Vietnamese Students Learning the Semantics of English Prepositions
Prepositions are significant in sentences because they are used as markers to join words and
phrases into a sentence. Teachers usually teach prepositions by providing students with
explanations about the usage of prepositions and then gives examples as illustrations. These
examples are often accompanied by vivid pictures. This method, however, does not provide
students information on how to analyze the different senses of prepositions. This current
study, thus, aims to explore the effectiveness and students’ opinions of new pedagogical
instructions on ten English prepositions, namely above, among, at, behind, beside, between,
in, in front of, on and under. The research design involved a quasi-experimental design
adopting pretest-posttest between-group research. Out of 95 students who volunteered to
participate in the study, 38 participants were selected. They were divided into two groups for
the new cognitive linguistic approach and traditional instructions. Pretest and posttest were
used to discover the participants’ improvements. The participants’ opinions of the cognitive
treatment were also investigated. The findings illustrate that the group that was treated with
CL-based instructions outperformed the traditional group in the posttest although they gained
a comparable mean score in the pretest. Most participants also provided positive responses to
the new treatment. The findings suggests that cognitive treatment could be employed to assist
students in improving their understanding and retaining the metaphorical meanings of the
GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies Volume 17(4), November 2017 eISSN: 2550-2131 ISSN: 1675-8021 146 Vietnamese Students Learning the Semantics of English Prepositions Bui Phu Hung PhD candidate of TESOL at Hue College of Foreign Languages Hue University, Vietnam (Vice-Dean at Faculty of Foreign Languguages, Van Hien University, Vietnam) ABSTRACT Prepositions are significant in sentences because they are used as markers to join words and phrases into a sentence. Teachers usually teach prepositions by providing students with explanations about the usage of prepositions and then gives examples as illustrations. These examples are often accompanied by vivid pictures. This method, however, does not provide students information on how to analyze the different senses of prepositions. This current study, thus, aims to explore the effectiveness and students’ opinions of new pedagogical instructions on ten English prepositions, namely above, among, at, behind, beside, between, in, in front of, on and under. The research design involved a quasi-experimental design adopting pretest-posttest between-group research. Out of 95 students who volunteered to participate in the study, 38 participants were selected. They were divided into two groups for the new cognitive linguistic approach and traditional instructions. Pretest and posttest were used to discover the participants’ improvements. The participants’ opinions of the cognitive treatment were also investigated. The findings illustrate that the group that was treated with CL-based instructions outperformed the traditional group in the posttest although they gained a comparable mean score in the pretest. Most participants also provided positive responses to the new treatment. The findings suggests that cognitive treatment could be employed to assist students in improving their understanding and retaining the metaphorical meanings of the prepositions. Keywords: teaching prepositions; metaphors; English language teaching; image schemas INTRODUCTION Prepositions play a significant role in language as they join words and phrases into a sentence. However, how to teach prepositions effectively is a big concern due to their inherent difficulties (Fang, 2000). Firstly, prepositions are clear-cut examples of polysemy; one preposition used in different contexts may have several different meanings. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary states even more than 18 meanings of the preposition in (Hornby & Wehmeier, 2005). In addition, there is an overlap between prepositions in use; that is, one preposition can replace another with a slight difference in meaning. For example, the expressions in the school and at the school are both considered correct in some contexts. Another common characteristic of prepositions is they are multi-functional. For instance, the preposition in can be classified as one of both spatial and temporal relations, as in in the world and in the 20th century respectively. The existing instruction of prepositions in many countries in the world is that the teacher provides students with explanations of the usage of prepositions and then gives examples as illustrations accompanied by vivid pictures. Students are finally required to do exercises as drills. However, not only does this method facilitate unstable marginal improvements among students since they do not have opportunities to analyze different GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies Volume 17(4), November 2017 eISSN: 2550-2131 ISSN: 1675-8021 147 senses of prepositions to profoundly comprehend them, but they also fail to gain knowledge by simple memorization and have