Industrial revolution 4.0 with human resources development of thai nguyen high-Tech agriculture
Development of high-tech agriculture is an inevitable trend of agricultural production in Vietnam
in generally and Thai Nguyen province in particularly. Thai Nguyen is the central province of the
Northern Midlands and Mountain, Thai Nguyen has abundant natural conditions and natural
resources for economic development, especially, the development of agriculture. However, for
Thai Nguyen agriculture sector to develop sustainably, in addition to scientific and technological
progress, Human resources as capable of applying scientific and technological achievements in
agricultural production are an important factor. The article reviews the general situation of human
resources in Thai Nguyen. The article proposes some solutions to increase the number and
improve the quality of human resources towards developing high-tech agriculture.
r, the fact shows that the qualification of labor in rural areas of Thai Nguyen is low, the system of vocational training is outdated and does not meet the requirements. Facing this situation, the renewal of training methods and human resource development for agriculture 4.0 is an urgent requirement for functional levels and branches, needing practical solutions for development of human agricultural force. 4.2. Solution on controlling quantity and quality and improvement of high-tech agricultural human resources Firstly, there must be good at controlling in terms of the number of human resources, limiting the population growth rate of the province. According to Thai Nguyen statistics, the population of Thai Nguyen province in 2016 is 1,227,400 people, the natural population growth rate is 0.99%. In particularly, the main reason for Thai Nguyen population growth due to high migration into Thai Nguyen (two directions: rural - Thai Nguyen and other urban areas - Thai Nguyen); Thai Nguyen crude birth rate in 2017 is 15.14 ‰ (decreasing 0.17 ‰ compared to 2016), the reduction is not sustainable, especially, that is higher than the other province because of childbearing in rural. Thereby, all creating many problems that need solved such as labor and employment: unemployment rate of labor resources in the working age in 2017 is 1.68%, Pham Thi Minh Nguyet et al TNU Journal of Science and Technology 199(06): 101 - 109 Email: 108 of which rural areas are 1.46%. Therefore, ensuring a reasonable population size, limiting the birth of a third child, continue to maintain and promote the implementation of policies on population planning. Secondly, improving the quality of human resources, it is necessary to improve the physical and mental level of human resources. Propagating and raising awareness for employees, opening propaganda classes for managers, thereby enabling them to go deeper and closer to the workforce of rural agricultural workers (especially ethnic minorities) to active, disciplined life skills in the new environment as well as knowledge of new techniques that will be applied in cultivation under the impact of the 4.0 digital technology context. Improving the income of workers on the basis of stable jobs, ensuring social justice to create conditions for children of poor families to access educational health services. Thirdly, creating jobs for the labor force in the working age to reduce the unemployment rate in both urban and rural areas, accelerating labor restructuring to progress and improve the efficiency of human resource in use. Implementing regional economic restructuring towards the formation and development of industries and economic sectors to form a new form of economic structure and labor structure, including three closely linked and supportive sections, creating a multi-tiered grid system and create jobs for human resources. 4.3. Solutions to improve the efficiency of using high-tech agricultural human resources In order for human resources to serve high- tech development with quality and efficiency, it is necessary to build a close link between four houses "Farmers - State - Scientists - Enterprises" this is the development trend of modern and sustainable agriculture. In particular, enterprises applying industry 4.0 support effectively farmers applying high technology, actively linking with agricultural experts in developed countries to provide solutions, equipment and specific implementation formulas. Domestic high-tech agricultural experts will apply all in practice. The local governments of the provinces need to promote the policy of supporting enterprises, creating a coordination mechanism, getting close links between the state and enterprises, training institutions and farmers, promoting potentials power. 4.4. Solution for training human resources in Thai Nguyen province Vietnam is lacking of qualified and intensive teachers on new rural areas and agriculture, specially, high-tech agriculture. There are much of theory in training programs, the content does not cover all the knowledge, skills and skills about new rural areas, lack of deep knowledge about international integration, climate change, production linkages, value chain development, business, market orientation, entrepreneurship knowledge, high technology, information technology application... Firstly, the State must be decisive role in the development of high-tech agriculture. With the tradition of an agricultural production economy, there are about 70% of the population participating in agricultural production in the whole country, in Thai Nguyen the labor force in agriculture accounts for nearly 50%. Thus, in the process of applying high technology to agricultural production, farmers and peasants are mostly in doing. The State should organize training courses to raise farmers' awareness about the importance of high-tech agricultural development, as well as training of life skills, discipline and matching village life with industrial style to increase the dynamics of rural agricultural human resources but not lose the good national identity and culture. At the same time, the state also needs to enact policies to support businesses, creating opportunities for enterprises to train farmers to produce according to the order requirements of enterprises. Support capital in the application and transfer of high technology in agricultural production to both Pham Thi Minh Nguyet et al TNU Journal of Science and Technology 199(06): 101 - 109 Email: 109 farmers and businesses for a number of main projects (such as the application of high technology in tea production and products from tea) ... The state needs enforce policies which support talented people, good experts in the field of high-tech to develop agriculture in Thai Nguyen. Secondly, improving the professional and technical qualifications of human resources. The rate of unskilled workers in Thai Nguyen which accounts for a high proportion of 69.3% (although it has decreased compared to 70.6% in 2016), of which, untrained workers in urban areas are 42.3%, rural areas account for a very high rate of 80.8%. Therefore, the province needs to build and develop a human resource training system in association with importance products, high competitiveness and great demand. There are prospects for future development of Thai Nguyen, such as planting and processing tea products, growing safe vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants, medicinal plants... Thirdly, it is necessary to coordinate links between enterprises and schools in training high-tech human resources. Currently, in order to have human resources for developing high-tech agriculture, Thai Nguyen province needs to be bold in the program to send workers to overseas training or training at domestic educational institutions, training links both learning and doing according to the needs of businesses. The school facilitates students to practice in the enterprises to have more experiences, skills for applying the acquired knowledge in the school in working at the enterprise. The school with high qualified scientific researchers needs to cooperate with enterprises to implement projects on agricultural applications in agriculture such as green agriculture, smart agriculture ... including the participation of trainees let them directly study as well as gain more practical experience. The co-operation among universities, businesses and research institutes is an inevitable reality when training must follow to the demand or according to the orders of the business. 5. Conclusion The fourth industrial revolution is changing the global economy, having a direct impact on Vietnam (both positive and negative). If Vietnam takes good opportunities and overcomes challenges, Vietnam will be able to narrow the development gap with more advanced countries. It’s sooner to realize its goal of becoming a modern developed country. This article contributes to agricultural development in Thai Nguyen province in accordance with the trend of industrial revolution, improving the socio-economic life of the local people, aiming at agriculture with breeding and farming automation and high standards processes. With the participation of the political system, businesses and peasants, good high-tech agricultural will become a reality, contributing to ensuring food security and national food in generally and agricultural development in Thai Nguyen province in particularly. REFERENCES [1]. Haria Zambon, Revolution 4.0: Industry and Agriculture in a Future development for SMEs, MDPI, Switzerland, 2019. [2]. Matthieu De Clercq, Agriculture 4.0: The future of farming technology, World Government Summit, 2018. [3]. The Prime Minister, Decision to approve the program of high technology application in agriculture (issued Decision No. 1895/ QD- TTg dated 17 th December 2012), 2012. [4]. 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