Biên bản ghi nhớ (English Version)
ABC Representatives:
Korean Representatives:
During the meetings, both Parties have discussed following issues and
understood to take necessary actions for further projects and issues:
BIÊN BẢN GHI NHỚ ENGLISH VERSION (Logo) AIDE-MEÌMOIRE Place: Time: Attendants ABC Representatives: 1. Korean Representatives: 1. During the meetings, both Parties have discussed following issues and understood to take necessary actions for further projects and issues: 1. With Hospitality and Tourism Company (HTC):• Mr. X – Team leader, Office of Business Strategy (HTC) introduced about HTC, specializing in: • Providing hotel and resort management services. • Consulting: feasibility, valuation, asset management and strategic advisory. • Construction: Interior, remodeling and technology support • HR Training, GSA and out-sourcing. • HTC and XYZ agreed mutually to take the following actions to put a step forward to a cooperation between two companies: 2. With KY Enterprises Inc. (KYE) • Dr. Kevin, President of GHK, introduced about GHK, a company providing video-on-demand on the eLearning in Vietnam. • Dr. Kevin offers the opportunity that XYZ and GHK can cooperate with each other in providing online training and education services. • Mr. Duong, expressed XYZ’s interest in this field, and also raised 2 questions that XYZ needs to answer before deciding getting involved in the business or not: • Difficulty in implementation of copyrights and intellectual properties law. • Vietnam’s Internet infrastructure and demand. 3. Other projects to be discussed by both parties: General hospital: It is advised by Mr. ABC that a hospital would be built by XYZ and/or Korean Construction Partners with helps from XYZ, which provide free of charge services to patients and other people, and a land using right or management and services providing right from the government would be the reimbursement for such company construction’s effort. XYZ recognized that the project would be social oriented rather than a profitable business opportunities. XYZ recognized that Mr. Lim, together with his colleagues, would provide medical services free of charge for the project. Luxury Apartment Model: Mr. ABC introduced Luxury Apartment model aim at high ranking customers. This model is now being carried out in the area about 16,000 km2 by World Mark (( - a leading properties services provider in Korea. 4. Proposals made by Korean Partners: • In order to seek for investors financing the projects, Mr. ABC suggested XYZ should provide documents about Projects hereinafter: Executive Summaries and Feasibility Studies for every project. A presentation with full and detailed financial analysis Implementation plan. Financial Engineering Plan. This AIDE-MEÌMOIRE was mutually understood and signed by: SIGNED: For and on behalf of By : Designation : In the presence of : SIGNED: For and on behalf of By : Designation : In the presence of :
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