no circumstances to synthesize their existing understanding with the target input (Cho, 2010, pp. 267-269 & Ausubel, 2000). Students, as a result, show low gains of prepositions since the isolated items in memory do not carve a long-term memory. Although English prepositions are considered complicated to learners, cognitive linguists assert that the meanings of prepositions can be represented in a form of symbols, which can be applied in teaching prepositions as they show the relations of things and/or people. A teaching method based on Cognitive Linguistic (CL) approach has been brought into consideration. CL considers language as symbolic as meaningful in virtues of both lexicon and grammar. The so-called symbolic theory derives from the symbolic nature of language, which can be employed to teach prepositions (Langacker, 1987, p. 12; Talmy, 1988). This study hopes to extend the previous relevant studies on applying the cognitive linguistic (CL) approach to teaching English prepositions. Song, Schnotz and Juchem- Grundmann (2015) did a quasi-experimental study on teaching the three prepositions in, on and at in Germany. Tyler, Mueller and Ho (2011) conducted a study on teaching the three prepositions to, for and at to 14 English learners who were Italian. Although, these studies were conducted in different countries, they were considered relevant references for this current study because they were all done on students who learned English as a foreign language and their findings proved positive. This current study intended to measure the impacts of CL-based teaching on learners’ understanding of the ten prepositions, namely above, among, at, behind, beside, between, in, in front of, on and under. The findings of the present research can provide an insight into the effective instruction of prepositions the teacher should present. In addition, curriculum designing and textbook writing will be benefited in terms of providing appropriate lessons and tasks to assist students in mastering English preposition. The accomplishment of the study will shed light on effective teaching of the aforementioned word class, and in turn help students with learning English prepositions successfully. The study may contribute to the feasibility of CL- inspired approach to teaching other language phenomena in Asia and the world. LITERATURE BASIC CONCEPTS IN COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS The theory of CL has entered the field of second language acquisition and foreign language teaching, with a vast number of theoretical and practical concerns with discovering the relationship between human language, the mind and socio-physical experience. Although findings have suggested that the usefulness of applying cognitive linguistics to ELT has a facilitative effect on language learning in the classroom (Pawlak, 2006, pp. 9-10), doubts concerning these applications still exist. The remaining undiscovered areas of pedagogical applications of CL extensively remain a long objective (Langacker, 2008, p. 66). CL is a unification of various linguistic theories and models based on the related beliefs in numerous language phenomena, among which the basic theories, for the practical purposes of this paper, are symbolization, image schemas, domains and conceptual metaphor (Langacker, 1999, pp. 13-18). In CL, language is regarded as a continuum of symbolic complexity (Langacker, 1999, p. 18). Accordingly, one of the hypotheses of CL is that lexicon, morphology and syntax are not treated as distinct subsystems of language, but are multifaceted. For examples, prepositions, which are considered functional markers or linkers without distinct meanings by GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies Volume 17(4), November 2017 eISSN: 2550-2131 ISSN: 1675-8021 148 some other schools of linguistics, are believed to have clearly-defined meanings in CL (Chomsky, 1981, p. 50; Langacker, 1999, p. 18). The following distinct examples can illustrate the meanings of the preposition in (Lee, 2001, p. 19): (1) the cat in the house (2) the bird in the garden (3) the flowers in the vase (4) the bird in the tree In (1) and (2), the preposition in designates a prototypical relationship between the cat and the house in which the cat is entirely inside the container the house. Example (2), (3) and (4) describe a less prototypical relationship slightly differently. In particular, example (2) shows that as the container (the garden) is not wholly bounded. In (4), some part of the flowers is not inside the container the vase. In the final example, it is significant to construe the tree as a three-dimensional containment with the ends of its branches as the boundaries to make sense of relationship between the bird and the tree as a container. In brief, CL views prepositions as semantic units in which some use of a particular preposition is prototypical. Also, cognitive linguistic approach places an emphasis on the image schema, which is a recurring structure in humans’ cognitive process in which patterns of understanding is formed from linguistic experience in interactive contexts (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980). As to make a distinction in the meanings of the ten prepositions taught in this current study, the landmark