963 bài Essays mẫu - Phần 18
Attending a live performance is really more enjoyable than watching the same event on
television. As I am very interested in football matches, I have experienced that watching
a football match at a stadium is not comparable with watching the same thing on TV. I
never forget the first time that I went the stadium and the match is inscribed in my mind.
It was an unforgettable event. At a live performance, you can see everything that is not
possible on TV. Cameras zoom on special scenesand you cannot see what is going on the
rest of the stage. For example, at a footballmatch, the cameraman always tries to see the
ball and its related events. When you are watching a football match on TV you cannot see
that a player kicks another one because it is out of stage. But when you are present at the
stadium you can easily see it.
ress in the various fields, when in wrong hands, wreak havoc in the same society that they are supposed to make better. Sophisticated arms & explosives in the hands of terrorists & children, science of human cloning in the hands of scientists, crop control technologies in the hands of corporations etc., are some of the examples of how progress can go wrong. Think of how much better the world would be, without nuclear and biological weapons, without mutated food grains et al. Think of how many people would not have died or maimed for life, if there had been no land mines ? After witnessing the destructive use the Dynamite could be put to, Alfred Nobel himself repented his own creation of Dynamite so much that he set up the Nobel prize, to be awarded to people who work for the betterment of the human society. Therefore, it is my strong contention that progress is only good when it is put to the right use, for the betterment and uplift of the individual and the society, on a whole. Progress put to any ulterior uses should be out rightly condemned. Essay 266 Topic 37 Is progress always good? Is progress always good? Almost all the people think progress is a good thing to improve their lives. Though some of them point out that progress brings about some bad side effects at the same time. In my point of view, I think progress is always good, if we attach higher importance to its minor negative effects, it should show even significant For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org merits. I have several reasons to demonstrate my opinions. First of all, progress means development. With the rapid technical development, our lives are changed tremendously day and night. For instance, nowadays, we can travel to another country in a few days or even hours. We can keep contact with clients in thousands miles away by e-mails every day. These progresses ensure us to live in a comfortable society our older generation could hardly imagine in their times. Second, progress enhances healthy competition. We can see that several big companies` pitch for the flagship position in the market. When they make big technical progress and lessen the costs so as to make more profits, they obtain the leadership position in the industry. Thus, many companies are eager to carry out new inventions and technical breakthroughs. Admittedly, overheated industry progress sometimes brings about some bad shortcomings such as pollution, deforestation, etc. However, its advantages surely outweigh its disadvantages, we should not throw the water out along with the baby in the same bathe basin. If we set up strict policy and sincerely obey the law, we can minimize these bad things to a large extent. We can conclude from the foregoing reasons that progress is always good, Besides, when we cautiously avoid its bad side effects, we can ensure it benefiting us more in a long term. Essay 267 Topic 37 Is progress always good? `Change` is an ever present, recurrent factor in man`s life. Man`s hatred for monotony has enabled him to race towards progress. His quest for more comfortable life resulted in the advancement of science and technology. Without progress, life is drab. Society vegetates. Life does not improve. Science is the religion of modern age. So it is very much essential. Progress makes life outgoing, expansive, assertive and fearless. Progress affects all spheres of life. In the field of agriculture it has resulted in the construction of dams, improvement in the field of irrigation, increase in the production of crops and machinery. Progress in medical science mitigates misery. Revolution in psychology, commerce etc. has brought a great change in the overall development of man. Progress in the field of nutrition has helped in better health and prolongation of one`s life. Progress has resulted in the invention of telephones, computers and assisted in better weather forecasts. It is because of progress man`s life has become more comfortable. The various facilities man today enjoys are due to progress in science and technology. It provides him greater material befits. Progress has made the world smaller. The invention of the transportation For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org vehicles and mass media network has resulted in bridging distances and bringing people of the world close to one another. Hence progress is a quintessential feature for a person or a nation to grow. Essay 268 Topic 37 Is progress always good? Progress, an abstract noun in the vocabulary, varies in different fields. Usually, we will take pride in some kind of progress as it takes along success. But is it always good? I do not think so. Sometimes it`s on the opposite side of the active effect. Our nature is one who is suffering from our progress. Progress in the industry has been giving great damage to our earth. Look around and you`ll find this point. It`s the progress of technology that gives us brightness even in the evening. But later we lost our stars, which is called light pollution as it`s too bright in the evening for us to see the stars. This is only a common example of the numerous cases of pollution in the world. We can see others if you want to find some. Natural pollution is only a part of the bad effects progress has. Also, our society is a sufferer of the progress of our own. Here, computer will show us why. It`s called the greatest invention last century. That`s progress of our science. It indeed has turned many dreams or supposals into truth, which is I have to admit. But what comes along with the progress in the science? Computers help biologists to find the secrete of DNA, and thus we have the technology of clones. However, what would happen if clones are used on us? While the spread of information is speeding up, we are becoming more and more unconcerned about our relatives and friends. And what`s more terrible is that the computer is used in the military which is threatening the precious peace nowadays. Now you will see that progress is not always good. Just like the coin with two sides, progress has its good effect and also has its bad effect. To us, it`s necessary to pay attention to the bad ones coming along with the good effect which may not appear at the present time. Essay 269 Topic 38 Is learning about the past useful? Nowadays, someone holds the opinion that learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. This statement is radically wrong. On the contrary, people living in the present can learn no more from anywhere else than from the past. The most valuable things one should learn from the history is politics, and this is why so many statesmen are familiar with history. Our society ran and is running in exactly the same way. Those events, such as great depression, financial crisis, and warfare, will show For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org up just as they did before. Recalling the history, one can find experience as well as lessons, from which one can tell right countermeasures from wrong ones. Actually, history is the most vivid textbook; from nowhere other than history can a statesman living in the present learn more about how to handle. Not merely for the statesmen is the information from the past useful. As an ordinary individual, one can also learn many from the past. Since ones childhood, he/she should have heard about a lot of anecdotes of celebrities. These interesting stories infused various characteristics, virtue, integrity, and courage, into the bottom of ones heart. These stories are much more lively than just interpretations. There might also be such stories in our daily life, but to a child, an interesting story happened on a celebrity always seems more convincible. It is for these reasons that people study history. History is the best candidate that can show us right and wrong, true and false, good and bad. Learn from the past, one can learn more than he has expected. Essay 270 Topic 38 Is learning about the past useful? I fully disagree that learning about the past has no value for those living in the present. In fact, it is much more useful than somebody thinks. Although sometimes it may be good to overlook the previous knowledge in order to avoid constraint conformity, we cannot scorn the important role of the vast knowledge from the past for the following reasons. Admittedly, nothing emerges from zero. All knowledge that we acquire nowadays is from the past: language, customs, academic subjects, and so on. We inherit the past knowledge, use it and improve it. In deed, only with the knowledge of prior achievements can technological progress be made. For example, the discovery of micro particles made it possible for the physicists to create the flow of electrons under the influence of magnetic field. Hence many inventions based on the discovery of electric current have been made. Besides the fundamental knowledge, learning from the past provides us with the most valuable experience. As we have neither hardships nor difficulties, it is really advisable to learn by our predecessors` experience. For instance, the Chinese medicine is accumulated by the knowledge of the effect of plants on illness, built from trials, even on men, and errors through thousands of years. Furthermore, it also helps prevent reoccurrence of negative events in the history of our civilization. By examining our actions in the past and making judgments about what was right and what was wrong, we can avoid causing those same mistakes again. Let us take the example of the Holocaust, the infamous massacre that nobody ever wants to happen again.
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