Perception towards formative assessment in selected English pronunciation classes among English majors
his research aimed at discovering the students’ perception
towards formative assessment conducted in the pronunciation
classes at Mien Dong University of Technology (MUT). A total of
one hundred and eighteen university freshmen participated in
answering the questionnaire and semi-structured interview
questions. The quantitative data gained from the questionnaire were
analyzed by SPSS in terms of descriptive statistics, while the
qualitative data were analyzed using the content analysis approach.
The results showed the students’ proper awareness of formative
assessment in general and their positive perception towards the
application of formative assessment tasks. However, despite the
advantages, this application was still admitted containing some
Ha D. N. Nguyen, Huu D. N. Nguyen. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 10(3), 91-108 91 Perception towards formative assessment in selected English pronunciation classes among English majors Ha Dinh Nhu Nguyen1*, Huu Dinh Nhu Nguyen2 1Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH) 2Mien Dong University of Technology *Corresponding author: ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT DOI:10.46223/HCMCOUJS. soci.en.10.1.571.2020 Received: 16/04/2020 Revised: 21/06/2020 Accepted: 29/06/2020 Keywords: formative assessment, self- assessment, students’ perception, teacher’s feedback This research aimed at discovering the students’ perception towards formative assessment conducted in the pronunciation classes at Mien Dong University of Technology (MUT). A total of one hundred and eighteen university freshmen participated in answering the questionnaire and semi-structured interview questions. The quantitative data gained from the questionnaire were analyzed by SPSS in terms of descriptive statistics, while the qualitative data were analyzed using the content analysis approach. The results showed the students’ proper awareness of formative assessment in general and their positive perception towards the application of formative assessment tasks. However, despite the advantages, this application was still admitted containing some disadvantages. 1. Introduction Pronunciation has long been receiving little attention since linguists made their first efforts at studying the subject of language teaching. Pronunciation is always considered merely as a supplementary component of speaking. Even as one of the components of speaking skills, it is not as popular and well understood by language teachers as grammar and vocabulary. That is why a course for pronunciation does not earn a certain place in a lot of language curriculums. A lot of curriculum developers choose either to incorporate pronunciation into speaking courses or to entirely allow their teachers to make the decision (McGregor & Reed, 2018). In this case, it is the teachers who will decide whether they want pronunciation in their syllabus or not. As teachers do not have much time for their speaking courses and some of them, especially non-native teachers, find it hard to teach pronunciation, they tend to neglect this part of the language or just give it little attention. In their study, Purcell and Suter (1980) also depreciated teachers’ instructions in pronunciation by stating that, “teachers and classrooms seem to have had remarkably little to do with how well our students pronounce English” (p. 285). Since not much attention is paid to pronunciation itself, not much effort is put into finding how to assess it. However, as Celce-Murcia, Brinton, and Goodwin (1996) asserted in their book that if nonnative speakers cannot catch up with the “threshold level” of pronunciation, they will encounter many “oral communication problems” although they are good at English grammar and vocabulary. Pronunciation should be 92 Ha D. N. Nguyen, Huu D. N. Nguyen. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 10(3), 91-108 reserved a secured place in language curriculums and be looked at carefully by language teachers. Moreover, when it is taught, it has to be assessed. Assessment for pronunciation should also be of great interest to researchers in the field of language teaching and learning. Many researchers consider formative assessment as one of the most effective ways to raise students’ achievement in classrooms (Black & William, 1998). Also, in tertiary education in Vietnam, formative assessment is generally acknowledged and applied in classrooms. However, its importance and value in students’ learning are not well understood. This is also true in the field of English teaching and learning where only a few hours of instructions are allowed per week for the coverage of many required contents and units in the course. As a result, teachers will find formative assessment time-consuming and distracting to their normal practices in the classrooms. In the case of students, many of them tend to focus on marks and results rather than the quality of their learning. Therefore, they aim at achieving good marks rather than seriously look at their learning process. These factors lead to the lack of attention given to the appropriate application of formative assessment in the field of English teaching and learning. In addition to the factors that form the research gap, it is worth noting that most studies on formative assessment have their focus on writing skills, leaving little space for the other skills and areas, including pronunciation. With the nature of a productive skill that has the final product as a tangible piece of writing, writing seems to be one of the easiest skills to apply any kind of formative assessment and adjustment. To seek for the originality and not to get involved in topics that are widely and well-studied before, the researcher chooses pronunciation and how it is assessed. Besides, to draw teachers and students’ attention to formative assessment in pronunciation classrooms, a more specific study on different types of formative assessment and students’ reactions to them is also worth conducting. Based on the significance and necessity of formative assessment in English pronunciation classes, the objectives of this study were (1) to find out students’ perception towards formative assessment in a pronunciation course at MUT, (2) to find out the students’ opinions about the application of two types of FA (teacher’s feedback and self- assessment) in the selected pronunciation classes at MUT. Research questions To investigate the students’ perception towards formative assessment in pronunciation class at MUT, the following research questions were formulated: (1) What is the students’ perception of formative assessment in a pronunciation course at MUT? (2) What is the students’ perception towards the application of the two types of formative assessment (teacher’s feedback, and self-assessment) in the selected pronunciation classes at MUT? Conceptual framework The researcher finally came to the conceptual framework of the study which was described in the following diagram. Ha D. N. Nguyen, Huu D. N. Nguyen. