380 bài luận mẫu Tiếng Anh - Phần 4
Pollution has been defined as the addition of any substance or form of energy to the
environment at a rate faster than the environment can accommodate dispersion,
breakdown, recycling or storage in some harmless form. In simpler terms, pollution
means the poisoning of the environment by Man.
Pollution has accompanied mankind ever since groups of people settled down in one
place for a long time. It was not a serious problem during primitive times when there
was more than ample space available for each individual or group. As the human
population boomed,
pollution became a major problem and has remainded one ever
since. Cities of ancient times were often unhealthy places, fouled by human wastes and
Such unsanitary conditions favoured the outbreak of diseases that killed or
many people living in those times.
The rapid advancement of technology and industrialization today is something that Man
can be proud of. However, it has brought along with it many undesirable results, one of
which is the pollution of our environment. Humanity today is threatened by the dangers
of air, water, land and noise pollution.
The air that we breathe is heavily polluted with toxic gases, chemicals and dust. These
consists of the discharge from industrial factories and motor vehicles. The emission
tetraethyl lead and carbon monoxide from exhaust fumes is a major cause for concern
too. Outdoor burning of trash and forest fires have also contributed to air pollution. They
cause the smarting of the eyes, bouts of coughing and respiratory problems. Owing to
the burning of fossil fuels, the level of carbon monoxide in the air is more than
desirable. Too high a level of carbon dioxide will cause the Earth's temperature to rise.
The heat will melt the polar caps, thus raising the sea level and causing massive flood
around the world. The burning of fuels also produces gases which form acid rain. Acid
rain has a damaging effect on water, forestand soil, and is harmful to our health.
cepting an invitation), thö khöôùc töø lôøi môøi (letter declining an invitation). 3. Caùc qui taéc caàn nhôù: a. Traùnh vieát taét b. Lôøi chaøo ñaàu thö thöôøng coù tính thaân maät vaø theo sau luoân luoân laø daáu phaåy. c. Caâu keát thö cuõng coù tính chaát thaân maät, vaø coù theå chaáp nhaän nhieàu hình thöùc khaùc nhau, nhöng khoâng bao giôø ñöôïc duøng töø truly. d. Trong thö troø chuyeän, baïn phaûi bieåu loä söï quan taâm ñeán ngöôøi ñoïc thö baèng caùch cung caáp taát caû nhöõng thoâng tin ngöôøi ñoù caàn ñeán vaø toû ra quan taâm ñeán coâng vieäc cuûa ngöôøi naøy. e. Khi vieát thö caûm ôn, baïn phaûi theå hieän söï bieát ôn vaø traân troïng ñoái vôùi moùn quaø taëng hoaëc loøng toát baèng caùch ñeà caäp ñeán nhöõng chi tieát naøy thaät cuï theå. f. Thö môøi phaûi neâu döõ kieän veà ngaøy thaùng, giôø giaác vaø ñòa ñieåm moät caùch roõ raøng, chính xaùc. g. Thö nhaän lôøi môøi phaûi cho thaáy raèng baïn ñaùnh giaù cao lôøi môøi, ñoàng thôøi ñeà caäp laïi caùc yeáu toá veà thôøi gian vaø nôi choán. h. Trong thö khöôùc töø lôøi môøi, baïn phaûi bieåu loä loøng bieát ôn khi ñöôïc môøi, vaø neâu roõ raøng, cuï theå lyù do khöôùc töø lôøi môøi. Döôùi ñaây laø moät soá böùc thö minh hoïa. 369. A CONVERSATION LETTER 171 East 16th Avenue Denver, Colorado August 20, 19-- Dear Tom, I was very glad to hear that you have been having a grand summer at the shore. We all enjoyed your letter, particularly the details of the fishing trip, and the trouble you had with that motor. There has been a lot of activity at the lake this summer. Many new houses have been built up here, and that means, of course, many new families. Butch and I were eager to see if that meant new girls, too, and it does. We have had a lot of fun with several of them at the club dances. Most of them are attractive, and good sports as well as good dancers. I'm afraid we have neglected the girls whom we dated last season. And so don't think that the seashore is the only place for bathing beauties. I have not done any fishing this year, but I've been playing tennis almost every day and riding several times each week. You'll be interested to know that Gladys has been asking about you. Bill and his sister Mary did not come up this year. They are both working, for a change. I see their parents, though, almost every day. Bill is driving a bakery truck, and Mary is working in an office. I think they'll be up for a couple of week ends later in the summer. You had better be practising your backhand. I'm getting so hot on the courts that I may take you over 6-0, 6-0 when we're home in September. Write again, Tom, when you can pull yourself away from all those admiring mermaids for a moment or two. It's always good to hear from you. Your loving friend, David 370. A THANK-YOU LETTER June 10, 19-- Dear Mary, Thank you very much for the fine sweater you sent me for my birthday. The fit is perfect, and it's just the right color to wear with my sport jacket. I wore it to school the day after it arrived, and many of my friends complimented me about it. We are all well. Mother will be writing to you soon. Yours lovingly, Jennifer 371. A LETTER OF INVITATION 15 December, 19-- Blk 293, # 04-409 Tampines St 33 Singapore 1547 Dear Leong, I am having a New Year's Eve party at my house December 31, at ten o'clock. How should you like to come ? Most of the gang have been invited, too. There will be plenty of refreshments, of course, dancing to records and the radio, and some surprises I'm cooking up. Please let me know by Monday whether you can come. Yours friendly, Catherine 372. A LETTER ACCEPTING AN INVITATION Blk 41, # 11-1879 Talan Rumah. Tinggi Singapore 1545 18 December, 19-- Dear Catherine, Thank you for your invitation for New Year's Eve. I will ertainly be there at ten o'clock. It sounds like a good way to welcome in the New Year. I'll bring some new records that I received for Christmas that I know you will like. Many apologies Yours lovingly, Kate 373. A LETTER DECLINING AN INVITATION 20 December, 19-- Dear Catherine, Thank you for your kind invitation to attend your birthday party and dinner dance December 25. I regret that I cannot accept because of a previous engagement. My cousin from Ohio will be visiting us that week, and we have theater tickets for December 25. I know you'll have a wonderful time. Cong ratulations on your birthday, and may you have many, many more ! Many apologies Yours lovingly, Kate C. NGOAØI CAÙC THEÅ LOAÏI THÖ TÍN NEÂU TREÂN, COØN COÙ NHIEÀU THEÅ LOAÏI KHAÙC ÑÖÔÏC SÖÛ DUÏNG TUØY THEO TÌNH HUOÁNG CUÏ THEÅ. XIN GIÔÙI THIEÄU CHO CAÙC BAÏN VAØI THEÅ LOAÏI THAM KHAÛO. 