Paragraph writing
1. A topic sentence should be neither too general nor too specific. If it is too general, the readers cannot know exactly what the paragraph is going to discuss about. If it is too specific, the writer may have nothing to say further.
1. Watson and the Shark is a good painting. (Too general)
2. In this painting there are some men in a boat. (Too specific)
3. Watson and the Shark, by John Singleton Copley, shows a dramatic rescue. (Good)
(Segal, M.K., & Pavlik, C., 1997, p.19)
WRITING 01 WEEK 01 PARAGRAPH WRITING What is the paragraph? A group of sentences that develops one main idea. What is a topic sentence? The topic sentence is the first sentence in a paragraph. It introduces the main idea of the paragraph How many parts are there in a topic sentence? A topic sentence has two parts: the topic and the controlling idea. - The topic names the subject or the context of the paragraph. - The controlling idea makes a specific comment about the topic. It also limits or controls the topic to a specific aspect of the topic to be discussed. Example: Convenience foods are Topic easy to prepare. Controlling idea Two important points that you have to remember when you write a topic sentence: 1. A topic sentence should be neither too general nor too specific. If it is too general, the readers cannot know exactly what the paragraph is going to discuss about. If it is too specific, the writer may have nothing to say further. Example: 1. Watson and the Shark is a good painting. (Too general) 2. In this painting there are some men in a boat. (Too specific) 3. Watson and the Shark, by John Singleton Copley, shows a dramatic rescue. (Good) (Segal, M.K., & Pavlik, C., 1997, p.19) 2. You shouldn’t include too many unrelated ideas in your topic sentence because your paragraph will not have unity. Example: Dalat city is famous for its temperate climate, its tourist attractions, and its friendly people. What are supporting sentences? The sentences come after the topic sentence, making up the body of a paragraph. They give details to develop and support the main idea of the paragraph. How can I write? Ask questions:- What?- How?- Why?- When?- Where?- By what way? Using technique:- Facts- Explanation- Short story that relates to the point to be supported.- Experience (personal experience)- Statistics- Description- Multiple supporting techniques EXAMPLES Milk is one of the most important sources of nutrition for human beings and animals. It is the first food provided for newborn babies because milk contains a large variety of nutritional constituents, and at the same time it is easily digestible. Milk is about 13% solids, and the solids contain 3.3% protein, 5% carbohydrates, 4% fat, and many vitamins and minerals. Moreover, milk protein contains all of the essential amino acids like casein and lactobacillus. Lactose is the principle carbohydrate of milk is the only source of lactose in nature. Milk also contains all of the known vitamins: A, B, D, E, and K. For all of these reasons, milk consumption is the keystone of human beings and animals. What is the purpose, and who is the audience for this paragraph? How do you know? What is the topic sentence? Underline the facts in this paragraph. What is the concluding sentence? Television Advertising Advertisements are one of the frustrating parts of watching television. In the first place, the advertisements waste time. For instance, about 15 minutes is lost by watching the ads during a single mews program. In the same way, the watcher wastes his time watching advertisements during a good movie. In the second place, the advertisements interrupt the viewer. For example, the viewer may forget the situation or show during the advertisement. Even worse, during a good movie, the watcher looses his feelings when the ad comes on, and that has bad psychological influences. The third place, the ads make many products look more appealing than they really are. For example, an expensive car is made to seem luxurious, or a bad product like deodorant is made to look very good by showing a beautiful amazing lady taking a shower. Accordingly, the television viewer must be aware and critical of the ads in order to endure them. What is the topic sentence? Underline the example in the paragraph? How might the author add the details to the paragraph? What concluding technique is used in the paragraph? My Old House I like to remember my old house from San Luis Potosi, in Mexico, because there I enjoyed my infancy and adolescence. Although it is small house, for me it always seems bigger, mainly the patio where I played soccer with my cousins and friends. On the patio there was a small pool where I played with small boats and paper. I remember each corner of my old house, but mainly my favorite place was the widow of the living room. From this window I could see the rain in the summertime, and I could feel the tranquility and freshness of the streets. Moreover, from this window, I could admire the stars in the dark sky. For