Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành quản trị kinh doanh - Phần 16
Exercise 1
1. Jill boughta new car two weeks ago.
2. His hair is very short. He hasa haircut.
3. Last night I arrivedhome at haft past twelve. I hada bath and then I wentto bed.
4. Did you visitmany museums when you were in Paris?
5. My bike isn’t here any more. Somebody has takenit.
6. When did you giveup smoking?
7. I did not eatanything yesterday because I didn’t feelhungry.
8. Why didn’t Jim wantto play tennis last Friday?
9. The car looks very clean. Have you washedit?
10. When we were on holiday, the weather wasawful.
ry. They’re local, so I said we could. And another woman rang from Dyers. Her name’s on the messenger. She wanted to know whether we handled containers. KH: And you told her we did, I hope. SP: Yes. And then Anne took this last one about European trailer rates. It was from a Mr. Grey. KH: Oh yes. He’s from Spectrum. I’ll give him a ring, too. Thanks very much. Exercise 4 Unit 6: Maker and monopolies 153 2. Is there a flight from Hamburg to Manchester? 3. How long does the flight to Cairo take? 4. Is there a flight to Geneva on Sunday? 5. What time does the Brussels flight arrive? 6. When does the Paris flight leave? 7. Is there a morning flight to London? F: Quick. Half a dozen people have asked me questions in the last minutes. Can you write them down for me please before I forget? The first one wanted to know what time the flight to Germany was. The next asked whether there was a flight from Hamburg to Manchester. M: Just a minute. Say that again please? F: Oh sorry. The second one asked whether there was a flight from Hamburg to Manchester. Ok? M: Yes. Next? F: The third one asked how long the flight to Cairo took. How long the flight to Cairo took. M: Got that. F: The next one wanted to know whether there was a flight to Geneva on Sundays. M: Whether there was a flight to Geneva on Sundays. F: Next. A woman asked what time the Brussels flight arrived. M: Uh – huh. F: Then a man asked when the Paris flight left. M: When the Paris flight left. Yes? F: And the last one asked whether there was a morning flight to London. A – Morning flight to London. M: Right. Shall I read those back? F: Yes please. M: One. What time is the flight to Germany? Two asked whether there was a flight from Hamburg to Manchester. The third asked how long the flight to Cairo took. The fourth asked whether there was a flight to Geneva on Sundays. The next one asked what time the Brussels flight arrived. Then a man asked when Paris flight left and the last one wanted to know whether there was a morning flight to London. Unit 6: Maker and monopolies 154 F: Thanks very much. That’s fine. LABORATORY DRILLS TAPESCRIPT Drill 2: Report the question people asked about your company, like this: P(M): Can I send a container to Turin? R: He asked whether he could send a container to Turin. Now you try P(F): Do you carry live animals? R: She asked whether we carried live animals. P(M): Is it cheaper to send goods by road or rail? R: He asked whether it was cheaper to send goods by road or rail. P(F): Can you collect goods from our factory? Aim: Practice of reported question forms. NB: Note the changes to the pronouns. She asked whether we could collect goods from their factory. P(F): Do you handle containers? R: She asked whether we handled containers. P(M): What are your European trailer charges? R: He asked what our European trailer charges were. Drill 3A: Say these times from the 24 – hour clock as we usually say them, like this: P: Oh eight hundred. R: That’s eight o’clock in the morning. Now you try P: Eleven thirty – five. R: That’s twenty – five to twelve in the morning. P: Thirteen forty – five. R: That’s quarter to two in the afternoon. P: Fifteen hundred. R: That’s three o’clock in the afternoon. P: Eighteen twenty – five. R: That’s twenty – five past eight in the evening. P: Twenty – two oh five. R: That’s five past ten at night. Aim: Practice of times on the 12 – hour and 24 – hour clock. Drill 3B: Say these times from the 12 – hour clock as we say them on the 24 – hour clock, like this. Unit 6: Maker and monopolies 155 P: Eight o’clock in the morning. R: That’s oh eight hundred on the 24 – hour clock. Now you try P: Half – past ten in the morning. R: That’s ten thirty on the 24 – hour clock. P: Two o’clock in the a afternoon. R: That’s fourteen hundred on the 24 – hour clock. P: Ten to three in the afternoon. R: That’s fourteen fifty on the 24 – hour clock. P: Seven o’clock in the evening. R: That’s nineteen hundred on the 24 – hour clock. P: Twenty past six in the morning. R: That’s six twenty on the 24 – hour clock. Aim: Further practice of times on the 12 – hour and 24 – hour clock. Drill 5A: Ask questions about Transworld, like this: P: Ask them whether they arrange transportation. Now you try P: Ask them whether they prepare documentation. R: Do you prepare documentation? P: Ask the whether they handle containers. R: Do you handle containers? P: Ask them whether they handle imports. R: Do you handle imports? R: Do you