schemas (Fig. 1) used in the handouts and presentation files to facilitate students’ visualization should be three-dimensional (Herskovits, 1986). Tr Tr Lm Two-dimensional landmark Three-dimensional landmark FIGURE 1. Image schema for in (Adapted from Herskovits, 1986) As a usage-based approach, cognitive linguistics implies that language teachers can use symbols to express the meanings of the target items during teacher-fronted explicit instruction (VanPatten, 2002). Pedagogically, when the lesson aims at accuracy, it may be necessary to take advantage of this kind of instruction. It is also significant to note that CL believes that the use of a linguistic symbol related to an intended meaning forms a percept and then in turn a concept during mental processing. Human cognitive abilities synthesize information received into a mental image which is first established in a short-term memory and then a long-term memory in a particular condition. It is significant to facilitate the integration of the new input with learners’ existing knowledge from their prior experience (Evans & Green, 2006, p. 7; Langacker, 1999, pp. 91-99). In a sense, CL places a high emphasis on visual perception in everyday experience, from which images find some way to enter the mental process because a picture can help tell us more information than a word. Then, images of a relevant area are matched to establish an organized schema. Regarding the pedagogical applications, CL implies that the picture that the teacher uses in instruction should not be vivid, but symbolic for a number of reasons. In the first GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies Volume 17(4), November 2017 eISSN: 2550-2131 ISSN: 1675-8021 149 place, symbolic units can even describe abstract concepts like “love” and “hate”. In the second place, symbols can represent quite general things; that is, when viewing a symbol, learners can generalize things in common. Finally, these symbols matching with learners’ available experience can form a long-term memory (Johnson, 1993; Schnotz & Banner, 2003). Another theory that is directly related to this research is the Theory of Domains. A domain, or a frame, in Langacker’s (1987, p. 147) definition is an inventory of conventional linguistic units equated with conceptualization. In particular, in order to correctly express spatial concepts, learners need to have certain understanding of the surrounding, particularly spatial relationships of objects to use appropriate one in a certain context. Spatial relationships are so basic that humans use spatial domain to structure other domains (Lee, 2001, p. 18). Radden and Dirven (2007) proposes networks of meanings of prepositions from physical space to mental space. For example, the prepositions in, on and at can be used with both spatial meanings and abstract meanings or metaphorical meanings (Table 1). TABLE 1. Cross-domain transfer of prepositions (Adapted from Geeraerts & Cuyckens, 2007) Spatial domain Abstract Domain in the box in my opinion on the desk on the telephone at school at rest In Table 1, abstract meanings are also referred to as metaphorical meanings. A metaphor is defined as a figure of speech that describes a subject by comparing it with another. Different from the notion of figurative metaphor, conceptual metaphor theory in CL places an emphasis on an assumption that human ideas themselves are primarily metaphorical in nature. In everyday communication, people are exposed to and use metaphor as a tool to understand and express their own opinions. Conceptual Metaphor Theory hypothesizes that human understanding and use of metaphor derives from non-metaphorical understanding in that the non-metaphorical part is responsible for expressing concrete concepts in the spatial and/or temporal domains and the abstract concepts can be expressed through the abstract domain by metaphor (Evans, 2007, pp. 75-138). Sohrabi and Pirnajmuddin (2017) discovered that metaphors were also commonly used in the world outside poetry. As a whole, image schemas, domains and metaphor together are responsible for learners’ understanding and use of language. The spatial domain in this research is the source domain which projects structure onto the target domain (abstract domain). Spatial prepositions, from a closer look, can be acquired in the spatial domain first and then are transferred onto the abstract domain (Evans, 2007, p. 53). Accordingly, learners acquire non- metaphorical use of prepositions first in the spatial domain or temporal domain and then they transfer onto the abstract domain where students can use prepositions metaphorically in a certain circumstance. For example, the expressions in love and in my opinion are examples of spatial prepositions transferring from the spatial domain to the abstract domain. PREVIOUS STUDIES There are many studies on applying cognitive linguistic approach to teaching English items. Most of them, which are considered to be relevant references for this current study, have been conducted on EFL adult students. Song, Schnotz and Juchem-Grundmann (2015) conducted an experimental study entitled “A cognitive linguistic approach to teaching English prepositions in, on, at”. In this GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies Volume 17(4), November 