963 bài Essays mẫu - Phần 47
In my point of view, ability to study the course, which a student likes more than others
gives him/her a possibility to fathom a subject better; moreover, it allows to start
preparing for a collage or a university. I think, it is a sagacious idea,because students can
try many different courses and by the time they will enter a university or a college, they
will probably know what subject to choose as his or her major. Plus, the possibility to
learn the subject a person likes more will give him or her satisfaction. Nobody would
probably disagree that we usually are better in those subjects, in which we are interested.
Not all of teenagers are keenon studying, but if schools will allow them to learn the
courses they are fond of, they will be encouraged to study.
acquiring unexplainable health problems due to being over stressed are just a few of many existing examples of darker sides of applied leadership. Being blamed is another one. Being a ollower? on the other hand, seems to be a safer choice. One knows what to expect and how to deal with what is expected of him/her. Should there be any problems, one just goes straight to the leader to ask for directions. What could be simpler? Lots of rewards, little responsibility. Moreover, the feelings of belonging to the big group of other ollowers?are positive and bring good, healthy results. One is upset together with others and gets to celebrate together as well. Being lonely is not an option, at least not in the workplace. Getting support is easy as well. Complaining about eaders?and any other problem also gets to be a cathartic, collective task. It is healthy to be able to speak one`s mind, to complain and not fear any repercussions. It is healthy to be part of a bigger group. However; intertwined with all these safe feelings are other, not so rosy issues. Lack of recognition, limited opportunities to progress and get promoted are just a few of many cons describing being a member of a group. Well, since there is always hope, one can For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org always try to be a leader... The societal rewards are higher for leaders then followers. To be a leader in North American society comes with more positivist and collective expectations, and, ultimately, gets to be more rewarding. In conclusion I would like to offer a dual-benefit proposal: to change as a chameleon throughout life and be sometimes a leader and sometimes a member of a group. That way our society will get the required push from willing leaders and a solid base from its regular members. Under these circumstances all individuals would be healthier and feel fulfillment more often. This would carry a necessity, though, to reward both described above statuses and produce more balanced students/trainees. Furthermore, everybody will be happy. Will you? Essay 715 Topic 139 What is the most important room in a house? What is the most important room in a house, the kitchen, the living room, or the bedroom? Different people have different opinions. From my point of view, I think that the living room is the important room in a house. There are numerous reasons why the living room is more important than the other rooms, and I would explain a few ones. First, in my recollection, the living room reminds me of a lot of rosy memory. In the past, our living room was always a center of congregating. All family members sit together here. Sometimes, we watched TV. Other times, we played chess. Our living room was always full of happiness and pleasure. Now I have my own family, I hope that my living room also becomes the source of our family pleasure. In addition, the living room also a place for parties and guests. When our family friends came to visit, we always entertained them in our living room. Sometimes, we even buy some ornaments such as flowers to decorate our living room. The purpose of all of these is to show our sincere welcome to our guests. We always made our living room spotless. If we take our friends to a messy living room, perhaps our friends will not visit us again. Therefore, a living room always plays a very important role in our social actives. In a word, a living room always plays an important role in both our family life and our social activities. Therefore, I think a living room is the most important room in our house. Essay 716 Topic 139 What is the most important room in a house? My family lives in an apartment. Compared with a US family house, an apartment is much smaller. It doesn`t have many rooms. Sometimes there can be no study, or exercise room. But one room can never be missed in every family: living room. and that is the very room I consider the most important. For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org In my opinion, living room plays the most important role in family life! As for my family, all family members will get together once a week. We usually sit down talking about what happened to ourselves during the last week, or things that we are most concerned. Recalling every New Year`s Eve we spent together, making traditional Chinese food dumpling while watching New Year celebrating party on TV, I feel that we family members get closer and become more cohesive, and the living room is full of warmness... A more personal reason why I think it is the most important is that, it is a good place to relax after intensive study. I prefer sitting on the sofa, watching some TV programs or reading newspapers. What is more comfortable, I can turn on the music, close my eyes and enjoy it! Staying in the living room makes me feel relaxed. In China, living room is usually the biggest room in one family. Because it is not only a place for family get-together, but also for guests and friends! When guests drop in at my home, we could sit in the living room talking and drinking tea together. On my birthday, I wil invite some friends home and have a small party! We would have a wonderful time together, leaving much laughter in the living room. In a word, the status of the living room in one family is replaceable, so to speak, the most important room. At the meanwhile, we cannot neglect the importance of other rooms. After all it is all the rooms that makes up of an entire warm family! Essay 717 Topic 139 What is the most important room in a house? Different people have different views about which room is more important than any other room in a house. To my mind, the bedroom is the most important room in a house. My reasons are listed below. In the first place, I reckon that the bedroom is vital for me because it is the place where I study and have fun. I own a very cozy and comfortable bedroom. In the southeast corner lies a huge book self which stores my favorite books and CDs. Actually I am a bookworm and am crazy for rock music, so I possess plenty of them. Beyond the corner of the bookshelf is there a table for me to study on. Besides, there is a computer at the desktop with which I can connect with the world. It is amazing to enjoy the convention of the Internet in my bedroom. In the second place, I suspect that the bedroom is substantial as it is the shelter of my heart and soul. As an individual in the modern world, obviously has far more pressures from a variety of channels of communication than those in the past, even a high middle school student like me included. When I do not receive a satisfied score in an examination, or when I feel unhappy after conflicting with others, I will stay in my bedroom to confide my trouble to my pet toy-a gorgeous doll called Tracy, even I might cry to her. Then I must not feel that gloomy and turn better. So can you see it is in fact For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org my private paradise in some way. As a result, I can adjust myself into full play when I communicate with others. What`s more, the bedroom is so crucial for me since it is the place where I have my dreams. Dreams are really mysterious to people, and we never know if they can foresee the things go well or bad. However, people really enjoy having a dream during their sleep. Of course I am not an exception. Thereby I love the room where I have wonderful dreams. In a word, I truly believe my bedroom is indispensable for me. For the simple reason that I spend most of my time with it. It accompanies me day by day whenever I am happy or sad, awake or sleepy, studying or amusing. Essay 718 Topic 140 Items made by hand vs. by machine With the advent of rapid industrialization we cannot imagine a world without machine made articles. The hand-made articles since then have also decreased in number to a marked extent. However even today we still have avail to at least a few hand-made articles. It is a fact that machine made articles have a much finer finish and they at times also come at a lower cost. Also they come from factories of companies where they give a lot of stress on quality assurance and reliability. There are some articles where at least machine made articles would me my automatic choice say for instance garments. Here I would prefer to go with branded articles than hand made ones. Moreover in case similar kind and quality of articles are available in the market in both machine-made and hand-made forms, it is easy to observe that the machine-made one usually comes at much lower cost. This is because in majority of such cases the machine is bound to possess more productivity than a human hand and as a result they will come in affordable prices thereby taking care of my financial aspect also. Also any good purchased from a reputed firm is going to offer some sort of warranty with certitude. This will ensure more safety to the customer. He can safely use it to any degree at least within the period of warranty. Sometimes we overlook certain flaws with the goods purchased while buying them hastily. This often happens while purchasing clothes. But if we buy reputed branded clothes from reputed outlets they are invariably going to replace it. This has personally happened with me more than once. However there might be instances where I would prefer to go with hand made articles. For example suppose I need to buy a wall mat. In this case machine made ones are going to be available in large numbers. But since in this case the article of interest will be quite affordable even if it is hand made I would prefer the handmade not before checking that it
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