374. LETTER OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT THÖ XAÙC NHAÄN ÑAÕ NHAÄN ÑÖÔÏC THÖ GÔÛI ÑEÁN Brixton Enterprise 8 Clive Street Kuala Lumpur January 5, 19-- Mr Roberts P. Harrow 7 Green Avenue Eastern Park Kuala Lumpur Dear Mr. Roberts : Your letter asking Ms. Ainsworth to speak before the Business Club of Jackson on January 14 arrived a few days after she left down on a business trip. However, after checking her schedule for January 14, I see that she is scheduled to make a special report to the Board of Directors on that day ; apparently, it will therefore be impossible for her to address the members of your club at that time. I know that Ms. Ainsworth will nevertheless appreciate your kind invitation and will write to you as soon as she returns to Kuala Lumpur. Sincerely yours, Samir Nandy 375. LETTER OF APOLOGY THÖ XIN LOÃI May 20, 19-- Ms Mary Lambert & Woolf Company 1005 Tower Street Cleveland, OH 44900 Dear Ms. Morton : I hope you will accept a sincere apology for my absence from the Credit Association meeting yesterday afternoon. When I promised earlier in the week that I would be there, I fully intended to be present. But a meeting of our own credit department staff yesterday afternoon lasted much longer than expected, and it was impossible for me to get away. When I see Jim Davis at lunch tomorrow, I will ask him to bring me up to date on yesterday's developments. Sincerely yours, Harold Jay 376. LETTER OF APPOINTMENT THÖ HEÏN GAËP Rachel Coopers, Inc. 55 Fifth Avenue Aiken, Kentucky 27 February, 19-- Mr. Harry J. Allen 23 North Avenue Aiken, Kentucky Dear Mr. Rhoades : Mr. Ricotti will be glad to see you some time during the week of March 3 to talk over the installation of the elevator in his residence at 20 West Street. If you will telephone me at 353-9200 we can arrange a time that will be convenient for you and Mr. Ricotti. Sincerely yours, Betty Carter 377. LETTER OF COMPLAINTS THÖ PHAØN NAØN February 15, 19-- Mr. A.J. Schiavone Telecommunications Equipment Ltd 85 Yersin Ho Chi Minh City Dear M. Schiavone : We were disappointed to discover that your Model 290FM copier, which we leased from you on February 9, is not at all suitable for our needs. We are, therefore, asking that you replace it immediately with the larger model 291 FM. As we had emphasized to you before leasing the 290FM, our copy volume exceeds 1,000 copies a month, and we copy in quantities of 500 to 600 at a time. The 290 FM that you recommended, however, is not able to handle this volume. The lengthy cool- down period required after only twenty to thirty pages has made it impossible for us to complete our runs of 500 to 600 copies in adequate time. This delay is causing problems not only for us but for our clients. We would like to exchange the Model 290FM for a 291FM before March 7, when our next run will occur. Please telephone me at 279-6000 on Monday, March 3, to discuss the adjustments in our lease. Thank you. Sincerely, J.M. Aldine 378. LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION THÖ GIÔÙI THIEÄU Mr. Dexter T.Wilson, Manager Make-Do Manufacturing Company 123 Green Street Centertown, Minnesota May 28, 19-- M.E.I. Project Engineering Inc. 789 Madison Avenue Elmwood 3, Nevada To Whom It May Concern : Jennifer King was employed as our office manager from 1984 to 1987. During this time she was responsible for the management of word processing, telecommunications, filing and records management, and other office functions. Ms. King supervised a staff of fourteen and is credited with raising employee morale and efficiency to the highest level ever experienced during my association with this company. At all times she demonstrated a thorough and expert knowledge of office skills and procedures and maintained a steady, constant flow of high-quality work. Ms. King would be a great asset to any organization desiring smooth and efficient office functioning, and I am happy to recommend her for any position in the area of office management and administration. Sincerely, Mr. Dexter T. Wilson 379. LETTER OF BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO FRIEND THÖ CHUÙC MÖØNG SINH NHAÄT BAÏN 27th December 1989 23 Sheffield Road Pudsey Yorkshire, LS28 6EB Dear Johnson, It is your birthday on 7th of January and I am sending you through this letter my best wishes and happiness ever to follow you. Kindly accept it with my best wishes. Yours lovingly, Christopher 380. LETTER OF CONDOLENCES THÖ CHIA BUOÀN Sept 20, 19-- Dear Mrs. Echols : It was with a very real sense of loss that I heard today of the death of your husband. I valued his friendship for many years. I don't believe I've ever known another man who was so loved and respected by all who knew him. It was a privilege to know Jack, whose place in our company can never be fully taken by anyone else. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family. If there is any way in which I can be of assistance in the weeks ahead, please do not hesitate to call on me. Sincerely, Kelvin Jones
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