Episode 12 Football Crazy
Nearly ready. Oh, there we are! Oh, perfect! Now - the living room! Oh, there! Just there! Oh, yeah, perfect, baby! Now, refreshments!
Ha-haa! Cola - yes! Crisps - yes! And finally, mwah! Dial-A-Pizza - yes! Ohh! Only two hours to go!
What is your television doing in my bathroom?
Oh, hi Bridget. So I don't miss anything.
DGET But it lasts for weeks. NICK Yeah! So, Hector, I've got the refreshments ready - Cola, crisps... BRIDGET TV in the bathroom. HECTOR At what time is kick-off? NICK Midday. HECTOR Oh, we had better sit down then! ANNIE Hello, everyone. Charlie and I are ready for the match. HECTOR Oh, Annie, you look nice! BRIDGET Your ribbons are different. ANNIE That's right. One for England and one for Argentina. HECTOR Oh, how sweet. NICK But of course England will win. HECTOR I don't think so, Nick. NICK We beat Jamaica 4-2. HECTOR But we beat Italy 3-0. NICK Well, our strikers are the best in the world. HECTOR But your defence is poor. NICK No, it's not. HECTOR Yes, it is. NICK It's not! It's not! It's not! HECTOR It is! It is! It is! ANNIE Break! And now make friends. Sound of dog barking BRIDGET Oh, you're so childish. Miguel arrives today. At least he's a real man. NICK Yeah, but he loves football too. [Sound of telephone ringing] A Spanish supporter. BRIDGET Hello? NICK We'll beat them, in the final. BRIDGET Nick, for you. Your agent. NICK Ooh, goodie! Hi, Cameron. How are you? Good. An audition? For me? Hey-hey! What for? London On Fire? The soap? Yessss! When? Today? At midday? Where? Birmingham? But that's 100 miles away! No, of course I'm pleased! OK, thank you! Bye! ANNIE An audition for London On Fire? That's brilliant! HECTOR Yeah, you must be pleased, man. NICK Yes, I am. I am very, very pleased. I am so happy. HECTOR I can see that. NICK Why today? Why this afternoon? Why in Birmingham? What about the football? BRIDGET Oh, it's only a football game. NICK Bridget, there are some people who think that football is a matter of life and death. It isn't. It is much-more important-than-that! BRIDGET Don't go to the audition then. NICK Don't go? Don't go? I must go. Drama is my life. ANNIE Look, Nick, we can record it for you. HECTOR Yeah, and we won't tell you the score. NICK Really? You won't tell me the score. You promise? ANNIE Promise. HECTOR Promise. BRIDGET OK, promise. NICK OK! I will go - and perform for England! BRIDGET [Composing email] World Cup! World Cup! World Cup! Today England play Argentina. NICK But of course England will win. BRIDGET [Composing email] Do I care? HECTOR & NICK Ooooooohhhhh! NICK [Composing email] The good news is: I have an audition for London On Fire. I am so happy. NICK Yesss! NICK [Composing email] The bad news is: it's in Birmingham this afternoon, so I won't see the semi-final! What a tragedy! NICK I am so happy! [Sobbing noises] BRIDGET I don't believe it. It's a very, very bad hair day. Oh, and Miguel is arriving this evening. It's a disaster. Ohhh! It's a catastrophe. I said, it's a catastrophe. HECTOR What is a catastrophe? ANNIE Bridget's hair. HECTOR Oh. BRIDGET Got to do something. I know - Carol! She'll help me. VOICE ON TELEVISION ...we've got all the action coming up. BRIDGET Hello? Carol? Bridget here. Look, this is an emergency. I need a hair appointment. I need a style that a Spanish football fan will adore. You can? Oh, goodie. I'll see you at 5 o'clock. Sorted! VOICE ON TELEVISION ...this semi-final we're seeing the two giants of football, England and Argentina... BRIDGET Come on, England! HECTOR Come on, Argentina! VOICE ON TELEVISION ...but that strong team. England ... ... ... I think ... ... score! Yes! It looks like it - aww! Oh! Now, Argentina, have they got ... ... .. They're looking dangerous! They've got through the defence and, and they score! Come on, England. They've got to pull themselves together. And who's this? Look at him. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... match and England have ... ... ... and yes! ... ... ...! ... ... ... BRIDGET Wow! What a game! ANNIE Yeah, it was fantastic! Oh, poor Hector. Argentina did very well against England. BRIDGET Yeah, but not well enough! ANNIE Ooh, we must not look too happy. We promised Nick not to tell him the score and Hector, you must not look too sad. Come on, try to smile. Come on, snuggly-puppykins. Like this. Hmm, it'll do. Sound of door opening ANNIE Oh, hi Nick. NICK Hello. BRIDGET Hi, Nick. NICK Good match? ANNIE You know, so-so. BRIDGET Yeah. NICK Where's the tape? BRIDGET Hector's got it. NICK Where's Hector? BRIDGET In your apartment. NICK Oh. Bye then. BRIDGET and ANNIE Bye. Sound of door slamming ANNIE and BRIDGET [Laughing/sound of handclapping] NICK Hi, Hector. HECTOR Nick, my friend, you are back. NICK Is this is the football match? HECTOR Yup. What? NICK You won, didn't you. HECTOR Won what? NICK The football. Argentina beat England, didn't they. HECTOR Nick, I promised you I wouldn't say anything. NICK But