all these reasons, my old house occupies a special place in my mind. Underline all the phrases that appeal to one or more of the five senses. What is the topic sentence? What is the purpose of this paragraph? Eels I’m afraid to eat food cooked with eel. In Thailand, eel is a kind of expensive and well – known fish. This fish is about 1 – 2 feet long, usually yellowish dark brown and snake – like. It lives in fresh water, but unlike most fish, it has no scales. Instead its skin is mucus – like, so in preparing to cook it, we have to rub its body with sand or with the leaves of the “khoy” tree to remove the mucus. Once when I was young, my aunt asked me to prepare the fish. First I beat their heads with a stick and rubbed their skin with “khoy” leaves; then I cut their heads of and put them in a large bowl to wash. When I poured the water into the bowl, the headless, pinkish white eels began to twist and swing left and right. After that day, I never ate eel again. Does the second sentence help the reader? If not, work in pair and rewrite it. Does the writer use enough specific detail from his personal experience to explain his dislike? Has the writer persuade you and your classmates? Why or why not? University Costs The international student needs much money to study at the university in the U.S. The cost can be divided into three categories. First is the price of house rent; that expense differs according to the kind of house. For example, a single basement room with a small kitchen at one end and a bed at the other costs at least $200 a month, but an apartment with a separate bedroom and kitchen costs at least $350 a month. The second expense is the cost of food; this cost is also various for each person. I spend at least $300 per month, so my daily cost for food is about $10. The final expense is the cost of tuition. This cost is especially high. I need $2000 per semester for tuition at this university because I am an “out – of – state” student. And that doesn’t even count the expenses for books, clothing, and other expenses. Therefore, I need at least $4000 for each semester. Techniques of support: Circle the controlling ideas in the topic sentence. What function does the second sentence in the paragraph fulfill? Example There are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world. First, Canada has an excellent health care system. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price. Second, Canada has a high standard of education. Students are taught by well-trained teachers and are encouraged to continue studying at university. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and efficiently managed. Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live. As a result, Canada is a desirable place to live. How To Write a Paragraph 1. Exploring ideas: - Think carefully about what you are going to write (or generating the ideas). - Ask yourself: What question am I going to answer in this paragraph? How can I best answer this question? What is the most important part of my answer? How can I make a topic sentence from the most important part of my answer? What facts or ideas can I use to support my topic sentence? How can I make this paragraph interesting? Do I need more facts on this topic? Where can I find more facts on this topic? - You can get more information by using these methods and sources: + discussing and listening ideas. + interviewing and taking notes + reading reference books, magazines, newspapers and doing research + using the information in the Internet 2. Open your notebook. Write out your answers to the above questions. You do not need to spend a lot of time doing this; just jot down what appear in your heads. 3. Collect facts related to your paragraph topic. Make sure the facts you are collecting are related to the exact question you are going to answer in your paragraph. You should cross out the unrelated details. 4. Organize your facts and ideas in a way that develops your main idea/ or making an outline. - Find the best way to tell your reader about it. -> Decide which order/pattern to put them in the paragraph. + time order/ chronological (such as first to last) order in telling a story, + space order (from far to near or near to far, from right to left or left to right, from top to bottom or vice verse, from inside to outside or vice verse) in describing a place or an object) in describing a place, an object… 5. Writing the first draft 6. Editing ParagraphsStyles and Organization 1. Make sure your paragraph has a topic sentence.2. Make sure your supporting sentences focus on the main idea.3. Make sure you have a closing sentence.4. Check that all your sentences focus on the main idea.5. See if your paragraph is interesting. Grammar and Spelling 1. Check your spelling.4. Make sure each sentence has a subject.5. See if your subjects and verbs agree with each other.6. Check the verb tenses of each sentence.7. Make sure that each sentence makes sense.
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