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 10(3), 91-108 93 Figure 1. Conceptual framework of the study A teacher must consider the five key aspects of formative assessment to ensure the successful application of this assessment in a classroom. These key aspects, as stated in the previous sections, are listed in the form of the following questions: (1) Who should conduct a formative assessment? (2) When should a formative assessment be conducted? (3) Where should a formative assessment be conducted? (4) Why should a formative assessment be conducted? (5) How should a formative assessment be conducted? Taking account of the key aspects mentioned above, this study employs the formative assessment tasks proposed by Black and William (2009). The formative assessment tasks proposed by Black and William (2009) are widely accepted by many other researchers in the same field and applied in many teaching and learning contexts since they are well defined and built from a strong theoretical basis. However, due to the characteristics of pronunciation as well as the purpose and limitation of this study, only the two formative assessment tasks, namely teacher’s feedback and self-assessment were applied and examined. 2. Methodology 2.1. Participants The participants of the study consisted of 118 students who were from two pronunciation classes in a university in Dong Nai province, Vietnam. The participants were at pre-intermediate levels, as determined by the university entrance examination. WHO to conduct formative assessment Application of formative assessment in pronunciation classes Teacher’s feedback Self-assessment STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION WHEN to conduct formative assessment WHERE to conduct formative assessment WHY conduct formative assessment HOW to conduct formative assessment 94 Ha D. N. Nguyen, Huu D. N. Nguyen. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 10(3), 91-108 2.2. Instruments The researcher applied a lot of research instruments to collect the data. First, to make sure the students had the experience of participating in the formative assessment in a pronunciation course before collecting their opinions on it, the researcher conducted an experimental course as the treatment for this study. This treatment focused on the application of teacher’s feedback and self-assessment. Next, questionnaires and interviews were employed to collect the students’ perceptions and opinions about the application of formative assessment in their classes. 2.3. Data collection and analysis Concerning the data collection procedure, the researcher started to apply all of the two formative assessment tasks. This application, which was the treatment of the study, took 8 weeks with 3.75 hours of instruction each week. The application consisted of two stages in which all of the two types of formative assessment were used. Before the first stage began, the teacher asked the students to record their pronunciation of all the words for both English vowels and consonants. This was their first recording. In the first stage, two formative assessment tasks which were the teacher’s oral feedback, and self-assessment were carried out for the students’ pronunciation of vowels in their first recording. After experiencing the two types of assessments on vowels, the students were required to record their pronunciation of vowels for the second time. At this time, the teacher listened to the students’ second recording and gave written feedback on their pronunciation. This process was repeated for the second stage in which the focus was put on the students’ pronunciation of English consonants. Next, the researcher had the students answer the questionnaire which focuses on their perception towards formative assessment and its two different types during the final week of the experimental course. Finally, the researcher conducted interviews to gain deeper insights from the students about the issue. The interviews were recorded for later analysis and interpretation. For the quantitative section, 118 students from two pronunciation classes participated in the survey. These participants were chosen for the convenience of the researcher. Among 118 participants, 24 of them joined the qualitative interview for their in-depth opinions. These 24 students, accounting for about 20 percent of the total number of the participants, were chosen for the interview based on their scores and performances in class. Table 1 A summary of the instruments employed in the study Research questions Investigative questions Number of items/ questions Student questionnaire Student interview Research question 1 Students’ perception towards formative assessment in a pronunciation course at MUT Who to conduct formative assessment 3 (Section 1A - Items 1.11.3) When to conduct formative assessment 3 (Section 1A - Items 2.12.3) Where to conduct formative assessment 2 (Section 1A - Items 3.13.2) Ha D. N. Nguyen, Huu D. N. Nguyen. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 10(3), 91-108 95 Research questions Investigative questions Number of items/ questions Student questionnaire Student interview Why conduct formative assessment 2 (Section 1A - Items 4.14.2) Research question 2 Students’ opinions about the application of teacher’s feedback and self-assessment in the selected pronunciation classes at MUT Teacher’s feedback 7 (Section 1A - Items 5.15.7) 2 (Question 1,2) Self-assessment 5 (Section 1A - Items 6.16.5) 2 (Question 3,4) Ranking of the two formative assessment tasks 1 (Section 1B) Suggestions for the application of the two formative assessment tasks 1 (Question 5) General opinions about the pronunciation course 1 (Question 6) Demographic information 6 (Section 2 - Items 16) Total 29 6 Source: The researcher’s data analysis Regarding data analysis, the data were classified and analyzed according to the main themes of the research such as the student’s perception towards who, when, where, and why conduct the formative assessment, and the students’ opinions about the advantages and disadvantages of teachers’ feedback, and self-assessment in their pronunciation classes. The quantitative data reported were analyzed by using descriptive statistical techniques by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software including mean scores and standard deviation. The qualitative data collected through interviews were synthesized. Audio data were transcribed into texts for analysis. Later, the data were interpreted according to themes to serve the purpose of the study. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Results 3.1.1. Students’ perception of the application of formative assessment in their classes Students’ perception of who to conduct formative assessment The table showed positive results when the mean values of the three items ranged from 2.95 to 3.92. Among the three agents that should assess a student’s pronunciation, the first item which was the teacher received the strongest agreement from the students. The mean scores and 96 Ha D. N. Nguyen, Huu D. N. Nguyen. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 10(3), 91-108 standard deviation of the other two items (items 1.2 and 1.3) were not much different from each other and both items received agreement from the students. However, statistically, the students still showed less confidence to have their pronunciation assessed by themselves (M = 2.95) than by their friends (M = 3.00). Additionally, the standard deviation of items 1.2 and 1.3 was high (S.D = .587 and S.D = .600 respectively) and ranged from the lowest score (Min = 1) to the highest score (Max = 4), indicating that the responses varied considerably among students. In comparison with the first item which referred to the teacher as the assessor, the other two items referred to the students’ classmates and themselves received much lower mean scores and much higher standard deviation. This comparison suggested that the students had the highest expectation and strongest faith in their teacher to assess their performance. Table 2 Students’ questionnaire responses on who to conduct formative assessment N Mean S.D Min Max 1.1. His/her teacher 118 3.92 .281 3 4 1.2. His/her classmates 118 3.00 .587 1 4 1.3. The student himself/ herself 118 2.95 .600 1 4 Source: Data analysis result of the research Students’ perception of when to conduct formative assessment These three items were included in the questionnaire to find out whether the students thought it was necessary to apply formative assessment regularly during the course. Firstly, this description showed the students’ preference for the high frequency of formative assessment in the pronunciation course. Specifically, of all the three items, item 2.1 with the idea that formative assessment should be conducted at the end of every session or specific content had the highest mean value (M = 3.66) and lowest standard deviation (S.D = .477) ranging from 3 to 4. This statistic proved that all of the students in this class preferred to have their pronunciation assessed regularly during the course. Secondly, the figures also disclosed the students’ disagreement on applying formative assessments rarely in a course. Both items 2.2 and 2.3 received low mean scores and both mean scores were negative ones (M < 2.5). Item 2.2 which followed the idea that formative assessment should occur at the end of a course did not receive positive perception from the students when its mean value was below average (M = 2.41). This figure revealed that the students already knew formative assessment should occur several times during the course. The students might also know that formative assessment was different from a major test that they usually had to take at the end of a course or semester. Finally, the least accepted idea which was item 2.3 only had a mean value of 2.36. This mean score was lower than item 2.2 (M = 2.41) and much lower than item 2.1 (M = 3.66). The students, according to this description, might not consider conducting formative assessment only when the teachers recognize some problems in students’ learning as effective as doing this assessment periodically. They might know that in a large-sized class with about 60 students, it was difficult for a teacher to recognize the problems in the students’ learning if he or she did not carry out some assessment methods. Ha D. N. Nguyen, Huu D. N. Nguyen. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 10(3), 91-108 97 Table 3 Students’ questionnaire responses on when to conduct formative assessment N Mean S.D Min Max 2.1. At the end of each session or the specific content 118 3.66 .477 3 4 2.2. At the end of the course 118 2.41 .746 1 4 2.3. When students encounter learning problems 118 2.36 .886 1 4 Source: Data analysis result of the research Students’ perception of where to conduct formative assessment The collected data for the question ‘Where should the formative assessment be conducted?’ was described in the following table. In general, both items of this section had the above-average mean values (M > 2.51), indicating that the students agreed to carry out the formative assessment tasks both in class and out of class. However, there was a major difference in the level of students’ agreement between the two places of conducting the formative assessment. Item 3.1 which referred to the classroom as the appropriate setting of formative assessment received a much higher mean value (M = 3.83) than that of item 3.2 which pointed out the out of class setting (M = 2.63). This description revealed that the students preferred to carry out the formative assessment in class rather than out of class. Besides, the standard deviation of item 3.1 was low (S.D = .422) and the responses ranged from 2 to 4, revealing that the students’ perceptions were not much different from each other and that they found it more effective to assess in class. The students might find it easier to for the assessment to occur in class since they could receive the useful support and instructions from their classmates and teacher. On the contrary, in the case of the out-of-class setting, the figures showed a major gap among the students’ perceptions (Min = 1 and Max = 4). This point disclosed that besides some students who were extremely confident and willing to assess by themselves at home, there were still some students finding it difficult or ineffective to do that outside of class. Table 4 Students’ questionnaire responses on where to conduct formative assessment N Mean S.D Min Max 3.1. In class. 118 3.83 .422 2 4 3.2. Out of class. 118 2.63 .763 1 4 Source: Data analysis result of the research Students’ perception of why to conduct formative assessment As to why the formative assessment should be conducted, the data collected from the students’ responses generated these results which were described in the following table. Of all the four items, item 4.1 and 4.4 had the lowest standard deviations with the narrow range from 3 (Min = 3) t
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