Episode 26 Alibi
Bridget Evans? Annie Taylor? Detective David Hunt from the Metropolitan Police. Could I have a word with you, please?
So we went to the restaurant and it was a very good vegetarian restaurant and I had the peppers and Hector had the mushrooms, which was very nice because Hector doesn't like mushrooms, so I said to him that it was good for him to try.
NNIE He's so married! Oh, hi, Julian. Listen, we have an emergency here. What are the symptoms? Oh, shaking, squealing..., yeah, just a toothache. You can? Oh, thank you! Bye! Sorted. He'll see Nick now. HECTOR OK, come on, Nick. Come on. Come on, Nick. Come on, Nick. Assorted groaning noises/sound of door slamming BRIDGET Julian looked in my mouth once. He said, "Bridget, you've got wonderful teeth." ANNIE With a mouth that big, I'm surprised he didn't fall in! Sound of telephone ringing BRIDGET Hello? Who’s this? Bernard? BRIDGET [In flashback] Oh! Hello, Bernard. ANNIE Oh, hello, Bernard. You've been what? Robbed? When? When you were in the bath? All your clothes? And your keys? Oh, poor Bernard. Listen, you must call the police, OK? OK. Bye. Poor Bernard. It's ten o'clock! My sponsored silence starts now. NICK [Composing email] Oh, I've got a toothache. I don't want to go to the - dentist, but Hector says I must go. HECTOR He'll need a big drill. NICK Arrrghhh! HECTOR Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta!!! Ha-ha-ha-ha! NICK Owwww! ANNIE [Composing email] This morning I started my sponsored silence for the charity Pigs With No Parents. ANNIE If I talk a lot now, then I won't have to talk later. ANNIE [Composing email] I won't have to speak, because Bridget has gone to see a beautician. ANNIE Have you got a spot? ANNIE [Composing email] Oh!! It was urgent!! ANNIE I’ll call an ambulance! ANNIE [Composing email] You won't believe this, but our neighbour Bernard has had all his clothes stolen. ANNIE All your clothes? And your keys? ANNIE [Composing email] I wonder who could have done such a terrible thing? Poor Bernard! I told him he must call the police. Sound of knocking on door DETECTIVE HUNT Bridget Evans? Annie Taylor? Detective David Hunt from the Metropolitan Police. Could I have a word with you, please? Why not? You can't speak, I'm sorry. Oh, you can speak. Are you trying to be funny with me, young lady? I no speak for, hmm, one word, three syllables. First syllable - sit. Seat? Chair? Second syllable - A, E, I, I, Tea. Chair-I-Tea. Chair-i-tea? You're being silent for charity! Ah, but which charity? Cow? Dog? Cat? Pig? Got it! Pigs Without Parents! HECTOR Is this man bothering you, Annie? Because if he is, I am going to show him some Argentinean.... DETECTIVE HUNT Detective David Hunt of the Metropolitan Police. HECTOR ...respect. DETECTIVE HUNT And you are? HECTOR Hector Romero. DETECTIVE HUNT Ah, I suspect you're not English, eh? HECTOR He is a very good detective. NICK Ha-ha-ha! DETECTIVE HUNT And you are? NICK [ Unintelligible ] HECTOR He's just been to see the plumber. DETECTIVE HUNT The plumber? HECTOR Yes, he had a toothache. DETECTIVE HUNT But you don't go to the plumber when you've got a toothache. You go to the den.... HECTOR Biscuit? DETECTIVE HUNT Den.... Anyway, I'm here to investigate a robbery of Bernard Reynolds. HECTOR Huh! Somebody has stolen Bernard! NICK Ha-ha-ha-ha!! DETECTIVE HUNT It's not a robbery. Bernard Reynolds' clothes! HECTOR Oh, who would want Bernard's clothes? DETECTIVE HUNT So I'm investigating everybody in the building, because someone has stolen Bernard Reynolds' clothes. Where were you last night? HECTOR I was with Annie. Annie? DETECTIVE HUNT Oh, it's OK. She can't speak for chair-I-tea! Anyway, what about Nwiff? NICK Huh? Well, I [Assorted noises]. HECTOR Show me, Nick. NICK [Assorted noises]. HECTOR Ah! I went to Leo's Bar... NICK [Assorted noises]. HECTOR I had a beer... NICK [Assorted noises]. HECTOR There was a beautiful girl... NICK [Assorted noises]. HECTOR And a motorbike? DETECTIVE HUNT You were with a young woman on a motorbike? Motorbike. Registration? NICK [Assorted noises]. DETECTIVE HUNT Name of the young woman? NICK [Assorted noises]. HECTOR Oh, he wasn't with her. DETECTIVE HUNT Ah! The young woman was on television on a motorbike! HECTOR & NICK [Assorted noises]. DETECTIVE HUNT I saw that! Very nice! Gee, I'm getting good at this. ANNIE [Composing email] Anyway, I was being silent and there was a knock on the door. Sound of knocking on door DETECTIVE HUNT Bridget Evans? Annie Taylor? ANNIE [Composing email] It was a policeman, a detective! DETECTIVE HUNT Detective David Hunt from the Metropolitan Police. Could I have a word with you, please? ANNIE [Composing email] Unfortunately, I could not speak, because of my sponsored silence. DETECTIVE HUNT Chair-i-Tea? ANNIE [Composing email] And worse still, I had to tell him why. DETECTIVE HUNT Got it! ‘Pigs Without Parents!’ NICK Oh!! NICK [Composing email] When Hector and I came back from the dentist – [oww!] - a policeman was waiting for us. He wanted to know where I was last night. [Uh-oh!] ... .. .. .... Huh? Oh, well, I ... ... ... .. Ow! Anyway, Hector managed to translate for me, unfortunately! DETECTIVE HUNT Motorbike. Registration? NICK [Assorted noises]. DETECTIVE HUNT Name of the young woman? NICK [Assorted noises]. Sound of knocking on door BERNARD REYNOLDS Oh, there you are! DETECTIVE HUNT Oh, hello, Mr Reynolds. BERNARD REYNOLDS Well, have you caught them? DETECTIVE HUNT Who? BERNARD REYNOLDS The robbers. The robbers who stole my clothes. DETECTIVE HUNT Ah, yes. My investigations are going very well. BERNARD REYNOLDS [Makes loud sneezing noise] HECTOR Oh, you have a cold, Bernard? Oh, you need some clothes? BERNARD REYNOLDS What a week! First Mum went away to play bingo all weekend! HECTOR Bingo? NICK [Assorted noises]. BERNARD REYNOLDS Two fat ladies, 88. NICK [Assorted noises]. BERNARD REYNOLDS Clickety-click, 66. Well, anyway, and then someone stole my clothes. DETECTIVE HUNT Bingo! BERNARD REYNOLDS Ah, Digestives! My favourite. Sound of door opening DETECTIVE HUNT Aha! You must be Miss Evans. HECTOR And this is Sherlock Holmes! DETECTIVE HUNT Bridget, I'd like to ask you a few questions. BRIDGET Bernard's wearing my dressing gown! What are you staring at? HECTOR Nothing. NICK [Assorted noises]. DETECTIVE HUNT Is there something wrong with your top lip? BRIDGET No. BERNARD REYNOLDS Yes, there is. It's bright red. BRIDGET It doesn't show, does it? HECTOR & BERNARD No, no, no. BRIDGET They told me in the salon no one would notice! [Sound of Bridget blowing her nose]. Thank you. I wanted perfect lips, but I didn't have enough money, so a student did them. HECTOR What, a butcher student? DETECTIVE HUNT There, there. You're still very pretty. BRIDGET Am I? Really? DETECTIVE HUNT Really. Where were you last night? BRIDGET Looking in the mirror. DETECTIVE HUNT All night? BRIDGET Yes, all night. DETECTIVE HUNT How can anyone spend all night looking at themselves in the mirror? NICK [Assorted noises]. HECTOR Oh, Bridget would. DETECTIVE HUNT So let me summarise everybody's alibis. Annie is doing a sponsored silence for ‘Pigs With No Parents.’ She would not have had time to take Bernard's clothes. And what's more, Bernard's clothes would be too big for her. Hmm, Nwiff was watching ‘Babes and Bikes’ on television. I watched that too, so he may be telling the truth. Bridget was looking at herself in the mirror all night. Huh! An unlikely story. However, if I accuse her, she'll start crying again and I can't stand hysterical women. Which brings me to Hector. Hector's wearing a terrible suit. It looks stolen. Nobody would buy it, surely. And his only alibi is Annie, and guess what? She can't speak! But the clues do speak! Hunt, you're a genius! I think that someone here is not telling the truth and I think that someone is you! HECTOR But I told you: I was with Annie. DETECTIVE HUNT Annie hasn't said she was with you. BERNARD REYNOLDS That's true. HECTOR She can't speak. She is doing a sponsored silence for chair-I-tea. DETECTIVE HUNT It doesn't matter. Did you go out at all? HECTOR Yes. DETECTIVE HUNT Where? HECTOR Shopping. DETECTIVE HUNT Shopping? For what? HECTOR Some new clothes. DETECTIVE HUNT These new clothes? Now let me get this straight. You need some new clothes and Mr Reynolds' clothes have been stolen. So what does that tell me? HECTOR Yes, but I... DETECTIVE HUNT Why buy new clothes when you can steal somebody else's? BERNARD REYNOLDS Yeah! ANNIE Oooh!! Do these look like Bernard's clothes? HECTOR, BRIDGET, NICK & DETECTIVE HUNT Ooooh!! BERNARD REYNOLDS They could be. My colour. ANNIE Oh no! I spoke! You! You made me speak! BRIDGET, NICK & HECTOR Oooh! Sound of telephone ringing BRIDGET Hello? Yes, he's here. I'll get him. Bernard? It's your mother. BERNARD REYNOLDS Hello, Mum. You're back. How was bingo? Mum, someone stole my clothes. Oh! Oh! Ah. HECTOR & NICK Ahhh. BERNARD REYNOLDS OK. Right, I'm off. Mum's back. She's cooking my tea. BRIDGET Bernard, what about your clothes? BERNARD REYNOLDS It's OK. She's got them. DETECTIVE HUNT What?! HECTOR What? NICK What? BERNARD REYNOLDS She put them in the washing machine before she went to bingo. HECTOR & NICK Oh. BERNARD REYNOLDS Bye! HECTOR So Bernard's clothes were in the washing machine all the time. DETECTIVE HUNT Well, yes, as I suspected. That's another case solved. I'll be off then. ANNIE Oh no you won't. DETECTIVE HUNT What?! ANNIE You owe me £120 for ‘Pigs With No Parents.’ You made me speak. DETECTIVE HUNT Well, will dollars do? NICK Ow!! COMMENTARY [v.o.] Next time in EXTRA, the girls enter a game show and guess what Hector finds on his jumper? EXTRA, don't miss it.
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