Vocabulary Word Analysis Extreme Words
Students determine relationships among words by placing them on a continuum.
1. Place the sorting board and envelopes containing the word card sets at the center.
Provide each student with a student sheet.
2. Taking turns, students open one of the envelopes, scatter cards, and place larger cards on
either end of the sorting board (e.g., laugh, sob).
3. Read the other word cards. Talk about the words and what they mean to determine the
order (e.g., giggle, chuckle, whimper, cry). Place on sorting board.
4. Record the information on the student sheet. Note: Each student can record four sets of words.
5. Continue until each student sheet is complete.
6. Teacher evaluation
ets V.026.AM2Alike and Different tails Name 2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary V.026.SS Alike and Different Vocabulary 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) Objective The student will identify similarities and differences between the meanings of words. Materials Attribute Analysis student sheet (Activity Master V.027.SS1) Pencil Activity Students identify semantic features that distinguish one word from another by completing an attribute analysis grid. 1. Provide the student with a student sheet. 2. The student reads the words in the left column (i.e., list of games) and the words in the top row (i.e., list of game attributes). 3. Reads the games one at a time and places checks in the attribute boxes that apply to that game. For example, across from “Basketball” places checks in boxes for “teams, indoors, outdoors, use ball, and keep score.” 4. Teacher evaluation Extensions and Adaptations List more categories and attributes on the blank attribute grid (Activity Master V.027.SS2). Word Analysis Attribute Analysis V.027 Name 2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary V.027.SS1 Attribute Analysis Basketball Soccer Kickball Go Fish Video Games Checkers Golf Hop Scotch Jump Rope a lo ne o r s m a ll g ro up te a m s in d oo rs ou td oo rs b oa rd g a m e ca rd g a m e us e b a ll ke ep s co re Hide & Seek 2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) Name 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary V.027.SS2Attribute Analysis Vocabulary 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary 2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) Objective The student will identify words to complete analogies. Materials Analogy Basketball hoops (Activity Master V.028.AM1) Make two copies and laminate. Analogy Basketball cards (Activity Master V.028.AM2a - V.028.AM2b) Answers are provided on the card with word underlined. Activity Students complete analogies by playing a basketball game. 1. Place two basketball hoops at the center. Place analogy basketball cards face down in a stack. 2. Taking turns, student one draws the top card from the stack and reads the phrase and answer choices to student two (e.g., dog is to mammal as eagle is to _______. bird or book). 3. Student two chooses one of the words to fill in the blank and repeats the phrase with the answer (i.e., dog is to mammal as eagle is to bird). 4. If correct, student one gives the card to student two who places it on his hoop. If incorrect, the card is placed at the bottom of the stack. 5. Reverse roles. 6. Continue until all basketball analogies are completed. 7. Peer evaluation Word Analysis Analogy Basketball Extensions and Adaptations Make other analogy basketball cards (Activity Master V.028.AM3). V.028 “Dog is to mammal as eagle is to blank; bird or book?” “Dog is to mammal as eagle is to bird!” Vocabulary 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) Analogy Basketball V.028.AM1 Vocabulary 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary 2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) night is to day as on is to _____ ride or off mat is to mate as rat is to _____ mouse or rate milk is to cow as eggs are to _____ horses or chicken December is to winter as July is to _____ summer or rain tail is to cat as fin is to ______ fish or dog refrigerator is to cold as stove is to _____ hot or white dog is to mammal as eagle is to _____ bird or book minute is to hour as penny is to _____ dollar or month Analogy BasketballV.028.AM2a Vocabulary 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) Analogy Basketball V.028.AM2b sandwich is to eat as milk is to _____ sleep or drink happy is to sad as light is to _____ dark or high pear is to fruit as poodle is to _____ dog or cat up is to down as out is to _____ in or close bee is to hive as bird is to _____ school or nest shirt is to clothing as pizza is to _____ round or food three is to four as seven is to _____ odd or eight mother is to daughter as father is to _____ brother or son Vocabulary 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary 2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) is