Tuyển tập Bài tập viết lai câu dạng thành ngữ Olympic 2007
1. I don’t think the television’s likely to blow up at any minute. likehood
2. This car only cost me five hundred pounds. picked
3. Someone paid five thousands pounds for the painting. went
4. We have made neither a profit nor a loss this year.even
5. In 1967 programs began to be transmitted in colours.advent
6. I find Harold’s behavior quite incomprehensible.loss
7. The severity of the punishment bore no relation to the seriousness of the crime.proportion
8. I’m afraid our problems are just beginning.iceberg
9. In the area, Thailand is much better than all other countries in football.shoulders
10. Thomas was not given details of the company’s new project.Dark
11. I was too scare to tell him what I really thought. lacked
12. The police ended the fighting between the two gangs by arresting the leaders.stop
(on) well with the children. The new plans for the school have met with the approval of the authorities (with the authorities’ approval). Don’t breathe a word of this to the boss./ Don’t breathe a word to the boss about this. At the moment we have another fish to fry. The accused was overcome with emotion. Naturally, you will be penalised (by having points deducted) if you arrive late. The floor was strewn with the model’s clothes./ The model’s clothes were strewn all over the floor. Our new Director wants to be addressed as “Madam”. I can’t say I enjoy having my writing torn to pieces in front of me. A dicision will have to be made by the end of the week, won’t it? The possibility of the hotel needing new staff in the summer can’t ?shouldn’t be ruled out. Surely nobody likes being made fun of in public. It should be borne in mind that the customer is always right. This school-leaver is not suffieciently qualified for such a demanding job, is he/ she? When she left home she had to fend for herself. I’m afraid I’ll be a bit late because something has cropped up. He’s liable to get here late; he usually does. It’s touch and go whether I’ll be able to pay the bills this month. There’s no telling how long it will take to do this. When I make my complaint, I hope you will back me up. Many people believe that the death penalty is a deterent against crimes. She was nervous about going to the doctor’s, so I went with her to give her a moral support. He offers them more money as an incentive to do the job quickly. He has always supported her in her career. Many customs restrictions within EC have been done away with. At the moment a new car is out of the question. I take it for granted you are hungry. I know can bring Dave round to my way of thinking on this matter. The Rainbow Disco is out of bounds to students at this school. He has made a change of heart on the house. I paid him back in his own coin. Mr Pat flung his arms up in horror at the bad news. Mrs Smith is on a diet and she eats like a bird. She was head over heels in love with him. she fell prey to irrational fears. Who is the heir to the estate? There is no/little/ not much resemblance between the final version and the initial draft. His irresponsible attitude is putting/ placing his career as a doctor in jeopardy ( His career has been put in jeopardy because of his irresponsible attitude.) You should make allowances for his bad manners, he’s.................... The candle fell over and set light to the barn. City-dwellers are prone to getting depressed nowadays. By a stroke of fortune, the .................... Bill put his success down to .................... I’ve weighed up the pro and con.................... After a while I dawned on me that.................... Whe nshe left home she had to fend for herself. ....................We often buy goods on credit. I was in two minds about whether to go with him. I was a prey to obsessive and agonising thoughts = Obsessive and agonising thoughts used to prey on me/ make me their prey. The onset of the disease is shown/ marked/ indecated/ characterized by a feeling of faintness. To offset their disppoinment, he bought them ice-cream. I travel by bus only as a last resort = I resort to travel by bus only when I have no alternative. Bill put all his success down to incredible luck. Spare a thought for those who are at work on this lovely sunny day! He comes over as an honest man. The incident put paid to my chances of promotion. She felt prey to irrational fear. Their reluctance to sign the contract baffled me. There are few gaps in Peter’s knowledge of modern art. Bob is inclined to upset people unintentionally. Martin’s habit of taking risks is not compatible with his image as a family man. It is crucial that John attend the meeting. Sally became a household name as a result of her popular TV series. John incurred his teacher’s anger. He has firsthand experience of the classroom. She kept a record of everything that was said at the meeting. They could not warn people by eletronic mail for fear of spreading the computer virus. Jane stands a good chance of being promoted. The price of the holiday includes the cost of excursions. Charles and his brother look as like as two peas. What is in your mind at the moment? Shall we go to the new film at the Rex tonight? I will be waiting for you outside the station. Scientists are about to make a vital break through. I work in a 1,500-eployee factory. Hardly had I solved one problem when