3
The Day of the Test page 5
Chapter 3. Module C Reading & Writing Practice Tests
Practice Test Number 1 page 7
Practice Test Number 2 page 27
Practice Test Number 3 page 49
Chapter 4. General Training Module Reading & Writing Practice Tests
Practice Test Number 1 page 68
Practice Test Number 2 page 90
Practice Test Number 3 page 113
Chapter 5. Listening Practice Tests
Practice Test Number 1 page 131
Practice Test Number 2 page 139
Practice Test Number 3 page 147
Chapter 6. The Interview page 155
Chapter 7. Answers
Reading & Writing Practice Tests page 162
Listening Practice Tests page 170
Acknowledgements page 172
ichhardl (II musl be spell correclly; for the Q.29 van slrccl and suburb, as long ;is the information is cor- Q.30 rocks (It must be plural) rect, il doesn't matter which line you write them on) Q.31 worse/worsening Q.IO 58-5989 Q.32 next week Q.I 1 Safe distance Q.33 C (This is stated in Ihe firsl sentence.) Q.I 2 rough Q.34 C (The lecturer says that Ihc Chinese govern- Q.13 nighl ment didn't allow emigration.) Q.14 alcohol Q.35 B (The lecturer states that as the transporta- Q.I 5 eating tion of convicts from England decreased, the squat- Q.I 6 alone Q.17 fiags (It musl be plural) ters and other employers Ipokcd for another cheap source of labour.) Q.18 panic Q.36 D (The lecture says that Ihc men began to Q.19 parallel look for a scapegoat to blame for their problems and Q.IO 1 metre that ihcy found it in Ihe Chinese.) Q.2I dangerous Q.37 B (This is slated in the last sentence of the lec- ture.) o Listening Test 2 Q 1 C Q.20 north Q-2 B Q.21 (very) few Q.3 D Q.22 19 million Q-4 A Q.23 mountainous/covered in mountains Q-5 Andrew (The spelling musl be correct) Q.24 huge Q.6 32 City Road Q.25 spring Q-7 Newlown 2040 Q.8 12-12-1968 Q.26 D (The newsreader says 'all three sides in the Q-9 Darwin nine month civil war' which eliminates A. Further- Q.10 3 more, a ceasefire stopped on Thursday, not Ihc fighi- Q.11 Canadian ing; and the fighting was 'in and around Ihc capital Q.12 TJ11965 city'.) Q.27 B (The newsreader says that union leaders Q.13 3 million 'called off three weeks of crippling strikes on Satur- Q.14 democracy day...', and thai more than one million workers 'luui Q.15 jungles joined the protest'.) Q.16 famous Q.28 D (The newsreader lists the three people — Ihc Q.17 113 million company owner, Ihe director, and Ihe captain — and Q.18 republic stales that they have all been charged.) Q.19 deserts Q.29 B (Abortions were legal and free but under Ihc new government bill abortion is now illegal.) Q.30 B. (The reader slalcs thai the flights will begin within a month.) Q.3I D. (The reader says that i/lhc candidate is con- victed, he will almost certainly be sentenced to al least two years imprisonment.) Q.32 False (You need a passport-sized photograph.) Q.33 True (If they are unemployed and live al least 3kms from the university.) Q.34 False (People thinking about studying can also use the counsellors.) Q-35 True (Counsellors provide individual assistance and workshops.) Q.36 False (It is a good idea to make an appointment.) Q.37 True (An adult is a person over sixteen; there is no upper age limit.) Q.38 True (If they are full-time.) Q.39 False (A small tec is charged.) Q.40 False (There is no menlion of ihis.) Q.-41 True (Poor punctuality is classified as inappro- priate behaviour and may be penalised.) O Listening Test 3 Q-1 C Q.26 40 Q-2 A Q.27 full-time Q-3 C Q.28 Ihrce Q.4 B Q5 enrolment Q.29 C (The second sentence of the lecture stales that Q.6 opening ceremony few people want to acknowledge or recognise the Q.I general orientation product ivily crisis. Furthermore, answers A, B and D Q.8 sports carnival directly contradict information given in the lecture.) Q.9 first lecture Q.30 A (While Australia is 70% arid or semi-arid, Q.10 free this is largely a natural occurrence. Bad agricultural practices have aggravated this.) Q.ll great grandparents Q.3I B (The relevant information is given in Ihe sen- Q.12 marine biology tence ' .... while the major political parties are enthusi- Q.I 3 loo cold astically promoting an increased population for Q.14 loo expensive Australia ...') Q.15 making friends Q.32 D (Answer A is incorrect as there is a yearly in- Q.16 water polo crease in population. The lecturer also states thai Ihe Q.n sharks (feeding habits) growth rale is far higher than almost all industrialised Q.i a 2 years countries, not most countries, so answers B and C are Q.19 trading company incorrect. Furthermore, answer D is Ihe central Ihcmc Q.20 Iravel of the entire lecture.) Q.33 0 (The speaker's emphasis is on a stable rather Q.21 university than necessarily a small population (answer A); an- Q.22 15 swer B is nonsensical; there is no reference to answer Q.23 $49,000 C with regard lo Sweden; this leaves only answer D.) Q.24 New York Q.34 A (Answers B, C and D are all recommenda- Q.25 (faculty) staff tions made al the end of the lecture.) O Acknowledgements Sources of texts: ' Australia's I jnguislic 1 listory', 'The Composition of Australia's Overseas Born Population by Birthplace, 1981', 'Purposes of Language Study', and 'Optimum Age for Language Learning', extracts from A National Language Policy. Report by ilie Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts. October, 1984. AGPS. Commonwealth of Australia copyright. Reproduced by permission. 