
compliant : obsequens

composite, made up of different substances,

heterogenous : alienigenus

composition, agreement, pact/ arrangement :


comrade, companion in war : commilito

comtemptible : reprobabilis

conceited : ventosa

concept, idea : informatio

concern, solicitude, worry : sollicitudo

concern : cura

conciliation : concilium

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error, mistake, going astray : error, erroris 
especially, chiefly : praecipue 
especially, chiefly : presertim praesertim 
especially, particularly, chiefly : precipue 
especially, particularly, principally : maxime 
especially, particularly, specifically : imprimis 
estate steward : servile villicus 
estate : fundus 
estate : praedium 
eternal : aeturnus 
eternal, everlasting, without end : aeternus 
eternal : sempiterna 
eternally : aeturne[Adverb] 
eternally, without end : intemporaliter 
eternity, infinity, endlessnes : infinitas infinitio 
eunuch : eunuchus 
even if, although : etiamsi 
even if, although : tametsi 
even then / until then : etiamtum, etiamtunc 
evening prayer, vespers : vespera 
evening star, evening : vesper 
ever, at any time : umquam 
everlasting, uninterrupted : perennis 
ever-watchful : pervigil 
everyday life, the common good, the public eye : 
everything : panton 
everywhere, somewhere : alicubi 
evidently, certainly, of course, no doubt, 
assuredly : scilicet 
evil, misfortune, misdeed, crime, injury, damage : 
Evroul : Uticensium 
ewe, lamb : agna 
exceedingly high : praecelsus, precelsus 
exceedingly sweet : prae dulcis, pre dulcis 
excellence, merit, worth : excellentia 
excellent, distingished, imminent, superior : 
praestans, prestans 
excellent, distinguished, special, extraordinary : 
excellent, famous, beautiful, striking : praeclarus 
excellent, splendid, outstanding : palmarium 
exclusively, particularly, peculiarly, properly : 
excuse : excusatio 
execrable, impious : nefarius 
execrable : detestabilis 
executioner, hangman : carnifex 
exempt, free : immunis 
exertion, effort / undertaking / impulse, 
inclination : conatus 
exertion, effort : apparatus 
exertion, endeavor : nisus 
exhilaration, upwelling of emotion : effusio 
exhort, incite, encourage : hortor 
exile, banishment : exsilium 
exile : exsul 
expenditures, outlay, interest on a loan : 
expense, cost : sumptus 
expense, outlay : impensa 
expenses : sumptus 
experienced : versatus[Adjective] 
experienced, ascertained, knowing, proven : 
expertly, wisely : gnare 
explanation, exposition : explicatus 
expression of the face, countenance, look, aspect 
: vultus 
extensive : rotensus 
extensively : protense 
extra esto : exesto 
extraordinary, excellent, fine, superb : eximius 
extraordinary, subst, chief : praecipuus 
extremely eloquent : archidictus 
exultingly : ovanter 
exussum, burn down, burn, set on fire : extermino 
eye : oculus 
eyes : oculi 
f, a killing : interfectio-onis 
F, an opening : aperito 
f, an opening : apertio 
f, consequential, relating : consequentia 
f, direction, government : gubernatio-ionis 
f, foundation : fundatio-onis 
f, management, ordering, direction : discessio 
f, resurection, awakening, renewal : resurrectio 
f, vineyard : vinea 
fable, story, tale, play : fabula 
fable : fabula 
face, countenance, sight / expression : os, oris 
face, visage, countenance : facies 
facetious, laughable : ridiculus 
faint-hearted, fearful, timid : timidus 
faintly deny, partially refuse : subnego 
faintly glimmering, faintly gleaming : sublustris 
fairly, justly, rightly : iuste 
faithful, loyal, true : fidelis 
faithless [ones] : infideles 
faithless : malefidus 
 English-Latin Dictionary -19 
faithlessly, disloyally : infideliter 
faithlessnes, disloyalty : infidelitas 
faling headlong : cernuus 
fall : labes[Verb] 
fall, fault, error, sliding, gradual movement : 
falling down, going to ruin : ruinosus 
false, deceptive : falsus 
falso conclusions, logical fallacies : sophismata 
fame, renown, glory : gloria 
fame : divulgamen 
family, household : familia 
family, stock : prosapia 
famine, hunger : fames 
famous : illustris 
far and wide : longe lateque 
far, at, to, from a distance : procul 
far : longe 
farm, field, acre : ager (agri) 
farther, more advanced, more remote : ulterius 
fast, abstinence, hunger /leanness, thinness : 
fasten down, secure, fix firmly/ concentrate, fix 
upon : defigo 
fastening : nexus 
fat, oily, rich, sleek, /fertile : pinguis 
fatal deadly, destructive, lethal : exitiabilis exitialis 
fate, destiny, doom, lot, weird : fatum 
father /abbot : abbas, abbatis 
father in law : socer 
father : pater, patris 
fatherland, one's native country, homeland : 
fatherland : patria 
father's sister, paternal aunt : amita 
fatness, rotundity : pinguitudo 
fault, blame : culpa 
fault, blemish, mistake, error : mendum menda 
fault, error, mistake : erratum 
fault, vice, crime : vitium 
fault : culpa 
fault : naevus 