I was faced with another. She seems to be enjoying her new job a greatdeal. It was hours and hours ago that Mary sang. He takes his wife for granted. Knowledge without commom sense counts for little important. She is by no means poor; in fact, she is quite rich. A new house is out of question – we can not afford it. the fact that the judge had been involved in some illegal activities did not come to the light until several years after his death. Spare a/ some thought for those who are at work on this lovely, sunny day! The punishment was out of (all) proportion to the crime. He comes over as (being) an honest person. The manager told his staff that there was room for (some) improvement. My father’s going to go up the wall when he finds out that I’ve lost the car keys. If you don’t like the idea then just say so. I believa you should call a spade a spade. We’d get the job finished much quicker if everyone pull his/ her weight. If things go wrong, James, whatever you do, don’t lose your head. You have hit the nail on the head. His shop has gone out of business after making heavy losses. He got down to (doing) the homework as soon as he arrived home. If I were you, I would go by train. Cheques should never be accepted without proof of identity. He can make most people understand him when he speaks English. We’ll have to go with her whether we like the idea or not. On arrival at the airport please go straight to the check-in desk. She is very knowledgeable about Ancient Egypt. At the moment a new car is out of the question. He unwillingly turned to her for help. Unfortunately all his efforts came to nothing. Mr.Kenedy received a gold medal in recognition of his service to the country. The effect of these pills was off after three hours. I need someone to stand in for me at the ceremony. That you criticize him is like a red rag to a bull. As a young musician, Tim modeled himself form one of his heros. They claim to provide the best service in business, but I think that they can open to distpute. You should make an example of him so that others will be afraid to behave as he did. The boy dances attendance on his father. I really regret to have missed the boat to get the promotion. It is bound to snow tomorrow. Could you put me up in Chicago for a few days? Unexpectedly, the food which we had was not enough for the guests. No one has known about the reason why the two cars collided. We were not allowed to leave the school by our teacher. Students are under no obligation to attend the additional evening lectures. On no account must you open this door when the red light is illuminated. Due to the bad weather some international flights are subject to possible delay. The Rain Bow Disco is out of bounds to students at the school. Once a medical examination has been successfully completed, the offer of a job will be confirmed. The chances are that the meeting won’t end before 8. The realization of how much it was going to cost made me change my mind. I wasn;t in the mood for doing/ to do anything energetic. Despite not waking up/ getting up on time, Clive wasn’t late for work. I don’t wish to make you feel any worse about this. = It isn’t my Wish to make you feel any worse about this. What I am not sure about is whether we’ll be able to afford it or not. It is typical of Jeremy to make up a ridiculous story like that! He spent the entire day playing computer games. Tim doesn’t take after his father at all. The weather is his sole topic/ subject of conversation. It was guaranteed that as soon as Grandad appeared, something would go wrong with the television. Is that film on the general release yet? Given that that majority attribute of ...................., the laws of that society must apply to everyone. It is a false assumption that all men are stronger than women. 1939 saw the advent of World War II. Wihtout the help of his neighbour Mr.Bill could never have repaired the garage roof. Travellers look down on those who lead a more sedentary life. He cannot come to terms with the fact that he will never race again. The tone of his voice brought (it) home to me how serious the situation was. Local residents expressed their disapproval of the new traffic scheme. We must avoid adverse publicity at all costs. I’ve never set eyes on her before. His chances of being picked for the Olympic swimming team are poor/ slim. I know I can bring Dave round to my way of thinking on this matter. He bears little/ hardly any resemblance to his brother. We wouldn’t want to impose any restrictions on the freedom of the students. The meaning of a “freebie” suddenly dawned on me. = It suddenly dawned on me what the meaning of a “freebie” was. I did not want to visit Moscow wihtout learning/ having learned Russian. I did not notice it was formal dress until it was too late.= It was not until it was too late that I noticed it was formal dress = Not until it was too late did I notice it was formal dress. Don’t make mountain out of a molehill. She has always got on/ along (well) with the children. A quiet holiday would do you good. It is none of/ not of my business. = It is not any/ no business of mine. The use of the main college car park is restricted to the final-year students. There was no/ little/ not much resemblance between the final version and the initial draft.
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