Các thành ngữ tiếng Anh tương đương trong thành ngữ Việt Nam

Cause sb a lot of trouble or worry

Make you feel afraid or full of disgust

Nervous, worried or anxious


Scare, annoy sb very much

Frighten sb very much

Afraid of sth

Suddenly make sb stop by frightening or surprising them; suddenly stop because sth has frightened you

So near that you become afraid or anxious

Hardly able to breath because you are very anxious about sth


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Giaän maát khoân
Become red in the face
Ñoû maët tía tai
Bite a person's head off
Jump down one's throat
Speak to sb angrily without a good reason
Noåi traän loâi ñình
Blow your top / Blow your stack
Fly into a rage / temper
Fly into a tantrum
Fly off handle
Have / throw a tantrum / See red
Suddenly become angry
Noåi maùu xung thieân / noåi côn tam baønh/ giaän ñoû maët / ñoû maët tía tai
Cross as two sticks
Annoyed, irritated, petulant
Maët naëng maøy chì
Cut sb dead
Pretend not to see sb or not to greet sb to show your anger
Maët laïnh nhö tieàn
Do a slow burn
Slowly get angry
Giaän soâi maùu leân
Do sb 's head in
Make sb feel confused, upset, and / or annoyed
Choïc oå kieán löûa
Drive sb up the wall
Make sb very annoyed, drive sb crazy
Töùc nöôùc vôõ bôø
Feel out of sorts
Feel ill or bad tempered
Nhaên nhö maët hoå phuø
Flip your lid
Become very angry
Töùc loän ruoät
Foam at the mouth
Giaän suøi boït meùp
For crying out loud
Hell's teeth
Used to express anger or frustration
Maém mieäng day tay
Get a person' s back up
Give somebody / Get the hump
Make sb annoyed
Moù daùi ngöïa / treâu ong choïc raén
Get in sb' s hair
Annoy sb by preventing them from doing sth
Kyø ñaø caûn muõi
Get on your high horse
Be annoyed because you think that sb has not treated you with enough respect
Baàm gan tím ruoät
Get one's goat
Annoy sb very much
Töùc loän ruoät
Get out of bed on the wrong side / Get up on the wrong side of the bed
Be bad – tempered from the moment you get up
Töùc ñaày gan ñaày ruoät
Get steamed up (about sth)
Become very angry or excited about sth
Soâi gan noåi maät
Give sb hell
Shout at / speak angrily to sb because they have done sth wrong
Maéng cho taét beáp / taùt nöôùc vaøo maët
Gnash your teeth
Show one’s teeth
Feel very angry and upset about sth, especially because you cannot get what you want
Nghieán raêng nghieán lôïi / nghieán raêng treøo treïo / nhe nanh giô vuoát
Go ape
Become extremely angry or excited
Töùc nhö boø ñaù
Go ballistic
Go bananas / Have a pink / blue fit
Become very angry
Noåi maùu xung thieân
Go off deep end
Get into a state of violent emotion of anger
Giaõy naûy nhö ñæa phaûi voâi
Have / throw a fit
Become very excited or angry
Ñieân tieát leân
Have a cow
Suddenly become very excited or angry
Giaän ñieân ngöôøi
Have a short temper
Noùng tai noùng maët
Have sb' s guts for garters
Be very angry with sb and punish them severely for sth they have done
Töùc traøo maùu hoïng
Here we go again
Used for showing you are angry or annoyed that sth is starting to happen again
Bieát roài khoå laém noùi maõi
His bark is worse than his bite
Sb is not really as angry or unkind as they seem
His blood is up
Hit the roof / ceiling / Raise the roof
Make sb's blood boil
Suddenly become very angry
Soâi maùu leân / noùng maùu
Hot under the collar
Angry or annoy
Noùng gaùy
In high dudgeon
In an angry or offended mood
Cau maët cau maøy
Keep your hair on