faulty, full of faults : mendosus 
favorable moment, opportunity : occasio 
favorable, fortunate, lucky, prosperous : prosper 
favorable, gracious : propitius 
favorable : complacitus 
favorer, promoter, patron, partisan, supporter : 
fawning, flattery, sycophancy, buttering up : 
fear of God, way of life, esp of monks/nuns : 
fear, dread, anxiety : metus 
fear, dread : formido 
fear, dread/ alarm, object causing fear : timor 
fearful : formidolosus 
feasibility, opportunity, resources, abundance : 
feather /featherbed /pen : pluma 
feather, wing : penna 
feather : penna 
feeble : frigidus 
feeling of shame, shame, bashfulness : 
feeling sorrowful : luctuosa 
feeling, sense, understanding : sensus 
feigned : fictus 
fellowship, companionship, secret society : 
fellowship : societas 
fence : sepes 
ferocious : trux 
fertile, productive, profitable : facundia 
fertility /richness, grace /joy, delight : laetitia 
letitia leticia 
fertility, fruitfulness : fertilitas 
fertility, qickness or readiness of speech : 
fertilize, make fruitful : fecundo 
festival : solemnitas 
festive : festivus 
festive : solemnis 
fetters : compes 
few, a few, some : pauci 
fidelity, loyalty, homage : fidelitas 
fierce, wild, savage, untamed : ferus 
fierce : efferus 
fierce : ferus 
fiercely : feriter 
fiery, ardent, burning, : igneus 
fiery : fervidus 
fiery : impirius 
fifteen times : quindeciens 
fifth : diapente 
fiftieth, a fiftieth part : quinquagesimus 
fig tree : ficus 
fight, battle, conflict, set-to : pugna 
fighter, warrior, combatant : proeliator preliator 
fighting man, warrior : bellator 
file, polishing, revision : lima 
filled, full : repletus 
filled, laden : plenus 
 English-Latin Dictionary -20 
filth, meanness, stinginess : sordes 
filth : inquinamentum 
filth : spurcamen 
filthy : spurcus 
fine flour, fine meal : pollen 
finely formed : formosus 
fire : ignem[Noun] 
fire-god : Vulcanus 
fire : ignis 
fire : incendia 
firm, resolved, staunch : obstinatus 
firm, stable, steadfast : stabilis 
firm, strong, reliable, solid : firmus 
firm, unshaken, stable : inconcussus 
firmly, steadfastly, on the spot, at once : statim 
firmness, obstinacy, stubborness : pertinacia 
first beginning, origin : primordium 
first part of the night, evening : conticinium 
first principle, element, basic constituent : 
first, at first, at the beginning, at the start : primo 
first, for the first time : primitus 
first, foremost /most distinguished, first : primoris 
first, foremost, at the top, uppermost : primoris 
fish : piscis 
fisherman : piscator 
fit, suitable/ (time) favorable /(+dat : opportunus 
fitly : opportune 
fitness, suitability, convenience, advantage : 
fitted, connected, fastened /prepared, fitted out : 
fitting : decet 
five : quinque 
five hundred : quingenti 
five years old : quinquennis 
five : quinque 
flag, banner, standard /troop, company, small 
unit : vexillum 
flame, fire : flamma 
flashing, illustrious : fulgens 
flat, even, level/ a plain : campester 
flatterer, sycophant, yes-man : assentator 
flattering, persuasive : blandus 
flee from, escape, elude, run away : effugio, 
effugi, effugiturus 
fleeing, fugitive, banished, migratory : profugus 
fleet, quick, rapid, swift, fast : velox 
Fleming, of or from Flanders : flandrensis 
flesh, bowels : viscus, viscera 
flesh, internal organs, bowels, entrails, heart : 
flesh : pulpa 
fleshly : corporeus 
flight, escape, : fuga 
flogged, beaten, knocked about : vapulus 
flood, billow : fluctus 
flood, overflowing, inundation : inundantia 
flow over, overflow, be superfluous : superfluo 
flower-garland : corollarium 
fluently : volubiliter 
fluid, flowing, liquid / clear, evident, certain : 
fluid : liquor 
flying creature, winged, winged creature : volucris 
follower, pursuer : secuutus 
following, attending, attendant, pursuing : sequax 
following, retinue, attendants, bodguard : 
fond of fighting, combative, stubborn, contntious 
: pugnax 
font : pelvis 
food / bait : esca 
food for animals : cibo 
food for men and animals : cibus 
food, nourishment : nutrimens 
food, provender, victuals : alimentum 
food : esca 
fool, buffoon, jester : balatro 
foolish /a fool : stultus 
foolish, silly /unlucky, unpropitious : laevus levus 
foolish : fatua 
foolish : insanum 
foolishly : stulte 
foot-path, path : bicallis 
foot-soldier : pedis 
foot : pes pedis 
footstep, trace, mark : vestigium 
for a little while, for a short time : paulisper 
for a long while, a long while ago, some time ago 
: dudum 
for a moment : parumper 
for a short time, for a little while, for a bit : 
for how much, at what price : quanti 
for indeed : etenim 
for indeed : namque 
for such a long time : tamdiu 
for that reason, on that account, therefore : ideo 
for the most part, generally, commonly, mostly : 
for the present, in present cirumstances : 
for the present : in praesentia 

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