arrange transportation? P: Ask them whether they can advise us on the best means of transport. R: Can you advise us on the best means of transport? P: Ask them whether they can do our packing. R: Can you do our packing? P: Ask them whether they can advise us on our quotations to customers. R: Can you devise us on our quotations to customers. Aim: Recognition of indirect questions and practice of direct questions. Drill 5B Report the questions you are asked about Transworld, like this: P(M): Do you arrange transportation? Now you try P(F): Do you prepare documentation? R: He wanted to know whether we arranged transportation. Unit 6: Maker and monopolies 156 P(M): Do you handle containers? R: He wanted know whether we handle containers. P(F): Do you handle imports? R: She wanted to know whether we handled imports. P: Can you advise us on our quotations to customers? R: He wanted to know whether we could advise them on their quotations to customers. P(F): Can you advise us on the best means of transport? R: She wanted to know whether we could advise them on the best means of transport. P(M): Can you do our packing? R: He wanted to know whether we could do their packing. Aim: Practice of reported question in the past. CONSOLIDATION EXERCISES Exercise 1. Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. They are the business firm and the household. 2. They are interdependent. 3. Households. 4. It depends on the demand for final products. 5. They transform resource inputs into outputs of products and services that are sold to households. 6. They have incomes obtained through the sale or loan of their resources to firms. 7. They both to maximize their economic well – being through market exchange. 8. It means there are many buyers and sellers, products are substitutable, buyers and sellers have a lot of knowledge of the market and resources are able to move freely between uses. Exercise 2. Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. The business person in a market economy is seeking profit. 2. He or she will want to maximize profit. Unit 6: Maker and monopolies 157 3. He or she will want to minimize losses. 4. No, they aren’t. 5. Yes, it does. Exercise 3. Read the text and delete the incorrect tenses. Who wants to be a millionaire? Last February Bert and Emily Atkins won £1 million on the lottery. How have their lives changed since then? Well, the simple answer is their lives haven’t changed at all! They still live in their neat little house. ‘We don’t want to move’, say Emily. ‘We’ve lived here since 1970, and all our friends are around here’. Bert hasn’t given up his job at a local factory. He‘s worked there for thirty years. So what difference has the money made to their lives? ‘Well, we‘ve bought a new car,’ says Emily. ‘And we’ve booked a holiday in Florida. We‘ve never been abroad and I’ve always wanted to go to Florida. My sister’s family went last year. They had a lovely time. We’re going next year, though. I mean, a holiday and a new car in the same year are too extravagant!’ Exercise 4. Write the interviewer’s questions, putting the verbs into the present perfect or the past simple. Chris: This is Chris Bowker. I’m talking to the writer Jayne West at her home in the north of Italy. How long have you lived in Italy, Jayne? Jayne: About three years now. Chris: Where did you live before? Jayne: I lived in New Zealand for about ten years. Chris: Why did you go to New Zealand? Jayne: My husband was from there. Chris: Why did you leave? Jayne: My husband died and I had no reason to stay there. Chris: How many books have you written? Jayne: Oh, about thirty, I think. I’m not sure. Chris: What was your first novel? Jayne: It was Winter Rose. Chris: The last time that we spoke you were writing a novel about the American Civil War. Have you finished that yet? Jayne: Yes, I finished it last year. Chris: Have you started a new novel? Unit 6: Maker and monopolies 158 Jayne: No, not yet. I’m taking a break. Exercise 5. Complete these sentences with for or since. 1. I’ve been a student for two years. 2. We’ve lived here since 1989. 3. I haven’t seen Sally since my birthday party. 4. She’s been away for five days. 5. We’ve already waited for a year. 6. We haven’t had any visitors since last March. 7. The TV’s been broken since yesterday. 8. We’ve only been here for two minutes. 9. We haven’t had any rain for a very long time. 10. That building’s been there since the 19th century. Exercise 6. Delete the incorrect expression. A: Hello, John. Have you been here long? B: No, I’ve just arrived. A: Did you have a good flight? B: Yes, it was fine, thanks. A: Here, let met take your case. B: Thank you. A: Have you ever been to London before? B: No, this is my first visit. A: Well, what would you like to see? B: I don’t mind. I haven’t really thought about it. A: Well, let’s go to the Tower of London. B: That sounds fine. A: Ok, well I’ll pick you up at about three o’clock. Exercise 7. Delete the incorrect expression. A: Hello, John. Have you been here long?
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