Danh sách toàn bộ 620 động từ bất quy tắc
Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Definition
Abode/Abided Abode/Abided/Abidden To continue
To reside\live
Abought Abought To make amends for something wrong
Alit/Alighted Alit/Alighted To get off a bus, train, etc.
Arose Arisen To originate
To get up from horizontal position, out of bed
To come into existence
Awoke Awoken To stop sleeping and become conscious
y in circles Spit Spat/Spit Spat/Spit To eject saliva, liquid or food from the mouth Split Split Split To divideTo break open Spoil Spoilt/Spoiled Spoilt/Spoiled To let something go badTo go bad Spoonfeed Spoonfed Spoonfed To give someone information in small and very easy bits Spread Spread Spread To cover the surface of one thing with something else, like butter on bread Spring Sprang Sprung To jumpTo become active Stall-feed Stall-fed Stall-fed To feed or fatten an animal in a stall Stand Stood Stood To be in a vertical position with the weight on the feetTo get into this position Stave Stove/Staved/Stoved Stove/Staved/Stoved To break a hole in something Steal Stole Stolen To take property or money that is not yours Stick Stuck Stuck To attach things with glueTo insert a sharp object into something Sting Stung Stung To feel pain caused by an insect or plant or in a particular part of the body Stink Stank Stunk To smell very badly Straphang Straphung Straphung To hold a strap for support Strew Strewed Strewn/Strewed To distribute things randomly over a surface Stride Strode/Strided Stridden To walk confidently Strike Struck Struck/Stricken To stop working as a protest about working conditionsTo hit String Strung Strung To attach something using a cord Strip Stript/Stripped Stript/Stripped To undressTo remove the covering of something Strive Strove Striven To try very hard to do something Sublet Sublet Sublet To rent something you have rented Sunburn Sunburned/Sunburnt Sunburned/Sunburnt To get red skin from being in the sun for too long Swear Swore Sworn To use words which are regarded as offensiveTo promise Sweat Sweat/Sweated Sweat/Sweated To perspire Sweep Swept/Sweeped Swept/Sweeped To clean floors using a brush Swell Swelled Swollen To increase in size usually by filling with liquids or gases Swim Swam Swum To travel in water by moving your arms and legs Swing Swung Swung To move from side to side from a fixed point Swink Swank/Swonk Swonken To work, toil or labour Switch-hit Switch-hit Switch-hit To bat right-handed against a left-handed bowler, or vice versa, in baseball T Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Definition Take Took Taken To perform an actionTo acquire Teach Taught Taught To instruct or train somebody Team-teach Team-taught Team-taught To teach with more than one teacher for the class or group Tear Tore Torn To make a hole or divide material, paper, etc. Telecast Telecast/Telecasted Telecast/Telecasted To broadcast on TV Tell Told Told To give somebody information Test-drive Test-drove Test-driven To drive a car to test it before buying Test-fly Test-flew Test-flown To test a plane Think Thought Thought To have an opinionTo use the brain Thrive Throve/Thrived Thriven/Thrived To do very well because the circumstances or situation is right Throw Threw Thrown To cause an object to leave your hand in such a way that it travels through the air Thrust Thrust Thrust To push with force Thunderstrike Thunderstruck Thunderstruck/Thunderstricken To strike with lightningTo shock Tine Tint/Tined Tint/Tined To shut Toss Tossed/Tost Tossed/Tost Throw around Tread Trod Trodden To put your foot down Troubleshoot Troubleshot Troubleshot To solve a problem Typecast Typecast Typecast To give an actor the same sort of role repeatedly Typeset Typeset Typeset To compose type for printing Typewrite Typewrote Typewritten To write with a typewriter U Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Definition Unbear Unbore Unborn/Unborne To remove a horse's rein and straps Unbend Unbent Unbent To retore something to its original shape that has been distorted Unbind Unbound Unbound To set something freeTo untie, remove ropes, chains, etc.. Unbuild Unbuilt Unbuilt To demolish Unclothe Unclad/Unclothed Unclad/Unclothed To remove clothes Underbid Underbid Underbid/Underbidden To offer less money in an auction or sale Underbuy Underbought Underbought To buy for less than the real value Undercut Undercut Undercut To sell at a cheaper price than a competitor Underdelve Underdelved Underdolven/Underdelved To dive, dig, explore under something Underdo Underdid Underdone To do less than necessaryNot to cook enough Underfeed Underfed Underfed To give too little food to someone or an animal Undergird Undergirt/Undergirded Undergirt/Undergirded To make something secure underneathTo give moral support Undergo Underwent Undergone To suffer or go through an unpleasant experience, such as surgery Underlay Underlaid Underlaid To put underneath something Underlet Underlet Underlet To