Từ vựng, ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh 10 nâng cao (Units 1-8) - Lê Ngọc Thạch
+ to-inf…… c. “What a pity! I can’t help you with your homework, Lan” Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch 14 I apologized Lan for not helping her with her homework. => S + apologize + O + for + (not) V-ing…… d. Minh said “I don’t want to tell them about my family” Minh refused to tell them about his family. => S + agree/refuse/promise + to-inf……. 2. Caùc quy taéc ñoåi traïng töø chæ thôøi gian vaø nôi choán today/tonight that day/that night now then ago before yesterday the day before/ the previous day last (week) the (week) before/ the previous (week) tomorrow the following day/ the day after next (week) the following (week)/ the (week) after this that these those here there UNIT 8: LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY ☺ VOCABULARY A. READING (pages 94-97) community (n) coäng ñoàng reflect (v) phaûn aùnh rural laborer (n) lao ñoäng noâng thoân craftsman (n) thôï thuû coâng socialize (v) hoaø nhaäp xaõ hoäi bargaining (n) maëc caû, traû giaù fair (n) hoäi chôï periodically (adv) theo chu kì vendor (n) = seller: ngöôøi baùn haøng flute (n) oáng saùo floating market (n) chôï noåi agricultural (adj) noâng nghieäp load (v) chaát haøng cozy (adj) aám cuùng rapid (adj) nhanh exist (v) toàn taïi function (n) chöùc naêng characteristic (n) ñaëc tính attitude (n) thaùi ñoä B. LISTENING (pages 98-99) deserted (adj) khoâng coù ngöôøi amazed (adj) ngaïc nhieân dress (v) maëc quaàn aùo typical (adj) ñieån hình impressed (adj) gaây aán töôïng C. SPEAKING (pages 99-100) loss of business (n) maát thò phaàn atmosphere (n) baàu khoâng khí wet (adj) öôùt Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch 15 lack of chance (n) thieáu cô hoäi muddy (adj) laày loäi, nhieàu buøn D. WRITING (pages 100-101) direction (n) chæ daãn corner (n) goùc map (n) baûn ñoà enclose (v) gôûi keøm have any trouble (v) gaëp trôû ngaïi E.LANGUAGE FOCUS (p.102-104) quit (v) töø boû, thoâi vieäc flooded (adj) ngaäp luït hideous litter (n) söï xaû raùc gheâ tôûm sidewalk (n) væa heø shopping mall (n) khu thöông maïi pothole (n) oå gaø multilane (n) nhieàu laøn xe income (n) thu nhaäp car crash (n) ñuïng xe slippery (adj) trôn tröôït inhabitant (n) cö daân casino (n) soøng baïc protest (v) phaûn ñoái GRAMMAR I. Conditional Sentences (If Sentences): Type 1 Ex: If I finish my homework, I will go to the concert = I will go to the concert if I finish my homework. * If clause: If I finish my homework, * Main clause: I will go to the concert 1. Form If clause Main clause If + S + V1….., S + will + Vo…… 2. Use Dieãn taû moät ñieàu kieän coù theå xaûy ra ôû hieän taïi hoaëc töông lai. II. Because of, In spite of/ Despite. 1. Because of Ex: - I can’t go to school yesterday because I am sick. I can’t go to school because of my sickness. - Nam missed the bus because he got up late. Because of getting up late, Nam missed the bus. Because of + Noun/ Noun Phrase (reason) 2. In spite of/ Despite Ex: - The woman tries to climb the mountain even though she is old. The woman tries to climb the mountain in spite of her old age. - Although Nga is tired, she still begins her work on time. Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch 16 Despite being tired, Nga still begins her work on time. In spite of/ Despite + Noun/ Noun Phrase (concession) Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch 17 CONSOLIDATION 2 ☺ VOCABULARY A. LISTENING (pages 105-106) cyberspace(n) khoâng gian ñieàu khieån domain (n) lónh vöïc fiberoptic (adj) baèng sôïi quang assignment (n) baøi taäp preferable (adj) yeâu thích schedule (n) lòch laøm vieäc direct (v) daøn döïng dull (adj) nhaït nheõo original (n) baûn goác B. VOCABULARY(pages 106-109) medicine (n) thuoác cuff (n) coã tay aùo fascinate (v) quyeán ruõ impersonal (adj) thieáu tình ngöôøi alarming (adj) baùo ñoäng junction (n) choã gaëp nhau alley (n) loái ñi nhoû approach (n) phöông phaùp multilingual (adj) nhieàu tieáng noùi multiplication (n) söï nhaân harvest (n) vuï thu hoaïch C. GRAMMAR (pages 109-110) lend (v) cho möôïn cancel (v) huõy boû hospitality (n) söï meán khaùch injured (adj) bò thong traffic jam (n) naïn keït xe D. READING (pages 111-112) cell phone (n) ñieän thoaïi di ñoäng take off (v) taêng cao message (n) vaên baûn pacemaker (n) maùy trôï tim regulate (v) ñieàu chænh heartbeat (n) nhòp ñaäp wave (n) soùng interfere (v) can thieäp vaøo block (v) ngaên chaën silent mode (n) traïng thaùi im laëng fear (v) sôï haûi switch off (v) taét adjust (v) ñieàu chænh E. WRITING (page 112) receive (v) nhaän confirm (v) xaùc nhaän departure time (n) giôø khôûi haønh Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch 18 IRREGULAR VERBS No Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Meaning 1 be(am/is/are) was/ were been