Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành quản trị kinh doanh - Phần 8
Exercise 3
In each of these sentences a word is missing. Provide a word in the text, between lines 4 and
1. The USSR is a _______ of communism.
2. The Americans are _________ to a system of private enterprise.
3. To control an economy is much the same as to ________ it.
4. The work was carefully __________ by the authorities for five years.
5. It is necessary to make a sharp __________ between planned and unplanned
6. He does not work in this ___________ of the economy but in the public one.
7. A mixed economy possesses some of the qualities of the two main ________ of
economic system.
8. Coal, steel and farming are important national _________.
9. The __________ of the workers were happy about the new plan, but a small number
were not.
10. Some industrial ___________ , like BP and ICI, are international as well as national in
their activities.
tton and Norton any more. 4. He doesn’t export to Italy now. 5. Transworld arrange airfreight consignments these days. 6. They make stereo equipment since they expanded. Laboratory drill P: There isn’t an airport at Ayton nowadays R: Did there use to be an airport at Ayton then? Exercise 4: Comparing This table shows the comparative speed and cost of sending a consignment of cloth from London to Madrid. MEANS OF TRANSPORT TRANSIT TIME FREQUENCY OF DEPARTURE TOTAL COST 10 days 1 day 4 days 3 days Every 12 days Every day Every 5 days Every 7 days 246 433 149 145 Compare the different means of sending the consignment, like this: P: Is it quicker by sea than by air? R: No. It’s slower. P: Are trains more frequent than trailers? R: No. They’re less frequent. P: Is it more expensive by train than by plane? R: No. It’s less expensive. Unit 3: Mixed economies 72 Laboratory drill P: Is it quicker by sea than by air? R: No. It’s slower. Exercise 5: Reported speech and used to do John’s out - of - date knowledge. Now you do like this: P: John said there was an airport at Dutton. R: He’s wrong then. There used to be an airport at Dutton, but there isn’t now. P: John said she didn’t work for BOS. R: He’s wrong then. She didn’t use work for BOS, but she does now. Laboratory drill A P: John said there was an airport at Dutton. R: There used to be an airport at Dutton, but there isn’t now. P: John said she didn’t work for BOS. R: She didn’t use to work for BOS, but she does now. Laboratory drill B P: I think there’s an airport at Dutton. R: Yes, John said there was an airport at Dutton. P: I don’t think she works for BOS R: Yes, John said she didn’t work for BOS. SUMMARY Trong bài số 3 bạn đã học và ôn lại các phần sau: - Từ vựng liên quan đến các nền kinh tế hỗn hợp. - Cách tạo từ mới bằng cách thêm hậu tố. - Cách sử dụng cấu trúc Used to - Ôn lại cách sử dụng câu gián tiếp (Reported speech) - Ôn tiếp cấu trúc so sánh VOCABULARY BOAC: British Overseas Airways Corporation n hãng hàng không của Anh BP: British Petroleum n ngành công nghiệp dầu lửa của Anh Unit 3: Mixed economies 73 British Rail n ngành đường sắt của Anh cargo n hàng chuyên chở charge by volume n cước phí tính theo thể tích charge by weight n cước phí tính theo trọng lượng classify v phân loại consignment n hàng hoá được gửi vận chuyển container n công-ten-nơ containerisation n việc đóng hàng vào công-ten-nơ conventional cargo n hàng chuyên chở thông thường eminent industrialist n nhà công nghiệp nổi tiếng freight rate n giá cước hàng hoá chuyên chở giant adj lớn ICI: Imperial Chemical Industries. n các ngành công nghiệp hoá học inevitably adv tất nhiên, không thể tránh được long-term adj dài hạn make a distinction v phân biệt NEDC: National Economic Development Council n Hội đồng phát triển kinh tế quốc gia private sector n thành phần kinh tế tư nhân public sector n thành phần kinh tế nhà nước trailer n xe tải, xe móoc under-developed country n nước chưa phát triển volume n khối lượng joiner n người liên kết, thợ mộc, hội viên juggler n người chơi trò tung hứng productive adj CONSOLIDATION EXERCISES Exercise 1: The table show how words are formed around the verb produce. List all the words you can make from the table and use them in suitable blanks in the sentences. Unit 3: Mixed economies 74 e r produc t iv (e) ity ion 1. The company……………..a new commodity every year. 2. The company’s newest ………………………is a special blue soap powder. 3. The ………………..of soap powders met last year to discuss prices. 4. That factory is not as………………….now as it was five years ago. 5. The …………………..of that factory has gone down over the last five years. 6. The manager of the factory has decided that they must increase their……………….. of packets of soap powder. Exercise 2: This table shows how certain nouns can be formed from these adjectives, as for example activity from active. Make a list of nouns and put each word in its suitable place in the sentences, the loss of the letter e in active, secure, mobile and productive. active equal secure complex mobile ity liquid solid regular productive similar 1. The system was complex. Its ………………………….surprised him. 2. The movements of the products in the factory was rapid. The …………………..surprised him. 3. People who have cars are very mobile. This…………………is a useful thing. 