Parents said goodbye to their children. Husbands kissed their wives for the
last time. One woman's husband told her, "You go. I will stay." The lifeboat left, and
she never saw him again.
There were many examples of bravery on the Titanic on the night of April 14,
1912. Some of the crew and passengers worked all night to save other people. They
chose to stay on the ship until the end. Other passengers thought only about saving
themselves. They fought to get into the lifeboats.
Some people think that the Titanic showed people at their best and at their
worst. Maybe this is why the disaster is still famous. The ship sank in the North
Atlantic over seventy-five years ago. But almost everybody in the world today
knows the name of the Titanic.
So what really happened that night? Why did the ship hit an iceberg? Why
didn't another ship save the passengers? How many people survived, and how many
there lifeboats for all the passengers? The Mystery Children One of the strangest stories was the Titanic's mystery children. When the ship was going down, a man passed his two young sons into the last lifeboat. The father, "Louis Hoffman," didn't survive. The boys arrived in New York on the Carpathia. But nobody knew who they were. No family was found. In fact, "Louis Hoffman" wasn't the father's real name. It was Michel Navratil. Navratil took the boys from their mother in France and decided to start a new life with them in America. He didn't want their mother to know. Finally, the mother saw her sons in a newspaper, and the boys were sent back to France. There they told her their father's last words: "Tell her that 1 loved her and still do." An Unbelievable Story Alice Cleaver was a nurse, traveling on the Titanic with a family in first class. The Allisons didn't know that, years earlier, Alice killed her own child. But now, she was helping to look after the Allisons' two children, Trevor and Loraine. On the night of the accident, the Allisons went on deck. Alice Cleaver acted quickly. She picked up the baby, Trevor. "1 won't let him out of my arms," she told the boy's mother. Then she left and found a lifeboat. After she got on the Carpathia, she kept Trevor Allison with her. All the newspapers called her very brave. But the Allison family thought that Trevor's parents died on the ship because they were looking for their son. Their other baby, Loraine, died with them. Was Alice Cleaver using Trevor to save herself? It is true that people with babies got into lifeboats more easily. Years later, the mystery about Alice Cleaver and the Allison family became even stranger. In 1940, an American woman, Loraine Kramer, spoke on the radio. Her story was hard to believe. She was Loraine Allison! This was her story: A man on the Titanic carried her into a lifeboat. This man was the ship's builder, Thomas Andrews! He and Loraine lived together in America. Sometimes Bruce Ismay, the president of the White Star Line, visited them. He wanted them to hide because they knew important secrets about the Titanic. Kramer was probably not Loraine Allison. She was probably looking for money. In fact, many people think that Alice Cleaver helped her with information about the real Loraine Allison. Interest in Loraine Kramer's story showed that, years after the accident, people were still interested in the Titanic. The world saw one world war and then another, and the great ship lay in darkness at the bottom of the Atlantic. But many People dreamed of finding the Titanic again. "Leave it there." The ocean was 4,000 meters (13,120 feet) deep where the Titanic lay. The water was black. Some people tried to find the ship, but without success. In 1985, Robert Ballard and Jean Jarry were looking for the ship. There were twenty-three crew and twenty-three scientists on their ship, the Knorr. The team was using a submarine without a crew to search the bottom of the ocean. They worked for weeks and found nothing. Then, on September 1, they saw pieces of metal on the ocean floor. Soon they couldn't believe what the camera was showing them. There was a big, dark shape in the water. It was the front part of the Titanic! The crew and scientists of the Knorr were silent for a minute, as they remembered the dead of the Titanic. When the ship was discovered, some of the mysteries of the Titanic were solved: * The front part of the ship lay 600 meters (1,970 feet) from the back. So the Titanic did break in two as it sank. Before the ship was discovered, people weren't sure about this. * The ship sank 21 kilometers (13 miles) from the position that Jack Phillips and Harold Bride gave on the radio. Ballard and his team returned the next year to look at more of the ship. All of the wood was gone, but some things on the ship looked almost new. Ballard's pictures of the Titanic became very famous. But Ballard didn't bring anything up from the Titanic. He wanted to leave it all at the bottom of the ocean. In 1987, the ship was visited by a team with a different idea. This time the scientists went down in the submarine. They brought 1,800 things up from the Titanic. A box from the ship was even opened on a French TV show. It was empty- 9Many of the survivors were angry about all of this. When Ballard was asked for his opinion, he said, "In a word, sad." This didn't stop the French team returning a few years later. They brought 