thì, laø, ôû 2 arise arose arisen xuaát hieän 3 bear bore borne sinh ra 4 beat beat beaten ñaùnh, ñaäp 5 become became become trôû neân 6 begin began begun baét ñaàu 7 bend bent bent cuùi, gaäp 8 bet bet bet ñaùnh cuoäc 9 bite bit bitten caén 10 bleed bled bled chaûy maùu 11 blow blew blown thoåi 12 break broke broken laøm vôõ 13 breed bred bred nuoâi 14 bring brought brought mang 15 build built built xaây döïng 16 burn* burnt burnt ñoát chaùy 17 burst burst burst böøng chaùy 18 buy bought bought mua 19 catch caught caught baét ñöôïc 20 choose chose chosen choïn löïa 21 come came come ñeán 22 cost cost cost trò giaù 23 creep crept crept boø 24 cut cut cut caét 25 dig dug dug ñaøo 26 do did done laøm 27 draw drew drawn veõ 28 dream* dreamt dreamt mô 29 drink drank drunk uoáng 30 drive drove driven laùi xe Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch 19 31 eat ate eaten aên 32 fall fell fallen teù xuoáng 33 feed fed fed cho aên 34 feel felt felt caûm thaáy 35 fight fought fought ñaùnh nhau 36 find found found tìm thaáy 37 fit fit fit vöøa vaën 38 fly flew flown bay 39 forecast forecast forecast döï baùo 40 forget forgot forgot(ten) queân 41 forgive forgave forgiven tha thöù 42 freeze froze frozen ñoâng laïnh 43 get got got(ten) ñaït ñöôïc 44 give gave given cho 45 go went gone ñi 46 grind ground ground nghieàn 47 grow grew grown moïc 48 hang hung hung treo 49 have had had coù, duøng 50 hear heard heard nghe 51 hide hid hidden che giaáu 52 hit hit hit ñuïng 53 hold held held caàm, naém, toå chöùc 54 hurt hurt hurt laøm ñau 55 keep kept kept giöõ 56 know knew known bieát 57 lay laid laid ñaët, ñeå 58 lead led led daãn daét 59 learn* learnt learnt hoïc 60 leave left left rôøi khoûi 61 lend lent lent cho möôïn 62 let let let ñeå cho 63 lose lost lost ñaùnh maát 64 make made made laøm Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch 20 65 mean meant meant nghóa laø 66 meet met met gaëp 67 overcome overcame overcome vöôït qua 68 pay paid paid traû tieàn 69 put put put ñaët, ñeå 70 quit quit quit thoaùt ra 71 read read read ñoïc 72 ride rode ridden cöôõi, ñaïp xe 73 ring rang rung reo, rung 74 rise rose risen nhoâ,moäc leân 75 run ran run chaïy 76 say said said noùi 77 see saw seen troâng thaáy 78 seek sought sought tìm kieám 79 sell sold sold baùn 90 send sent sent göûi ñi 81 set set set xeáp ñaët 82 shake shook shaken laéc 83 shoot shot shot baén 84 shut shut shut ñoùng laïi 85 sing sang sung haùt 86 sink sank sunk chìm, ñaém 87 sit sat sat ngoài 88 sleep slept slept nguû 89 slide slid slid tröôït ñi 90 smell* smelt smelt ngöûi 91 speak spoke spoken noùi 92 speed sped sped taêng toác 93 spell spelt spelt ñaùnh vaàn 94 spend spent spent tieâu xaøi 95 spill spilt spilt traøn ra 96 spread spread spread lan truyeàn 97 steal stole stolen ñaùnh caép 98 stand stood stood ñöùng Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch 21 99 sting stung stung chích, ñoát 100 strike struck struck ñaùnh 101 swear swore sworn theà 102 sweep swept swept queùt 103 swim swam swum bôi, loäi 104 swing swung swung ñaùnh ñu 105 take took taken caàm, naém 106 teach taught taught daïy 107 tear tore torn xeù raùch 108 tell told told baûo, keå 109 think thought thought suy nghó 110 throw threw thrown neùm 111 thrust thrust thrust aán maïnh 112 understand understood understood hieåu 113 wake woke woken ñaùnh thöùc 114 wear wore worn maëc, ñoäi 115 weave wove woven deät 116 weep wept wept khoùc 117 wet wet wet laøm öôùt 118 win won won thaéng 119 write wrote written vieát * Coù theå theâm “ed” ñeå thaønh laäp V2 hoặc V3. ☺ Success to you!!! Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch 22 MUÏC LUÏC Trang UNIT 1: SCHOOL TALKS ...................................................................... 1 UNIT 2: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUNDS .................................................. 2 UNIT 3: DAILY ACTIVITIES ............................................................... 4 UNIT 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION .......................................................... 7 CONSOLIDATION 1 ................................................................................ 8 UNIT 5: TECHNOLOGY ........................................................................ 9 UNIT 6: SCHOOL OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES ...................................... 11 UNIT 7: THE MASS MEDIA ............................................................... 12 UNIT 8: LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY ................................................ 14 CONSOLIDATION 2 .............................................................................. 16 IRREGULAR VERBS ........................................................................... 17
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