4. The National Bank has a solid reputation. Its……………….. in money is similar to the ……………… of its buildings. Unit 3: Mixed economies 75 5. The national economy, like a man should be active. Its………………...is a sign of its health. 6. Your money is secure in the National Bank. Its…………………is important both to you and to the bankers. 7. The workers in those factories are very productive. Their………………is very useful to the national economy. 8. Those men arrive regularly at nine o’clock. Their ………………well-known. 9. The Americans and British economic systems are very similar. This……………….is surprising. 10. Those two men earn equal sum of money. They have………………in wages because they produce the same quantity quality goods. Exercise 3: Change the listed words and phrases into agent nouns Example: consume → consume-er = consumer 1. buy 2. sell 3. use 4. work 5. bank 6. mine 7. produce 8. organize 9. manage 10. begin 11. breed 12. perform 13. a man who breeds casttle 14. a man who owns a house 15. a man who pays tax 16. a man who produces whisky 17. a man who manages a bank 18. juggle 19. join Unit 3: Mixed economies 76 20. drive Exercise 4: Study this diagram about kinds of production and then answer the questions PRODUCTION 11. What three types of production are there? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 12. If primary relates to “one”, and secondary relates to “two”, what does tertiary relate to? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. What two types of tertiary industry are there? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. What type does farming belong to? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. What types do these belong to: trading, teaching, building? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Which of these categories relates to the three activities of mining, engineering and building? – (1) heavy industries; (2) light industries ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Exercise 5: Many words are formed by adding –able. There is however an active use of – able and a passive use. Try these exercises Exercise 5.1: the active of -able hunting fishing farming egineering building gas, electricity Tertiary industries Primary industries Secondary industries intermediate final banking trading insurance teaching medicine defence Unit 3: Mixed economies 77 Example: Fruit can perish – Fruit is perishable. Note that can is not always necessary in the first sentence. 1. The plan can work. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Market condition can change. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Economic condition can vary. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. These policies suit (us). ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Those products have a value. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Some investments make a profit. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Exercise 5.2: The passive use of –able Example: The difficulty can be avoided. – The difficulty is avoidable. 1. The commodity can be marketed. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. The plan can be tested. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. The flow of work can be measured. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. The relationship can be defined. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. The product can be obtained. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Exercise 6: Make acronyms or letter-names from the groups of names below. 1. The Organization of African Unity 2. The United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) 3. North Atlantic Treaty Organization Unit 3: Mixed economies 78 4. The European Economic Community 5. Association of South East Asian Nations 6. United Nations Organization 7. World Health Organization 8. The International Labour Organization 9. The International Monetary Fund 10. The Food and Agricultural Organization 11. Trans World Airlines 12. British European Airways 13. General Agreement on Tariff and Trade KEY TO UNIT 3 Text 3.1 Ngày nay không có nước nào hoàn toàn là xã hội chủ nghĩa; không có nước nào hoàn toàn là tư bản chủ nghĩa. Các hệ thống kinh tế của các quốc gia khác nhau có xu hướng hoặc là tư bản chủ nghĩa hoặc xã hội chủ nghĩa, và có nhiều nước rất khó phân loại một cách chính xác. Nhiều nước thấy cần thiết phải kiểm soát và điều tiết các điều kiện kinh tế quốc gia. Thậm chí các hệ thống kinh tế dựa trên các xí nghiệp tư nhân hoàn toàn tự do như nước Mỹ cũng cảm thấy điều này là rất cần thiết. Các nước chưa phát triển trên thế giới thường quan tâm đến việc kiểm soát và lập kế hoạch lâu dài. Những nước như Ấn độ có các kế hoạch do chính phủ hướng dẫn. Ấn độ có sự phân biệt giữa thành phần kinh tế tư nhân và thành phần kinh tế nhà nước. Những hệ thống kimh tế như vậy có cả thành phần kinh tế tư nhân và thành phần kinh tế nhà nước, không phải là tư bản chủ nghĩa mà cũng không phải là xã hội chủ nghĩa, có lúc được gọi là nền kinh tế hỗn hợp. Nước Anh ngày nay có nền kinh tế hỗn hợp. Thành phần kinh tế nhà nước của Anh là các ngành công nghiệp quốc hữu hoá như than đá, thép, đường sắt và BOAC. Thành phần kinh tế tư nhân chủ yếu là các ngành công nghiệp quốc gia cả lớn và nhỏ. Thành phần kinh tế tư nhân bao gồm các công ty lớn như ICI và BP và rất nhiều các tổ chức kinh doanh gia đình cỡ nhỏ.
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