Trade and treasure
1. lottery/’lOtCrI/ noun [count] a game designed to raise money by selling lottery tickets that people buy, hoping that
their numbers are chosen by chance in the drawing so that they win a money prize: xổsố
lottery ticketnoun [count] vé số
She won a million dollars in the lottery.
2. winnings/’wInINz/ noun [plural] money that you win: tiền thắng cuộc, được bạc.
3. base on/beIs On/ phrasal verb [transitive usually passive] base something on somethingto use particular ideas or
facts to make a decision, do a calculation, or develop a theory: dựa vào, căn cứvào
The prosecution’s case is based largely on evidence from ex-members of the gang.
basenoun [count] a set of ideas, facts, achievements, etc. from which something can develop: căn cứ, cơsở, nền
Income from magazine publishing provides the company with a strong financial base.
iation /C,pri:SI’eISn/ noun [singular or uncount] An appreciation of the poet’s work. 38. inspire /In’spaIr/ verb [transitive] to give someone the enthusiasm to do or create something: thúc đẩy, truyền cảm hứng inspire someone to do something Æ We use interactive displays to inspire children to read and write for pleasure. inspiration /,InspI’reISn/ noun [count or uncou] a sudden feeling of enthusiasm or a new idea that helps you to do or create something: cảm hứng Dreams are a rich source of inspiration for some writers. 39. contribute /’kOntrIbju:t/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people: đóng góp contribute something to/toward something Æ He promised to contribute $5,000 toward the cost of the lawsuit. contribution /,kOntrI’bju:Sn/ noun [count] something that you do that helps to achieve something or to make it successful: đóng góp make a contribution Æ Community police have made a very positive contribution to crime prevention. 40. double /’dVbl/ verb [intransitive] to become twice as big, twice as much, or twice as many: gấp đôi The number of people out of work has doubled in the last five years. double in size/amount/price etc. ÆTheir house has doubled in value since they bought it. double (adj) containing or consisting of twice as much of something as normal: gấp đôi double chocolate chip cookies 6 LANGUAGE IN ACTION: TRANSACTIONS 41. check /tSek/ [count] AMERICAN a piece of paper that you are given in a restaurant showing you how much money you owe. Another word for this is bill, which is the usual British word: hóa đơn thanh toán How much is the check? 42. treat /trIt/ noun [singular] an occasion when you pay for something for someone else: sự thết đãi This is my treat. treat verb [transitive] to behave toward someone in a particular way: đối đãi, cư xử You should treat others politely. 4/6 43. cash /kAS/ verb [transitive] to exchange a check for its value in bills and coins: đổi ra tiền mặt Can I cash a check at the front desk? cash noun [uncount] money in the form of bills and coins: tiền mặt in cash Æ Do you want to pay in cash or by credit card? 44. identification /aI,dentIfI’keISn/ noun [uncount] something that proves who you are, especially a document with your name and a photograph = ID: giấy chứng minh Can you show me some identification? 7 LISTENING 45. trade /treId/ verb [intransitive] to buy or sell goods or services: buôn bán, kinh doanh trade with Æ We need to trade with Eastern Europe more. trade noun [uncount] the activities of buying and selling goods or services: buôn bán, thương mại trade with Æ Spain wants to develop its trade with the Philippines. 46. barter /’bo:tC(r)/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to exchange goods or services for other goods or services instead of using money: đổi hàng lấy hàng They got what they needed by bartering their livestock. barter /’bo:tC(r)/ noun [uncount] the system of paying for goods or services with other goods or services instead of using money: sự trao đổi hàng hóa a barter economy 47. a little (bit) less: ít hơn một chút I wish you’d do a bit less talking and a bit more work. 48. agree /C’gri:/ verb [not usually progressive] [intransitive or transitive] to have the same opinion as someone else: đồng ý agree with somebody about something Æ I agree with my mother about most things. agree to do something Æ The school agreed to send the students on the field trip. agree (that) Æ We all agree that we should celebrate this event. agree on/about Æ The committee members agreed on the need for more information. agree to a request/ suggestion/ proposal Æ We have agreed to their request for a full investigation. agreement /C’gri:mCnt/ noun [count or uncount] the situation when people have the same opinion or have made the same decision about something: sự đồng ý, đồng tình agreeable /C’gri:Cbl/ ~ (to sth) adj to be willing to do or accept something: sẵn sàng đồng ý, tán thành. 49. advance /Cd’vAns/ noun [count or uncount] progress or an instance of progress in science, technology, human knowledge, etc.:sự tiến bộ In spite of all its advances, medical science still knows little about the brain. in advance if you do something in advance, you do it in preparation for a particular time or event in the future: trước (về thời gian) Details of the meeting had been circulated well in advance. 