'Some Trails of Language', extracts from D. Bolinger, Aspects of Language, 2nd ed., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (USA), 1975. (permission sought) Graphs on pages 28 - 29:1. Bcreson and S. Rosenblal, Inquiry Australia, 2nd cd. Heinemann Educational Australia, an imprint of Rigby I Icincmann, Richmond, Victoria, 1985. Reproduced with permission. 'Stricken Sea Needs l>ong-Tcrm Solution1, B, Keller (permission sought); 'The Heal Is On'; and 'The Calendar of Catastrophe', (abridged) reproduced in The Herald in the Classroom. Global Geography Update, '89. John Fairfax Education Unit, 1989. Reproduced with permission. 'Ready, Get Set, But Know What You're Going For', Sydney Morning Herald, 6 Sept. 1990; 'Don't Risk a Life Sentence', Sydney Morning Herald Careers Guide, 9 August 1990;' Leam-as-you-work Uni Opens for Business', (adapted in Listening Practice Test 3), Sydney Morning Herald, 12 Jan. 1991, John Fairfax Group Ply. Ltd. Reproduced with permission. 'Towards Global Protection of the Atmosphere', Environment, Vol.30, No.7, Sept. 1988. Heldref Publications, Washinglon,DC.(pcrmission sought) 'First National Literacy Report', (adapted), and 'Union Buys Student Accommodation', Alumncws, University of Technology, Sydney, Summer 1989. Supplied by Public Affairs and Publications Unit at UTS. Reproduced with permission. 'Hard Work is Asians' Secret of Success', Dr Stephen Juan, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 Sept. 1990. Reproduced wilh permission of the author. 'Got What II Takes to be a Marketing Manager?', (abridged) David Corklndale, Marketing Magazine, Oct.1989. Reproduced with permission. Figures on page 63 adapted from DEET survey published in APC Review, 1-1991, page 12. 'Dial-It Information Services', Your Community Phone Book, 1984, Ixichhardt and Marrickvillc Districts. Telecom Australia. Reproduced with permission. 'General Information for Students', 'UTS Student Loan Fund' and 'UTS — A Smoke-Free Zone', Orientation Handbook 1990, Students' Association of the University of Technology, Sydney. Reproduced wilh permission. 'TAPE Course Descriptions', 'The TAPE Tertiary Preparation Certificate', and ' Expected Locations of TPC and Subjects 1991', handouts on courses of the department of Technical and Further Education, New South Wales, and The 1991 Higher School Certificate and Tertiary Preparation Certificate Booklet, TAFE NSW, Publications Unit, Marketing Services Division. Reproduced with permission. 'University of Technology, Sydney, Kuring-gai Campus Information Evenings', advertisement originally published Sydney Morning Herald Careers Guide, 9 August 1990. Reproduced wilh permission of UTS. 'Consumer Bookshelf, reprint from Choice Magazine, Vol.31, No.7, July 1990. Published by the Australian Consumers' Association. Reproduced with permission. 'A Guide to Toxics in the I tome", abridged from Stepping Lightly on the Earth, Greenpeace Australia. Reproduced with permission. 'What Australians Are Like and How to Get to Know Them', The Welcome to UTS Book, 7959. Information for International Students, Student Services Unit, University of Technology, Sydney, 1989. Reprinted from Arriving, Surviving, Thriving: Information for Overseas Students, International Student Centre, University of New South Wales, 1988. Reproduced with permission. 'The Correct Use of Fire Extinguishers' (diagram), from Fire... Is Our Foe, brochure of the Public Relations Unit, Board of Fire Commissioners of NSW, Reproduced with permission. 'University Library Guide for Students', extracts from A - Z Guide for Students, produced by the Library of Ihe University of Technology, Sydney, 1991. Reproduced with permission. Lecture in Listening Practice Test 1 abridged from The Making of Australia. People From Everywhere. Bay Books, Sydney, 1982. Used wilh permission. Lecture in Listening Practice Test 3 abridged from 'A Countryside Reeling', Dr Chris Watson, CSIRO Australia, published in The Bulletin, Jan.31,1989. Used with permission of the author. The producers of this book would like to thank the staff and students of Insearch Language Centre at the University of Technology, Sydney, for their enthusiasm for the project and their patient assistance in trialling and improving the materials in it. Particular thanks go to those who gave detailed feedback along the way, especially Marnie Campbell, Terry Peck, Julie Rowed, Diane Hoggins, Daniel Carroll, Paul Vaughan, and Nicola Short. Jeffrey Quinn produced early versions of several of the the practice reading and writing tests. Patricia Wrathall contributed several texts. Terry Peck directed the production of the cassette tape. The illustrations in the listening practice tests are by Don Kibble; the drawings on pages 43 and 125 are by Annette Ring. Much of the keying onto disk was done by Tracy Cornhill and Angela Andjelovic of Insearch Language Centre.
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