to as is to is to as is to Analogy BasketballV.028.AM3 is to as is to is to as is to is to as is to is to as is to is to as is to is to as is to Vocabulary 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) Objective The student will identify words to complete analogies. Materials Analogy word triangles (Activity Master V.029.AM1a - V.029.AM1b) There are two triangles marked “A” and “B.” One student will use the “A” triangle and the other will use the “B” triangle. Analogy cards (Activity Master V.029.AM2a - V.029.AM2c) Answer key (Activity Master V.029.AM3a - V.029.AM3b) An answer key is provided. Game pieces (e.g., counters) Activity Students complete analogies playing a completion game. 1. Place analogy cards face down in a stack. Provide each student with a different analogy word triangle. 2. Taking turns, student one draws the top card from the stack and reads the phrase (e.g., Doctor is to patients as teacher is to ______). 3. Student one looks for the word that completes the analogy on his analogy word triangle (i.e., students). If found, reads the analogy with the word (i.e., Doctor is to patients as teacher is to students) and places game piece on the word. Places analogy card in a discard pile. If not found, places analogy card on bottom of stack. 4. Reverse roles. 5. Continue until triangles are filled. 6. Teacher evaluation Word Analysis Analogy Action Extensions and Adaptations Develop more analogy word triangles and analogies (Activity Master V.009.AM4). Write analogies (Activity Master V.029.SS). V.029 Vocabulary 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary 2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) V.029.AM1a Analogy Action d riv e st ud en ts b ird w rit e m ou th w a tc h p up p y K fo ot ha nd A Vocabulary 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) see fork hung ry w ord s d og tim e corn red sq ua re b lew B Analogy Action V.029.AM1b Vocabulary 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary 2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) V.029.AM2a Analogy Action Cat is to kitten as dog is to _____. Fur is to dog as feathers are to _____. Scissors are to cut as pencil is to _____. Plane is to fly as car is to _____. Doctor is to patients as teacher is to _____. B is to C as J is to _____. Book is to read as television is to _____. Finger is to hand as toe is to _____. Vocabulary 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) V.029.AM2bAnalogy Action Wink is to eye as a smile is to _____. Boot is to foot as glove is to _____. Count is to numbers as read is to _____. Soup is to spoon as steak is to _____. Ear is to hear as eye is to _____. Go is to green as stop is to _____. Three is to triangle as four is to _____. Sleep is to tired as eat is to _____. Vocabulary 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary 2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) V.029.AM2c Analogy Action Thermometer is to temperature as clock is to _____. Oink is to pig as bark is to _____. Green is to peas as yellow is to _____. Eight is to ate as blue is to _____. Vocabulary 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) Analogy Action V.029.AM3a Answer Key A Fur is to dog as feathers are to Doctor is to patients as teacher is to Scissors are to cut as pencil is to Plane is to fly as car is to Cat is to kitten as dog is to B is to C as J is to Book is to read as television is to Finger is to hand as toe is to Wink is to eye as smile is to Boot is to foot as glove is to puppy bird drive write students K foot watch mouth hand Vocabulary 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary 2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) Analogy ActionV.029.AM3b Answer Key B Count is to numbers as read is to Ear is to hear as eye is to Go is to green as stop is to Sleep is to tired as eat is to Three is to triangle as four is to Oink is to pig as bark is to Eight is to ate as blue is to Thermometer is to temperature as clock is to Green is to peas as yellow is to words fork red see square hungry dog time corn blew Soup is to spoon as steak is to 2006 The Florida Center for Reading Research (Revised July, 2007) Name 2-3 Student Center Activities: Vocabulary Analogy Action V.029.SS Analogies _________ is to _________ as _________ is to _________. _________ is to _________ as _________ is to _________. _________ is to _________ as _________ is to _________. _________ is to _________ as _________ is to _________. _________ is to _________ as _________ is to _________. _________ is to _________ as _________ is to _________. _________ is to _________ as _________ is to _________. _________ is to _________ as _________ is to _________. _________ is to _________ as _________ is to _________. _________ is to _________ as _________ is to _________.
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