Words and Expressions That Frequently Appear on the TOEIC
nouns + preposition
□ cause of
The cause of the fire was carelessness.
□ combination of
A combination of high interest rates and falling demands forced the company to close.
□ demand for
The management has refused to agree to our demand for a 7% pay raise.
□ development in
ng public opinion. □ arrange for The meeting has been arranged for Wednesday. □ aside from I hardly watch any television, aside from news and current affairs. □ at one's expense I treated my friend at my expense. □ at random The librarian took a book from the shelf at random. □ at stake Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon. □ at the rate of The car was going at the rate of 40 miles an hour. □ at the risk of He rescued the dog at the risk of his own life. □ attribute A to B The doctors have attributed the cause of the illness to an unknown vii us. □ be absorbed in John was absorbed in his thoughts. □ be accustomed to + noun/V-ing I'm not accustomed to being treated like this. □ become acquainted with( = get to know) John became acquainted with many well-known writers and artists. □ be acquainted with Students who are already acquainted with one foreign language tend to find it easier to learn a new one. □ be apt to The kitchen roof is apt to leak when it rains. □ be ashamed of Oliver Twist was not ashamed of asking for more food. □ be available to It is vital that food is made available to the famine areas. □ be aware of Is he aware of the price of shoes like those? (= Does he realize that they are very expensive?) 11 □ be based on The film is based on a short story by John Smith. □ be bound to It was bound to happen sooner or later. □ be comparable to A cave is not comparable to a house for comfort. □ be concerned about I'm a bit concerned about your health. □ be convicted of He has twice been convicted of robbery. □ be covered with How much of the Earth's surface is covered with water? □ be discontented with The boys are discontented with their present situation. □ be eager to She was very eager to meet you. □ be eligible for Students must pass in all subjects to be eligible for the school team. □ be entitled to + verb/noun The one who wins is entitled to the first prize. □ be essential to The accounting department is essential to the company's organization. □ be experienced in (a field) John is very experienced in repairing cars. □ be experienced with (something) He is experienced with the new computer. □ be faced with The company is faced with a difficult situation because of the recession. □ be famous for Korea is famous for semiconductors. □ be intended for That gift was intended for you. □ be liable to 12 That glass is liable to break. □ be likely to It is likely to be hot in August. □ be noted for Samson was noted for his strength. □ be responsible for Each pupil is responsible for the care of the books given to him. □ be satisfied with He was satisfied with the test results. □ be suspicious of Sometimes women are overly suspicious of their husbands. □ be taken by surprise That he was taken by surprise is true. □ be willing to + verb I am willing to wait until tomorrow. □ beware of You must beware of swimming in a strong current. □ call on + someone We must call on our new neighbors. □ call one's attention to This is to call your attention to the fact that your account of U.S. $1.000 is still unpaid. □ care for The nurse will care for him at the hospital. □ carry out He carried out his job well. □ come by (=obtain) He came by the money honestly. □ come down with He came down with the measles. □ come in first [second, third] That horse came in first. □ come into effect The marketing advertisement will come into effect soon. 13 □ come to an end All good things must come to an end. □ compared to Model 312 is the more advanced system, compared to Model 212. □ compensate for The company always compensated her for her extra work, □ comply with He complied with the doctor's order to take a rest. □ concentrate on He concentrated on his reading so that he would understand the story. □ contrary to My sister's taste in dresses is contrary to my own. □ contribute to Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness. □ count on I'm sure that I can count on your cooperation. □ deal with The courts deal with those who break the laws. □ decrease in There has been a decrease in our sales. □ demand for There is a demand for engineers at the company. □ deprive A of B The people deprived the cruel king of his power. □ difference between The only difference between the twins is that Katy weighs five pounds more than Rebecca. □ dispense with It's so warm today that I can dispense with an overcoat. □ divide A into B The business organization can be divided into several different divisions. □ do without A month after accepting the resignation of its corporate planning