Episode 4 Hector Looks For a Job
NICK [composing email]
Job – stuntman.
Age 20. 20?
No. 30, more mature.
Age, 30.
[Sound of alarm]
Where’s the fire
nt man in the world! ANNIE Oh, you a stunt man!! NICK Yep. I got the job on the Internet. Well, nearly. I’m waiting for confirmation. ANNIE Oh, how exciting! BRIDGET The coolest stunt man n the world - on a moped, right? NICK On a Harley-Davidson, actually. ANNIE Films! Those stars! That money! Oh! Oh! Have you seen Carina’s dress in the magazine? I’d love to have a dress like that. BRIDGET Mmm, me too. It would really suit me. ANNIE How much is it? BRIDGET Oh, let’s see. Erm BRIDGET and ANNIE How much? ANNIE Oh, I’m a student, it’s too expensive for me! BRIDGET I’ve got a job and it’s too expensive for me! We need more money. HECTOR Money? Bridget, Annie, I have something to tell you. NICK Hector, don’t! It’s a secret! The Romero family, one of the richest families in Argentina. Keep it a secret. Sssh. HECTOR Uh? NICK Sssh! BRIDGET What’s a secret? HECTOR You have been very kind. BRIDGET Yes, Hector. NICK Ha-ha, ha-ha! I’m sure Bridget and Annie have a little money! Ha-ha! BRIDGET Sssh! Nick!! HECTOR So I want to, I want to give you some money. BRIDGET and ANNIE Yes! HECTOR So, I am going – to look for a job. ANNIE Oh that’s a great idea, Hector. NICK Gr-eat!! BRIDGET Yeah, we can look for a job on the Internet, can’t we. ANNIE OK, here we are, job vacancies. BRIDGET Well, let’s see. ANNIE Oh well, there’s a job in a launderette. ANNIE and BRIDGET Hector! No!. ANNIE And there’s a job as a gardener. ANNIE My plant! ANNIE and BRIDGET No! And here’s a job as a cook. ANNIE and BRIDGET No. ANNIE Wait a minute! Look at this. A waiter! ANNIE What a great idea! BRIDGET Yes! Ooh, I love good looking waiters! NICK Did you say ‘good looking’? Here I am. ANNIE What about Hector as a waiter? HECTOR A waiter? NICK Yeah, you know [whistles] HECTOR Oh, but I don’t know how. NICK Oh, don’t worry. I will teach you! Telephone rings BRIDGET Hello! Howard! How are you?!! [Laughs] Oh, thank you Howard! Me? Dinner tonight! Seven o'clock – at the Singing Parrot Café, OK Howard! Bye Howard! That was Howard. ANNIE, NICK and HECTOR No! BRIDGET He’s invited me to dinner tonight, because he wants to – talk to me about a NEW JOB! HECTOR Who is Howard? ANNIE Bridget’s boss. BRIDGET Ah, he is so rich, he’s so clever and he wants to see me!! He might offer me a promotion! What shall I wear? I have nothing to wear! No, wrong! NICK Huh! BRIDGET So last season. NICK Bet Howard can’t ride a motorbike. BRIDGET Nope! ANNIE He does give Bridget promotion, although I have heard – Howard has a nickname! BRIDGET What was I thinking?! NICK What? ANNIE [whispers] An octopus! NICK An octopus?! HECTOR Oh, the octo-pus! NICK Is he meeting her alone? ANNIE Yes. No, no! Bridget needs help! HECTOR We must stop her! NICK I have an idea. Why don’t you eat here? BRIDGET No! ANNIE Yes, then we can both talk to your boss about your new job! BRIDGET Where, here? No, no way. NICK I could cook for you! BRIDGET Huh! Definitely not, no! HECTOR And I could be your waiter! BRIDGET Mmm. HECTOR I want to be your waiter. BRIDGET Yeah, OK then, but be serious! NICK But don’t worry, we will help you get your promotion. Leave it to us! ANNIE [composing email] ‘Nadia. Hector wants a job.’ HECTOR I am going – to look for a job. ANNIE ‘But it’s difficult. What can he do? He can’t work in a launderette and he can’t work as a gardener.’ ANNIE My plant! BRIDGET Hmm. [Composing email] ‘He can’t work as a cook, but then we saw the job for Hector, a waiter.’ HECTOR A waiter? NICK Yeah you know. [Whistles] [Composing email] ‘And Bridget’s boss, Howard wants to take her out to dinner tonight. I wonder why?’ NICK OK, Hector, you are the waiter, so you must set the table. HECTOR Yes, I have set the table, but there is one problem. NICK A problem? HECTOR The table is too small. NICK The table is too small? HECTOR Yes, look. NICK Hector, this is set for twelve courses! HECTOR Dinner at home is always like this. NICK Oh yes! You are a million [whispers] You are a millionaire. This is just a little dinner for Bridget’s boss – OK? HECTOR OK. NICK OK. I am a customer! HECTOR Where would you like to sit? NICK Hmm. Here. [Clears throat] HECTOR Oh, I The bill. NICK Not yet! The menu first! HECTOR Oh, sorry, erm [clears throat] The menu. NICK Forget the menu. What have you got today? HECTOR To eat? NICK To eat. HECTOR Today, as dish of the day, I have a delicious hot cat. NICK A hot cat?! That’s a hot dog. HECTOR Ah! Hot cat, hot dog! [Laughs] Cat, hot [Laughs] NICK Oh no! ANNIE Oh, how’s it going? HECTOR Great! Nick is a good teacher. ANNIE Let’s see. NICK Ah-ah, Hector’s café is now closed. HECTOR and ANNIE Oh!! Sound of knocking on door ANNIE I’ll get it. DELIVERY MAN Delivery, Miss Evans and Miss Taylor. ANNIE Oh, Thank you! Bridget, look! BRIDGET Oh! [Reading card] ‘For lovely Annie from H.’ ANNIE For beautiful Bridget from H. Who’s H? BRIDGET Oh, it must be Howard! Oh, what is it! ANNIE Oh, Bridget! Look, it’s Carina’s dress! But how did he guess?! BRIDGET Oh, he’s a clever man! Anyway, it’s not Carina’s dress now, it’s Bridget’s dress! Oh, thank you Howard! ANNIE Oh Bridget, isn’t your boss kind! But, why did he buy me one? BRIDGET Oh, I’ve told him all about you! BRIDGET [composing email] ‘Chrissy, Howard, my boss is coming to dinner!’ BRIDGET Me, dinner, tonight! ‘He wants to talk to me about a new job. I’m so excited.’ BRIDGET He’s so clever and he wants to see me! ‘He even sent me a dress!’ BRIDGET Thank you Howard! Ah! NICK [composing email] His nickname is The Octopus. HECTOR The octopus! NICK Ugh! ‘Anyway - Hector and I will prepare and serve a good dinner this evening.’ NICK We will help you get your promotion. Sound of eggs being beaten BRIDGET [Clears throat] NICK Wow! BRIDGET OK, Nick?! NICK Yeah. Hot. The soup, hot. HECTOR Ah-ah-ah-ah. The soup is hot. NICK Thank you Hector. Sound of knocking on door BRIDGET He’s here. Good evening Howard. HOWARD Ah Bridget, my princess! BRIDGET Please come in. HOWARD Bridget, you look divine. Oh, this must be An-nie. Are you sisters? Such beauty! Laughter HOWARD The dresses are exquisite! ANNIE Oh BRIDGET and ANNIE Thank you. BRIDGET Thank you. HOWARD Don’t thank me, it’s a privilege! ANNIE Oh and this of course is Nick. NICK Hi. BRIDGET And this is Hector. He’s from Argentina. HECTOR Hello. HOWARD Argentina. Do you have a cow? HECTOR Two million! HOWARD What? HECTOR My parents own two million cows. BRIDGET Ah yes, thank you Hector. Hector’s English is a little HOWARD Weird! Never mind, ‘Ector. HOWARD So Bridget [ooh] what a beautiful apartment, for a beautiful lady. Banging noise HECTOR Dinner is served! NICK Hector, go on! HECTOR Today, we have sick pea soup. HOWARD Mmm, sick pea soup, my favourite! BRIDGET Chick pea, chick pea! HECTOR [Erm] Chick pea soup. HOWARD [Laughing] This guy is great! Where did you find him?! Sick pea soup! [Laughs] Mind you, it does look like – ugh! [Laughs] Sorry Nick! HECTOR Main course. Teeth casserole. HOWARD Teeth casserole? BRIDGET Beef, beef. HECTOR Oh sorry, beef casserole! HOWARD I bet the beef is as hard as teeth! [Laughs] A dinner with bite! Oh! Sorry, Nick! So Bridget, you would like a better job? BRIDGET Well Howard, I, I HOWARD Are you willing to work harder, hah? HOWARD You stupid idiot! HECTOR Sorry, erm ! HOWARD And Bridget, with your good looks NICK What a creep! HOWARD Ay! It’s cold! ‘Ector! I want hot coffee! HECTOR He wants hot coffee. NICK Then he will have hot coffee! HOWARD So – by the age of twenty [snoring noise] I had fifty people working for me. BRIDGET Fascinating! HOWARD My father said [snoring noise] – if you want more money, you must work hard! HOWARD Ay! You have poisoned me! You fool, you stupid boy! ANNIE Stupid! BRIDGET Don’t you dare talk to my friend Hector like that! HOWARD Oh, what is he? Is he your boyfriend or something?! BRIDGET He is – A kind and clever and lovely man, which is something that you will never, ever be! So you can keep your job, you creep! ANNIE And we’ll send you back the dresses! HOWARD What dresses? BRIDGET Oh, these dresses, the ones you bought Annie and me! HOWARD I did not buy those dresses. I would not spend money on you! Hah! BRIDGET Goodbye Howard! HOWARD You’ve lost your job! BRIDGET Well too late, I quit!! Sound of door slamming/applause NICK Howard said he did not buy the dresses. So who did? BRIDGET If ‘H’ isn’t for Howard? ANNIE Then ‘H’ is for Hector! BRIDGET You, but why did you buy the dresses? HECTOR To say thank you. BRIDGET But they’re so expensive. Where did you get the money? NICK [Clears throat] HECTOR I – found it. ANNIE Well, these expensive dresses must go back to the shop. ANNIE Yes they must! But not until tomorrow. ANNIE That’s right, let’s go clubbing! Come on, Nick! Hector! BRIDGET See you later, boys! NICK Hector, you are a true, true friend. Money is not everything. So, what did you buy me? HECTOR What do you think? NICK I love you, I love you! HECTOR Hmm! One moment. NICK You didn’t buy me a bike, you didn’t buy me a bike, you didn’t buy me a bike. You didn’t buy me a bike. HECTOR OK! NICK Thanks, Hector. It’s really, really HECTOR It’s OK Nick. NICK Hop on, I’ll give you a lift. HECTOR Hey NICK Hey, so do you still want to be a waiter? HECTOR No, I want to be like you, Nick, a stunt man! NICK and HECTOR Aaah!! COMMENTARY [v.o.] Next time in EXTRA! Nick gets a job on TV. Annie loves watching TV. And why does Hector want to learn to cook? EXTRA – don’t miss it!
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