Từ vựng tiếng anh văn phòng
An Office - Văn phòng
headset switchboard printer cubicle
typist printout calendar typewriter
secretary desk rolodex telephone
computer typing chair manager calculator
bookcase photocopier stapler paper clips
envelope lobtailing messenger baker
shade mobile crib bumper stroller nipple stretchie bib rattle pacifier walker swing cradle playpen puzzle potty The Bathroom - Phòng tắm sponge shampoo stopper bathtub bath mat soap sink nailbrush 35 toothbrush tile hamper toilet scale Vocabularies >> House, Home in door - Nhà và đồ dùng The Bedroom - Phòng ngủ hook hanger closet mirror comb hairbrush bureau curtain blinds tissues headboard pillowcase pillow mattress blanket bed bedspread footboard phone 36 comforter rug floor Vocabularies >> House, Home in door - Nhà và đồ dùng The Kitchen 1 - Dụng cụ nhà bếp steamer colander suacepan lid blender pot canister toaster refrigerator freezer ice tray cabinet counter teakettle burner stove oven broiler Vocabularies >> House, Home in door - Nhà và đồ dùng The Kitchen 2 - Dụng cụ nhà bếp 37 bundt pan cake board cake pan decorating tips insulated cookie sheet loaf pan Mary Ann pan muffin pan obsttortenform parchment triangles sifter springform pan tart pan paraffin wax iron pan reamer Vocabularies >> House, Home in door - Nhà và đồ dùng The Kitchen 3 - Dụng cụ nhà bếp candy thermometer meat thermometer refrigerator thermometer shot glass mushroom brush apple corer apple peeler and corer clam knife pizza wheel sharpening steel vegetable peeler angel food cake pan chinois eggbeater ice pick potato masher Vocabularies >> House, Home in door - Nhà và đồ dùng The Kitchen 4 - Dụng cụ nhà bếp 38 steaming basket clay pot roasting rack cheesecloth ice cream scoop meat grinder mortar and pestle peppermill salt mill bamboo skewers cocktail strainer escargot shell mold sudare Vocabularies >> House, Home in door - Nhà và đồ dùng The Living Room 1 - Phòng khách ceiling wall frame painting mantel fireplace banister staircase step desk recliner television 39 sofa chandelier chair buffet Vocabularies >> House, Home in door - Nhà và đồ dùng The Living Room 2 - Phòng khách bowl vase lampshade china pitcher spoon fork plate napkin knife coffeepot teapot cup saucer silverware creamer Vocabularies >> House, Home in door - Nhà và đồ dùng The Living Room 3 - Phòng khách bookcase drapes cushion 40 speaker table tablecloth flame candle candlestick Vocabularies >> House, Home in door - Nhà và đồ dùng The Utility Room 1 - Phòng dụng cụ stepladder flashlight mop broom dustpan cleanser iron plunger bucket clothesline clothespins lightbulb dryer bleach laundry mousetrap Vocabularies >> House, Home in door - Nhà và đồ dùng The Utility Room 2 - Phòng dụng cụ 41 armchair can opener couch cuckoo clock curtains dresser faucet footstool furniture garbage can gate grandfather clock kettle key lamp wastebasket Vocabularies >> House, Home in door - Nhà và đồ dùng The Utility Room 3 - Phòng dụng cụ kitchen lawn lawn mower living room 42 mat oven mitt pillow quilt room shower trash can welcome mat yard Vocabularies >> House, Home in door - Nhà và đồ dùng Toys 1 - Đồ chơi backgammon blocks checkers circus comic book connect-the-dots crossword puzzle dice dominoes Internet jacks jigsaw puzzle 43 kaleidoscope maze palette pinwheel rocking horse slide snowman Vocabularies >> House, Home in door - Nhà và đồ dùng Toys 2 - Đồ chơi dance doodle drawing jog jokes juggle nursery rhyme photo puppet robot seesaw tongue twister vacation 44 Vocabularies >> House, Home in door - Nhà và đồ dùng Toys 3 - Đồ chơi bubbles cards clay crafts crayons doll dollhouse fireworks fishing rod illusion jack-in-the-box oil painting origami tangram teddy bear tic-tac-toe wagon yo-yo Vocabularies >> Public - Công cộng Building 1 - Tòa nhà 45 arch bank building castle church factory home house library log cabin market museum palace school skyscraper White House Vocabularies >> Public - Công cộng Building 2 - Tòa nhà brick doghouse door entrance exit gargoyle greenhouse hut 46 igloo stadium store tent tepee urban wall Vocabularies >> Public - Công cộng Energy - Năng lượng oil well derrick sun wind geyser coal elevator waterfall refinery dam windmill transformer heat electricity motor oil Vocabularies >> Public - Công cộng The Armed Forces - Quân đội 47 bomber bomb battleship parachute submarine periscope jeep tank cannon sailor army soldier marines airman rifle trigger bayonet bullet mortar Vocabularies >> Public - Công cộng The City 1 - Thành phố lobby corner crosswalk bakery 48 intersection pedestrian bus stop bench elevator traffic light sidewalk curb streetlight newsstand street manhole Vocabularies >> Public - Công cộng The City 2 - Thành phố alley avenue bridge city fire hydrant hydrant lane mail carrier 49 obelisk road stop sign town van village Vocabularies >> Public - Công cộng The Public Library - Thư viện drawer microfilm magazine rack globe atlas dictionary encyclopedia shelf Vocabularies >> Public - Công cộng The U.S. Postal System - Bưu điện 50 mailbox letter postmark stamp address envelope postcard package label Vocabularies >> Education - Học vấn A Classroom - Lớp học book flag clock loudspeaker teacher chalkboard locker computer chalk eraser paper ring binder desk glue brush student 51 ruler pencil thumbtack book Vocabularies >> Education - Học vấn A Science Lab - Phòng thí nghiệm prism flask scale clamp rack stopper timer pipette funnel flame thermometer beaker magnet forceps tongs microscope tweezers stool Vocabularies >> Education - Học vấn Alphabets -Bảng chữ cái 52 A D E B C F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Vocabularies >> Education - Học vấn Colors - Màu sắc orange Red Green blue pink yellow purple white 53 brown black gray Vocabularies >> Education - Học vấn Days - Thứ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Vocabularies >> Education - Học vấn Geology - Địa chất atom crystal diamond emerald gem glacier granite igneous rock lava limestone marble mineral pebble quartz rock ruby 54 salt silver soil stone streak tsunami volcano well impact crater metamorphic rock sedimentary rock Vocabularies >> Education - Học vấn Math - Toán triangle square side circle diameter center radius circumference oval rectangle diagonal apex hypotenuse pyramid cylinder cube 55 cone height Vocabularies >> Education - Học vấn Math Symbols - Kí hiệu toán học equals not equal to greater than less than greater than or equal to less than or equal to plus minus multiply divide percent Vocabularies >> Education - Học vấn Months - Tháng January February March April May June July August September October November December Vocabularies >> Education - Học vấn Numbers part 1 - Các con số (phần 1) 56 Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Vocabularies >> Education - Học vấn Numbers part 2 - Các con số (phần 2) Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Thirty Forty Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety One Hundred One Thousand One Million Vocabularies >> Education - Học vấn School 1 - Trường học 57 disc easel file folder ink letters neighborhood paper clip picture project school bus science sticker tape tape measure teach Vocabularies >> Education - Học vấn School 2 - Trường học alphabet capital letters cursive letters exam experiment learn lower case notebook number physical education protractor quiz 58 rubber band script letters smart understand upper case vocabulary vowel yardstick Vocabularies >> Education - Học vấn School Verbs -Động từ erase read listen write walk type Vocabularies >> Education - Học vấn Shapes 1 - Hình dạng crescent ellipse equilateral triangle heptagon hexagon isosceles triangle orb parallelogram 59 rhombus scalene triangle semicircle sphere star Vocabularies >> Education - Học vấn Shapes 2 - Hình dạng dodecahedron fractal hexaflexagon icosahedron line segment octagon octahedron pentagon polka dots polygon polyhedron quadrilateral round shapes spiral torus 60 trapezoid zigzag Vocabularies >> Sports, activity - Thể thao, hành động Boating - Đi ghe life jacket canoe paddle sailboat rudder mast sailboat towrope motorboat windsurfer kayak dinghy oarlock oar rowboat Vocabularies >> Sports, activity - Thể thao, hành động At the Beach - Bãi biển boardwalk motel biker whistle lifeguard binoculars lifeboat sunglasses 61 pail shovel sunbather kite runners wave surfboard kickboard swimmer tube waterfall sand sandcastle snorkel mask flippers wet suit shell
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