Used for telling sb who is angry or very excited about sth to keep calm
Haï hoûa
Kick up / Make / Create / Raise a stink about sth
Show that you are angry about a situation, often by protesting in public
Like a bear with a sore head
Very bad – tempered 
Hung haêng con boï xít
Like a red rag to a bull
Causing a person to be excitedly and violently angry
Ñaèng ñaèng saùt khí
Make sb' s hair curl
Shock or disturb sb
Toùc tai döïng ngöôïc
Purple with rage
Giaän tím maët / baàm gan tím ruoät
Run high
Be strong and angry or excited
Töùc caønh hoâng
Send sb away / off with a flea in their ear
(Refuse sb’s request) angrily
Shake the dust from one's feet
Leave a place without request or with relief or generally in anger or disgust
Sick to your stomach
Disgusted or angry
Töùc nhö ñaám bò boâng
Smooth somebody's ruffled feathers
Make sb feel less angry or offended
Nuoát giaän laøm laønh
Spit blood venom
Show that you are very angry, speak in an angry way
Gaét nhö maém toâm
Take sth amiss
Feel offended about sth, perhaps because you understand in a wrong way
Take sth to heart
Be very offended by sb’s criticism
Töùc oùi maùu
Tear one's hair
Be very worried or angry
Voø ñaàu böùt tai
The feathers / fur / sparks will fly
There will be anger, annoyance
To hell with sb / sth
Used to express anger or dislike and to say that you no longer care about sb/ sth
Bieán ñi cho khuaát maét!
Turn in his / her grave
Likely to be shock or angry
Up in arms about / over sth
Very angry and protesting very strongly
Vi/ embarrassment:
English idioms
Vietnamese idioms
A burning shame
A crying shame
Theïn ñoû maët
As shy as a fawn
As shy as a school girl
E leä theïn thuøng / e theïn nhö con gaùi môùi veà nhaø choàng
Become red in face
Maët ñoû nhö gaác / maët ñoû nhö gaø choïi
Die of embarrassment
Xaáu hoå muoán cheát
Hang your head in / for shame
Put to shame
Look or feel embarrassed or ashamed
Ngöôïng chín caû maët
Not know where to hide oneself
Khoâng bieát chui loã neû naøo / chui ñaàu xuoáng ñaát / chæ muoán ñoän thoå
Vii/ worry / afraid:
English idioms
Vietnamese idioms
A fuss about nothing
Make a song and dance about sth
A lot of anger or worry about sth that is not important
Roái tinh roái muø / lo boø traéng raêng
A shrinking violet
Sb is very shy and is easily frightened
Yeáu boùng vía
As afraid as a grasshopper
As nervous as a cat
As nervous as a mouse
As pale as a ghost
Run nhö caày saáy / taùi ngaét nhö gaø caét tieát / maët xanh nhö chaøm ñoå / maët traéng nhö thaèng cheát troâi / run nhö deõ
Be / Feel like jelly
(of legs or knees) feel weak because you are nervous or frightened
Nhuõn nhö con chi chi
Be / Stand in awe of sb / sth
Admire sb / sth and be slightly afraid of them / it
Kính nhi vieãn chi
Be dead scared of sth
Sôï cheát khieáp
Be frightened / nervous / scared of your own shadow
Be very easily frightened, be very nervous
Sôï huøm sôï caû cöùt huøm
Be in a stew
Be / become very nervous about sth
Maát aên maát nguû
Be on hot bricks
Like a cat on hot bricks
On pins and needles
Tense, excited, nervous or restless
Nhö ngoài treân ñoáng löûa
Be scared / bored witless
Be extremely frightened or bored
Kinh hoàn baït vía
Blue in the face
Sôï xanh maët / maët vaøng nhö ngheä
Drive sb out of their mind / wits
Make sb crazy or very nervous or worried
Giaäm giaät nhö choù thaùng baûy
Fear has big eyes
Thaàn hoàn naùt thaàn tính
Fear has quick ear