50. in return (for something) as payment or in exchange for something, or as a way of thanking someone for something: đáp lại I bought him a drink in return for his help. 51. get something over with or get something over : to do something or allow something to happen, because you want it to be finished or you want to start something else: hoàn thành cái gì I wanted to get the interview over with as quickly as possible. 52. option /’OpSn/ noun [count] something that you can choose in a particular situation: lựa chọn option for Æ have three different options for financing the house. optional /’OpSCnl/ (adj) something that is optional is available or possible if you want it, but you do not have to have it or do it: tự chọn, không bắt buộc The price includes hotel and meals – entertainment is optional. 53. favor /’feIvC/ noun [count] something that you do for someone in order to help them: sự giúp đỡ do someone a favor: giúp đỡ ai Æ Could you do me a small favor? Prepared by Mr. Tuan Kiet & Ms. Giang Thanh 5/6 54. appointment /C’pcIntmCnt/ noun [count] an arrangement to see someone at a particular time, especially for a business meeting or to get a professional service: cuộc hẹn appointment to do something Æ I have an appointment to see my lawyer next Saturday. 55. it’s a deal SPOKEN used for saying that you agree to something 56. deal /dICl/ (past tense and past participle dealt) verb [intransitive or transitive] deal with something: to solve a problem, carry out a task, etc: đối phó, giải quyết 57. strategy /’strAtCdZI/ noun [count] a plan or method for achieving something, especially over a long period of time: chiến lược successful language-learning strategies 58. babysit /’beIbI sIt/ (past tense and past participle babysat) verb [intransitive or transitive] to take care of children in their home while their parents are not there, especially in the evening: giữ trẻ I’ll ask my mother to babysit. babysitting /’beIbI,sItIN/ noun [uncount] babysitter /’beIbI.,sItCr/ noun [count] someone you pay to come to your house and take care of your children while you are not there, especially in the evening: người giữ trẻ. 13 READING, SPEAKING, AND WRITING 59. flyer /’flaIC(r)/ noun [count] (another spelling of flier) an announcement or advertisement that is printed on paper and given to people: LEAFLET: tờ rơi quảng cáo Someone was handing out fliers advertising the sale. 60. solve /sOlv/ verb [transitive] 1 to find a solution to something that is causing difficulties: giải quyết solve a problem Æ We can help you solve your financial problems. 2 to find the reason or explanation for something: làm sang tỏ solve a mystery Æ He hopes to solve the mystery of the plane’s disappearance. solution /sC’lu:Sn / noun [count] a way to solve a problem or deal with a bad situation: giải pháp solution to/for Æ U.N. leaders are working hard to find a peaceful solution to the conflict. 61. fun /fVn/ noun [uncount] enjoyment, especially from an activity that is not important or serious: sự thích thú I hate to spoil your fun but it’s time to go home now. fun (adj) [only before noun] enjoyable: thú vị Scuba diving is a fun thing to do. funny /’fVni/ (adj) someone or something that is funny makes you laugh: buồn cười a funny story/joke 62. hunt /hVnt/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to search for something or someone; to try to find something or someone: lùng kiếm hunt for: We hunted for rabbits in the hills. hunt noun [count] a search for something or someone: sự tìm kiếm, lùng sục A nationwide hunt has been launched for the missing child. 63. annual /’AnjUCl/ (adj) happening once a year: xảy ra hàng năm an annual festival/vacation/report annually adv The exhibition is held annually. 64. raise /reIz/ verb [transitive] to collect money for a particular purpose: gây quỹ We managed to raise over $4,000 through donations and other events. 65. charity /’tSArItI/ noun 1 [count] an organization to which you give money so that it can give money and help to people who are poor or sick, or who need advice and support: hội từ thiện The March of Dimes is a registered charity. 6/6 2 [uncount] kindness that you show toward other people by not judging them or criticizing them too severely: lòng từ thiện raise money for charity: quyên góp tiền cho công việc từ thiện 66. trophy /’trCUfI/ noun [count] a large silver cup or similar object given as a prize to the winner of a competition, especially a sports event: cúp win/capture/take a trophy Æ Mexico has not captured the trophy since 1975. 67. clue /klu:/ noun [count] an object or fact that someone discovers that helps them solve a crime or mystery: manh mối Detectives were brought in to help search for clues. 68. proceeds /’prCUsi:dz/ noun [plural] money that a person or organization makes from selling or winning something, or from organizing an event or activity: tiền thu được They gave a concert and donated the proceedsto charity: Họ tổ chức một buổi hòa nhạc và tặng tiền thu được cho hội từ thiện. 69. underneath /,VndC’ni:T/ (adv) used for describing the lower surface of something that faces down: dưới, bên dưới Underneath you will see soft silky fur, very different from the fur on the animal’s back. 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