I know. You're so happy. HECTOR No, I'm not. NICK I knew it! I knew it! Oh, poor England, my country. Oh. HECTOR Nick, you can watch the match on video. NICK Oh, I can't bear it. How, Hector, how could you? How could Argentina beat England? Ohh! HECTOR Nick, just watch the tape. BRIDGET Oh, I can't wait to see Miguel! I'm going to the hairdresser's to get my hair done for gorgeous Miguel. Bye! Sound of telephone ringing HECTOR Hello? MIGUEL Hola, Hector, soy Miguel ¡de Barcelona! HECTOR Hola, Miguel, soy Hector ¡de Argentina! O Bridget acaba de salir. MIGUEL No, quiero hablar contigo. Necesito aprender inglés para Bridget. HECTOR OK, repeat after me - repita conmigo: “Bridget, you are so beautiful.” MIGUEL "Bridget, you are so beautiful." HECTOR "Bridget, I love your hair." MIGUEL "Bridget, I love your hair." HECTOR "And your smile." MIGUEL "And your smile." Hector, muchas gracias! HECTOR No problem, Miguel. See you later. ANNIE Hector and Bridget! How could they? BRIDGET [Composing email] I love football, especially our gorgeous English players. But I am sorry for Hector, because England beat Argentina. ANNIE Argentina did very well against England. BRIDGET Yeah, but not well enough! BRIDGET [Composing email] Well, only a little bit sorry! ANNIE [Composing email] Bridget is having a bad hair today and she is worried because Miguel is arriving this evening. BRIDGET This is an emergency. I need a hair appointment. I need a style that a Spanish football fan will adore. ANNIE [Composing email] But then I heard Hector talking to Bridget on the phone. He said she was beautiful. HECTOR "Bridget, you are so beautiful." ANNIE [Composing email] I don't understand. Crashing and banging noises HECTOR Annie. An-nie? ANNIE Yes, Hector? HECTOR Are you all right? ANNIE Yes. HECTOR Are you cross about something? ANNIE Oh, why do you think that? HECTOR Oh, Annie, come and sit down. NICK [Watching football match] Aagh/ooh/yes!!! HECTOR Annie, have I done something wrong? NICK [Watching football match] ... ... ... Yessss! Wooohh! ... ... ... HECTOR Well, if you don't tell me, I won't know. ANNIE Oh, you know Hector. You know! NICK Yessss! Yesssss! Yessss! We won! We won! We're in the final! Sorry, have I missed something? ANNIE Bridget? Bridget, what's wrong? Why have you got a bag on your head? BRIDGET Ohhh, ohhh! ANNIE Come on, let's take it off. BRIDGET Leave it! ANNIE Is it your hair? Well, but it can't be that bad. BRIDGET It is! ANNIE Oh, come on. BRIDGET Do you promise not to laugh? ANNIE We promise. Don't we. BRIDGET All right then, here goes. ANNIE It's very... nice. Sound of laughter BRIDGET I knew it. I knew you'd laugh. Oh, it's a disaster. And Miguel will be here any moment. Sound of door being knocked BRIDGET Ahhh! That’s him! Oh! He mustn’t see me like this! ANNIE Miguel? Oh, come in! I'll just tell Bridget. Pssstt, Bridget! Miguel's here. BRIDGET I don't want to see him. I can't. ANNIE Trust me, Bridget, he will love your hair. BRIDGET Miguel! MIGUEL Bridget, you are so beautiful. I love your hair, and your smile. BRIDGET I love your hair. MIGUEL So, Spain versus England in the World Cup final. Poor old England. NICK On the contrary, my Spanish friend. Prepare to die. ANNIE Nick, please ask Hector to pass the crisps. NICK Hector, Annie says can you pass the crisps. HECTOR Ah-ah-ah-ah. Please ask Annie why hasn't she spoken to me for two days. NICK Annie, Hector says why haven't you spoken to him for two days. ANNIE Tell him - hmm! NICK She says - hmm! BRIDGET Shhh! It's starting. VOICE ON TELEVISION ....final between England and their arch-rivals Spain! NICK Come on, England, come on. BRIDGET Come on, Spain. Assorted inaudible comments and noises BRIDGET Go on! VOICE ON TELEVISION ...and here's Spain - and it's a goal! ALL Yes!!/goal!! VOICE ON TELEVISION England have the ball. They are heading for gold. And it's... HECTOR Annie? VOICE ON TELEVISION Now, the final... HECTOR Can I ask you something? ANNIE Yes, Hector? HECTOR Have you ever thought about getting married? ANNIE Who to? HECTOR Oh, to someone - someone like - me. VOICE ON TELEVISION ...and he shoots and he scores! NICK I don't believe it! What a match! BRIDGET Oh, Spain played really well. NICK Yeah, but not well enough! BRIDGET Oh, poor Miguel. Speak to me in English again. MIGUEL "Bridget, you are so beautiful. I love your hair and your smile." NICK Is that all he knows? HECTOR Yup, and I taught him. ANNIE When? HECTOR On the phone. ANNIE Oh! You were on the phone to Miguel! HECTOR Teaching him English. ANNIE Oh, silly me. I thought you were talking to Bridget. HECTOR Oh, Annie, there is only one person for me. NICK Me? HECTOR Well? Will you? NICK Will she what? HECTOR Marry me? ANNIE Yes, Hector! Whooping and shouting COMMENTARY [v.o.] Next time in EXTRA, Hector and Annie plan their wedding, Nick is in for a surprise, and guess who's coming from Argentina? EXTRA, don't miss it!
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