Episode 1 Hector’s Arrival
Episode 1
BRIDGET [reading email message]
Did you get my message?
Please call me.
Love, John.
P.S: Did you get the flowers?’
Is he stupid?!
(Writes email)
‘I told you last night, it’s finished.
Sorry. B.
(And don’t call me GIGI.)’
mm, a parcel for you, Bridget. BRIDGET Oh, good. What is it? Oh, it’s from mother. ANNIE Oh, ‘Bridget darling, this arrived for you and I made you this. Love Mummy.’ Oh, ho-ho, oh very you, Bridget! BRIDGET Mother! Ooh, this is from Argentina. ANNIE Argentina. Who from? What does it say? BRIDGET [Erm], it says ‘Hello, do you remember me?’ No. ‘Seven years ago we was pen pals.’ ‘We was’ - we were pen pals. Oh yeah, now I remember, it’s Hector! ANNIE Who’s Hector? BRIDGET He was my pen pal seven years ago. ANNIE Oh. BRIDGET ‘I speak English good now.’ I speak English good. I speak English well now – ‘and I am coming to England.’ ANNIE Oh, Latin Americans! BRIDGET ‘I would like to sleep with you. Do you have a bed for me?’ Oh, he wants to stay here! [Oh]. Ah, ha, ha. ANNIE But [erm] what about the rules? ANNIE Ooh, a Latin American here, ooh, like Ricky Martin! Tall, handsome, rich! So [erm] when is he coming? BRIDGET Oh [erm] let me see. It says ‘November 5th.’ ANNIE Oh, November 5th. But that’s BRIDGET Today! Sound of knocking on door BRIDGET and ANNIE Aaaah!!! BRIDGET Oh, oh it’s you Nick! NICK Hi, babes! ANNIE Hello Nick. How are you? NICK Gr-eat. Nice muscles. Here’s your milk. BRIDGET Our milk. You mean our milk you borrowed three weeks ago. ANNIE Oh, thanks Nick. NICK [Speaking in a mock Italian accent] I forget nothing! ANNIE Would you like a drink, Nick? Would you like a drink, Nick? Telephone rings NICK Uhh. ANNIE I said, would you like a drink, Nick? NICK Oh! Sorry. No thanks. ANNIE Oh, erm, Bridget’s friend is coming. NICK Oh yeah. ANNIE Aha. From Argentina. NICK Wow! From Argentina! What’s she like? ANNIE She is a he! NICK Huh? ANNIE Not a girl, a boy. NICK Oh. Tough guy, ay! Why don’t I show you how to do it properly! BRIDGET Nick, I’ve told you before, nobody uses my bike, nobody, is that clear? NICK Why not? BRIDGET Why not?!! If you touch my bike again, you are out - O-U-T, out. Clear?! NICK What? Sound of door slamming Sound of knocking on door BRIDGET I said HECTOR Hello. ANNIE Hello. HECTOR I am called Argentina. I am from Hector. ANNIE You mean ‘I am called Hector.’ HECTOR You are called Hector? ANNIE Oh, no, no, no, I am called Annie. HECTOR I am called Annie. BRIDGET No! She means ‘I am called Hector, I am from Argentina.’ HECTOR You are from Argentina! BRIDGET Oh, come in! ANNIE [sending email] ‘Hi Nadia. Bridget’s pen pal arrived this morning.’ HECTOR Hello. ANNIE [sending email] ‘He is, mmm, strange.’ NICK Hi babes! ANNIE Hello Nick! [sending email] ‘Oh and Nick from next door is so funny! He brought our milk back from three weeks ago.’ NICK I forget nothing! BRIDGET [sending email] ‘Chrissy! Nick is so stupid, he touched my bike. Men!’ BRIDGET Nobody uses my bike, nobody, is that clear? NICK Why not! BRIDGET Why not?!! BRIDGET [sending email] ‘Also, Hector is here from Argentina. His English is not very good.’ HECTOR I am called Argentina. I am from Hector. HECTOR These are my cars. BRIDGET You play with cars?! HECTOR Yes, you play, no? I play with cars. BRIDGET He plays with cars! HECTOR I read. I love the library. BRIDGET Fascinating! ANNIE We go to the library too, don’t we, Bridget. BRIDGET Yes, it’s great! HECTOR Good. I live here. BRIDGET You live in a museum, full of old things? HECTOR Old things. Yes, I have lots of old things. I live in a museum. OK, I live in a museum. ANNIE Well, thank you Hector and now we’ll show you the flat. BRIDGET This is the bedroom. HECTOR Thank you. Who-hey!! Where do you sleep? BRIDGET [Erm] no you don’t understand, we only have one bedroom. HECTOR One? I have twenty. ANNIE Twenty? BRIDGET Yes, he lives in a museum, with twenty bedrooms. ANNIE Oh! Ha-ha-ha, very funny, ha, twenty bedrooms! Laughter BRIDGET Well, you can sleep here. HECTOR Oh, thank you. ANNIE Oh, no, no, no, Hector! It’s a bed. HECTOR A bed? Ah, oh BRIDGET Here’s a cushion. HECTOR Oh, thank you. ANNIE Oh, this of course is the TV. BRIDGET But just relax, I must go to the bathroom. Psst! Annie! Bathroom!! Now!! BRIDGET Oh my goodness, what are we going to do? He plays with toy cars! ANNIE He is not a sexy Argentinian. Mm, but he is sweet. BRIDGET And he is polite. BRIDGET and ANNIE But those clothes! ANNIE Oh, he is so old-fashioned. BRIDGET Mm, he must go. HECTOR Room service. NICK Hello. Who are you? HECTOR Oh, you who are quick, good. NICK Ay? HECTOR My luggage is downstairs. NICK What? HECTOR Bring it up, please. NICK What are you doing? HECTOR I pulled, you come, you are the butler. NICK The butler?! I am Nick, I live next door. HECTOR Oh, I, I am Hector. NICK Oh, Hector, from Argentina. HECTOR Yes, from Argentina! NICK Where are the girls? HECTOR The girls? NICK Yeah, Bridget and Annie. HECTOR Oh they live here. NICK Yeah, I know. Where’s Bridget? Does she know you are here? HECTOR Bridget, she gave me this. NICK Oh. ANNIE Hello Nick! Oh, this is Hector from Argentina. NICK Yeah, I know. BRIDGET Isn’t he wonderful! NICK Wonderful. BRIDGET Are you hungry? HECTOR Uh? BRIDGET We’ll buy your lunch. What would you like to eat? Fish and chips? HECTOR Oh, fish and ships!! [Laughs] ANNIE [Erm] Nick, Hector, make friends. BRIDGET Nick, teach Hector some English. NICK Yeah, OK, I’ll teach Hector some English. NICK [sending email] ‘Yo Dan! How’s it going?! The chicks in the apartment opposite have a visitor, Hector from Argentina.’ HECTOR Oh, you who are quick, good. NICK [sending email] ‘He can’t speak English. Man! He thought I was the butler!’ HECTOR I pulled, you come. You are the butler. NICK Ha, the butler. [sending email] ‘And even worse, I think he fancies Bridget.’ HECTOR She gave me this. NICK [sending email] ‘The girls have gone out, so I will teach him to speak English!’ NICK I’ll teach Hector some English. NICK [sending email] ‘See what I mean? Stay cool. N. P.S. Big decision. Today I joined an acting agency. Brad Pitt is history!’ NICK OK, this is the oven. HECTOR This is the ov-en. NICK Annie’s dog sleeps in the oven. HECTOR Annie’s dog sleeps in the oven. NICK So you say “Annie! The dog is in the oven!” HECTOR Annie, the dog is in the oven! NICK Gr-eat! Now, Bridget. Oh, oh dear. Well Bridget likes strong men, especially strong legs. HECTOR Well I am strong. NICK Yeah? Can you cycle fifty kilometres? HECTOR Yes. NICK No way! HECTOR Yes. NICK Well go on then, show me. HECTOR Yes, look! NICK Adios, Amigo! HECTOR Ah, Bridget, Annie, lunch! Fish and chips! [Laughs] ANNIE Yes, lunch, Hector. HECTOR Look Bridget, fifty kilometres. Oh, Annie, the dog is in the ov-en. ANNIE What? Oh! NICK Hi, everything OK? Gr-eat! HECTOR Pouf! I am, how do you say? BRIDGET Dead! NICK Hot. HECTOR Hot. Yeah, I am hot, I need a .. NICK Shower. HECTOR Yeah, I need a shower. BRIDGET Be my guest! HECTOR Oh, thank you. BRIDGET Right, that’s it! He must go! NICK Why? He is so nice. BRIDGET He used my bike! NICK Oh! ANNIE Yeah, and he said that the dog was in the oven! What a horrible joke! Where is Charley? Charley! NICK What a bad, bad boy. BRIDGET He must go! ANNIE Can he stay with you, Nick? NICK Ah-ah, sorry ladies. ANNIE Oh please Nick, you have a spare room. NICK No way, not my problem. BRIDGET He must go now! ANNIE But he’s in the shower. BRIDGET I don’t care! Sound of knocking on door BRIDGET Hector, please come out, we want to talk to you. HECTOR [Sings in shower] I like fish and ships, I Sound of knocking on door BRIDGET Hector, please come out, we want to talk to you. HECTOR OK, one moment please! I like fish and chips! Yes, you want me. BRIDGET We think we ANNIE We, we, we have a problem. BRIDGET It’s like this. NICK Go on then, tell him. HECTOR Yes, Bridget. BRIDGET Hector, the thing is NICK Stay there, I’ll talk to him. Hector, can I have a word please? HECTOR Oh Sound of door being slammed BRIDGET and ANNIE Ricky Martin! NICK Hector, is this you? HECTOR Yes, and my parents. NICK The Romero family. One of the richest families in Argentina. Who are these? HECTOR My NICK Servants. HECTOR Yeah, my servants. NICK Your cars? HECTOR Yeah, my cars. NICK Hector, you are rich! Why stay here? HECTOR I want friends, good friends. NICK People like you for your money? That’s awful! [Erm] listen, keep it a secret. Sshh. HECTOR OK! BRIDGET Perhaps he could stay here. ANNIE Yes – poor boy NICK Hector, come and stay with me, I have two rooms. BRIDGET Shut up, Nick. ANNIE Hector will stay with us, won’t you, Hector. BRIDGET Hector, come and – sit down. Hector please, call me Gigi! ANNIE Oh, Charley, there you are. HECTOR Oh Annie, the dog is in the ov-en. ANNIE The oven? HECTOR Yes, Nick is a good English teacher. BRIDGET Yes, a very good English teacher! I’d love to see your photos again. ANNIE Oh, me too! BRIDGET Oh, your sweet toy cars! NICK They are not toys! BRIDGET Today Hector arrives and it’s Bonfire Night. Let’s party! What sort of music do you like? HECTOR Music? NICK Yeah, music, you know, soul, funk, dance. Watch me, like this. HECTOR Interesting. I dance – like this. [Oh!]. Intercom buzzing noise ANNIE I’ll get it, I’ll get it. Hello. Oh, yeah, that’s great, sure, come up. It’s the landlady! NICK The tarantula! BRIDGET Quick, hide, Hector. NICK I’m off, I owe two week’s rent! Dog barks BRIDGET and ANNIE Aaah!! COMMENTARY [v.o.] Next time in EXTRA – the flat mates go shopping for Hector. Hector goes shopping for the girls. But what happens when Hector goes shopping for himself? EXTRA – don’t miss it!
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