3,600 things up from the Titanic, What will the future of the Titanic be? One business man wants to sell trips to the ship. Will anyone ever bring the ship back up from the bottom of the ocean? Survivor Eva Hart hoped not. Before her death in 1996, she said, "Leave it there.” The Titanic on Film When James Cameron was writing the movie Titanic, he wanted to show the rich history of the ship and its many true stories. He soon became sure of one thing. The love story between Rose and Jack was the most important part of the movie. If people worry about the two young lovers, they will understand the disaster more.. The movie's story doesn't begin in 1912. It starts in the present day, when Rose DeWitt Bukater is old. She thinks back to the past. The camera shows us the young Rose, when she sees the Titanic for the first time. Rose DeWitt Bukater is getting on the Titanic in Southampton. "It doesn't look any bigger than the Mauritania," she says, speaking about another famous ship. * British actress Kate Winslet played the young Rose, unhappy at the thought of her future with rich Cal Hockley (Billy Zane). * All of the clothes here are exactly like the clothes of 1912. Jack Dawson is a poor, young artist, traveling third class back to America from Europe. First-class passengers listen while Jack Dawson explains his ideas about life. "Life's a gift," he says. * James Cameron later said about Leonardo DiCaprio, "1 didn't want Leo at first." But after Leonardo read some lines, Cameron changed his mind. "1 knew he was the guy.' Soon Rose and Jack fall in love. When Rose asks Jack to draw a picture of her, she is wearing nothing except "the Heart of the Ocean" around her neck. * This part of the movie was made on Leonardo DiCaprio's first day of filming. Important parts of a movie are often filmed at the beginning. The two actors later became good friends. The lookouts watch as Rose and Jack are together on the deck. When they look up, they will see the terrible shape of the iceberg in front of the ship. * Of course, this love story is a real difference between the movie and the real history of the Titanic. But, James Cameron explains, Rose's love for Jack plays a part in the terrible accident that follows. As the water comes higher and higher, Jack and Rose try to escape from Cal. * The actors in Titanic were often tired, wet, and cold. Later, DiCaprio described it as his hardest job. The crew send rockets high into the dark sky—but the Titanic is sinking. *In the 1958 movie A Night to Remember, the ship didn't break in two. Because of Ballard's work in 1985, Cameron and his team knew more about the ship's last seconds. Jack Dawson, Rose DeWitt Bukater, and Cal Hockley weren't real people, but many of the people in the movie did exist. The movie shows: * Captain Smith and most of the ship's officers * first-class passengers Molly Brown and Benjamin Guggenheim * Bruce Ismay, the president of the White Star Line, and Thomas Andrews, the builder of the ship * Jack Phillips and Harold Bride in the radio room In the movie, Jack Dawson says that the cold water feels like "knives." These words come from one of the real survivors. Cameron read what many of the survivors wrote about Titanic. He used some of their words when he wrote the movie. It was important to James Cameron to show these real people. He carefully planned the story so everything happened in the movie at exactly the right time. Try watching Cameron's movie again after reading this book. Can you see all of the things that are true? But there are some mistakes in every movie. While Jack and Rose are walking on the deck, you can see a small hill with a building on it behind Jack. But they are in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean! As Rose finishes her story to Brock Lovett and his crew, the last line of her story is, "He exists now only in my memory." Later, she throws the Heart of the Ocean into the Atlantic. At the very end of the movie, we see Rose back on the Titanic. She is young again, and Jack Dawson is waiting for her. The two are together again. James 10 Cameron says that people always ask him about this. Is Rose dreaming or is she dead? Cameron's answer? "You decide." "The world woke up . . ." After Cameron's movie, more and more people became interested in the story of the Titanic. Every year there are more and more books and videos on the subject. But why? After so many years, why are people still interested in the Titanic? There have been worse accidents on , the ocean in the years since then. What is so special about the Titanic? * Some people think that the sinking of the Titanic showed the end of one part of history and the start of another. Before the Titanic sank, it was a time of great hope. People felt good about the world's future. Buildings were becoming taller, machines were becoming faster, and, of course, ships were becoming bigger and bigger nything seemed possible. * For many people, that dream of a wonderful future sank with the Titanic. After April 15, 1912, the world seemed a different place. Just two years later, the First World War began. Millions of people died. New machines were used to kill more and more people. * Maybe Titanic survivor Jack Thayer was right when he wrote, "The world woke up on April 15, 1912."
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