director, the company found that it will be extremely difficult to do without him. 14 □ drag on The seminar dragged on and on. □ exposed to Many people were exposed to danger. □ familiarize oneself with Before playing the new game, familiarize yourself with the rules. □ fill in When you apply for that job, you need to fill in the date of your application. □ fill out Please fill out the application form, and send it. □ furnished with This apartment is furnished with fine furniture. □ get along with The boss should get along with the employees. □ get in touch with I will get in touch with you wherever I go. □ get through As soon as I get through with my work, I will join you. □ have an effect on The advertising campaign didn't have much effect on sales. □ have influence on The climate has a great influence on farming. □ hold out How long can the enemy hold out? □ in[with] regard to The teacher wishes to speak to you in[with] regard to being late. □ in a row There are three houses in a row. □ in accordance with What he did was in accordance with what he said. □ in charge of Mr. Smith is in charge of the Marketing Department. □ in comparison with 15 Even a large lake is small in comparison with an ocean. □ in conclusion In conclusion, I will say that it was an honor to be the speaker at this meeting. □ in honor of The dinner was held in honor of a colleague who was leaving. □ in response to She laughed in response to his jokes. □ in support of He spoke in support of the proposal. □ in terms of The book is a big success in terms of the interest it aroused. □ inflict on A knife can inflict a bad wound on a person. □ instead of She watched TV instead of studying for her final exam. □ interfere with Never allow personal feelings to interfere with your work. □ keep track of The noise made it difficult for me to keep track of what you said. □ leave out (= omit) She left out two words when she read the sentence. □ make up for (= compensate tor) He reserved a direct flight from Los Angeles to Chicago to make up for lost time. □ name after The Hudson River is named after the English explorer Henry Hudson. □ on behalf of He worked on behalf of his friend. The lawyer spoke convincingly on behalf of his client. □ on account of (= because of) The game was delayed on account of rain. □ on the waiting list He put his name on the waiting list. □ out of order 16 That air conditioner is out of order. □ out of print This magazine is out of print. □ participate in (= take part in) Would you like to participate in our blood drive? □ place an emphasis on The president of the company placed a great emphasis on the marketing campaign. □ prior to I called on him prior to my departure. □ put emphasis on My high school puts much emphasis on studies that its students prepare for college. □ put in for He put in for a transfer to the Sales Department. □ put up with I couldn't put up with the boredom. □ raise the question The president raised the question concerning the upcoming merger. □ regardless of Regardless of its location or facilities, a park is intended for the enjoyment of all. □ remind A of B This picture reminds me of a story I heard. □ run[take] a risk of In order to win the war we had to take the risk of offending neutral nations. □ run out of Mother ran out of eggs and had to borrow some from our neighbor. □ run short The hunter's supply of food ran short at the end of the long winter. □ set out They set out on the hike with plenty of water. □ set up( = establish) He sold his business and set up a new one. □ show off (= display) Most girls like to show off fine clothes. 17 □ show up(= appear) The golfer showed up one hour late for his match. □ sign up for Did you sign up for a computer class? □ specialize in Many students specialize in engineering. □ stand by (= support) I delivered a speech to stand by the government policy. □ stand for (= represent) The blue bird stands for happiness. □ stop by Mr. Smith stopped by his parents' house on the way home. □ subscribe to We subscribe to a few magazines. □ succeed in She was filled with the aspiration to succeed in life. □ take ~for granted People take the continuation of economic growth for granted. □ take advantage of You shouldn't take advantage of his generosity. □ take into consideration The judge took the boy's age into consideration. □ take turns They took turns watching the baby. □ tend to Farms tend to use more machinery now. □ throughout the day He worked hard throughout the day. □ trial and error We can learn through trial and error. □ turn in (= submit, hand in) The general manager turned in the finished proposal to the president. □ under construction 18 The factory is under construction. □ with the exception of I like all my studies with the exception of economics. □ work out I saw John working out in the gymnasium.
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