rent for less than the real value Underlie Underlay Underlain To be the real reason, meaning or idea behind something, usually hidden or not clear Underpay Underpaid Underpaid To pay someone too little or pay less than the price Underrun Underran Underrun To pass or flow underneath something Undersell Undersold Undersold To sell at a lower price than a competitor Undershoot Undershot Undershot To shoot too shortNot to reach a traget Underspend Underspent Underspent To sepnd less money than allocated in the department or company's budget Understand Understood Understood To know or come to know the meaning of something Undertake Undertook Undertaken To accept responsibility for doing something Underthrust Underthrust Underthrust To insert faulted rock under a passive rock mass Underwrite Underwrote Underwritten To accept part or all of a financial risk, especially insurance Undo Undid Undone To ruin somebody's reputationTo 'open' clothes or shoes before taking them off Undraw Undrew Undrawn To open a curtainTo withdraw Undraw Undrew Undrawn To open, draw back (curtains, etc) Unfreeze Unfroze Unfrozen To make assets availably for useTo thaw something Unhang Unhung Unhung To remove something that is hanging Unhide Unhid Unhidden To expose something that was hidden Unhold Unheld Unheld To stop holding or not to hold Unknit Unknit/Unknitted Unknit/Unknitted To untie Unlade Unladed Unladen/Unladed To remove cargo, unload Unlay Unlaid Unlaid To untwist a rope Unlearn Unlearnt/Unlearned Unlearnt/Unlearned To try to forget or change a habit or something that had been learned Unmake Unmade Unmade To remove a decision Unreeve Unrove/Unreeved Unrove/Unreeved To remove a rope from a hook Unsay Unsaid Unsaid Not to say somethingTo take back something that you said Unsell Unsold Unsold To convince someone that something is worthless or false Unsew Unsewed Unsewn/Unsewed To undo someone sewed, remove the stitches Unsling Unslung Unslung To remove something held in a sling Unspeak Unspoke Unspoken To take back what has been said or not to say something Unspin Unspun Unspun To untwist or unravel Unstick Unstuck Unstuck To seperate things that have been stuck togetherTo take off Unstring Unstrung Unstrung To open something secured with string Unswear Unswore Unsworn To take back an oath Unteach Untaught Untaught To make someone forget something they have learned Unthink Unthought Unthought To remove something from your mind Untread Untrod Untrodden To tread back, retrace your steps Unweave Unwove Unwoven To undo things that have been woven together Unwind Unwound Unwound To relax Unwrite Unwrote Unwritten To delete writing or not to write Upbuild Upbuilt Upbuilt To build up, develop on a large scale Uphold Upheld Upheld To support or confirm a decision Uppercut Uppercut Uppercut To punch upwards towards someone's chin Uprise Uprose Uprisen To get up, stand up, move upTo return from the dead Upset Upset Upset To make somebody unhappy or disturbed Upspring Upsprang Upsprung To jump or spring up Upsweep Upswept Upswept To sweep or brush upwards Uptear Uptore Uptorn To tear into pieces V Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Definition Vex Vext/Vexed Vext/Vexed To trouble or annoy W Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Definition Wake Woke Woken To stop sleeping and become consciousTo make somebody stop sleeping Waylay Waylaid Waylaid To wait for or to stop somebody to rob them Wear Wore Worn To have clothes on your body Weave Wove Woven To make material Wed Wed/Wedded Wed/Wedded To marry Weep Wept Wept To cry heavily Wend Wended/Went Wended/Went To go, make your way Wet Wet/Wetted Wet/Wetted To make something wet by applying a liquid to it Whipsaw Whipsawed Whipsawn/Whipsawed To cut with whipsaw (a saw for two people)To victimise Win Won Won To be the best in a competition, game, election, etc. Wind Wound Wound To turn something round to make a mechanical process operate Winterfeed Winterfed Winterfed To feed cattle in the winter when they can't graze Wiredraw Wiredrew Wiredrawn To make wireTo make something last a long time, especially speech Wit Wist Wist To know Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn To remove money from a bankTo remove something from a place Withhold Withheld Withheld Not to let somebody have something Withstand Withstood Withstood To resist successfully Wont Wont Wont/Wonted To be accustomed Work Worked/Wrought Worked/Wrought To make physical or mental effort to produce or achieve something Wrap Wrapped/Wrapt Wrapped/Wrapt To coverTo transport emotionally Wreak Wreaked Wreaked/Wroken To cause or make something happen Wring Wrung Wrung To put a lot of pressure on something to remove liquids Write Wrote Written To put words onto paper using a pen or pencil Z Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Definition Zinc Zinced/Zincked Zinced/Zincked To coat or cover something with a layer of zinc
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