Chim phaûi sôï caønh caây cong / phaûi moät caùi, raùi ñeán giaø
Frighten / Scare the life out of sb
Frighten sb very much
Sôï khieáp ñaûm
Get / Have the jitters
Feel anxious and nervous, especially before an important event or before having to do sth difficult
Nhö ngoài phaûi coïc
Get / Have butterflies in your stomach
Get / have nervous feeling in your stomach before doing sth
Kieán boø trong buïng / ruoät roái nhö tô voø
Go hot and cold all over
Suddenly feel very worried, upset or frightened when you remember sth very unpleasant
Laïnh caû ngöôøi
Have ants in your pants
Be unable to stay still because you are anxious or excited about sth
Ñöùng ngoài khoâng yeân / noùng ruoät soát loøng
Have cold feet
No longer want to continue what you intended or have started because you are nervous or afraid
ÔÙn xöông söôøn
Have kittens
Be nervous and anxious, especially when you are waiting for news of sth
AÊn khoâng ngon, nguû khoâng yeân / soát ruoät soát gan / ruoät noùng nhö löûa
He cannot say / cry Bo to a goose
He is so timid that he can never utter a word to assert himself on any point however small and against anybody however unformidable
Nhaùt nhö thoû ñeá
Ill at ease
Nervous, especially in a social situation
Sôï phaùt oám
In a (flat) spin
Very confused, worried or excited
Roái nhö canh heï
In a blue funk
Be depressed
Maët xanh nhö ñít nhaùi
In a lather
In a nervous, angry or excited state
Cuoáng leân nhö chuoät phaûi khoùi
Jump out of your skin
Make a quick, sudden movement because sth has suddenly frightened you
Nhaûy döïng leân / giaät baén ngöôøi / nhö giaãm phaûi löûa
Lead sb a merry dance
Cause sb a lot of trouble or worry
Lo cuoáng caø keâ
Make one's flesh creep
Make sb' s skin crawl
Make you feel afraid or full of disgust
Hoaûng kinh hoàn vía / hoàn sieâu phaùch laïc
On edge
Nervous, worried or anxious
Nhö phoûng nöôùc soâi
Pale as death itself
Maët xanh nhö taøu laù
Scare, annoy the hell out of sth
Scare, annoy sb very much
Kinh taâm taùng ñôûm
Scared / Frighten sb out of his wits
Frighten sb very much
Doïa cho hoàn vía leân maây
Shake in one's boots
Afraid of sth
Sôï noåi gai oác / noåi da gaø
Stand in terror of sth
Stop sb in their tracks
Suddenly make sb stop by frightening or surprising them; suddenly stop because sth has frightened you
Ñöùng cheát traân / ñöùng söõng nhö trôøi troàng / ñöùng nhö bò choân chaân / ñöùng trô nhö phoãng
Too close for comfort
So near that you become afraid or anxious
With bated breath
Hardly able to breath because you are very anxious about sth
Lo soát voù
Your hair stand on end
You feel very frightened, nervous 
Döïng toùc gaùy
Your heart misses a beat
You have a sudden feeling of fear, excitement
Sôï ñöùng tim
Your heart is in your mouth
You feel very anxious or afraid
Sôï maát maät
vIii/ envy:
English idioms
Vietnamese idioms
Green eyed - monster
Ghen maët xanh maøy xaùm / ghen loàng ghen loän
Green with envy
Very jealous (wanting sth that sb else has)
Con gaø töùc nhau tieáng gaùy / ghen aên töùc ôû / ghen aên gheùt uoáng
Keep up with the Joneses
Try to have all the possession and social achievements that your neighbors or other people around you have, especially by buying what they buy
Khoâng chòu thua chò keùm em
Pale with envy
Sick with jealousy
Traâu buoäc gheùt traâu aên / voâ duyeân gheùt keû coù duyeân / khoâng tieàn gheùt keû coù tieàn caàm tay

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