2017 eISSN: 2550-2131 ISSN: 1675-8021 150 study, Song delivered a sentence-completion pretest and delayed posttest. The treatment lasted for three weeks. In the first week, the lesson focused on the spatial domain, incorporating all three prepositions. A week later, a lesson on the three prepositions in the temporal domain (traditionally called prepositions of time) was delivered and during the third week, the linguistic examples for the abstract domain were taught to the two groups: Experimental Group (under cognitive treatment) and Control Group (under rote learning treatment). The conclusions showed the trial group performed better than the control group in the posttest. Hoomanfard and Meshkat (2015) conducted a study employing the cognitive process in writing in a second language. A cognitive process questionnaire was administered to the participants. The findings were in line with the previous research that cognitive processes could help improve second language writing and benefit second language teachers, curriculum designers and test makers. Jafarigoha and Khanjani (2014) attempted to explore the effects of cognitive treatment on sixty Iranian EFL learners’ reading competence. The paticipants were given texts for reading. They were also interviewed at the end of the study. The study had implications for language teaching and curriculum development that cognitive treatment really helped the participants improve their performance. Also, EFL teachers should employ cognitive reading strategies in the classroom. Bielak and Pawlak (2013) applied cognitive grammar to teaching English tense and aspect. 50 participants were randomly divided into three groups: the cognitive, traditional and control. They used pretest, posttest 1 (immediate test) and posttest 2 (delayed test) to measure the effectiveness of the treatment. The study took place for 4 weeks and the findings showed the cognitive group improved its knowledge of the target items. Similarly, Tyler, Mueller and Ho (2011) did an experimental study entitled “Applying cognitive linguistics to learning the semantics of English prepositions to, for and at” to 14 participants. The study was conducted with a text-completion pretest and posttest. On the first day, the preposition to was taught to the participants. Then, on the second day, the prepositions for and at were instructed. In each of the class sessions, the teacher-fronted 50- minute instruction was followed by productive tasks: pair work and sentence writing with the preposition under a headline. In general, the results of the statistical tests indicate the participants experienced significant gains in their understanding of the three prepositions. Regarding the local context, Huong (2005) applied cognitive grammar to teaching English articles to Vietnamese senior English-majors at Can Tho University. Although these participants were considered to be at the advanced level, they made a large number of errors in the pretest. They were randomly divided into two groups of about 30 participants each. After the treatment period of 4 weeks, the experimental group demonstrated more considerable retention of articles than the traditional group. Inspired by the Theory of Conceptual Metaphor in cognitive linguistic approach, Condon and Kelly (2002) tested the efficacy of teaching phrasal verbs to EFL learners in their quasi-experimental study with a hypothesis that words and phrases are just gained in the spatial domain (the source domain) and then they transfer to the abstract domain (the target domain) where words and phrases are used with figurative meanings. Over a period of 8 weeks, the experimental (cognitive) and traditional groups were instructed on 28 phrasal verbs involving up, down, in and out. For the cognitive group, instruction was accompanied by simple diagrams indicating movement from inside a container to outside. Participants took a fill-in-blank pretest, immediate posttest and delayed posttest. The cognitive group outperformed the traditional group on both the immediate test (p<0.01) and the delayed test (p<0.05). Condon and Kelly (2002) concluded that abstract visuals provided adult learners an important aid in understanding the contribution of the spatially based verb particles and their GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies Volume 17(4), November 2017 eISSN: 2550-2131 ISSN: 1675-8021 151 extended meanings. Also, adult learners particularly benefit from explicit instruction with phrasal verbs. There is no doubt that Song, Schnotz and Juchem-Grundmann (2015), and Tyler, Mueller and Ho (2011) conducted experimental studies on applying cognitive linguistic approach to teaching English prepositions in EFL contexts. However, their studies were limited to only the 5 prepositions in, on, at, for and to. Furthermore, in these quasi- experimental studies, the prepositions were first taught with spatial meanings, temporal meanings and then metaphoric meanings. However, Evans (2007, p. 53) believes that vocabulary can transfer from the spatial domain directly to the abstract domain. This current study is an attempt to expand these previous studies and teach the ten prepositions above, among, at, behind, beside, between, in, in front of
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